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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★★ $39
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(on CDROM)

George Armstrong
Wizard Magazine (1947 - 1956) by George Armstrong

The Wizard was one of Britain's leading magic magazines and was published by George Armstrong between 1947 and 1956. There were 95 issues containing more than 3000 pages. Here is the entire run as searchable PDF, including a hyperlinked index.

It contains 945 effects, articles and features on every aspect of magic from hundreds of prominent contributors including: Billy McComb, Al Koran, Jack Lamonte, Ken Brooke, Arthur Carter, Chandhu, Milbourne Christopher, Carlos Colombi, Edward Dexter, Prince Drakon, Hen Fetsch, Douglas Francis, Lewis Ganson, Louis Histed, Jack Hughes, Roy Johnson, Fred Lowe, Max Malini, Jay Palmer, Edmund Rowland, S.H. Sharpe, Hans Trixer, Verrall Wass, Mark Weston and Jack Yates.

1st edition 1947-1956; 3328...

★★★★ $26
Max Andrews
Max Andrews' Magic Magazine by Max Andrews

This is the entire five years of The Magic Magazine published by Max Andrews. The first issue appeared in April 1952 and the final issue on September 1956. This was one of Britain's leading magazines and, although it was a house magazine for Max Andrews' Vampire Magic business, it was packed with outstanding magical contributions from the leading magical creators of that exciting period.

Amongst the many contributions are George Blake, Eddie Joseph, Robert Harbin, Ken Brooke, Richard Himber, Eric P. Wilson, and Hank Vermeyden.

You will also find a hyperlinked index to conveniently navigate from trick to trick.

A Brief History of Max Andrews’...

Daniel Madison
Collateral by Daniel Madison

Collateral contains 12 new effects of magic and sleight of hand from leading underground magician Daniel Madison. Including a powerful transposing Torn & Restored card, two brand new Color Changes, and what is being deemed in the industry as "the best card blister effect ever."

Trip Signed - Torn - Transpo - Restored
A card is taken from the deck and folded in half. Half of the card is signed by the spectator. The other half is signed by the performer. The card is torn in half and the spectators half is placed in the spectators hand. The other half - signed by the performer - is waved above...

★★★★★ $14
Alan Rorrison
Digital Divination by Alan Rorrison

A new high-tech prediction method. Something completely new.

Prediction effects are a dime a dozen. Let's face it, every week one is placed on to the market and the hype that surround most of them lead to the buyer being let down and disappointed. This is a messenger based prediction effect designed around Windows live and Yahoo messenger that will leave your online spectator dumb struck.

You link your friend to a small sound file but before they listen you ask them to say the first thing that comes into there head. They do this and to their amazement, the sound file that has been there...

Andrew Loh
The Loh of Attraction by Andrew Loh

A collection of Andrew's all time favorite routines. Three card effects which have been in Andrew's repertoire for years. They entertain any audience.

The Sandwich Keepers
Three Kings perform a visual miracle which incorporates the vanishing and sandwiching sequence that will delight your audience.

A card is freely chosen, signed and lost in the pack. Two Kings are removed and held in performer's hands. The pack is shown - their selection is neither on top nor at the bottom. Some gestures, the Kings visually vanished and magically transformed into the selection. The...

★★★★★ $39
Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine by Peter Warlock

The New Pentagram Magazine appeared from 1969 to 1989 - over 2000 pages. This amazing magazine followed in the footsteps of Pentagram Magazine which had been published first by Peter Warlock and then was backed by The Magic Wand publishing company. Supreme Magic then backed and helped Peter to continue the original magazine but under the name of New Pentagram. And it ran for twenty years.

This wonderful magazine was packed with contributions from some of the leading names from magical history. Ted Danson's diary effect first appeared in its pages. Here, taken at random, are some of the top names who wrote...

★★★★★ $39
Peter Warlock
Pentagram Magazine by Peter Warlock

The legendary Pentagram Magazine edited by Peter Warlock appeared from 1946 to 1959. It features superb magic from Alex Elmsley, Robert Harbin, Fred Kaps, Stewart James, Dai Vernon, Al Koran, Roy Walton, Arthur Carter, Leslie May, Charles Cameron, Ron Baillie, Jack Avis, Gus Southall, Edmund Rowland, Ed Marlo, Graham Adams and many others.

Every trick can be accessed via the hyperlinked index.

Now the Pentagram is within reach of all those who enjoy great magic.

1st edition 1946-1959; 1311 pages.

Volume 1
  • No. 1: October 1946
    • Your Fate In A Teacup / Peter Warlock
    • Super Speller / George Blake
    • Cig-Repeat / Cecil Tebbett
    • Tissue Paper Monte / Tom Sellers
  • No. 2: November...
★★★★★ $39
Stephen Tucker
Spell-Binder Magazine by Stephen Tucker

Stephen Tucker was the publisher, editor, illustrator and creative genius behind Spell-Binder Magazine. It ran for three years and had 36 issues and 710 pages. (This does not include the three Special Issues.)

You will find some of the finest close-up magic effects: David Britland alone contributed 40 items, there were 6 new effects from Basil Horwitz, 4 from Jerry Sadowitz, 2 from Gazzo, 5 from Gordon Bruce, 3 from Roy Walton, 9 from Phil Goldstein, 12 from Reinhard Müller, 5 from Al Smith 2 from Bobby Bernard, 4 from Harvey Rosenthal, 7 from Ian Land, 12 from Paul Brignall, 7 from Peter Duffie, 6 from Roger Curzon, 6 from Shiv Duggal, 7 from Wayne Dobson and 109 from Stephen Tucker. Stephen has captured the creative...

Peter Duffie
The Duffie Diary by Peter Duffie

This is a very commercial, practical, and effective diary effect. (Works with any diary.)

You begin by shuffling a deck and placing it on the table. You never touch the deck again. You now give the spectator your pocket diary which he may examine before placing it in his pocket. You never touch the diary again.

The spectator will now create a random date. He cuts the deck – this is a free cut – and turns over the card cut to. The value of this card will represent the month. This can truly be any value. He counts the cards that he cut – this will represent the day. This can truly...

Peter Duffie
Pronto Print by Peter Duffie

A card is selected from your deck and placed face down on the table. You now show four cards that are clearly blank on all sides. These are placed on the table and the spectator places his hand flat on top. You wave the selection over his hand – he then lifts his hand – the packet is spread and a duplicate of his card has mysteriously appeared in the middle of the four blanks. But the image doesn’t last long and suddenly disappears leaving a totally blank card. Finally you drop the selected card onto the packet – again the spectator places his hand flat on top. This time, when he lifts...

Peter Duffie
Vortex by Peter Duffie

You show a set of JUMBO cards (or you can use regular cards) which you mix and give to a spectator, face up. The spectator, with the cards in his hands, now selects any one. This is a completely free choice! No Force.

Meanwhile you have been telling the audience that this packet of large cards contains both positive and negative energies. With a card chosen, you take the remaining cards and turn them face down and clearly show the backs of these cards - printed in bold lettering on each card is: NO - NO - NO and NO! .... All negative!

The spectator turns over his card revealing the only...

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Troublemakers: A Strange Printing Effect by Cameron Francis

Cameron Francis brings you a twisted packet trick that will blow your spectators away.

Effect: The magician displays a packet of six Jokers and asks the spectators if they have ever heard of marked cards. Assuming they reply in the affirmative, the magician continues, "Well, most people don't know how to really mark cards. Especially in a subtle fashion. But I do. And I'll show you right now using this packet of jokers." Noticing two blue backed jokers in the packet, the magician sets them aside, claiming they are "troublemakers". The other four Jokers are shown to have normal red backs....

★★★★★ $10
Dee Christopher
23:23 by Dee Christopher

23:23 is a collection of Dee's latest works, the routines you will find within teach some truly essential methods and moves, the ideal introduction to mentalism, while at the same time adding new thoughts and layers to any seasoned mentalist's arsenal. It includes version one of "Altered" - the highly anticipated coin bend you can PHYSICALLY feel.

This is a collection Dee has kept to himself for a long time, despite many, many requests for release. You'll see why very soon...

Sylla-code: A unique 2 person code anyone can learn.

Morse: A spectator is mind-reader effect utilizing the...

★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson
Two in the Hand and One in the Pocket Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

Routines using the extra object principle.

Three small objects are shown, two are placed into the left hand and the third one into a pocket. On opening the left hand, not two but THREE objects are seen. This is repeated a few times, the effect becoming more bewildering as the routine proceeds. In some versions, the objects eventually vanish or are transformed into something different.

From this basic theme, a whole range of tricks has been evolved, the objects employed being almost anything of such a size that can be concealed in the hands.

This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In...

★★★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson
The Sympathetic Silks Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

Colorful, visual magic - certainly The Sympathetic Silks is a real classic of effects with silk. Performed by most of the old top-of-the-bill magicians on the variety stages around the world, it can be just as big a hit today as it was then. From a program dated 1926, we see that Houdini performed it in his full evening show - he often declared that this was his favorite trick. Chris Charlton opened his show with it; Cecil Lyle featured it; Jane Thurston performed it beautifully in her spot in the Thurston Show and it was certainly a masterpiece in the hands of Horace Goldin.

This was part of the...

★★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson
Matching the Cards Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

When Lewis Ganson asked Dai Vernon what he considered to be the best card effect, he replied that in his opinion "Matching The Cards" would be difficult to beat, particularly when performed for lay audiences. His opinion is shared by many of the world's leading card experts, who have often featured one version or another in their acts.

The granddaddy of this effect can be found in Magician's Tricks by Hatton and Plate. The effect of Vernon's version is as follows:

A card is selected by a spectator and placed face down on the table without the face being shown, then the performer endeavors to cut to the three other...

★★★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson & Rovi
Rovi Reveals Teach-In by Lewis Ganson & Rovi

Al Koran convinced Rovi that it was the easy-to-follow plot with a strong magical impact for which there appeared to be no explanation, that had the greatest impression on audiences. Rovi has followed that dictum with great success, devising routines of his own, all of which are styled to entertain. Those readers who expect to have to learn difficult sleights or memorize long sequences of moves, can breathe a sigh of relief. Rovi's magic is not like that, it is based on simplicity and subtlety.

These are all card effects except one, "Watched Coins" a marvelous coin routine.

This was part of the...

★★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson & Geissler-Werry
Werry's Fantastic Thimbles Teach-In by Lewis Ganson & Geissler-Werry

A Fantasy in Thimbles

Werry was an extremely innovative and creative magician, developing many new effects and founding the famous magazine Magische Welt in Germany (which continues to be published by Wittus Witt). You will also learn about Dean Metcalfe's thimble routine.

This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In series originally published by Supreme Magic Inc. Rights are now owned by Martin Breese whom we thank for the kind permission to reproduce this booklet.

[Get the full collection of all 17 Teach-Ins at a huge discount.

1st edition 1979, original 35 pages, PDF 33 pages.

  1. Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. The Basic Moves ...
Mark Weston & Lewis Ganson
Mark Weston's Continuous Cigarette Production Teach-In by Mark Weston & Lewis Ganson

Cigarettes are banned from most public places. The opportunities to perform this type of magic are limited. Nevertheless the magic is great. In this ebook you will find routines by Mark Weston, Bengt Nilsson, and Luis Gavilondo.

This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In series originally published by Supreme Magic Inc. Rights are now owned by Martin Breese whom we thank for the kind permission to reproduce this booklet.

[Get the full collection of all 17 Teach-Ins at a huge discount.

1st edition 1977, original 24 pages, PDF 27 pages.

  1. Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. Foreword
  4. The Action
  5. Presentation
  7. AQUITMENT ...
Ben Highway
Dagwood by Ben Highway

Three unusual but effective takes on the sandwich plot (Aldo Colombini is featuring the first effect on an upcoming DVD of his).

Order a Dagwood in any Cafe and you'll be presented with a multi-layered sandwich brimming with all kinds of unusual and intriguing fillings - and so it is with this new, ebook - well, in a sense!

Dagwood showcases three card effects, all of which take the basic sandwich premise (a card, lost in the deck, magically appears between two previously set-aside cards) and twists it into ever-more unusual and baffling shapes...

Transmit Disrupt is perhaps the effect which bears...

★★★★ $15
Cameron Francis
Sleightly Askew: Seven Close Up Miracles by Cameron Francis

All of the magic contained in this ebook is practical, real world stuff that is guaranteed to leave a big impression on your spectators.

SPACE AVAILABLE – A blank card prints the face of a signed selection under impossible conditions!

HALFUSION – A one card fusion effect that'll knock 'em out!

HALFUSION 2 – Another one card fusion effect. This time with a signed selection!

INWARD BOUND – A super magical “matches across” effect!

A SMALL WORLD – “Out of This World” meets “Oil and Queens” for one stunning piece of magic!

THE BRIDGE – The Hofzinser...

Roy Johnson
The Voice of Experience Volume 3 by Roy Johnson

This final volume in this 3-part series includes full instructions for two excellent effects; Miracle Divination and Third Dimensional.

Length 48 min

Roy Johnson
The Voice of Experience Volume 2 by Roy Johnson

This MP3 features a number of excellent items including:

  • Cards Across
  • Zoo Quest
  • The Memory Game
  • Happy Holidays
  • Miracle Divination

Length 1 h 11 min

★★★★★ $12
Roy Johnson
The Voice of Experience Volume 1 by Roy Johnson

Roy has been an active performer for decades working in such famous places as the legendary Windmill Theatre. In these three volumes, you will hear and learn some of his classic effects.

On this first volume is included Rocket, Cased, Flash Square, and Matched Prediction.

Length 1 h 12 min

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