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Magic & Conjuring: page 55


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Harlan Tarbell
Tarbell Lezioni 9 by Harlan Tarbell

Il più organico corso mai pubblicato sulla prestigiazione, ora disponibile in pratiche lezioni singole ! Eccoci arrivati alla lezione 9 di questo stupendo e completissimo corso di Giochi di prestigio.

Se ci avete seguito fin ora sarete interessatissimi al contenuto della lezione 9

La lezione si apre con una serie di spiegazioni di mosse base usate negli effetti con le carte. Sono spiegate le versioni di Tarbell delle seguenti mosse:

  1. Il salto semplice.
  2. Il falso miscuglio.
  3. La doppia presa.
  4. Lo slip change.
  5. L'impalmaggio
Lasciamo la descrizione del contenuto del resto della lezione...
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Harlan Tarbell
Tarbell Lezioni 10 by Harlan Tarbell

Il più organico corso mai pubblicato sulla prestigiazione, ora disponibile in pratiche lezioni singole !

La lezione 10 chiude simbolicamente il primo volume del Corso Tarbell Originale e la fa in maniera degna. Questa è una lezione inestimabile per chi vuole veramente fare spettacolo. Niente trucchi spiegati in questa lezione, piuttosto viene spiegato come mettere su vari numeri utilizzando il materiale delle lezioni precedenti e svelando i veri segreti di uno spettacolo . Un breve schema del contenuto della lezione dovrebbe bastare per farvi comprendere l'importanza del materiale trattato ...

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Mike Kempner
Photographic Memory Experiment by Mike Kempner

Have you ever wanted to hypnotize someone to have a photographic memory? Now, you can create this illusion using a fantastic principle applied in an innovative way. This effect uses only a deck of playing cards (which can be borrowed, no set-up required at fact, you don't even touch the cards). After the spectator randomly shuffles the deck, you ask her to quickly glance at each card. Under the premise of a hypnotic induction, you then cause her to remember the location of any cards. Let's assume she is "tested" to locate, for example, the 2 of hearts and the 7 of spades. If she says...

★★★★ $4
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Mike Kempner
The Perfect Lotto Prediction by Mike Kempner

How would you like to be able to predict the winning lotto numbers, anywhere? The odds of being able to achieve such a feat are astronomical. With this devilishly simple approach, you will be able to create the illusion of having predicted the winning numbers in advance of the drawing, without ANY sleight of hand. In fact, this is a hands-off miracle that will allow your spectator to swear that you are truly psychic. Once you give your spectator your prediction, that's never have to touch it again. It will contain the winning numbers!

[Note: this effect requires an assistant and a smart phone.]

1st edition 2014, 2 pages....

★★★★★ $4
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Devin Knight
Tell Tell Water by Devin Knight

Tell Tell Water is one of the most original card revelations ever released. The trick is topical, due to the research going on with water. A Japanese researcher claims that water reacts to emotions and sounds. He wrote a best-selling book about it called, Hidden Messages In Water. This effect is based on his research.

To buy this trick made up from a magic dealer would cost you about $75.00. Devin gives complete details on do it yourself (DIY) for a few bucks and tells you everything you need.

EFFECT: Performer talks of the research being done in Japan with water. He further comments that...

★★★ $4
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Mike Kempner
Mathematical Amnesia by Mike Kempner

A little math brain teaser turned into a mental effect...

Would you like to be able to make someone (even a Harvard graduate!) forget basic math? I'm talking math that even an elementary school student could do, like 545 + 5? Well, this manuscript is perfect to seemingly induce your spectator with mathematical amnesia.

After you "hypnotize" your spectator, he or she will forget basic math functions. For example, he or she won't even be able to figure out what 545 + 5 equals. We all know, it equals 550, but the spectator WILL be stumped. Your audience (you can perform this one-on-one...

★★★★★ $4
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Jim Sisti
Mixed Symbols by Jim Sisti

The performer hands five ESP cards, each bearing a different symbol, to a spectator and requests that he remember one. The spectator is then asked to shuffle the cards. The magician takes the cards back and, after an apparently fair mixing procedure, correctly divines the selected symbol without even looking at the faces.

The method uses an old mathematical ploy but it is dressed up differently here.

This effect was featured in the May 2005 issue of Magic Magazine.

1st digital edition 2014, 2 pages.

★★★★★ $4
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Mike Kempner
Cerebral Connection by Mike Kempner

Would you like to be able to connect with someone on a purely mental level? Monks in India have reportedly been able to meditate and attain a trance-like state that allows them to tap into someone else's consciousness. With cerebral connection, you will be able to display your monk-like properties, and in the process, amaze your spectator with something that cannot be explained.

You write something down on a piece of paper. It is a number between 1 and 100. You leave this paper face down on a table. You will not touch this paper, ever again...and it will not be switched. This paper is your...

★★★★★ $4
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Mike Kempner
Magnetic Money by Mike Kempner

This effect can only be done one-on-one with a willing spectator, because the spectator has to close their eyes at a crucial moment. If they peek they will see how it is done. It uses an old bar bet type of trick that is done with a bill and a coin and turns it into a magic effect.

How would you like to be able to magnetize currency? Well, now, you can create the illusion of doing so in just one second. With Magnetic Money by mentalist Mike Kempner, you will be able to instantly (in a matter of one second) demonstrate to your spectator that you are able to magnetize currency, and the best...

★★★★ $4
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Mike Kempner
Face Up Face Down Mentalism by Mike Kempner

You ask the spectator to blindfold you, or you turn around so that you can't see anything that the spectator is doing. You really do not see anything! You ask the spectator to create 5 piles of 10 cards each, so that 50 cards are in play. You tell her to make sure that there are 5 cards face-up and 5 cards face-down in each of those 10 piles. They can be in ANY order, and she is to do all of this ordering in ANY way she wants, without telling you (and, of course, you can't see anything that she is doing).

You then let her know that you are going to separate each pile of 10 cards blindfolded...

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Mike Kempner
The Fairest Hands-Off Open Prediction by Mike Kempner

Would you like to control the physical actions of your spectator, and in the process make an impossible prediction? The beauty of this particular effect is that it is absolutely hands-off and 100% fair. The performer DOES NOT touch the cards once the effect begins. The performer only touches a card case once with the cards inside. Furthermore, the deck of cards can be borrowed. This truly is an astonishing display of skill, as you create a very special hands-off open prediction.

You provide (or ask a spectator to provide) 2 decks of cards, one blue and one red. They are both lying flat on...

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Devin Knight
Hat-A-Rama by Devin Knight

Is it a toilet plunger, a vase, a Beanie cap, or a Safari Hat? It's Hat-A-Rama! It's an updated comical blend of Trouble-Wit and Chapeaugraphy that is destined to become an instant kid show classic. It's a must if you work for children. This effect normally sells for $40 from magic dealers. Devin shows you how to make it up for a fraction of that, and easily make replacements when the effect wears out.

Bring a child up to help and say, "We need a special hat and a magic wand". From then on it's NON-STOP laughter. Magician brings out what appears to be a toilet plunger and places it on the...

★★★★ $4
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George Blake
A Set-Up Reset by George Blake


Are you afraid of being caught when using a stacked deck of cards? Then you must know George Blake's system! No more fear of spreading the deck face up, if you know it.

From the introduction:

You know seven-eighths of it, if you use or know of either of these set-ups. Learn the other Eighth and be able to fearlessly spread a set-up DECK FACE UP!

I first conceived this idea way back in 1933, when I passed the secret on to a corresponding friend in Sheffield and he wrote back almost in ecstasy about it. As I had...

★★★ $4
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Mystic Alexandre
The Art of Performance in Magic and Mentalism by Mystic Alexandre

This was the first booklet I published way back in 2002 and it was born out of a lecture I did in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil where I ended by discussing The Art Of Performance In Magic And Mentalism and answering questions on the subject.

It's a brief manuscript with strong messages to reflect upon concerning principles that will enhance your rounded approach to becoming a respected performer.

In this manuscript I touch on the following questions:

  • Is There a Quicker Way To Become a Better Performer?
  • How Do You Keep Spectators From Messing You Up?
  • What Is The Most Important Aspect of Performance? ...
★★★★ $4
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David Devlin
The Fly by David Devlin

This is a very powerful routine. So powerful, in fact, that David has kept it to himself for over twenty years! It is perfect for all performers regardless of their performing venue. That's right. This is a card trick that can be performed anytime and anywhere. It can be performed close-up or on stage even though it uses a standard deck. It is totally impromptu, uses no gimmicks, has audience participation, and you are not touching the cards when the magic happens. The magic takes place while the cards are in the hands of the spectators! Here is the effect (in a close-up performance):


★★★ $4
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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Impossible Foldings Volume 2 (Part 1) by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

This time Ralf teaches you how to make impossible looking cards. With a few simple cuts and folds you can make beautiful objects which you can hand out as presents or keep for yourself. Once you know the basic method you can start to create your own variations and combine different cuts and folds into new creative designs. Also remember that while Ralf uses playing cards you can do the same designs with many other paper products, be they business cards, bank notes, designer paper, craft paper, etc.

The four impossible cards taught are:

  • Basic Fold: Here you will learn one of the basic folds...
★★★★★ $4
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MP4 (video)

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Impossible Foldings Volume 2 (Part 2) by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Six more impossible cards taught are:

  • Circled: A particularly beautiful and super easy fold.
  • P'linked
  • Holed
  • Hyper Variation
  • Ezy Fold
  • Interlocked
(Templates are included in a PDF you download from your digital shelf.)

1st edition 2014, length 25 min

★★★★ $4
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MP4 (video)

F. R. Ritter
Advantage Card Playing by F. R. Ritter

This was the advertisement booklet for Ritter's book Advantage Card Playing and Draw Poker. It describes the motivation of the book and shows some excerpts including four illustrations.

1st edition 1905, 9 pages; digital edition colorized.

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Paul Curry
Never In A Lifetime by Paul Curry

Another miraculous red-black trick from the inventor of Out Of This World.

A spectator shuffles both halves of a deck over and over - yet it is revealed that both halves are in the same red-black order!

Performed under the strictest conditions imaginable, and it works every time.

1st edition 1975, digital edition 2015, 5 pages.

★★★★ $4
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Paul Voodini
The Curious Case of Jack the Ripper, Conan Doyle and Houdini by Paul Voodini

A gas-lamp mystery featuring Jack the Ripper, Arthur Conan Doyle, Harry Houdini, Cthulhu, Mina Crandon, Mary Jane Kelly, the Cottingley Fairies, and a cast of thousands!

"I knew, as everyone knows, that the easiest way to attract a crowd is to let it be known that at a given time and a given place someone is going to attempt something that in the event of failure will mean sudden death," - Harry Houdini.

An exhilarating romp through Victorian London and 1920s Boston, as fact and fantasy are merged, moulded together, and then torn apart again all for your entertainment and delectation! By combining...

★★★★★ $4
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V. E. Johnson
Chemical Magic by V. E. Johnson

This ebook describes a host of chemical experiments which can be presented as magic tricks or surprising science experiments. It is a reproduction of an old book and therefore some of these experiments require exotic chemicals, some of which are toxic or can be harmful in many other ways. If you intend to replicate any of these experiments you must follow all laws and regulations and you are on your own in terms of any liabilities. We are reproducing this book for historic and information purposes.


  • Wine and water and other transmutations of liquid colors
  • Disappearing and reappearing...
★★★★★ $4
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George Armstrong
Premonition: an amazing mental card routine by George Armstrong

[Eddie Joseph and George Armstrong both published this effect in 1949 under the same name: Premonition. The effects are identical and the methods are also pretty much identical except some minor details. Since George Armstrong describes his inspiration and when and where he developed it, while Eddie Joseph does not, I believe George Armstrong to be the inventor of this method. George Armstrong's inspiration was an effect from Greater Magic by Bill McCaffrey. But already Hofzinser has a similar routine Domination of Thought from his Card Conjuring.

A spectator names a card. He is asked to take a pack of cards from the table, remove them...

★★★★★ $4
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George Armstrong
Tricks of the Trade by George Armstrong

If you are familiar with Magician's DIY Tips and Tricks then Tricks of the Trade is written with a very similar idea in mind just 60 years prior. It describes a multitude of DIY tips and gimmicks and improvements for the magician.

It describes things like:

  • How to turn a sock into a billiard ball holder.
  • The two ingredients to make fake beer.
  • How to clean cards.
  • How to make a candle shell.
  • How to make coin holders from pins and safety pins.
  • How to make colored flash paper.
  • etc.
It closes with a section on stage make-up.

1st edition 1949, PDF 22 pages.

★★★★ $4
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Mike Kempner
Code Red by Mike Kempner

Code Red, from a non-mentalism perspective, has several meanings, including being a code used in hospitals to alert staff to various emergencies. The use of codes is intended to convey essential information with zero misunderstanding so that errors can be avoided. Within hospitals, codes can be posted on placards throughout the hospital, or even on employee ID badges for ease of reference. Code Red in hospitals is certainly an established protocol. Within mentalism, however, I first introduced Code Red in my performance in 2014, so it is a new concept. As the technique’s originator, I define...

★★★★ $4
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