Enrico Varella, corporate trainer and world-class distance runner from Singapore, is an experienced magician, and VP of the IBM ring 115, 'The Great Wong Ring' in Singapore.
Enrico has performed in over 22 countries in live performances as well as on television. He is also the creator of "Tiepit", a jacket-less topit - check it out!
The three routines described herein are favorites of Enrico, having been refined after countless performances over 25 years.
XXX-Traordinary - 3 coins materialize, one at a time, each then becomes "invisible", and then, materialize once again!
A new look at some favorite topics in mentalism. From the favorite confabulation done with a phone, but needing no app all the way to a game of Russian roulette with a paintball gun and another with a glass of liquid!
Scott Xavier will take you through several mentalism effects he's added into his new resort show in key west.
1st edition 2016, 18 pages.
Nicely illustrated routines of a full-time performer.
From the introduction:
"Why don’t you write a book on Magic?" I have been asked this question hundreds of times in the past several years, and my answer has been that I am too busy, or that I wanted to be the only Magician who did not write a Magic Book!
However, I have taken the time from my hundreds of shows en route each season to conduct a monthly column in TOPS Magazine and to write many articles and tricks for the Sphinx, Genii and Linking Ring. So when I was requested to compile all the tricks I had formerly written for these magazines...
This ebook is profusely illustrated by Ed Mishell and includes tricks, tips, presentations, publicity, patter and ideas. Clever and ingenious routines, many with standard props or none at all.
A compilation of effects by magic notable H. Adrian Smith including Modern Card Miracle, Magic Square, Twentieth Century Billiard Ball Trick, and an Effective Handkerchief stretch. 16 effects in all plus a introduction from Percy Abbott.
Mainly billiard balls but also thimbles, cards, coins and silks.
This is the sequel to Slow Sleights and again includes a variety of moves for billiard balls, cards, thimbles, silks and cigarettes.
Borrow a ring and a set of keys and visually link the ring onto the keyring with a tap. Impromptu and clean, nothing to find. The ring is seen to go right through the keyring with only a tap, highly visual and undeniable, then you let go of the ring and let it hang from the keyring clearly and unmistakably. After they confirm that that is their ring hanging from the keyring, you melt the ring back off the keyring where you tapped it, and hand everything back, completely clean.
1st edition 2016, length 7 minutes.
From the Foreword:
This is a book of impromptu effects. The word "impromptu" has been taken to mean that no apparatus nor fakes need be carried; the performer relies on obtaining one or two objects which either he will probably be carrying on his person, such as coins; or will most certainly be instantly available wherever he may be; such as cards. Simple preparation, as for instance tearing a slit in a borrowed envelope, is allowable, but no more. It is obvious that the word "impromptu" cannot mean "requiring no practice". Any effect, however simple, requires that. But as long as the reader...
Magic enabled by double sided tape.
This ebook will show you how to place a coin at the tips of your fingers and, in full view of the audience, cause that coin to vanish in an instant! All this without the use of a pull. You may shake your hands vigorously to prove that nothing is contained therein. You then proceed to produce coin after coin from mid-air - you will produce a number of coins, not just one. With this new method of palming it is possible for the magician to work in short sleeves (or, for that matter, with no sleeves at all). You can show both hands convincingly empty and at...
Only an experienced performer could write a practical book of this kind. No theories, but facts and tested procedures - that are invaluable when put into practice. Therefore, you are not only getting an ebook containing original tricks, moves and routines, but information that will pay you dividends, be you beginner, amateur or professional.
You will love Monk's natural breezy style - and while you are absorbing the splendid advice on acquiring the professional touch in your performance, you will get many a chuckle in the bargain. Chapters embrace the following subjects:
If you love scams, hustles, cons, bar betchyas, flim-flam, stings, snow jobs, bamboozles, chicanery, shams, fixes, baloney, and other dirty tricks then this ebook is for YOU!
In this follow-up to his popular eBook How to Sell Bridges, David Devlin teaches the finer points of some of the many scams and hustles that have made him a lot of money. He also discusses some of the more elaborate cons that have been used throughout history and the cons who pulled them off. Also discussed are cons used today including selling ridiculous products, phony business "opportunities", scamming major corporations out of thousands...
Ravi has a real knack for making use of normal, everyday objects as part of his repetoire. His tricks are highly visual, easy to do and they get great reactions in the real world. It won't take you an age to competently perform Ravi's effects - invest a short time to practice and then you can deliver accomplished results without any complicated sleight of hand or unnecessary, complex routining. In short, you'll be amazing people before you know it!
'Real Counterfeit Money' is a terrific money change effect and 'Corner Light' is a spectacularly devious little number - leaving part of a spectator's...
A ten phase, powerhouse visual routine, done with just one ring. Each phase is modular leaving you the opportunity to do each phase, one phase or mix them up.
Damn Gum
Remove a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe. Simply change it into the inner wrap of the gum package; change it again into a full, store bought pack of gum. Take out a piece of gum, eat it or give the piece to your spectator.
S.C.T.B (Signed Coin Thru Bill)
Borrow a bill, borrow a coin. Have the spectator sign the coin. Fold the bill in half and place the coin inside the bill. Crimp the coin inside...
Reminiscences of Charles H. Foster who some consider the most gifted and remarkable spiritual medium since Emanuel Swedenborg. This account gives facts and descriptions of many seances held in different parts of the world.
This is a fascinating account of Charles H. Foster's story - a medium who exhibited mostly skin writing (dermography) and pellet reading. When Foster visited England in 1861 materialization phenomena were added to his performances.
Foster enjoyed drinking alcohol and smoking cigars in barrooms with his companions as much as he did transmitting messages from the dead....
This is the book that tells the truth about cards, dice, punch boards, gambling wheels, races, and all other kinds of gambling.
Don't be a sucker! The Open Book reveals how crooked gamblers, cheats, and con artists fleece the innocent and unwary public out of thousands of dollars daily. Even that carnival game at the local fairgrounds may not be as innocent as it looks. Get the inside scoop.
Valuable secrets of marked cards, gaffed dice, ink formulas, holdouts and other cheating devices -- all clearly explained. Also included are scams and cons used by the unscrupulous to bilk the unwary....
Trick Tac is an effect where you balance a Tic tac box in an impossible way on your finger. It is very easy to do and once you made the gimmick it lasts you for a long time.
Consider these:
1st edition 2016, length 7 min.
"Gregg Webb has written an unvarnished, tell-it-like-it-is memoir of his life within and on the fringes of New York City's subculture of magic and magicians. If you want to know what it was like growing up for over half a century with David Roth, Charles Reynolds, Jeff McBride and other magic luminaries of New York, Gregg lays it all out, frankly, as he saw it." - Stephen Minch"Gregg Webb is one of the Zen Masters of close up and parlor magic. He is a master of minimalism. His effects and streamlined thinking inspire me to do more with less!" - Jeff McBride, Las Vegas Headliner
"To begin, I feel...
C Through is an effect where you visually push a torn off corner of a spectator's selected card into an empty tic tac box. The spectator can check the corner to confirm that it matches their card.
1st edition 2016, length 7min 44s
Most productions are usually from some kind of suspicious looking box that screams magic prop. This is the old-fashion way, time to step into modern times and do away with fake looking boxes that look like something only a magician would have.
With this method, the performer enters with an everyday magazine, such as People magazine. It is held carelessly in his right hand. He flips the pages showing it is an unprepared copy of Time, People or any other publication.
In truth, it IS absolutely unprepared! He tears off the cover and shows it on both sides using just his left hand. He then...