Mit ihm, dem Zauberkünstler Ludwig Döbler, hatte Österreich bereits in der Biedermeierzeit einen internationalen Superstar, der von Budapest bis London, von Prag bis St. Petersburg die größten Bühnenerfolge einheimste. Er war zu seiner Zeit genauso, wenn nicht populärer als Nestroy, Grillparzer oder Raimund. Mit den Intellektuellen seiner Zeit, wie z.B. Goethe, Dingelstedt, Saphir, Bäuerle, Heine, Castelli, Raimund, war er freundschaftlich verbunden.
Berühmt war sein Entree, nach einem Schuss brannten 200 Kerzen auf der Bühne oder "Flora's Blumenspende", wobei er dutzende kleine...
Eccoci alla seconda lezione di questo magistrale corso ! Dopo aver esordito con una dotta e snella carrellata sulla storia della prestigiazione, Il corso continua con la trattazione di un importantissimo principio: quello dell'autosuggestione. Infine vengono trattati diversi interessanti e pratici giochi con un nostro "caro amico"... Ottimo materiale se si vuole studiare sul serio la prestigiazione!
Elenco dei contenuti
In questo manoscritto Aldo ti insegna una serie di cappelli da creare con i palloncini per modellare di semplicissima esecuzione e di grande effetto.
Puoi utilizzarli in mille occasioni nel tuo spettacolo. Sono originali e divertenti e, soprattutto se lavori con i bambini, sono uno strumento per creare momenti indimenticabili di sicuro successo. Come dice Aldo stesso nell'introduzione: "L' idea di creare cappelli con palloncini è relativamente nuova. I cappelli sono divertenti, attirano adulti e bambini e sono DIVERSI, creando novità nelI' arte di modellare i palloncini Ogni occasione...
In questo raro manoscritto di Aldo, trovi una divertente routine con il solo uso di un mazzo di carte e un metro da falegname. Dopo aver fatto scegliere una carta, tu, il performer, esegui una serie di figure con un metro mentre racconti una esilarante storia. Infine, sempre servendoti del metro, ritrovi con successo la carta scelta. Molto originale, sempre pronto e facilissimo da eseguire: intrattenimento allo stato puro.
A version that fools those who know the original. A spectator correctly guesses the colors sealed in four envelopes. No gimmick markers.
NOTE: Do not confuse this with the original Blindsight. This 100% new method will fool those who have the original trick.
The performer shows four manila envelopes. There is nothing written on the envelopes, nor are they secretly marked. He shows them freely on both sides and points out the envelopes are opaque. The performer hands the envelopes to a participant; saying inside each envelope is a different colored card: Green, red, blue, and yellow. The performer...
Quick Change - rapid costume changes for men is the most reviewed book about costume changes on the market. Three print editions are now sold out. A decade ago we don't thinking about a next print edition. Instead, we offer it to you as a modern ebook.
Never before has there been such an extensive treatise on the subject.
Hard Copy was a magazine by Gregg Webb that ran for 13 issues starting in 2009. You will find primarily ideas on manipulation - manipulation of cards, corks, balls and other items. Includes contributions by Jeff McBride. The occasional non-manipulation effect with cards and or coins is thrown in the mix.
108 pages.
Engaging, interactive and a little bit cheeky
This is Andy's multiple phased, business card routine. Like every other piece in this collection it allows for ample byplay, and a fun competitiveness and out guessing theme between you and the participant. Perhaps the coolest part about this is the psychology that allows you to do it "gimmick" free with near 100% accuracy. Although the 100% accurate version is thrown in. This is pure psychological fun.
TERASBOS bit o' business
You'll need to be familiar with the Rick Maue Classic, this simple verbiage puts the odds in your favour...
A cased deck is placed on the table. You remove your wallet, and also place it on the table. Both are on the table, and they are there in FULL view before ANYTHING happens. You tell the spectators that you removed one card from the deck, and put it in your wallet. A spectator then makes a series of choices bringing her to one card. The spectator herself removes the deck from the case, and deals the cards one at a time to the table. There are only 51 cards. The thought of card is missing. You then open your wallet, and remove a card. It is the thought of card!
This is a "new" method for the...
Richard Mark teaches advanced techniques for the experienced psychic entertainer. Learn the innermost thoughts and concerns of others with nothing written and without props of any kind. The real work on pre-show techniques.
1st edition 1992, 1st digital edition 2013, 34 pages.
Table of Contents
Vol. 9, No. 4, September 2013; 60 pages
Cover: Dynamo
From the introduction:
A spot of "juggling" has always been a safe bet as an interesting "change-of-pace" for the magician, particularly where he is presenting a long programme. "The Eggs And Glasses" has proved this point with its recent popularity (or "revived popularity") with both magicians and their audiences. The feat was hardly seen for a decade or so, then came a wave of popularity for the feat when it was discovered that "no skill was required" ... just confidence and "knack".
In the same category is the feat of spinning a glass of liquid, either on a hoop or "harness". But this...
Another great trick by Ken. You can do it anytime, anyplace with any deck. You can perform it even if the deck is incomplete. It is a perfect impromptu trick. It has all the elements of a great trick: an entertaining patter, comedy and a surprising finish.
A pack is shuffled and a card is selected by a spectator, shown to a few other people, then returned. The magician shows the face card of the pack and asks whether it is the chosen card. This is denied. The performer tries to right the things.
He drops the pack face down on the table but the top card is face up. But once...
Eine tolle jedoch technisch anspruchsvolle Routine bestehend aus drei Teilen. Jeder Teil kann auch alleine vorgeführt werden.
Vier Damen werden auf überraschende Weise produziert. Sie verwandeln sich einzeln und sichtbar in die vier Asse. Diese werden unterschrieben und verschwinden aus den Spiel, um anschliessend aus vier verschiedenen Taschen des Vorführenden hervorgeholt zu werden.
Erstausgabe 1987, erste digitale Ausgabe 2013, 44 Seiten.
Di Harlan Tarbell
"FINALMENTE!" Questa, siamo sicuri sarà la prima espressione di moltissimi di voi lettori quando avrete fra le mani questa prima lezione del "Corso Originale Tarbell".
Si , era ora che qualcuno si prendesse l'onere e l'onore di tradurre quello che per decenni è stato definito il più organico e completo corso di giochi di prestigio in esistenza.
Quella che avrete tra poco fra le mani è la prima lezione di quello che in origine venne preparato e pubblicato...
Have you ever been asked, "Hey, can you float like that guy on TV?" Well you finally can with On Thin Air. This is a very practical method of levitating. This self levitation can be preformed indoors as well as on the street. Imagine being able to levitate anywhere and anytime. Levitate at parties, on the sidewalk and even at the mall.
You will be able to walk up to a group of people and levitate! After you are done levitating you can stay and talk or just walk away. The levitation is completely under your control.
This is a great way to cause a sensation at your next walk around magic...
More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.
1st edition 2013, 28 pages.
More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.
1st edition 2013, 28 pages.
Eine Idee von Ron Jaxon.
Ein geliehener und unterschriebener Geldschein wird um ein durchsichtiges Feuerzeug gewickelt und mit einem Gummiband fixiert. Das Feuerzeug wird in die Hand gelegt, welche geschlossen wird. Wird die Hand wieder geöffnet, ist der Geldschein verschwunden und die Zuschauer sehen nur noch das durchsichtige Feuerzeug mit dem Gummiband!
Bill Burner Clear ist sehr einfach vorzuführen und bei vielen diversen Kunststücken einzusetzen. Eine durch und durch professionelle und praktische Methode ohne Fingerfertigkeit. Das raffinierte Gimmick übernimmt alle Arbeit und ermöglicht...
Having traveled nearly 2 years with a side show while first developing his show, Scott Xavier worked as a magician and a pain proof man. In this video you will find two unique demonstrations of his pain proof act.
You will learn:
1st edition 2013, runtime 16 minutes.
Ever wanted to make money as a psychic reader? Want to spice up your mentalism by adding depth with accurate cold readings?
Scott Xavier presents a basic course which teaches the secrets of psychic cold reading, numerology, and palmistry. You find out how to present readings from an actual professional psychic reader. Also included are the unique venues where Scott performs his skills to make extra money when times are tough.
1st edition 2013, runtime 34 minutes.
"I really like how you put different principles all together and the expanded 10/20 principle is overlooked in my opinion. I like that there is no apparent move and it looks fair." - Raphaël Czaja
This is a numerological revelation of a selected card. It's really off-beat and ... I think you'll love it, and definitely use it!
You tell two spectators that one of them will select a card randomly from the deck, and the other will find out the name of the selected card using numerology. You ask one of them to turn his back while the other chooses a card.
The first spectator now selects a card...
You remove 10 cards from the deck and play a Poker game with your spectator. Here the magician deals cards and allows a spectator to freely choose the face down cards that they wish to build their hand from. During the last deal, the spectator gets to look at his existing hand and choose from the remaining cards to build the best hand. Alas, the magician wins even though the spectator did all of the choosing. The magician will always get a royal flash.
This effect will get you more publicity than any other headline prediction. It has many features that you cannot do with other headline predictions. THIS NEW METHOD INVOLVES NO SWITCHING OF THE HEADLINE PREDICTION SLIP. There is only one headline prediction slip and it is signed by the VIP! Best of all, no gimmicks are used.
This method involves so many people and has so much hoopla, it will almost ensure you front page coverage in most local papers. This headline prediction will have you on the 6 o'clock and 11 o'clock television news. It will also be discussed on local radio stations;...