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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★ $3.50
Ted Annemann
Assolo Mentale by Ted Annemann

Un intero numero (anzi 2) di straordinario Mentalismo subito pronto senza preparazione sul luogo dello spettacolo e con oggetti comuni.

Il sogno del Mentalista : un numero da fare senza dover fare ore di preparazione. Bastano pochi minuti e pochi oggetti per stupire il tuo pubblico. Non devi trasportare pesanti attrezzature. Praticamente porti tutto addosso !

"Veramente incredibile" ecco l'esclamazione di molti che leggeranno questo volumetto pubblicato per la prima volta in Italiano

Abbiamo scelto questo classico del grande Maestro del Mentalismo perché lo troverai assolutamente...

★★★★ $5
Ken de Courcy
Ken de Courcy Discute Il Gioco Piu Veloce Del Mondo by Ken de Courcy

Un manoscritto di grande successo sul nostro sito è stato quello di Joe karson " il gioco più veloce del mondo". Una vera lezione sull'arte della presentazione e un carico di risate per il pubblico.

Ora è un piacere per noi presentare una approfondita discussione su questo gioco del maestro Ken De Courcy.

In questo manoscritto , troverete la personale presentazione del gioco da parte di De Courcy, arricchita con molti finali diversi che renderanno il gioco memorabile. Il gioco è una vera e propria commedia degli errori in cui una spettatrice chiamata sul palco per scegliere una carta...

Harry C. Bjorkelund
Disegni Trasformabili Comici by Harry C. Bjorkelund

Per quanto ne sappiamo questa è la prima opera sui cosiddetti “Chalk Talk” che viene tradotta in lingua Italiana. L’arte di intrattenere il pubblico disegnando semplici soggetti trasformabili è , con rare eccezioni, praticamente sconosciuta in Italia.

Questo libro, che ci auguriamo sia il primo di una serie, mette in grado anche l’intrattenitore Italiano di cominciare a far assaporare al suo pubblico questa divertente, quanto varia arte. Qualunque tipo di artista e intrattenitore può inserire nel suo repertorio almeno qualcuno di questi disegni trasformabili. Bjorkelund ci da...

★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Quella Sporca Dozzina by Aldo Colombini

Ciao, ecco uno dei libri più venduti di Aldo Colombini. Tutto il materiale è buonissimo e gli effetti eccellenti! Come dice Davide Costi nell'introduzione: "Raramente mi è capitata fra le mani una pubblicazione con una percentuale così alta di idee ed effetti di primissima qualità e, conoscendo il livello tecnico/artistico dell'autore, non è stata certo una sorpresa; tuttavia la sorpresa vera è stata nel constatare che, malgrado le centinaia di effetti che Aldo ha pubblicato in questi anni, la sua fervida creatività continua a regalarci giochi di un così alto livello.

Vorrei soffermarmi,...

★★★★★ $5
Ken de Courcy
Ken de Courcy Discusses "The World's Fastest Card Trick" by Ken de Courcy

A bestseller on our site has been Joe Karson's The World's Fastest Card Trick. A great lesson of showmanship packed with loads of laughter for the audience. Now it is a pleasure for us to present an in-depth discussion of this trick by the great master Ken De Courcy.

In this manuscript, you will find the complete presentation of the trick by De Courcy, enriched with many different endings that make the trick memorable. The trick is a real comedy of errors in which a spectator is invited on stage to pick a card and then...the fun begins...Everything seems to go wrong while the performer tries again and again to find the card miserably...

★★★ $15
Devin Knight
The $1000 Dollar A Day Show Plan by Devin Knight

This is ebook #3 in Devin's "Marketing For Magicians Series".

[Note: This plan may work to a limited degree world-wide. It is best suited for the USA market where there is an abundant of these venues. Non USA buyers may not have the same success that performers in the USA will have with this program. Please take that into consideration before you purchase this plan.]

"Mr. Knight delivers an interesting and practical approach to earning income as a working magician and mentalist. The material here is well-researched and presented. It's a lean, mean read, and a very good value for the money. Well worth a look." -D. Ulin

"I thoroughly enjoyed Devin's last two books on marketing that covers SEO and Facebook marketing, but this book wins the Gold Medal! He teaches how performers can literally start booking shows right now in a market even I was unaware of! And Devin was being conservative...

★★★★★ $25
Dr. Bill Cushman
Dr. Bill's Bend by Dr. Bill Cushman

As seen on Steve Cohen's 2 hour feature television special, "LOST MAGIC DECODED" aired on The History Channel, October 18th, 2012!

"I chose to perform "Dr. Bill's Bend" on my television special because I needed a pendulum routine with a distinct ending. My studio audience loved this routine, and so did I. Perhaps I should add it to my live shows at the Waldorf-Astoria? It's that strong." - Steve Cohen, The Millionaires' Magician

Imagine using a simple pendulum made from a piece of ribbon and a key (these can all be borrowed) to teach an entire audience to focus their mental powers...

★★★★★ $35
Dr. Bill Cushman
The Dr's Billet Tear by Dr. Bill Cushman

"I use my own Perfected Center Tear all the time. But I have to tell you this; I use a piece of paper from my pad. When I saw how clean Bill's version looked with a business card, I had to learn it too. It is smart to have a variety of methods at your disposal. Dr. Bill's Billet Tear is top notch and as good as it gets. If it means anything from a guy who has been ripping paper up for most of his life, take my advice and get this!" - Richard Osterlind

What should you look for in a Center Tear? As little as possible! On that note:

"Here's a word I think describes the pinnacle of...

Dee Christopher
Plastic: close-up psychometry by Dee Christopher

Plastic allows you to perform the classic feat of psychometry in the close up arena with an up to date presentation and a hook that will resonate with every person you meet. The effect plays exactly as follows:

You walk up to a table and place down an unopened packet of pay envelopes. After introducing yourself and meeting the characters that make up your audience for the next 7-10 minutes, you explain that you will turn away and each spectator on the table (or any two or three if you prefer) is to take any of the envelopes and place one of their credit cards inside.

They may then seal...

★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 51 (July 2013) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 9, No. 3, July 2013; 60 pages

Cover: Kevin James

  1. Welcome – editor's letter
  2. Letters
  3. Flukes – article – Christopher Congreave
  4. A Quick Catch Up with … Bob Swadling – Mark Leveridge
  5. News
  6. Pros and Cons – It's All a Metter of Opinion – Mark Leveridge
    • Should you include games in your children's shows, or just magic?
  7. News
  8. Luca Volpe – Italy's Golden Boy
  9. All In Character, Part 2 – Morgan and West
  10. In the Phone Box – with ace world record holder Thomas Blacke – Mark Leveridge
  11. So You Want to be a … Creative Magician – Mark Leveridge
  12. The Twins FX – Flying High (Without Wires) - interview ...
★★★★★ $8.95
(Benny) Ben Harris
Messing with NCR Paper by (Benny) Ben Harris

Magic and science mix to create amazing possibilities with this special paper!

NCR paper is the carbonless paper used to make up receipt and invoice books. It allows impressions to be made on several sheets without the use of carbon paper. And, just like the chemically reactive magic that people have created with ATM paper and Frixion pens, NCR paper also has potential for magical use.

The author established it's use back in 1989 with an excited fax to Jeff Busby. (This document is included from the Harris archives.)

Ben then teaches two routines with the special paper. The first involves a single...

(Benny) Ben Harris
Knee Kracker by (Benny) Ben Harris

Make a bottle of drink vanish by cracking it across your knee!

This is a reputation-maker. The magic just seems to come out of the blue as you pick up your drink bottle, cap it, and then crack it across your knee where it vanishes completely!

Three applications are taught. A formal handling with Topit, a tabled handling and a cheeky walk-around handling for parties when you are hanging with friends. For these latter two approaches, you need no Topit, just the bottle. You can even make a partly filled bottle vanish or pass through a table-top!

1st edition 2013, 14 pages.

★★★★★ $15
Martin Breese
New Sorcerer by Martin Breese

This is quite an unusual magic magazine. It ran from March 1992 to January 1994 with only 6 issues, but it was from the start planned that way. Each issue was formatted along the lines of another famous magazine from the past.

Martin Breese writes in his introduction:

This will be unlike any other magical magazine ever published, in that each issue will reproduce the format, some of the contents, and the covers of a different magical magazine from the past.

Included in the lineup are Pentagram, The Magic Wand, Wizard, Max Andrews' Magic Magazine, Routine, The Wizard (Selbit).


  • Issue 1 (Pentagram)
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 6 by Aldo Colombini


  • MATCHED SPELLOUT (Ken de Courcy): A card is selected (say the Ace of Hearts) and spelled. In the process four packets are dealt and the four Aces appear. Can be done in any language. Strong routine.
  • JOKERS ALL (Ravelle and Andreé): You show three jumbo sized Jokers. A spectator picks a card from a deck and one of the Jokers is selected. This changes into a duplicate of the selected card.
  • SPOTTED (Ravelle and Andreé): A card is freely selected among six jumbo cards. This card is the only one having a big spot on its back.
  • PURE COINCIDENCE (Ulrich Keuler): A selected card appears in the...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Magigram: 10 effects from volume 5 by Aldo Colombini


  • LASSOED (Les Woodcock): Three cards are selected. A piece of ribbon is placed into a bag with the deck. The ribbon is removed and now it has lassoed the three selected cards.
  • THREE-WAY OPENING (Arthur Carter): Three big cards are shown with different geometric designs. A spectator picks one (free selection) and you show you have predicted it.
  • THE FOUR ACES (Mark Weston): An Ace assembly where three cards are placed onto each Ace and the Aces disappear and reappear in one packet.
  • THE CERTAINTY (Ravelle and Andree): You guess the name of a freely selected card.
  • PUT AND TAKE (...
Benedykt Krajdener
Fascinating Gambling From the World of Imagination by Benedykt Krajdener

This routine is done from a shuffled deck, under fire, and on the spot. You will never have to remember more than five words at one time so you can talk and you can concentrate on your presentation. There is only one condition – you must know Benedykt's mnemonic system from Her Majesty the Magic of Cards.

  • The deck is shuffled and can be borrowed.
  • There is no sleight of hand, deck switches or prepared cards.
  • You can be surrounded by spectators, there are no false moves.
But even under those conditions you will be able to
  • Seperate face up cards from face down cards with closed eyes
  • Do very unusual poker deals...
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 2, Issue 6 (Jun - Aug 2013) by Solyl Kundu

This final issue of volume two of TGM is full of "meats" - please read the following and judge for yourself. It must have set a record by including articles from the pen of three past IBM Int'l Presidents - Don Wiberg, Jep Hostetler and Ray Mangle - simply a prestigious issue!

The contents are …

  • Let's have a chat - here in this space TGM openly discuss its success, failures, good or bad and everything - even a scoop is here in this issue.
  • Past Glory of India - SN Dey - the generous magician is the profile LK Roy sketched in this issue. ...
George Marchese
Master Mental System by George Marchese

From the introduction:

I like to read old magic books. Many times you can find real treasure within their pages. When I found the following old and anonymous manuscript I was simply stunned! It outlined a complete two people first class mental act. The "no words" code used is really easy and useful. It permits to transmit very detailed infos to the "medium", as you will see reading the manuscript. This manuscript was published about a century ago and I think that the mental routine that it contains should be known to modern generations of magic enthusiasts. So here it is...I hope you like...

★★★★ $7
Devin Knight
Blindsight: the original by Devin Knight

One of the most talked about effects at the 2006 Mindvention. It virtually fooled anyone who saw it. Since then over 5000 copies of Blindsight have been sold world-wide. It has become a classic of mentalism and used by some of the biggest names in mentalism. In fact, one performer was able to book a $10,000 gig by performing this one trick alone for the decision maker! Yes, Blindsight is that good.

This routine is now available in a Do-It-Yourself PDF and can be easily made up in a few minutes.


Performer patters that Blindsight is the apparent ability to see colors and shapes...

Dee Christopher
Pasteboard Duet by Dee Christopher

The Gambler's Peek

This is a simple, impromptu utility move that allows you to know the value of a freely selected card while you square up the face down deck. This move is completely invisible, yet very powerful. This move is taught from multiple angles and an easy card control is also taught to get the selection into the correct position.


Chance is an effect in which you will show your powers of influence over a spectator's decision. This is the perfect opener for a card mentalism set at a table. The premise is very simple, you remove a black card and a red card from the deck...

★★★ $6
Ken de Courcy
Patently Obscure by Ken de Courcy

A complete 7-minute act or interlude of crazy inventions with easily obtainable props. Complete with patter and full presentation. Funny! Unusual! With a laugh in every line.

A special supplement is included with full details of a smashing attache-case vanish of all the props used. Easy to make, you can gimmick any case in 10 or 15 minutes.

1st digital edition 2013, 11 pages.

★★★★★ $14
Paul A. Lelekis
Assemblies and 4-Ace Tricks by Paul A. Lelekis

"Paul has a great eye for a good trick. He also has a knack for combining and varying existing ideas. His enthusiasm is infectious! His latest e-book, "Assemblies & 4-Ace Tricks" contains 13 great items, very well described and including Paul's humorous patter. This booklet is a winner! Press "BUY" now. You won't be disappointed!" - Mike Powers

"Assemblies and 4-Ace Tricks is an entertainers gem from a magician who has been in the real world for decades creating wonders for paying customers! Paul is offering his pet card effects -- one which he has kept underground for years. Here you...

★★★★★ $21.95
Lee Asher
Catch 33: Three Card Monte by Lee Asher

"Much more than a mere gambling expose, Catch 33 is almost an act in itself! Twenty-first Century magic needs more brains like yours." - Guy G.

3 cards. 2 of them lose. 1 wins.

"..simple! "... Or so your audience thinks.

Each time he plays the game with you, your spectator falls into subtle traps you've set. He receives an authentic lesson on the con game that is not a game at all. Using beautifully choreographed sequences, you continually manipulate your spectator into choosing the wrong card. He just can't help himself.

Perform this routine surrounded; at a restaurant, trade...

★★★★★ $6
Werner Miller
E-Z Square 6 (German) by Werner Miller

In diesem EBuch verbessert und vereinfacht Werner Miller einige seiner alten Routinen. Z.B. eine Geburtstagsquadrat Routine, einen Effekt mit einem Massband und Magische Quadrate mit Karten.

Als Bonus gibt es Magische Quadrat Rätsel.

Erstausgabe 2013; 15 Seiten.

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