On the covers are:
Note: Page numbers refer to those in the PDF files when the collection was assembled. Originally this volume began with page 1.
On the covers are:
Note: Page numbers refer to those in the PDF files when the collection was assembled. Originally this volume began with page 1.
On the covers are:
[Note: Page numbers refer to those in the PDF files when the collection was assembled. Originally this volume began with page 1 and page numbers appeared with page 60.]
On the covers are:
Note: Page numbers refer to those in the PDF files when the collection was assembled. Originally each issue began with page 1.
On the covers are:
Note: Page numbers refer to those in the PDF files when the collection was assembled. Originally each issue began with page 1.
On the covers you will find:
On the covers you will find:
Mahatma, Volume 1, George H. Little, editor
[Note: Page numbers refer to those in the PDF files when the collection was assembled. Originally each issue began with page 1. However, the original page numbers were retained for issues of The Vaudeville and Artist Era.]
184 pages
Larry Becker's magnificent opus, Stunners! was first published in 1992. In 1993 at the Society of American Magicians annual convention in New Orleans, Larry Becker received the Milbourne Christopher Foundation Literary Award for this outstanding contribution to the art of Mentalism and Magic. The first hard bound edition sold out in 90 days at a retail cost of $235. So did the soft cover edition in 1996 at $100. Stunners! has become a collector's item bringing anywhere from $300 to $500 and more on eBay.
After ten years it was expanded so that you were able to delve into the many variations, improvements and...
This is the ORIGINAL! Do not be fooled by imitators. Released back in 2005 (and briefly in 2013) Astragalomancy, the hottest dice reading system for the Psychic Entertainer is back!
Astragalomancy is ...
This PDF includes ...
1st edition 2005; 16 pages.
". . . I have found most uses of billets that I've seen to be painful exercises in self-deception on the part of the performer, as to what the audience finds convincing or entertaining. But when I saw Bob Cassidy do his billet routine for an audience of more than a thousand, those silly bits of paper were reduced to virtual non-entities. By the time the routine reached its conclusion he was on stage, standing back-to-back with a spectator, engaged in what was apparently a full scale drawing duplication - with no billets or envelopes anywhere in sight or awareness." - Jamie Ian Swiss, Genii, The Conjurors' Magazine, January 2005Here...
From the introduction: "Seemingly impromptu mental effects are among the strongest you can do. The apparent lack of preparation is what makes them seem real. But never forget that it is the illusion of impromptu, and not its reality, that gives such effects their impact."
"Impromptu" does not mean unprepared, nor does it refer to the ridiculous notion held by many that to be truly impromptu the effect must be something you can do anywhere, anytime, even if you happen to be totally naked.
Impromptu, more sensibly, refers to the effect on your audience. The effect should either SEEM to...
Robert Houdin once said, "A magician is an actor playing the part of a magician". If this is true, then what character are you playing on stage and how are you playing it? To be an entertainer one must learn to be and think creatively. This 21 page lecture note ebook is about learning how to be creative, think creatively and how to apply direct exercises and techniques to allow your own creativity to grow with the magic that you perform.
Every single person possesses the ability to be creative. These notes teach you techniques and exercises that you can use to unlock the doors to your own...
20 mentalism effects with a foreword by Max Maven. Out of print since 1985. Now again available as ebook.
From the foreword by Max Maven:
There is no question that Stephen Tucker has made his mark on the magic world...and it's about time someone made him clean it up!
The first time we met, I noticed that he had a streak of white hair in the center of his otherwise black coiffure. This gave him a very modern New Wave look, and I complimented him on his clever grooming.
He explained to me that the streak was not artificial, but rather an inherited family trait.
I'd had no idea that...
VOLUME 52 | |
NO. 1: MARCH 1953 | |
The Cover. | |
Bravo, Authors! | 4 |
Ready To Be Tied. By Milbourne Christopher. | 6 |
Singapore Sorcery. By Tan Hock Chuan. | 7 |
The Miracle from Mauretania. By Eddie Joseph. | 8 |
Rice's Tel-A-Color. By Harold R. Rice. | 8 |
Han Pien Chien. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 9 |
Ring Off The Rope. By Harlan Tarbell. | 10 |
A Subtle Disappearance. By Okito. | 11 |
The Stack of Quarters. By J. B. Bobo. | 12 |
My Favorite Bill Switch. John Scarne. | 13 |
Intensity. By Bill Simon. | 14 |
Magnetic Matches. By George McAthy. | 15 |
Magician's Mail. By Bruce Elliott. | 16 |
Queen of the Ribbon Cage. By Clettis V. Musson. | 17 |
Strippers.... |
VOLUME 51 | |
NO. 1: MARCH 1952 | |
The Cover. | 3 |
The Sphinx Awards - 1952. | 4 |
Triple-Squared-Circle. By Birch. | 6 |
Foulard Transposition. By Okito. | 7 |
A Miracle Sleight. By "Silent" Mora. | 8 |
The Mystery Ball. By Billy Russell. | 9 |
A Sweet Trick. By Matt Schulien. | 010 |
Bullet Catching Trick. By Carlos. H. Colombi. | 011 |
A Utility Fake. By Bill Magini. | 12 |
Instant Flowers. By Peter Warlock. | 13 |
Chromo-spheres. By Dr. Jacob Daley. | 14 |
History of Magic. By P. C. Sorcar. | 16 |
An Aid to Telepathy. By Zerr. | 18 |
Singapore Surprise. By Tan Hock Chuan. | 19 |
Psychogony. By Eddie Joseph. | 20 |
"It's June in Miami". By Herman... |
VOLUME 50 | |
NO. 1: MARCH 1951 | |
The Magnetic Card. By Blackstone. | 9 |
Tarbell's Oranges. By Harlan Tarbell. | 10 |
Levante Levitation. By Les Levante. | 11 |
The Robert Harbin Flower Growth. Robert Harbin. | 12 |
The Bewitched Tubes. By Okito. | 13 |
Hindu Rope Mystery. By Birch. | 14 |
The Phantom Studio. By George LaFollette (Rush Ling Toy). | 16 |
The Dunninger Divination. By Joseph Dunninger. | 17 |
Diabolical Die. By P. C. Sorcar. | 18 |
Tah Suiee - The Fountain Pagoda. By Long Tack Sam. | 19 |
Bottoms Down. By Al Baker. | 20 |
The Invisible Flap. By Tan Hock Chuan. | 21 |
The Vanishing Leopard. By Virgil. | 22 |
A Card Problem. By... |
VOLUME 49 | |
NO. 1: MARCH 1950 | |
The Cover. | 4 |
Last Minute News. | 4 |
On This and That. By The Readers. | 4 |
The Traveling Centavos. By J. B. Bobo. | 5 |
The Three Bears. By George DeMott. | 6 |
Teevee Cabinet. By Karrell Fox, King of Korn. | 7 |
Fourfold Slate Prediction. By Roy Cowl. | 7 |
Fun With Cards. By Paul Stadelman: Thought Transference. Dr. Jaks' Card on the Wall. | 9 |
The Sphinx Awards. | 10 |
Magical Utopia. | 11 |
Magic Query. | 11 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 12 |
South American Notes. By E. Leslie Briant. | 12 |
Magic Query Answer. | 12 |
Count Ernest Patrizio and his Magic Wonders. By Milbourne Christopher. | 13 |
Program:... |
VOLUME 48 | |
NO. 1: MARCH 1949 | |
The Cover. | 4 |
Magic in Print: Cyclopedia of Magic. Controlled Miracles. Thanks to Leipzig! John Ramsay's Routines With Cups and Balls. The Card Wizard. Blackstone's Tricks Anyone Can Do. Deux Conferences Sur La Prestidigitation. | 4 |
Card in the Jug. By Geo. Johnstone. | 5 |
Sorcar's Dictionary Trick. By P. C. Sorcar. | 6 |
"Come Black". By John Giordmaine. | 7 |
Three From Five is Nothing. By George DeMott. | 8 |
Exchanging the Pack. By Arthur Buckley. | 9 |
My Innocent Thimble "Pull". By Carlos H. Colombi. | 10 |
The Taming of the Shmoo. By Peter Van Note (With Eric Weinberger). | 10... |
VOLUME 47 | |
NO. 1: MARCH 1948 | |
The Sphinx Awards 1948. | 4 |
The Cover. | 4 |
Tricks I Like. By Al Baker. | 5 |
Variation on the Flower Cone. By David Bamberg, Carlos H. Colombi, and Graciela N. Avendano. | 6 |
Second Deal. By Douglas Francis. | 6 |
Sorcar's Vanishing Lamp. By P. C. Sorcar. | 7 |
Cigar Box Switch. By A. W. Fey. | 8 |
21st Century Card Trick. By C. Steffensen. | 9 |
England's Home of Mystery. Founded 75 Years Ago. | 10 |
Poster: Maskelyne and Cooke. | 11 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 12 |
South American Notes. By E. Leslie Briant. | 12 |
S.A.M. Parent Assembly Show. | 13 |
Swensk Magisk Cirkels Kongress. By Julius... |
VOLUME 46 | |
NO. 1: MARCH 1947 | |
The Sphinx Awards 1947 | 4 |
The Spinning Girl. By George La Follette. | 5 |
The Parasol Trick. By P. C. Sorcar. | 6 |
Improved Bill Tube. By Lestorte and Rowbotham. | 7 |
The Marvelous Blocks. By Edward W. Massey. | 8 |
My Talisman. By H. Ernst | 9 |
The Tambourine Rings. By George De Mott. | 9 |
Animal Container. By Silent Mora. | 10 |
Smile Please. By R. W. Edmanson. | 10 |
A False Shuffle. By Jerry McDermott. | 11 |
Horace Goldin "Saws a Woman". By Milbourne Christopher. | 12 |
Poster: Birch. | 13 |
BIRCH Master Magician and Company. By John Mulholland. | 14 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 17 |
North European... |
VOLUME 45 | |
NO. 1: MARCH 1946 | |
Miracles For Sale: The Great Gizmo Glass. Lighted Cigarette Dropper. Grant's Ring Box. Mortimer's Giant Dragon Papers. Arcuri Vanishing and Reappearing Necktie. Lapelette. Haunted House. Cocktail Shaker. Latest Cigarette Tube. Bone Box and Dog House. Telepathic Trio. How To Add Something To Something. | 4 |
Dollar'n Blitzen. By Al Baker. | 5 |
Lighter Magic. By Milbourne Christopher | 6 |
Some Paper Ideas. By Little Johnny Jones. | 6 |
A Spirit Picture. By Loring Campbell. | 7 |
The Four Queens Mystery. By John Giordmaine. | 7 |
Two Rope Effects. By Carlos H. Colombi. | 8 |
Vanishing... |
VOLUME 44 | |
NO. 1: MARCH 1945 | |
The Famous Crystal Casket. A present-day version of a trick featured by John Wyman. By John Mulholland. | 5 |
Mind Reading Card Tricks. By Al Baker. | 6 |
Frame and Handkerchiefs. By Carlos H. Colombi. | 8 |
"The Rabbit Hat". By Sgt. Milbourne Christopher. | 8 |
The Break. By Hans van Baaren. | 8 |
"The Garden of Roses". By Hathaway. | 9 |
Color Change. By Sgt. Joseph K. Schmidt. | 9 |
Advertising Ice Breakers. By Tom Fitzgerald. | 10 |
Wyman the Wizard. By John Mulholland. | 11 |
For Bibliophiles Only. By Stanley Collins and James B. Findlay. The Waif and the Wizard by Edward Kent. | 21 |
The Future of Magic on... |
VOLUME 43 | |
NO. 1: MARCH 1944 | |
The Cover. | 4 |
With a Bow to Anderson. From notes by Brander Matthews. | 5 |
One Of The Ups and Downs Of Magic. By W. A. Russell. | 6 |
Hathaway Card Change. By Hathaway. | 7 |
Spelling. By Elmer Appelgit. | 7 |
Musical Magic. By San Era. | 8 |
Break-A-Way Die Box Routine. By Tommy Windsor. | 8 |
Dr. Brochu's Flash Card Location. By Dr. R. Brochu. | 9 |
Cards and Envelopes. By Eugene Laurant. | 10 |
Eugene Laurant Dies. | 11 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 12 |
S.A.M. Parent Assembly Show. | 12 |
John Henry Anderson "Great Wizard of the North" | 17 |
Editor's Page. | 20 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 21 |
25 Years... |
VOLUME 42 | |
NO. 1: MARCH 1943 | |
Robert Heller. | 4 |
In The Manner of Heller. By John Mulholland. | 5 |
Easy Book Test. By Gerald Kosky. | 6 |
Invisible Card Reverse. By T. J. Crawford. | 7 |
Telepathic Television. By Hans Van Baaren, M.D. | 8 |
Soldier Magic. By Tommy Dowd. | 8 |
Rabbit Eggs. By John Brown Cook. | 10 |
1943 Show Parent Assembly S.A.M. | 15 |
22nd Annual Show Knights of Magic. | 15 |
29th Annual Dinner. | 15 |
My Father - Robert Heller. By Mary Adelaide Palmer Blanchet. | 16 |
Editor's Page. | 18 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 19 |
25 Years Ago. | 19 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 20 |
Magic Flashes From South America. By E. Leslie... |