This is the largest collection of U. F. Grant illusions and illusionettes every assembled. It took Devin Knight several years to compile this collection. Grant wrote a few books on illusions such as: 15 Great Illusions, Chinese Magic and Illusions, Modern Levitations, Victory Carton Illusions, Grant's Illusion Secrets, and many others. However, most of the illusions in this PDF were not included in those manuscripts.
Over the years, Grant sold many manuscripts that just contained one illusion along with building plans in most cases. (Some of these were released by Percy Abbott in his catalog without credit to U. F. Grant.) This compilation is a collection of those plans released by Grant and also in the early...
Magic Info Pool war eine Hauszeitschrift für Kunden der Zauber-Butike. Sie finden darin Routinen, Tips, Anregungen, hin und wieder Sonderangebote und Informationen. Die Zeitschrift erschien immer gleichzeitig mit einem Zauber-Brief oder einem Zauber-Programm.
Diese digitale Reproduktion beinhaltet alle 18 Ausgaben des Magic Info Pool.
Erstausgabe 1994 - 1997, 216 Seiten.
Ten completely new impossible bill foldings by Ralf Rudolph. You will get a video that describes how each and every bill is correctly folded. And you also get a PDF (download from your digital shelf), which gives you the cut pattern and shows a photo of the finished folded bill.
1st edition 2017, length 41 min, PDF 10 pages
A silent film record of Dai Vernon's visit to Britain in 1958.
If you have only read about the Professor Dai Vernon but never seen him in real life, then here is your chance for a glimpse into what he was like. You will see him sightseeing and you will see him perform several of his feature routines such as the Symphony of the Rings, card production, color change, wand spin vanish and more.
"Top Routine. Bravo!" - Roland Henning, Zaubertheater Lübeck, und Inhaber von weeklymagicfailure.blogspot.deEFFEKTBESCHREIBUNG
Der Mentalist gibt eine Vorhersage zur Aufbewahrung ins Publikum. Nun mischt ein Zuschauer fünf Umschläge die jeweils eine der fünf ESP-Karten enthalten und legt diese anschließend nebeneinander auf den Tisch. Die Reihenfolge kann er frei bestimmen.
Fünf weitere Umschläge mit ESP-Karten werden vom Zuschauer gemischt und anschließend den auf dem Tisch liegenden zugeordnet. Er hat die freie Wahl welchen Umschlag er auf welchen legt und ob er die Reihenfolge...
Torn playing cards link together. It is a variation of Cardboard Connection by Paul Harris utilizing an alternate gaff. Photos and detailed description by Lewis Ganson. It also includes Jim Cozzens instructions for preparing the linked cards set.
1st edition 1981, 16 pages; PDF 17 pages.
At last, here is a new illusion effect and one that any performer may own. Yet, here is an illusion which will compete with the best of them and it will not cost you several hundred dollars to own it or even a tenth of that. In my opinion this is more effective than the Interlude Illusion at a fraction of the cost.
EFFECT: Setting at the center of the stage are four chairs, in a row facing the audience. There is a space between the two center chairs wide enough for the performer to walk through. A girl assistant is then placed in a reclining position across the seats of the four chairs....
A complete Gambler Expose act.
PDF 25 pages.
Mental Magic, Close-Up, Ropes, Money, Handkerchief, Cards, Stage and TV Tricks, Novelty Magic, and Behind the Curtain (tips on presentation, business, etc.)
A four-act spirit seance in a box.
A bell placed in the cabinet rings out answers to questions. A handkerchief takes on life and moves about the cabinet, even flying outside it. A pair of slates reveals an answer to a thought-of question.
And now for the finale! A committee of spectators seals three blank sheets of paper inside a glass fruit jar. The jar is placed in the cabinet, in plain sight, with a fountain pen and bottle of ink. When the paper is removed by the committee, it's discovered that the spirits have accurately predicted the outcome of a pair of previous tests.
To top...
Hier lernen Sie eine Methode um ein komplettes Kartenspiel inklusive der Cellophanfolie in eine unbehandelte Flasche zu bringen.
Diese Methode ist für größere Flaschenöffnungen geeignet (Mündungsöffnungen ab ca. 5 cm).
Anmerkung: Diese Anleitung eignet sich für Anfänger in Sachen Herstellung der unmöglichen Flaschen. Seit Jahren bringe ich Kartenspiele inklusive Folie in Weinflaschen und Gallonen. Dabei Arbeite ich allerdings mit einer komplett anderen Methode da die hier beschriebene Methode 'nur' für breitere Öffnungen geeignet ist.
Erstausgabe 2017, 9 Seiten.
This ebook covers a wide variety of stand up, close up, and stage magic from the brilliant mind of Peter Warlock. Mentalism, Cards, Silks, Rope, Ball and Cone, and more.
128 pages; PDF 79 pages.
In a row on a tray stand five differently colored tissue paper bags. Two members of the audience are invited to participate in a little game. Each of the tissue paper bags has been screwed over at the top. Four of the bags, states the magician, contain crumpled pieces of paper. The fifth one contains something of value. The bags can be examined without actually being opened. They can be shaken and held to the light. Sure enough, something is seen and heard inside each of them. A taper is lit. The audience are asked to nominate one of the bags. The bag is lifted and caught on fire, when it dramatically...
Whether you perform on the stage, platform, or for more intimate audiences, there's sure to be something you can use in this terrific ebook. The author and his friends, including Edward Saint, provide a plethora of entertaining illusions and mysteries that you'll be proud to perform.
We liked the original book, but felt the editing left something to be desired. Now with a modern face lift, these effects are ready to amaze your audiences. Includes a mix of straight and comedic magic involving cards, rope, silks, an escape, a livestock appearance that's as nice as anything you can buy from...
Here is famous stage magician John Calvert's own, easy to do, Magic Memory System for memorizing from 20 to 40 words or objects.
Presented as a stage or platform demonstration, you are able to memorize and recall the words as rapidly as called by the audience.
From 20 to 40 numbers are shown on a wipe-erase whiteboard (or blackboard). Each spectator designates a number and a word. Note that the objects need not be called in sequence. When the board is filled, the performer - with the board out of his sight - repeats the words forwards and backwards. The mental marvel is also able to recall the word...
Tired of just learning a bunch of tricks from books and videos? Now you will learn a terrific show that has three superb full-scale routines, all expertly spliced together by the author to produce an amazing close-up show. Whether you are performing for money, or at a party, or a gathering of any will now, always be ready to perform with these monster effects. Don't let the low price fool you. Plus a Bonus is included that has many different uses.
Video included with this e-book.
1) PASTEBOARD PRISON - This beautiful, colorful routine has many roots by Marlo, Mike Skinner, Alan Ackerman, Jim Surprise, and...
This is a two book series teaching principles and philosophy to bring you magic to the next level.
The first book analyzes secrets of Derren Brown, David Blaine and Penn & Teller's success and breaks them down into 13 powerful principles you can start applying to your magic now.
Here's what you'll learn in Secrets of Superstar Magic:
EFFECT: A spectator shuffles a packet of number cards as much as he wants and deals through it to create a random number. Then, he deals through a blue-backed deck of playing cards (in which the magician put a red-backed prediction) and stops at his number. Let's say his card is the 7 of Clubs. Unbelievably, the red-backed prediction is the 7 of Clubs!
NB: The deck is always dealt face-up. Self-working. Happens in the hands of the spectator. Examinable. Quick reset. No gaff. Uses one regular deck and one red-backed card only. Includes a handling to perform it anytime during your act with...
Conradi Seiltrick: Ein Zuschauer zerschneidet ein 6-7 Meter langes Seil in der Mitte. Die beiden einwandfrei als zerschnitten vorgezeigten Hälften werden zusammengeknotet. Der Knoten verschwindet langsam und sichtbar. Das Seil...
16 routines sul tema del lie detector
In questo libro troverai effetti su un solo tema, quello classico del Lie Detector (o Macchina della Verità). In parole povere tutti i giochi sono basati sul fatto che a domande del prestigiatore lo spettatore può rispondere con il vero o il falso e nonostante questo, l'esecutore (tu) riesce sempre e comunque a trovare la carta scelta.
Eccol l'elenco delle routines:
BUGIARDO: Una carta viene scelta e ritrovata anche se lo spettatore tenta di depistare il mago con affermazioni che non sempre possono essere vendere!
BUGIE BIANCHE: Una carta...
This is a collection of wonderful poker stories, some obviously pure fiction, some based on true facts, at least some of the actors are historical figures that did indeed exist. It reveals a good amount of how card sharps plied their trade, and illustrates many of the local differences in playing draw poker.
The book has been illustrated by Ike Morgan of Frank Baum and Wizard of Oz fame.
Providing the weekday for a given date has never been easier. Day For Any Date for the Million selects ideas from different methods to achieve a synthesis that renders a difficult process absolutely simple. The inclusion of a prop that can be accommodated on the back of a business card does away with the cumbersome and numerous steps that were usually necessary.
"The Day For Any Date is a classic effect that warrants the best methods available. Federico provides them with an innovative prop and clear instructions on how to succeed with accuracy, quickness and ease. The result is a comfort...