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Dee Christopher
Silhouette by Dee Christopher

The spectator is offered the opportunity to create life. It's one thing for a mentalist to read a spectator, there are techniques for age estimation and cold reading is often used to explain traits of their personalities. This is not a demonstration of cold reading.

This is a demonstration of sheer thought reading. I would like you to create a character in your mind, somebody completely different from yourself - make this hard for me! I want you to decide upon, in your mind, several details of this fictitious person.

  1. Whether they are male or female
  2. Their hair color
  3. Their first name ...
★★★★ $14.95
Chris Lafferty
Freezer Burn by Chris Lafferty

The beautiful thing about the effects presented within this ebook is that they are very low-tech. While the current trend in magic with ice may be to use some sort of gelling agent to give the illusion of ice, all of the effects in this ebook end with the production of real ice which can be examined.

  • Chill: The performer asks to borrow a sip of water. The spectator offers up her glass or bottle of water, and the performer pours a little into his cupped hand. Hmm. He then closes his fingers around the puddle and blows on his hand. Opening it, the spectator see’s that the ‘sip’ of water...
★★★★★ $4
Lewis Ganson
The Gil-Gan Swindle by Lewis Ganson

What a lovely, simple, but hugely effective coin routine this is. Although an Okito Box is used, none of the regular Okito Box moves are employed .... there are virtually NO SLEIGHTS involved in this effect! Lewis also gives credit to BOB SWADLING for his subtle idea which is incorporated and which makes the effect possible .... and what an effect! A close-up masterpiece!

A small piece of plastic the size of a playing-card is shown and placed across the mouth of a tumbler. A 2p piece (or USA 5 cent piece) is placed on top of the plastic and covered by the lid of a small brass box. On tapping...

★★★★★ $4
Ulysses Frederick Grant
Floating Light Bulb by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Although the original title of this manuscript is "Close-Up Floating Light Bulb", this is not a close-up effect but a stage effect. The method would not allow you to perform this in an intimate close-up setting.

With the aid of a hoop you let a light bulb float, rise and descend.

6 pages

★★★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson
A new look at the Okito Box Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

In 1911, Okito was in partnership with Joe Klein in a magic shop on Broadway, New York. Joe suffered from indigestion and kept his boxes of pills in a drawer in the shop. Okito often handled the pill boxes and noticed that the lid would fit on both bottom and top and in each case, the box looked the same. He had some made up in metal instead of cardboard, of such a size as to take coins and so the "Okito Coin Box" was born. Since they were first marketed by the Bamberg Magic and Novelty Company, dealers all over the world have manufactured and sold these boxes. Different ideas have been incorporated,...

★★★★★ $5
John B. Pyka
How To Produce Your Own Theater Show by John B. Pyka

A practical guide for performing magicians. This report guides readers through a step by step process to produce a full evening theater show - from script, to venue negotiation, to the closing curtain. John includes very helpful samples for press releases, contracts, sound riders, and handbills. Everything is here to get you started.

It includes the Theatrical Magic Lecture Notes and several unpublished routines.

1st edition 2008, 36 pages; 2nd edition 2011, 61 pages

★★★★ $9.95
D. Angelo Ferri
Silk in Apple by D. Angelo Ferri

Dennis writes:

This is Slydini's version of the Silk in the Apple. He told me he performed it on Cuba television in the 1950's. When he walked through the streets of Havana people recognized him and came up to saying "The apple... the apple...".

The lessons here are the Slydini's approach to handling the device that makes the routine possible, the head, hand movement, which is the same movement he used in his Paper Balls Over The Head, and his Helicopter Card. This routine will give the student a greater insight into the natural mechanics of the hand, how those natural mechanics can be...

★★★★★ $19.95
D. Angelo Ferri
Slydini's Linking Rings by D. Angelo Ferri

Slydini's Linking Ring Routine is a show stopper. Layman love it and magicians schooled in the Linking Rings are puzzled by it. It is everything a stage routine should be, entertaining and mystifying. This 91 page manuscript includes over 100 instructional photos and careful descriptions of each phase of the routine. Slydini's Rings are not 'quiet'. This is a classic conception. The rings are linked and then all the rings are handed out for inspection. An impromptu assistant is invited on stage and a very entertaining interaction between the magician and his impromptu assistant takes place. The assistant...

Scott Xavier
The Princess Codebook by Scott Xavier

In The Princess Codebook mentalist Scott Xavier takes you through a proven modern two-person code. Imagine being in a meeting and having your client pick up any 3 personal items and write down a personal question and seal it inside of an envelope... You simply grab your cell phone and call your psychic accomplice. One by one the psychic reveals each item, exactly.

Now the hard part. Even though the question has not been seen by you nor the psychic, and it is sealed inside of an envelope, the psychic begins revealing precise details about the question.

This done for corporate clients, restaurant...

★★★★★ $19.95
D. Angelo Ferri
Slydini's Cigarette Magic by D. Angelo Ferri

In Dennis' own words:

My manuscript on Slydini's Cigarette Magic teaches all of his major cigarette routines including his Cigarette Fantasy; a production of un-lit cigarettes performed to music. With the exception of his 'Torn & Restored Lit Cigarette', all of the routines employ un-lit filter-less cigarettes. (Either Lucky Strikes or Camels are recommended.)

A study of Slydini's Cigarette Magic will introduce the student to Slydini timing patterns, the concept of performing a necessary mechanic when the mind of the observer is mentally at rest, and Slydini's System of Movement (The...

★★★★★ $19.95
D. Angelo Ferri
Cigar Magic by D. Angelo Ferri

Dennis writes:

Cigar Magic is the result of my investigation into the Cigar From The Purse Routine generally associated with Nate Leipzig (but originally created by G.W. Hunter). I explored different methods including the use of a 'holdout'; which is described in the text. (I finally settled on a routine that does not employ a hold out.) My routine offers a different take on the switch out of the gimmick purse, a new handling of the change over move, producing a second cigar from the purse, and the continuous cigar production that concludes with a production of a bigger cigar. Being a cigar smoker myself;...

D. Angelo Ferri
The Button Biting Trick by D. Angelo Ferri

An unusual effect that is introduced in the manuscript with a cartoon drawn by Chauncey Pierce. Dennis in his own words:

The Button Biting Trick is something I rarely see performed by other magician's, I have enjoyed and benefited form this routine for many years. It is a great way to let people know you are a magician. My original investigations of the routine led me to Malini and Scarne. I have developed my own method to make the effect more 'mentally acceptable' to the spectator. My grandfather was a tailor; buttons are not easily bitten off a coat. The trick rises and falls upon the spectator believing...

Simon J. Lea
Hanging On by Simon J. Lea

A spectator is given a new deck of cards and some clothes pegs. Tearing off the cellophane they open the deck and begin to peg cards onto a washing line. When they run out of pegs, they shuffle the deck and pick one card at random. This card helps them randomly choose one of the pegged cards.

Imagine there are 9 cards pegged to the line and they choose the 4 of diamonds - they would then count along the pegged cards stopping at the fourth card. This card is turned around and re-pegged so that the audience can see what it is.

A prediction is opened revealing the name of selected card. ...

★★★★★ $5
L. C. Collier
Full Circle Rope Routine by L. C. Collier

The magician pulls out a six foot piece of rope, pulls it up in the center and clearly cuts the rope into two pieces. He then picks up the bottom ends, brings them to the top and the rope fully restores. He then grabs the rope by the middle and cuts it in half again. He trims off the pieces at the top and the rope restores a second time.

He folds the rope into thirds and cuts it at the top and bottom. He clearly counts off the three separate and equal pieces from one hand to the other. With all the pieces held in one hand he brings the bottom ends to the top and individually pulls out three...

★★★★ $5
L. C. Collier
What is a Stage and How Do I Use It? by L. C. Collier

This publication is intended to give you a general working knowledge of the parts of a stage and how to use them. It covers stage construction, stage terminology, lighting and cue sheets. This will give you a nutshell version of subjects that would normally take three book volumes to cover.

A general working knowledge will help you present your act in the best possible way. Most of the legitimate theaters require union workers to run the theater. They appreciate it when you know what you want, what their facility has to offer and how to ask for it.

1st edition 2003; 17 pages.

★★★★ $14.95
Peter Duffie
Previous Convictions by Peter Duffie

This is a follow-up to Obscurities & other Hidden Mysteries, which was a collection of tricks that Peter had published in various magazines and in books published by others over the years.

Peter was unsure how a book of previously published material would be received, despite the fact that most, if not all of the material is hard to come by. The reception to Obscurities both surprised and delighted him, and has encouraged him to release this - a second book of obscure & hidden mysteries.

Here is a brief reference guide to where the effects in this ebook first appeared:

Attractive, Hot Thoughts, Bullet Proof, Medium Tedium...

★★★★ $19.99
Ben Robinson
The MagiCIAn: John Mulholland's Secret CIA Life by Ben Robinson

The only biography of the master magician and spy instructor John Mulholland including his work for the CIA.

"John Mulholland is surely one of the most fascinating personalities in magic history. For his work to advance conjuring as a recognized art, he deserves tremendous respect, and no serious student of magic will want to skip this book." - Michael Claxton, Magic Magazine, Feb 2009.

"I can even imagine him up in heaven huddling with Christopher, Houdini, Blackstone and Thurston as they discuss your biography. Their applause is loud enough to be heard on planet Earth." - Maurine Brooks Christopher

"I am an avid reader of books, all...

★★★★ $5
L. C. Collier
A Three Ring Routine by L. C. Collier

This is a beautiful three ring routine with patter, featuring a new deceptive "Gap Spin" move.

1st edition 2003; 14 pages.

★★★★★ $5
L. C. Collier
How to Perform for Kids & Stay Out of Trouble by L. C. Collier

Know their traits and what to expect. Learn routines that work.

1st edition 2003; 21 pages.

  2. TO DO or NOT TO DO
  3. - DO - Be Polite
  4. - DO - Maintain Crowd Control
  5. - DO - Maintain an Energy Level
  6. - DO - Use Audience Participation
  7. - DO NOT - Make a Fool Out of Any Individual
  8. - DO NOT - Work From the Floor
  9. - DO NOT - Turn Your Back on the Audience
  10. - DO NOT - Do Smokes, Booze or Drugs
  11. - DO NOT - Do Blue Material
  12. - DO NOT - Do Card Tricks
  14. - AGES 1 through 2
  15. - AGES 3 through 4
  16. - AGES 5 through 8
  17. - AGES 9 through 11
  18. - AGES 12 through 16
  19. -...
★★★★★ $5
L. C. Collier
Three Way Coloring Book Routine by L. C. Collier

Coloring books are one of the easiest tricks on the market to master. Due to this fact, you can concentrate on the presentation. You can do a six to seven minute routine with this wonderful item. This is a routine that can be chopped down to whatever time frame you need, simply by eliminating portions of it. The routine has mime, participation, animation and imagination, all the elements it takes to perform for children as young as three or as much as ten years old. The more energy you add to the presentation the better it will be received.

Don't do the old lame presentation everybody else...

★★★★ $5
L. C. Collier
Big Ring on String by L. C. Collier

A parlor sized ring with a stage sized routine.

This is a compact ring and string routine which uses some of the most visual moves one can do with these props. For many years I have performed a very similar routine. I used a red cotton ribbon instead of the standard white rope, because a ribbon lies flat on the ring and is wider than a rope allowing for some sequences a stronger illusion.

1st edition 2003; 10 pages.

★★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson
The Hindu Thread Trick or Gypsy Thread Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

The Gypsy Thread trick is one of those classic effects in the same league as a linking ring or cups and balls. A thread is broken into several short pieces and then magically restored into one long piece of thread. Many of the best magicians have made the gypsy thread a feature of their performances: Fred Kaps, Dany Ray, Ricky Jay, Billy McComb, Ali Bongo, Hans Trixer, Marconick and Eugene Burger to name just a few.

Lewis Ganson teaches in detail with text, photos and illustrations the ins and outs of this routine.

This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In series originally published by Supreme Magic Inc. Rights are now owned...

Claude Klingsor
Miracles of Modern Magic by Claude Klingsor

For me personally these lecture notes have been a real treat - something I enjoyed tremendously reading and getting my creative juices flowing. This is an ebook on enabling miracles with electronics. Magicians have always used the latest technology to create their wonders. Claude Klingsor from Belgium has specialized in using electronics to create miracles.

This is a magic ebook for engineers, inventors and tinkerers. The fact that these notes were written in the late 80s means that you won't find any microcontrollers, but that is also the charm of this ebook. The circuits are very easy to...

★★★★★ $15
George Blake
George Blake: The Conjuring Ventriloquist by George Blake

Listen to the fascinating life story of George Blake and use the effects and subtleties that he offers. You will find a range of usable material and routines; each of which has been used and featured by George and others. A happy mixture of magical memories and practical material. Recorded in 1979, short before Blake died.

This is a licensed reproduction of the famous Magicassette and MagiCD series created by Martin Breese - now owned by

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