The Magician's Dream is a collection of two practical ACAAN's effects: Random ACAAN, ACAAN on Demand.
With Random ACAAN, you are able to perform ACAAN effect completly self-working: You can perform it without you touching the deck ever (before, during and after the effect). It works with any unprepared deck.
ACAAN on Demand is a full impromptu one to one ACAAN. This method is pefect when someone, in a informal situation, asks you to perform a magic trick. The method is very pratical and in 95% of the cases it works without you touching the deck from start to end.
Bonus effects: ...
This is one of Gugliemli's several methods for the open prediction that he is glad to offer all magicians. It should be noted that this effect does not respect all of the conditions set by Stewart James for his “51 Faces North”. This is a good Impromptu solution. It relies on sleight of hand to reach a 100% successful ending, but Tommaso tried to design the method to hide the “dirty work” and he has included 6 different techniques to hopefully meet the needs/styles of everyone. This method will require some practice before the performer can swiftly and confidently present the effect. ...
Destiny 2.0 is an easier and more spectacular version of its predecessor. Now, people with no big experience in magic will be able to astonish their audience with an even more entertaining effect. Besides, if you are just an amateur and have no abilities in magic, you will find enclosed a document that contains instructions to build yourself the "Destiny Deck", a way to perform with no skills at all!
You will also find a copy of Destiny Evolution 2; a trick that merges the original Destiny effect with an imaginary poker hand. Obviously everything will be done with a single deck of cards coupled...
Diese Ebuch ist Band 5 aus einer sechsbändigen Serie.
Es finden sich in diesem Band wunderschöne Kartenkunststücke. Interessant fand ich einen Trick bei dem mit Farbstaub zusätzliche Points auf eine Karte 'gedruckt'...
Anate Extended represents a milestone in the development of this technique, which was first published in Anate. Since the original release, this has become an incredibly popular tool, much more so than we ever imagined it would.
Anate Extended is a supplement to the original ebook which contains lots more outs, applications, strengthening techniques, practice techniques, and routines from Titanas, Lloyd Barnes, Chris Lafferty, Steven Dylan Palmer and of course Dee himself!
Effects List:
Broken Watch - DC and Titanas
The magician proves that he knew the outcome of a 1 in 10 choice...
This publication is in my opinion among the best books on cards ever written, but it is rarely mentioned or recommended. I am not sure why this is. Perhaps one reason is that Jack Merlin himself has not left a large footprint in the magic literature besides this one publication. He has a published trick in Expert Card Technique and if you read Card College 1 you will have learned the Jack Merlin's Riffle Shuffle. Farelli mentions in his Farell's Card Magic: "I agree with Mr. Jack Merlin that the custom of continually practicing in front of a glass is the cause of the unfortunate habit many magicians have of blinking at the precise moment of performing...
2002 and a small lecture tour. Harris needed an oddity that would contrast his card work. Some visual and aural distraction. TacTics was the answer. 150 units were assembled, fingers burned, and instructions written. The item was quite popular and did end up in an issue of Genii. Here is the original manuscript, re-edited and with clear photos. Ideas with color-changes, sound-based illusion and the "Milk Pitcher" application allowing you to vanish tictacs, half a container at a time, till they're ALL GONE!
1st edition 2002; 14 pages
A flash back to 1987 and a "long lost" manuscript, seen by only ten: Jerry Andrus, David Britland, Jeff Busby, Dave Faulkner, David Harkey, Ed Marlo, Dan McArthy, Harvey Rosenthal, Jay Sankey and Mark Trudinger, made it's brief, and only appearance... then, it was gone!
So what is the 5th Corner? It's a splash of ideas and techniques with a single playing card and it's ripped corners. You are both "one ahead" and "two behind" at the SAME TIME. This charming but annoying attribute is what probably led to the stony silence heard by the author in 1987. Can YOU make head-way with this strange and bizarre single-card oddity? Why not give...
This is volume 2 of The Ganson Story, recorded by Martin Breese to capture some of the essence that made Lewis Ganson the great writer of magic literature that he was.
(Here you will find Volume 1.)
runtime: 1 hour
"In all the world of magic, I don't think you could find a fairer, squarer person than Lewis" - Dai Vernon, Genii December 1974."As I look at the literary scene of magic today, the name of one man stands out above all the rest and the owner of that name is my old friend Lew Ganson." - Peter Warlock, Genii, December 1974.
Martin Breese writes in the original description of these tapes:
I made this recording because I wanted to meet magic's most respected writer. From an early age I followed Lewis Ganson's highly practical series in the Gen magazine and one by one I purchased every book that Lewis wrote including the Routined Manipulation series...
Ronald Haines, through his business Haines House of Cards, sold a deck of gaffed cards called 'Fa-Ko' cards. This deck is not anymore available but perhaps you can find it second-hand. However, now that it is very easy to make your own playing cards (see DIY Playing Cards) this collection has gained in value.
From the foreword
The gimmicked cards required are listed at the beginning of each effect. The regular cards needed must be removed from a regular matching pack.
This FA-KO Pack is not a toy for children, nor is it a collection of "self-working" tricks. It is a collection of professional secrets,...
Table of Contents
Easy Magic
The History of Magic (part 1)
1st edition 1931; 26 pages.
Table of Contents
Impromptu Magic
The History of Magic (part 3)
1st edition 1931; 22 pages.
Table of Contents
String and Rope Tricks
The History of Magic (part 4)
1st edition 1931; 26 pages.
Table of Contents
Sleight of Hand with Cards
Tricks with Cards
The History of Magic (part 5)
1st edition 1931; 22 pages.
Table of Contents
1st edition 1931; 26 pages.
Table of Contents
Sleight of Hand with Coins
Tricks with Coins
1st edition 1931; 22 pages.
Table of Contents
1st edition 1931; 26 pages.
Table of Contents
The Magician's Dress
Billiard Ball Manipulation
The History of Magic (part 6)
1st edition 1931; 18 pages.
Table of Contents
Thimble Manipulation
Watch and Clock Tricks
Borrowed Watch Tricks
The History of Magic (part 7)
1st edition 1931; 22 pages.