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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 6


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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★★★★ $20
Craig Matsuoka
The Gaff Factory: A comprehensive dry-mounting tutorial by Craig Matsuoka

Making dry-mounted gaffs just got a whole lot easier!

This new 80 page ebook introduces you to the wonders of dry mounting tissue (a.k.a. "DMT"). What's DMT? It's an adhesive that lets you make gaffs that look, feel, and snap like a normal card. If all you've ever known are rubber cement, sprays, and glue sticks, then you've been missing out big-time. This book will open your eyes.

On the other hand, perhaps you heard of DMT, but never bothered to try it because the equipment costs turned you off. Or maybe you gave up on it after getting horrible results with a clothes iron. Well, it's...

★★★★ $10
Andrew Loh
Healing Portal by Andrew Loh

This is an impromptu ripped and restored signed card effect. This is a flash restoration and the restored signed card can be immediately given out as a souvenir and you end clean.

In this version, there is no extra card required, palming, etc. The restoration is very visual. The deck can be examined before and after the routine! Best of all, the spectator has a total free choice of the selection and no special setup of the deck. You end clean!

I was really pleased to read your excellent effect. I liked the effect of the tear disappearing. - Peter Duffie

I liked your handling of Healing Portal...

★★★★★ $8
Andrew Loh
Meltdown Cardbox by Andrew Loh

A card is freely selected and it is placed in between the four Kings. The Kings packet is then placed in the card case and the flap is closed. Performer snaps the card case with his fingers, a card seems to melt through the card case. The card case is opened and four Kings are found inside. You end clean!

  • No setup.
  • Great opener.
  • No gimmicks or duplicates.
  • It's impromptu and can be performed at any time.
  • The deck can be borrowed - visual magic at its best.
This is professionally illustrated which is quite rare in the days of quick shot digital cameras.

I performed your trick for...

★★★★ $15
Jozsef Kovacs
Cardophilia by Jozsef Kovacs

This ebook teaches 16 card tricks. Some of the tricks need special accessories but you can easily print them on your home computer.

Angle on Angle on Angle on
With the help of two cards, the magician predicts which card will be randomly chosen by the spectator and predicts the sum of the value of the helper cards and the chosen card and the named number.

A clown card jumps three times through three blank faced cards and after this the performer explains the trick: the blank faced cards are really three coiled springs (the blank face cards change into three coiled springs).


★★★★★ $39
Chris Wasshuber
Samuel Cox Hooker and his Rising Cards by Chris Wasshuber

Dr. Samuel Cox Hooker's Rising Cards have been an unexplainable fascination for nearly a century. Hooker first showed his effect in 1914, and in 1993 and 2007 John Gaughan gave abbreviated performances. Nobody who has seen the Hooker Rising Cards performed has ever been able to explain how such effects can be accomplished. This includes the most notable and most knowledgeable magicians from past and present. How can, from a borrowed and shuffled deck, any card called for rise in the fairest possible manner on a well lit stage only a few feet from the spectators?

This work is not just about...

★★★★★ $12.50
Peter Duffie
Thunder Struck by Peter Duffie

A card is selected, signed and lost back into the deck. Taking only the 4 Jacks (deck discarded), you perform the cleanest of Twisting routines - with the Jacks reversing one by one with no false counts.

The black Jacks are now placed into the card case - there is no doubt at all that they do go into the case - leaving the red Jacks, "These will now magically produce your signed card." The spectator holds the red Jacks but nothing happens. Or does it. On turning his two cards over he finds he is now holding the black Jacks! Finally, you tip out the cards from the card case revealing the...

★★★★★ $5
Arthur P. Neyhart
The Neyhart Houlette by Arthur P. Neyhart

This ebook is a reproduction of the original instruction booklet that came with the Neyhart houlette. It describes operation and care as well as several performance ideas and ways to use the houlette. The Neyhart houlette appeared in the 1930s and made a big splash at the 1935 IBM convention. It is an ingenious device that allows you to let any card named rise out of a 52 card deck - no stooges, threads or electronics.

It is also further described in Samuel Cox Hooker and his Rising Cards and The Big Book of Rising Cards. Other rising card methods can be learned from Knowing the Rising Cards.

1st edition 1930s; 7 pages....

Kyle Schofiled
Magic Print Notes by Kyle Schofiled

Trio a three card revelation with a twist ending.

Convey a signed card transposes with a card mentally read by the magician.

Porous a card penetrates a napkin - perfect for restaurant magic.

Pierce an impromptu, signed card through table.

Re-delinked a rubber band unlinks, vanishes, and appears linked back onto a rubber band.

Ex-change an impromptu, 4 coin only, coin matrix.

Morf change a stunning color change where you end completely clean.

If you get offended by a 15 year old writing about magic, then this is not for you. If you think there is something to learn from...

★★★★ $14.95
Peter Duffie
Decknology by Peter Duffie

Delusion Assembly
You remove any three "magic" cards from the deck - say, an Ace, Two and Three - and place them aside. You now cut to the four Kings, placing them on the table in a diamond formation as you find them. Next, you pick up the three "magic" cards and drop them on top of one of the Kings. Instantly, the Kings assemble in this pile and the three "magic" cards are found where the other three Kings were. There is no palming and no hidden/extra cards involved.

"Deckless" Delusion Assemble
In this version of the above, the four Kings and three magic cards are removed from the deck...

★★★★★ $3.22
Dave Forrest
Fandango Part 1 by Dave Forrest

Part 1 in a series of releases containing all new material designed with the intent of providing real world close up magicians with fresh, practical material.

Six brand new, never before published effects fresh from the mind of Dave Forrest. The material contained within has been carefully selected to be both entertaining and practical. This is not a 'read it once' release. It is filled with effects that you will actually use in the real world for real people. Fandango Part 1 - all killer, no filler!


  • Missing the Aces - An attempt to cut directly to a selected card goes awry...
★★★★ $12.87
Dave Forrest
Autobahn by Dave Forrest

An ACAN (Any Card at Any Number) effect specifically designed for the close-up artist.

"An excellent solution to the ACAN plot. It's good to see a method that gets away from memorisation and estimation." - Peter Duffie

What if you could perform the classic ACAN effect while you were strolling or hopping tables and succeed every single time without fail? What if the method was simple, surefire and took up no more pocket space than a single deck of cards? What if this powerhouse effect could be performed with no memory work, no maths and no sleight of hand? What if the spectator could genuinely name...
★★★★ $7
Rufus Steele
Card Tricks That Are Easy To Learn Easy To Do by Rufus Steele

This is another fantastic compilation of card tricks that require no sleight-of-hand. Rufus Steele writes "The simplicity of a card trick adds much to its mystery!" - I couldn't agree more. In total there are 51 tricks explained.

  • 1 - Riffle Trick
  • 2 - Frank Lane's Three Pellet Card Trick
  • 3 - Appleton's Fooler
  • 4 - Hull's "Joker" Spelling Trick
  • 5 - Pearce's Triple Card Mystery
  • 6 - The Master Card Location
  • 7 - The Lady and Man Card Prediction
  • 8 - Simple Addition
  • 9 - A Brain Teaser
  • 10 - Mephisto's Message
  • 11 - Improved Guesser
  • 12 - Sequel
  • 13 - A Prediction Effect ...
David Bui
V.I.P. Very Impossible Possibility by David Bui

Another approach to the “Any Card At Any Number” effect.

Effect: Spectator one thinks of a card but he does not say it out loud. Spectator two thinks of a number and then deals to a card at that number. The card which she finds is Spectator one's selection.

[Note: Uses dual reality, and to prepare for this effect you will require a blank deck of cards.]

1st edition 2007; 10 pages.

★★★★★ $7
Rufus Steele
50 Tricks You Can Do You Will Do Easy To Do by Rufus Steele

This ebook is a compilation of three booklets Rufus Steele released:

  • Card Tricks You Will Do
  • Card Tricks You Can Do
  • Card Tricks Easy to Do
It is a collection of card tricks that require no sleight-of-hand, or what is often called self-working card tricks. (Check out the other Rufus Steele ebooks for a lot more self-working tricks.)

You will encounter contributions from people like Bert Allerton, Arthur Buckley, Paul Rosini, Ed Marlo, Dai Vernon, Dorny, Harry Blackstone and many more.

  • Introduction
  • Community Do As I Do
  • A "Chic" Trick
  • Colors Will Tell
  • Mix - Cut And Look
  • Location From New Deck
  • Your Number - Your Card
  • This Is Your Card
  • Money...
★★★★ $7
Rufus Steele
52 Amazing Card Tricks by Rufus Steele

This ebook is a compilation of self-working card tricks with contributions by legends like Paul Rosini, Eddie Joseph, Edward Marlo, Martin Gardner, Ken Krenzel, Al Baker, Carmen Da Mico, H. Adrian Smith, Sid Lorraine, John Scarne, Dai Vernon, Audley Walsh and of course Rufus Steele.

  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Psychic Spell
  • "Let's See What You've Done"
  • Mystic Fifteen
  • Hiding The Principle
  • Double Thought
  • Five Nine King
  • A Bridge Trick
  • Under The Table Coincidence
  • Mental Discernment Improved
  • The Reluctant Card
  • Betting On A Sure Thing
  • The Ten Of Diamonds
  • Trick Of The Year
  • Double Deuce
  • A Set Of Surprises
  • Rapid Revelation
  • Two Souls With But A Single Thought
  • The Missing Card
  • A Beginner's...
★★★★ $7
Rufus Steele
The Last Word on Cards by Rufus Steele

This is certainly not 'the last word on cards'. There never will be a last word on cards. But it is a delightful collection of self-working card effects. Some of the brightest minds contributed: Ed Marlo, Eddie Joseph, Al Leech, Bill Simon, Eddie Fields, Oscar Weigle, Audley Walsh and of course Rufus Steele himself.

You will find the original "Sam and Moe" card story on which Bill Malone's "Sam the Bellhop" is based. I also found a very interesting magic card square routine that I was not aware of.

For anyone who likes clever card tricks which are based on subtleties, math and other clever ruses, this is a must read.

  • Introduction ...
★★★★★ $10
Ricky Kinosa
The Circle Fan by Ricky Kinosa

Most every card man can do a pressure fan and many can do one-handed fans but can you do a circular fan, one that goes around 360 degrees and closes on itself? There are a few methods in circulation. Ricky explains the one developed by Toyozane Sanada. Sanada is a very creative Japanese magician who invented among other things the Sanada gimmick which is very effective for sponge ball work. However, there is no good explanation of how to do the Sanada fan in print. You can find it demonstrated on a number of videos but there is no good explanation that teaches the technique at least not in English. ...

Peter Duffie
Trance Fusion by Peter Duffie

The two Jokers are removed from the deck. Two cards are then selected. One by one the selections are placed between the Jokers and are then stretched to twice their length.

Now, both cards are placed between the Jokers after which they fuse into one examinable two-faced card that can be given to the spectator as a keepsake.

Finally the other cards are tossed onto the table and are seen to have become totally blank!

Based on brilliant ideas by Peter Kane, Richard Kaufman, David Arthur & Gene Maze, this is a killer. Watch the demo below.

Please keep in mind that you are getting a set of video files as instructions....

Peter Duffie
That's a Fact! by Peter Duffie

This is a wonderful self-working effect based on a mathematical principle. Rather than explain the effect to you, below is a demo video for you to watch.

Please keep in mind that this isn't really an ebook but a set of two video files. One explains the setup and preparation, the other the performance.

★★★★ $8
John Scarne
Scarne on Card Tricks by John Scarne

Scarne describes 155 easy-to-do tricks with cards. No sleight-of-hand skill whatsoever is required in these tricks. But don't assume that this makes them weak effects. You just need to look at the Drunken Poker Deal effect to be convinced of that.

For this book Scarne obtained from Dunninger, Cardini, Dai Vernon, Francis Carlyle, Cliff Green, Russel Swan, Nate Leipzig, Thurston, Houdini and other famous magicians and card experts the secrets of some of their most notable tricks and effects. Together with these he has included many entirely new creations of his own. The demonstrations and explanations of the tricks are accompanied...

Lorin Wiener
Topsy Turvy by Lorin Wiener

This is a very clever card trick for PalmOS devices (PDAs, cell phones), so good that it can be performed several times with little worry that the secret will be revealed.

Read minds and know the spectator chosen card without you seeing, touching, or hearing your Palm Pilot™! You can even do it over the phone!

The trick uses no sequences, no calculations, no audio cues, no timed events, no secret buttons or patterns, no beaming, no stooges, no guessing, and it is immediately repeatable. No Reset!

Let them try it over and over. The results are different every time! The spectator can...

★★★★★ $6
R. Shane
The Classic Cider Swindle by R. Shane

From the preface of the ebook:

So there we were, we being the usual collection of magical maffickers, that is to say Robert Neale, Larry White, Ed Solomon, Ron Dayton and your humble narrator, in one of our usual email exchanges but which was quite unusual.

You see, Larry had just sent a video of a really neat card rise to all of us. It looked great and we were all commenting about it and speculating on it. This was most unusual since Larry hates card tricks the way most of us hate mustard on chocolate ice cream with pickle topping. Actually, he hates cards tricks more than that and would probably...

★★★★ $5
Tony Chapparo
Unmarked by Tony Chapparo

Would you like the ability to go through a deck of cards, any deck of cards, and know the suit and value of each card just by dealing them without seeing the face? Such ability allows you to perform all kind of miracles.

Tony Chapparo describes how to build a gimmick which allows you to do that. This type of gimmick is not new but the particular construction and use is unique and very practical.

1st edition 2007; 6 pages

★★★★★ $15
Boris Wild
Card Remix by Boris Wild

These are the lecture notes to Boris' new lecture which hold more than 90 photos for 15 techniques, routines and points of theory.


  • Kill Count
  • Gravity Shuffle
  • Revelation Pass
  • Blind Discovery
  • Double Personality 2
  • Mindbuster Video
  • Signed Assembly
  • Miracolor
How to increase the impact of your performances?
  • You are Magician
  • The "Ideal Effect" Theory
  • The Audience Interest
  • Method to Build an Original Act
The 50 reasons which let you know you are a magician.

1st edition 2006; 46 pages

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