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Magic & Mentalism: page 27


Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Dale A. Hildebrandt
The First Five by Dale A. Hildebrandt

The first five volumes of the highly-acclaimed What Do You Expect For A Dollar? series. 45 Half-finished ideas with multiple typos and no photographs.

1st edition 2009, 98 pages.

B. W. McCarron
Video Magic by B. W. McCarron

Use your VCR as a video prediction chest!

Add amazing, audience-tested effects to your act, including French Postcards, Jokers Wild, Batter Up!, Break the Bank, Headlines of the Past, Mental Shopping, Lucifer's Lexicon, Movie-ola, Mental Lottery, and many others.

The subtle methods are broken into chapters where you'll discover the Three Outs Principle, The Multiple Outs Principle, the Index Principle, The Ultima Principle, and more. The author had previously sold this work only through Micky Hades' Seattle retail shop, which has since closed. The material in this ebook is just too good...

Gregg Webb
Melange by Gregg Webb

A mix of Time Travelers, Time Capsules, and BOF Bonuses.

1st edition 2015, 120 pages.

★★★★ $15
Troy Murphie
Flea Business by Troy Murphie

In this 2018 Revised Edition is a host of information to successfully perform a humbug flea circus. Also included are two easy build routines allowing readers to get started immediately with minimal expense.


  1. To Buy Or Not To Buy?
  2. Poor Man’s High Dive (*Easy Build Routine)
  3. Audience Placement
  4. Super Simple Flea Swing (*Easy Build Routine)
  5. Adding Atmosphere
  6. Extra, Extra, Read All About It
  7. Voice-Over Intro’s
  8. Flea Names
  9. My Old Routines (With A Svenson Mechanical Flea Circus)
  10. Routine Variations
  11. More Comedy Business

1st edition 2015, 2nd edition 2018 31 pages.

★★★★★ $7
Wiljalba Frikell
The Secret Out by Wiljalba Frikell

There is quite some confusion about this book, because there are American editions and British editions, some only with card magic, others with additional chapters on cups and balls and other non-card magic effects. The book we have reproduced was printed in London and it does include non-card items. We are reproducing the complete table of contents below.

This book was edited by W. H. Cremer as noted in the preface of Hanky Panky.



  • The Landlord and the Merrymakers
  • To Show that an Egg contains a
  • To Tell beforehand what Cards will be Chosen ...
Devin Knight
Disintegration Tube by Devin Knight

Effect: One of the most novel vanishes of a silk or bill ever created. Performer shows a small metal tube and inserts a silk handkerchief or borrowed dollar bill into it. Suddenly, the tube disintegrates and falls onto the table as loose rings! The silk or bill has vanished. Your hands are seen to be empty. This makes a stunning vanish of a silk if you sprinkle confetti over the tube, then let the loose rings and confetti cascade onto your table top. At the end everything can be examined. The spectators will have no clue as to how the rings were just a solid tube a few moments before.


★★★★★ $7
Joe Stuthard
Stooging Around by Joe Stuthard

From the introduction:

By daring to write a booklet on the subject of stooges, I realize that I am liable to cause a great deal of heated discussion among magicians all over the world. No magician deplores the use of stooges more than one who has never used them! That same magician will, nevertheless, often rely upon the use of a faked deck of cards or, if he is an illusionist, he will proudly point to the speed with which his assistants make use of the trap in the stage. What is the difference between the use of such subterfuges and the use of an accomplice or stooge? If the same effect...

Steve Sanders
Take A Chance by Steve Sanders

Take a Chance is a collection of five entertaining and unusual magical routines all based around the Monopoly board game.

Lucky or Not
After you and the spectators mix the Community Chest cards you can decide who is going to be lucky and who will be unlucky.

In the Money
The spectator has a free choice of any property on the board. Yet the prediction envelope contains the correct amount of money.

Hotel Okito
An Okito box routine where a little green house always finds it's way to the red hotel. Penetrating the brass box and even going through a full box of playing cards. Eventually...

Ruhko Varen
Wait by Ruhko Varen

[Note that the English on this video is pretty bad. However, everything is also explained visually and you should have no problem to make the gimmick and to see how everything works together.]

The effect is straight forward. Show a few tictacs on your hand and an empty tictacs box. Slam the container on your hand and make all tictacs jump into the container. Your hand is empty and the container filled with tictacs. If somebody would have counted the number of tictacs in the container is exactly the same as there were on the hand. You can handout the container with the tictacs for inspection or even as a gift.

1st edition 2015, 11 min...

★★★★★ $9.95
Various Authors
Bag-O-Trix by Various Authors

Someone once commented that "If you want to hide a magic secret, put it in a book or magazine!" There is probably some truth to that statement, as there is "buried treasure" on each and every page of this work. Tricks, ideas, gags, presentations, suggestions and routines from a full complement of magical authors. Bag-O-Trix is a collection. It contains the complete texts of many books previously issued separately. Some of these volumes are (and have been) out of print. Some others are in short supply. None will be reprinted as a separate item again. This massive ebook will be the only source...

★★★★ $10
Ken de Courcy
33 Tricks with the PATEO Force by Ken de Courcy

Which is one of the best forces in magic? Undoubtedly the PATEO force! PATEO stand for "POINT AT TWO, ELIMINATE ONE", because that's exactly what happens.

The PATEO force is very easy to do end can be used not only with cards but with a variety of objects. It is a very strong force because the spectator seems to have very free choice. In this wonderful manuscript, Ken De Courcy give us, 33 ways to use the PATEO force. You will find card magic, mental magic, close-up magic, club magic, party magic and, yes, stage magic too. A real treasure house of good effects. You can surely find at least...

Deepak Mishra & Oliver Smith
Walletrix by Deepak Mishra & Oliver Smith

Walletrix includes six amazing effects that can be done using a normal ordinary ungimmicked wallet.

"This is a very sexy method and utility device that doesn't just create miracles, instead it gives that moment of astonishment we as magicians desire" - Justin Miller

"This project is packed with brilliantly creative and practical material. Anyone watching this will be itching to test out the routines within." - Lloyd Barnes

  1. Six amazing super visual effects
  2. No special skill required
  3. Can be done with most wallets
  4. Gimmick/setup/method is super easy
  5. Wallet is fully examinable...
David Devlin
How To Sell Bridges: a book of dirty tricks and bamboozlers by David Devlin

When David Devlin was in high school he never had a job. Not a summer job, not a part-time job, no nothin'. All of his friends did, but not David. That is not to say that he never had money. He always had plenty of cash in his wallet. He never stole money. He earned it. But how can this be if David did not have a job of any kind? The fact is that he scammed and hustled it from the friends who had jobs.

If you love scams, hustles, cons, bar betchyas, flim-flam, stings, snow jobs, bamboozles, chicanery, shams, fixes, baloney, and other dirty tricks then this book is for YOU!

In this eBook,...

★★★★★ $5
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Pop: balloon mystery by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Pop any balloon with your mind!

With this method you are able to burst any borrowed balloon at your fingertips. Even better, lay the balloon on the table and blow on it. A moment later the balloon pops without touching!

  • No electronics
  • No magnets
  • No needles or other pointy objects
  • No threads
  • No PK rings

1st edition 2015, length 8 min

Percy Abbott
Magic for Magicians: Occidental and Oriental Mysteries by Percy Abbott

Excerpt from the Foreword:

Percy is an Australian and he has traveled all over the world, particularly in the Orient where he has searched out all the magic of the East. His head is full of the wonderful things that the Chinese, Japanese, East Indians and all those wonderful people of the East do.

We have had the opportunity to see and look through some of the Chinese books on magic and while we can’t read a word of it, yet the illustrations show some most ingenious devices and gimmicks and it is these things in which Abbott excells.

This new book runs the whole gamut of magic,...

★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Close-Up Utopia by Paul A. Lelekis

Paul presents seven powerful effects, explained in full, with many step-by-step photographs. These are powerful, yet easy-to-do, professional routines - complete with patter - and most of these effects are completely impromptu.

All seven effects are non-card effects.

The introduction is a six page treatise on performance, spectator management, various forms of misdirection, and the successful executions of some very important, yet troublesome sleights. Also learn how to passively and actively control your spectators. This is very important information!

Included in the introduction are...

★★★★★ $4
Milbourne Christopher
Conjuring with Christopher by Milbourne Christopher

Contains sixty-one tricks with cards, coins, ropes, thimbles, cigarettes, cigarette lighters, table knife, silks, Mental Magic, Stage Magic etc. Most of the tricks are very easy to do and little practice is required. Several tricks are completely self-working and mechanical in nature.

Paul Fleming wrote:

This book is described on the title-page as "a choice collection of magic with coins, cards, thimbles, silks, ropes, etc., plus a chapter on mental magic, and a variety of feats for the stage." It contains 64 pages of explanatory material, in addition to the six or eight introductory pages which include...

★★★★★ $18
Jon Racherbaumer
At the Table by Jon Racherbaumer

Beautiful close up magic by Jon Racherbaumer, John Cornelius, Roger Klause, Ed Marlo, Jim Hunter, Steve Draun, Eddie Adams, Lee Fried, Chuck Smith, Phil Goldstein, Tom Mullica, and Simon Aronson. Here is magic that is unique and that you will not see in other books. The ebook is divided into chapters on Coins, Cards, Linking Pins, Mental Magic, and Diversions. You will find such unusual items as Marlo's complete presentation of the Color Vision box, Racherbaumer's close up Miser's Dream, Marlo work on Linking Pins, Cornelius' Coins thru Table, Mullica's version of Jarrow's Cig thru Hanky, and more. The section on card magic (mostly Marlo...

Ormond McGill
21 Gems of Magic by Ormond McGill

Ormond McGill describes this publication as a "Scrapbook of Magic" which includes chapters of Card Effects, Mindreading, Miscellaneous, Thoughts on Opening and Closing, and a Magical Sensation - Walking through a Keyhole.

[Note that if you own Bag-O-Trix you already have this ebook.


  • About the Author

    A Thought About Openings

  • GEM No. 1—The Candied Bird

    Scrapbook Card Tricks

  • GEM No. 2—A Reversed Card Location
  • GEM No. 3—The Card and the Boy
  • GEM No. 4—The Card in a Mousetrap
  • GEM No. 5—The Card in the Pocket
  • GEM No. 6—The Bewitched Aces
  • GEM No. 7—The Confetti Rising Cards ...
Devin Knight
Improved Repeat Bill in Lemon by Devin Knight

Some magicians say this is the best trick that Devin Knight has ever released. This is currently how he closes his stand up show as nothing can follow it. It is something that Devin Knight has kept under wraps until now. Imagine doing the bill in lemon with a borrowed bill and immediately repeating it with another lemon that has been in full view at all times. Both lemons can be examined before the effect begins and there is NO SWITCHING of the lemons. No fancy gimmicks, you can do this using things you have around the house right now. This method is ultra-clean and is more amazing than those...

Stephen Ablett
Amazing Bar Bets by Stephen Ablett

This ebook contains bets, puzzles, games and challenges that you can use to entertain, amuse and be the life of the party. Learn how to make metal float on water. How to turn a drink upside down without spilling a drop. How to balance a glass on a note. How to lift a bottle with a straw. How to inflate a bag in one breath. Along with many, many more!

  1. Bridge Building
  2. Balancing Fork
  3. Odd Coin Challenge
  4. Blown Away
  5. Alternating Drinks
  6. Lift Without Touching
  7. Drink Turnover
  8. Mousetrap
  9. Cork to Glass
  10. Cup Lift
  11. The Drop
  12. Balance a Glass on a Banknote
  13. Thumbs Down, Thumbs Up
  14. Floating Paperclip ...
Abhinav Bothra
Whimsical Wallet by Abhinav Bothra

Introduce your business cards or credit cards in a fun new way.

Your Business Card / Credit Card or a Playing Card eerily emerges out of the inside compartment. [One time setup and you are good to go for hundreds of performances. The speed is completely under your control. Resets Instantly.]

Your Business Card / Credit Card jumps out of wallet. [Even for the laziest person set-up will takes less than 10 seconds]

Works with any regular bi-fold wallet. You can keep all your stuff in there and still perform these. Also included in the explanation is CARD DART II which is an impromptu take on it's earlier version.

(For the PDF please check your digital shelf.)

1st edition 2015, length 18 minutes....

David Devlin
Shadow by David Devlin

Shadow is a great utility prop that you make yourself for less than about $13! With Shadow you can switch cards, billets, money, or anything else you can think of. It can be used in mentalism routines to bring in a prediction; you can also make vanished objects appear in an impossible location. You are really limited only by your imagination.

Not only do you get very detailed instructions on how to make this prop (it takes about 3 minutes or so) and handling techniques, but you also get a hard-hitting routine that David uses as a closer in his formal close up performances. The routine is...

Ken de Courcy
Roy Baker's Time Flies by Ken de Courcy

Time Flies! And it's hard to time it because it flies so fast. Anyway, here is a routine with a borrowed watch that you will find fun to make up. Even the most ham-fisted should be able to complete the job in about half-an-hour. It's fun-packed and the magic content is strong. In brief a borrowed wrist watch disappears in a cascade of streamers and is found in a sealed tin can.

5 pages

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