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John Calvert
Torn and Restored Magazine by John Calvert

Many consider this the definitive version of this now classic effect. The recording includes not just the instructions but also the music for your actual performance. However keep in mind that this is not a royalty free music.

Additionally to the audio you will also download a PDF with many photographs taken to show a step by step method of constructing and performing this great effect. Photographs were taken by Martin Breese.

This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette and MagiCD series created by Martin Breese - now owned by

1st edition 1978

Rick Smith, Jr.
The Art of Card Throwing by Rick Smith, Jr.

As seen on TBS's Ripley's Believe It or Not

As seen on NBC's Last Call with Carson Daly

Card Throwing, Flicks, Nicks and other cool tricks with cards

Question: What do you get when you cross a 92 m.p.h. fastball with a young man from Ohio who harbors an intense love of card magic?

Answer: The Guinness World Record for throwing a playing card further than anyone else in history. The young man is Rick Smith, Jr. and on March 21, 2002, he obliterated the world record for card throwing with a laser beam toss of 216' 4" eclipsing the previous longstanding mark by over 15'!


★★★★★ $6
Larry Jennings
The Invisible Palm by Larry Jennings

The Ace Assembly theme is a classic one. Jennings credits Bill Miesel as the first to create a card assembly effect. Here you will learn Larry Jennings' variation which avoids bringing the deck and the aces together. The four aces are shown one at a time. Very slowly one by one and absolutely fairly three aces travel to the leader ace.

runtime 9min 40s

★★★★★ $5
Raphaël Czaja
Do You Like Scary Movies? by Raphaël Czaja

"I love this trick. It is one of my favorite packet routines." - David Devlin

"Raphael has a new packet effect based on the Friday The 13th movies that is off the chain!" - Cameron Francis

You display a packet of blue backed cards as you offer to explain to the audience your own remake of the “Friday the 13th” movie... with just a bunch of cards! Each card represents a character from the movie.

First, you introduce the Jack of Spades which symbolizes the killer. You explain that a legend says that a young boy tragically drowned in a lake during summer camp because the counselors didn't pay attention....

★★★★★ $7
Larry Becker
Clearly Predictable by Larry Becker

This is one of the slickest and cleanest prediction effects I know.

A spectator gets a sealed envelope to keep, circles one classified ad in a newspaper, and removes a bill from her wallet and signs it with her initials. Another spectator completely fairly selects a card from a spectator shuffled pack. Despite all of these fair and clean selections the mentalist has predicted all of them. The selected card is printed on the newspaper, and the prediction envelope holds the serial number of the bill and a copy of the classified which was freely selected by the spectator.

Some preparatory...

George Schindler
Up Close with Schindler Volume 3 by George Schindler

This is volume three of three on close up with the 'Kid from Brooklyn' Magicomedian, George Schindler.

Volume three is purely magic and explanations and absolutely no padding. You'll hear a detailed explanation of George's own chop cup routine, a superb ambitious card routine and several highly practical coin effects. Everything released in this recording is actually part of George's regular repertoire; everything has been used over and over again in front of paying audiences who demand and get the best.

This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette and MagiCD series created...

George Schindler
Up Close with Schindler Volume 2 by George Schindler

This is volume two of three on close up with the 'Kid from Brooklyn' Magicomedian, George Schindler. A highly recommended series of recordings packed with useful performing advice, the psychology of close up plus a great number of practical routines that are so clearly described that you will be able to learn them from the audio recording and include them in your own programme.

Volume two describes a number of effective coin and card routines as well as personal tidbits from Schindler's life as a magician.

This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette and MagiCD series created...

George Schindler
Up Close with Schindler Volume 1 by George Schindler

This is volume one of three on close up with the 'Kid from Brooklyn' Magicomedian, George Schindler. A highly recommended series of recordings packed with useful performing advice, the psychology of close up plus a great number of practical routines that are so clearly described that you will be able to learn them from the audio recording and include them in your own programme.

Volume one describes a number of effective coin and card routines as well as personal tidbits from Schindler's life as a magician.

This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette and MagiCD series created...

Andrew Loh
Kollectors Revisited by Andrew Loh

This is one of Andrew's favourite routines. He has been performing Kollectors Revisited for many years in his act and he regards this effect as his pet routine.

This effect plays big and best of all, it's impromptu and can be performed with a borrowed deck.

In addition, if you are going to perform card magic that has great impact to layman, this effect is for you. This effect involves three freely selected cards and they can be signed. You cause their signed selections to vanish into thin air and magically, the selections appear in a very magical manner.

This e-book is not suitable...

★★★★★ $12
Faucett Ross
Faucett Ross on Magic by Faucett Ross

Listen to one of the old timers talking about his friendship with Dai Vernon, T. Nelson Downs and many other big names. If you haven't read the Magic Of Faucett Ross by Lewis Ganson, then this recording will send you to your nearest magical dealer to buy it. If you have the book, then you will see how Lewis Ganson used the material of this recording to create the classic book. One of the funniest recordings in our collection.

This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette and MagiCD series created by Martin Breese - now owned by

Paul Harris
Paul Harris in Las Vegas Close-Up (for resale) by Paul Harris

This book has long become a classic for close-up magicians. I have acquired a box as part of a larger deal and am pricing it ridiculously low. If you already have this buy three more copies and hand them out as gifts. Your friends will love you.

1st edition 1978; 150 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Pen-Ultimate
  2. UnCanny
  3. Stapled! by Paul and Looy
  4. The P.H. Invisible Palm
  5. Absorption
  6. OverExposure
  7. Invisible Rising Card
  8. "The Hard Way"
  9. Aero-Dynamic Dollar by Thomas A. O'Lenick
  10. Gambler vs. Mentalist vs. Magician
  11. Cros Twist by Daniel Cros
  12. Paper Chase by Paul Harris and Daniel Cros
  13. The Incredible...
Michael Maxwell
Toony Angel (for resale) by Michael Maxwell

The most successful effect of this kind was Dan Harlan's CardToon where a deck of cards doubled as a flip book. Riffling through the cards one would see a cartoon magician drawn on the backs find and reveal a chosen card. This effect was a huge success, potentially it was the most successful magic trick of all times (my guess, I don't really know).

Toony Angel builds on the basic idea to use a deck of cards as a flip book, but rather than animate a cartoon character on the back, the angel on the bicycle, from the Bicycle back design, starts to cycle towards you, zips around on the back of the card and...

Mark Parker
Slurp (for resale) by Mark Parker

The performer displays a small stack of cards showing an illustration of a glass full of red wine, the glass still has a price tag attached to its stem. A spectator is asked to sign their name/initials on the price tag for identity purposes. The performer takes the card and visibly squeezes wine from the card into a small glass. The card is now shown to the spectator but the glass is now empty...amazingly the price tag still has their signature written on it...a miracle.

The gimmick that allows you to squeeze wine from the card is very well made from aluminium and plastic and can be used...

Jim Krenz
Anagramation (for resale) by Jim Krenz

The performer displays a stack of business cards which each have a magical logo and the phrase "For Astonishment..." on them. The spectator initials the top card of the stack and a playing card is also selected, but not yet revealed. The performer flips through the stack of cards and the printed letters move slowly at first, then begin careening all over the card, bouncing off the edges and each other. As the letters slow down, they are seen to be forming into new words in an "anagramic" way. When they are finished moving, they read "Nine Of Hearts!" When the spectator's selected card is revealed...

Michael Maxwell
Toony Angel by Michael Maxwell

The most successful effect of this kind was Dan Harlan's CardToon where a deck of cards doubled as a flip book. Riffling through the cards one would see a cartoon magician drawn on the backs find and reveal a chosen card. This effect was a huge success, potentially it was the most successful magic trick of all times (my guess, I don't really know).

Toony Angel builds on the basic idea to use a deck of cards as a flip book, but rather than animate a cartoon character on the back, the angel on the bicycle, from the Bicycle back design, starts to cycle towards you, zips around on the back of the card and...

Dave Forrest
Staple: a stunning transposition by Dave Forrest

Imagine this: You show your lucky Joker - it's folded and stapled firmly to the card case. A card is selected, let's say it's the Jack of Clubs. It is placed face up in the centre of the pack. With just a wave of your magic wand (Sharpie marker!) A face up Joker is discovered in the centre of the pack! On closer inspection it is found to be creased and bears little staple holes. When the card case is turned over we now find that the card firmly stapled to the card case is the Jack of Clubs! And, it can all be examined.

This 13 minute video will explain everything you need to make the very...

★★★★★ $7
Dave Forrest
Idiom by Dave Forrest

Effect: You show a deck of playing cards - they're blank on the back and on the face you have written all the letters of the alphabet, one letter on each card. The spectator shuffles the deck and selects any four cards. He is then asked to form a word from the four cards chosen. If it so happens that he can make more than one word - he is allowed a COMPLETELY FREE CHOICE of which word he would like to settle on. A prediction that has been in full view throughout is then shown to accuratley match the freely chosen word!

Idiom truly is an audience pleaser. The organic props are genuinely interesting...

Andrew Loh
Hallucination by Andrew Loh

Hallucination is Andrew's first packet trick that is very easy to do and highly entertaining.

Basically, this effect involves four Queens and you magically cause any two Queens to penetrate with the other two Queens visually.

At the end, you cause all the Queens to vanish magically leaving the blank cards on the table!

There is no slit or any special cut-out card at all in this effect.

This ebook is not suitable for beginners. While all the moves are explained clearly some previous card handling experience is preferable.

Skill Level: 3-4 (Intermediate)



★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Knock-Outs by Aldo Colombini

Ten new packet tricks with regular cards and totally impromptu.


  • THE FIRST HOTEL MYSTERY (Nick Trost): Two Queens are placed side by side and four Kings are added to each Queen to form two three-card packets. At the end, the Queens and the Kings are found in separate piles.
  • ALTERNATING CURRENT (Norman Houghton): Four cards are placed face down and four face-up cards are placed on top. The cards magically alternate: Face up and face down.
  • DAZZLER MARK ONE MILLION (Paul Gordon): Some cards are shuffled face up and face down and six cards are remembered by the spectators. These cards...
★★★★ $7
Dave Forrest
ACAAN Again by Dave Forrest

Dave just can't leave this plot alone. Here, on this 12 minute video download you'll learn perhaps his boldest method to date. A regular deck is thoroughly examined and shuffled by a spectator. A freely chosen number between 1 and 52 is written on a business card. A freely chosen card is written on a second business card. Both of these are locked inside the card case. The performer takes the deck and deals until the number is reached. Sure enough, the chosen card is found at the freely chosen number. The best news? There is a very cool gimmick in play which makes this whole thing practically...

★★★★★ $7
Dave Forrest
Pretext: make impossible predictions by Dave Forrest

PRETEXT is a multi-layered deception that will allow you to easily make the most incredible predictions. In the effect included in this 18 minute instant video download you produce a folded billet from inside your wallet that accurately predicts a persons name and a card that they freely named. You'll soon realise the depth of the PRETEXT system as it allows you to accurately predict practically anything during the course of a simple card trick in a way that appears so fair you won't believe it. This is the type of prediction that simply cannot be backtracked - your audiences will be left stunned...

★★★★★ $7
Dave Forrest
Forecast: a prediction deck by Dave Forrest

With the 'FORECAST' deck you'll be performing the most unbelievable prediction effects with the greatest of ease. In the first effect included on this 15 minute instant download, you accurately predict a card that will be freely cut to and then, unbelieavbly, a second card that was just named.

In the second effect a spectator chooses any card - a completely FREE choice yet you produce an odd backed duplicate of that card from your pocket. The download will tell you everything you need to know including details on how to construct your own 'FORECAST ' deck - don't worry - it's cheap and easy...

★★★★★ $7
Dave Forrest
Reform: a self-working torn and restored card by Dave Forrest

This may well be the easiest Torn and Restored card ever created. With absolutely no sleight of hand what so ever you cause a torn card to reform inside your spectators very own hand! After watching this 17 minute download, describing everything in great detail, from the deviously simple gimmick to the 'self contained' set up, you will be carrying this pocket sized miracle with you everywhere. Get Reform today. By tonight, you'll be blowing people away - it's honestly that easy!

runtime 17 minutes

★★★★ $7
Dave Forrest
The Forrest Triumph by Dave Forrest

Effect: You announce that you will give a demonstration of shuffle tracking but that you will go even further than normal and actually track cards in a deck which is mixed face up and face down. The deck is very fairly mixed this way a number of times then you decide to take it even further and have the spectator remember one of the cards from within the chaotic mess you've made of the deck. With this done you FAIRLY FAN THE DECK TOWARDS THE SPECTATORS - IT IS SEEN TO BE GENUINELY MIXED FACE UP INTO FACE DOWN. You even give it one final weave - just to be sure. Now, with no corrective manouvers...

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