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Magic & Mentalism: page 158


Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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How We Raised Over 245% of Our Goal With Our First Crowd-Funding Project by Topper

Crowd funding is 'in'. Many try it. Many think it is an easy avenue to raise money, but often it leads to disappointment. Carl E. Jones aka Topper explains how he was successful in his first attempt to crowd fund a project. He covers:

  • Why?
  • Research
  • Doing it!
  • Pre-Launch Activities
  • National Publicity
  • Launch Day
  • Focus On Your Donors
  • Updating Donors & Others
  • Campaign Management
  • At The End & Beyond

1st edition 2013, 50 pages

★★★ $0
Dave Arch
Magic Keynote: Dreams by Dave Arch

These are portions from Dave Arch's magic keynote where he uses several of the effects taught in his "Tricks for Trainers" series:

Stefan Olschewski
Crazy Prediction Deluxe (German) by Stefan Olschewski

Ein einfacher, kleiner Mentaleffekt zum "Immer-dabei-haben". Verblüffend und ein kleines Bisschen anders:

Sie zeigen dem Publikum einen Umschlag mit einer Vorhersage, die ein Zuschauer an sich nimmt. Nun darf ein weiterer Zuschauer sich aus einem Päckchen mit Karten eine Karte aussuchen. Der Witz dabei: Alle Karten sind gleich, jede Karte ist z.B. eine Herz 8! Wenn der erste Zuschauer die Vorhersage aus dem Umschlag nimmt, stimmt diese mit der gewählten Karte überein, es ist ebenfalls eine Herz 8.

Der Effekt kommt aber erst, nachdem sich das Gelächter der Zuschauer gelegt hat. Sie...

Stefan Olschewski
Crazy Prediction Deluxe by Stefan Olschewski

One of the first effects by Stefan Olschewski that were released to the magic market – finally available for instant download.

An easy, small mental effect to take with you wherever you go. Entertaining and just a little bit different.

You show an envelope to the audience containing one single card as your prediction. A spectator is asked to keep the envelope. A second spectator chooses one card from a packet of ten. The funny thing is: all card faces are all the same, showing, for example, the 8 of Hearts. When the envelope is opened, the card inside also is the 8 of Hearts, of course. ...

Scott Xavier
Tre by Scott Xavier

Tre - a unique video featuring three easily constructed mentalism effects that will fit any show.

Pocket Impressions - a pocket sized impression device. Create predictions or mind reading with a pocket sized anytime anywhere impression device. Taught is the Epic mental Epic which is Xavier's mental epic effect.

Russian roulette - learn to create a spiked Russian roulette using a lazy Susan costing under $20 in props.

Tie Loops - Learn to tie elastic invisible loops any time anywhere. The easiest method around.

1st edition 2013, runtime 33 minutes.

Jozsef Kovacs
UK Lecture Tour Notes 2013 by Jozsef Kovacs

"Really interesting combination of principles in there. I especially liked Eight Envelopes, Asymmetric Oil & Water, Yet 2 and Coin and Card ESP. The Plaid Eared Rabbit contains a very clever use of an old Tenyo prop." - Raphaël Czaja


Appreciation: Jozsef thanks those who have helped him.

Amazing Prediction: You table a prediction deck. A lady randomly (and fairly) chooses two cards from another deck. The two cards generate a card and a two-digit number. You hand her the prediction deck, and she deals down to her randomly generated number. All the cards dealt are face down except...

Jozsef Kovacs
CCARN: Chosen Card At Random Number by Jozsef Kovacs

"I'm not an ordinary magician: I LOVE card tricks with two decks! I really dig the apparent fairness of the trick. The spectator is asked to do many fair choices and the outcome looks impossible. A worthwile variation on the ACAAN plot." - Raphaël Czaja

Any card is selected [say the King of Spades] and then buried into the deck by the spectator. Using a 2nd deck, a number is very fairly generated, again by the spectator [let's say 25]. You won't believe this, but... the 25th card now dealt to in the 1st deck is the King of Spades!

1st edition 2013, 2 pages.

Jozsef Kovacs
Shouting Jokers by Jozsef Kovacs

As Aldo Colombini says... "A wonderful routine with so many climaxes!" This is based on the famous theme of the Whispering Queens.

Effect: Two people each select a card and sign them. You now introduce a packet of three Jokers. The two selections are touched by the Jokers who then "whisper" their identities to you! One of the selections is cut into the deck, but instantly reappears between the Jokers! The other selection is now placed among the three Jokers from where... it vanishes... only to reappear seconds later in your pocket! No palming. No extra cards. The selected cards can even be signed if you...

Jozsef Kovacs
Colour Scheme by Jozsef Kovacs

You introduce a deck of cards and five different coloured pens. You have a spectator freely select a card, after which the card is lost back into the deck. They are now invited to select some, or all, of the pens. Let's say they pick three pens: RED, ORANGE and GREEN. The remaining pens are discarded. You ask them to take each pen and write a single-digit number with it. This results in three written digits, each of a different colour. For example: 7 3 5.

Turning to a second spectator, you ask her to mix the three pens so that they are in a random order. The three written digits are now re-arranged...

Geoff Maltby
Club 71: Sunday Colour Supplement by Geoff Maltby

Here is another parody of magic and some of its characters. The parody was published by Geoff Maltby of Repro Magic. It was a supplement to one of the Club 71 issues.

16 pages

Devin Knight
The Ultimate Coke Vanish by Devin Knight

A step ahead of the old coke vanish in a paper tube, with a kicker ending to fry any audience. Magician shows a bottle of coke and actually moves it around so the audience can see it is full of coke. Yes, you can see the liquid in the bottle! He puts a small white paper tube over the coke bottle, the tube is only about half the height of the bottle. He drapes a small see-through silk over the bottle and suddenly the coke vanishes. He blows the silk through the paper tube to further prove it is empty. Ok, you are thinking, this is an old idea, BUT...there is more. The magician then unrolls the...

★★★★★ $19.50
Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 11 by Alexander de Cova

Die neue Ausgabe ist fertig und steht zum Download bereit. Es erwarten Dich wieder interessante Ideen und Techniken. Zwei der Routinen stammen aus meiner aktuellen Show: Die Uhr in Zwieback und der Tafeltest. Beides sind praxiserprobte Routinen, die ich viele Jahre zurückbehalten habe und ich veröffentliche sie hier zum ersten Mal. Hier ein Auszug aus dem Inhalt:

HOFZINSER TRIFFT AUF PAGE - Eine tolle Methode, um zwei beliebige Karten zu forcieren, die dann in der Brieftasche landen – und das ohne Palmage! Diese Technik eignet sich hervorragend für die Routine zur KARTE IN BRIEFTASCHE...

Jozsef Kovacs
Cardopia: eleven terrific routines by Jozsef Kovacs

"A nice variety of card material here. I'll be using a few of these routines for sure!" - Paul Hallas

"You have the 'knack' to create direct effects with simple methods, which is, in my opinion, the essence of commercial magic." - Aldo Colombini

"In this ebook, Jozsef combines some original thinking with neat construction. I really enjoyed this collection of card magic. I think you will, too." - Peter Duffie

"If you enjoy the eleven excellent routines that you will encounter in CARDOPIA, which I know you will, be sure to check out József's other ebooks, lecture notes and manuscripts... they are all great and I highly...

Werner Miller
Ad Rem 3 by Werner Miller

"ad rem" (lateinisch) heißt "zur Sache", und wer den Autor kennt, kann unschwer erraten, um welche Sache es sich hier handelt: semi-automatische, leicht vorzuführende Tricks auf mathematischer Grundlage, vorwiegend mit Spielkarten und ESP-Karten. Jeder Band hat knapp 100 Seiten und enthält 50-60 Tricks, die meisten davon in mehreren Versionen.

[Die Effekte überlappen sich zum Großteil mit der Englischen Sub Rosa Serie.


  1. Arrowbatics
  2. OLRAM Arrows
  3. Arrow Predictions
  4. Sigma - amgiS
  5. Dazwischen
  6. Aus 1 mach 4
  7. Diese Farbfamilie, jener Wert
  8. "Dreisatz"
  9. Äquivalent
  10. Wie oft auch immer
  11. Line Dancer
  12. Nicht deine Karte
  13. Bitte nicht stören ...
★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 3, Issue 1 (Aug - Oct 2013) by Solyl Kundu

It is a pleasure to introduce the first issue of volume three (yes, 3 - no less) of TGM that is full of instructive, informative and interesting reading - literally. Especially look through the MagiXposed section where you will find an effect until today magicians' have paid high amount to have it. However, there are a lot more, go on reading …

  • Let's have a chat – Well, the editor opens his heart for a friendly chat.
  • Good Bye Hazards: Magic - No Problems by D. Subhash is an article...
★★★★★ $5
Ken de Courcy
The Receptive Shroud by Ken de Courcy

An unusual presentation detailing probably the easiest system for the two-person mind-reading act yet produced.


A clip-board is tossed into the audience. Under its elastic band is a pencil. The performer asks the person who catches it to pass the board to anyone in the row behind him. That person then writes anything he likes in the top space - a name, a date, a phone number, a question - anything. He then passes the board to someone behind him, who does the same thing, then the board is passed again.

When six people have written their thoughts, the board is returned to the...

Dee Christopher
Linguistic Bending by Dee Christopher

Linguistic Bending will take your metal bending to the next level.

Dee Christopher has been studying metal bending for many years and crafted his own fluid and signature style. This ambitious treatise attacks a subject that is scarcely touched by psychokinetic performers; the use of verbal deception, dual reality and linguistics within metal bending acts.

You will learn several new techniques, the full work on the Syn ploy including variations and some incredible concepts and ploys to build into your performances.

  • The basics - An overview of popular and lesser known bends and physical...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Paper, Rock, Scissors by Aldo Colombini

A unique great idea by Didier Dupré using the famous game PAPER, ROCK AND SCISSORS. You play the game with a spectator and you predict the last game played. You predict if the spectator wins or loses and with which symbols! Easy to do. Two different presentations given. Suitable for close up and stage.

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
New Pentagram Magazine: 10 Tricks from Volume 7 by Aldo Colombini

More magic from the pages of Peter Warlock's legendary magazine.


  • LIGHTNING LINK PLUS (Roy Johnson): You show a piece of rope and tie the two ends into a knot. A ring penetrates the knotted rope. Everything can be examined.
  • COLORBLIND (Francis Haxton): Two cards are selected from two decks, one red and one blue. These two cards are the only odd-colored cards of the decks.
  • SYMPATHETIC POKER CHIPS (Lewis Ganson): Four different colored chips placed one at each corner of a handkerchief and covered with two cards, magically pass separately until all four are under one card.
  • THANK YOU, JOHANN NEPOMUK! (Peter Warlock):...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
The Gen: 10 effects from volume 1 by Aldo Colombini

The Gen magazine was published by Harry Stanley just after the war. The first issue came out in December 1945. The magazine was published for 26 years with 303 issues covering a total of 8,685 pages. Lewis Ganson, one of the greatest magical writers ever, was the editor until 1971.


  • RATHER ODD (Frank Potts): A selected card turns out to be the only red-backed card in a blue deck and then the back changes back to blue.
  • WHICH POCKET, SIR (Archie Byford): The Aces are shuffled with other cards and four packets are placed into different pockets in a spectators jacket. The four Aces appear in a single packet. ...
★★★★★ $25
Roy Johnson
Pure Gold by Roy Johnson

Roy Johnson had a wonderful clean and simple style, often mixed with unique methods. Roy always applied his own mind, even to classic effects, and thus you are getting here the Roy Johnson treatment.

Effects taught:

  • Flash Square
  • The Race
  • Checkmate
  • Sum
  • Match Block
  • Dialamite
  • Twinned Princess
  • Murder Imperfect
  • Psycho
  • P.S.S.
  • Reflective Jackpot
  • Chromatism
  • Son Of Astro
  • The Con (Sidewalk Shuffle)
  • Koranistic
  • Pairs
  • Nuts

1st edition 1988, 1st digital edition 2013, 75 pages.

Roger Crosthwaite
Foundations 1 by Roger Crosthwaite

An introduction to basic sleights and techniques.

You will learn:

  • Riffle Shuffle
  • The Zarrow/Shank Shuffle
  • Daryl Martinez Display
  • The Mechanics Grip
  • Ed Marlo's 'Hit' Double Lift
  • The Elmsley Count

1st digital edition 2013, 13 pages.

★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Packet Mania Vol. 4 by Cameron Francis

Probably the best of the series. Great packet tricks that use easy to find special cards.


  • THEY ARE WHAT THEY EAT: A fun and very commercial Cannibal Cards effect with a twist.
  • MAGIC IMAGE: A card is selected and lost in the deck, say the Seven of Hearts. A packet of blank cards with letters that spell out the word MAGIC is introduced. The letters then transform into the Word IMAGE. They transform once again to reveal the word CARD. Finally, the Seven of Hearts appears among the letter cards.
  • SPACE SHUTTLE (unpublished): A hole vanishes from a blank card and reappears on a selected...
★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Simply Impromptu Volume 5 by Aldo Colombini

The routines use subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand to produce entertaining card effects that anyone can do. More important, no gimmicks, and no set-ups whatsoever. Grab an ordinary, even borrowed deck of cards and amaze your spectators with incredible card effects.


  • FAST FINDING (André Robert): A spectator cuts half of the deck and finds a card, which in turn finds a previously selected card.
  • COINCI-FACE (Aldo Colombini): From a shuffled packet a spectator selects two cards. After a special shuffle (?) two cards appear reversed in the middle:...
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