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Unknown Mentalist
Coin'cidence by Unknown Mentalist... no electronics, no dual reality, no verbal manipulation, no multiple outs, no equivoque, an impromptu anytime-anywhere routine which can also be done totally prop less (if you do not consider business cards or pens as props). Although a variation each is given which uses basic equivoque in one and a basic multiple out in another, the main routine does not need either.

This routine can also be looked at as a 5-coin, no equivoque, self working version of Max Maven's Positive/Negative. Only, instead of the heads or tails option, here the participant is given 5 possible choices, which...

★★★★ $18
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Paul A. Lelekis
Osmosis by Paul A. Lelekis... Paul has updated this effect for the intermediate to advanced magicians with hilarious patter that will get you a stunned audience. You'll love it.

Coin Magic Sleights - Paul presents 5 very important coin sleights that are fully explained with color photos and the psychology behind each one...some great sleights.

Some Really Cool Tricks and Ideas - Believe it or not...this section contains nine more routines, 2 gags and a revelation by magicians Skinner, Jennings, Altman, Lorayne, Fechter, Vernon, Marlo and even me.

These tricks and gags are loaded with very clever humor and...

★★★★★ $12
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The Bammo Tarodiction Toolbox

Bob Farmer
The Bammo Tarodiction Toolbox by Bob Farmer...
Richard Kaufman
  • Completely new and flabbergasting effects with Tarot and Bicycle cards.
  • A mysterious message that Aleister Crowley, occultist and Satanist, wrote in 1947 (and then immediately thereafter slumped over dead), here finally explained.
  • The appearance of impossible poker hands (odds of success, one in over one trillion, three hundred billion, but you beat those odds).
  • A method for stacking a deck in Mnemonica or Aronson order or Stebbins order (or any order!) that takes less than two and half minutes to complete (there is no faster method).
  • A revolutionary new method for marking cards. ...
★★★★★ $30
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Propless Pin Pricks

Unknown Mentalist
Propless Pin Pricks by Unknown Mentalist... The methods are as close to self-working as possible for PIN divinations and 100% surefire and hit all the time. They are even instantly repeatable with a different outcome each time. But then, why would you want to repeat a miracle and reduce its impact? Would you vanish the Statue of Liberty day in and day out? or would you rather let it remain as a once in a lifetime experience for your audiences?

What you get :

  1. A method for divining a 4 digit PIN.
  2. A method for divining a 6 digit PIN.
  3. A method for divining an 8 digit PIN.
  4. A Bonus method for divining a 10 digit access PIN code...
★★★★★ $30
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Think Link

Unknown Mentalist
Think Link by Unknown Mentalist... to have a mobile phone which can search Google. Or you can lend your phone to your participant to search Google. There are no apps of any kind. No progressive anagrams, no math, no psychological forces and no dual reality. No sleights, no pre show and no stooges or instant stooges. No peeks, no one ahead, no multiple outs and nothing is written down. Everything happens in the participant's mind secretly.

This is very easy, very direct, self-working, and as propless as can be.

Update 1 - The owners of Think Link can now download Think Link Ver 2.0 from their digital shelf wherein a...

★★★★★ $18
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Card Addict

Peter Duffie
Card Addict by Peter Duffie

Twentyone fantastic tricks with cards. Comes with several photos for a better and clearer description. If I had to get one book by Peter Duffie, this would be it.

1st edition, 2000.

KICK-START ACES: A spectator locates the four Aces in your deck (without looking!).

SWEET SIXTEEN: You show the four Fours which you point out total 16. You turn one face up. The face up four splits into two Twos. This leaves two face down cards. Question: "If the cards total 16, what should the remaining two face down cards total?" The audience reply, "Twelve?" "That's right," you say. "Well, actually it's...

★★★★ $15
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Risk and Reward

Dale A. Hildebrandt
Risk and Reward by Dale A. Hildebrandt... will get. Most magicians are used to getting reactions of applause and the famous five word phrase “How did you do that?” The effects in “Risk & Reward” leave the spectators with their jaws dropped open in amazement, scratching their heads, and wondering if what you did was real or not.

One Hot Coin: Imagine being able to cause a coin held in a spectator’s hand become hot while using no gimmicks or sleights. Now you can accomplish this miracle. Also included is a version which does use a gimmick and sleight of hand.

Devilish: An effect so powerful that spectators (including...

★★★★ $35
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The Dai Vernon Book of Magic

Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon
The Dai Vernon Book of Magic by Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon

I was lucky that I stumbled across this book very early on in my magic development. It had a huge impact on how I approached magic and how I think today about magic. The introductory chapter "The Vernon Touch" should be mandatory reading for every magician. I would go so far as to recommend re-reading it every year. Martin Breese wrote: "One of the most important books of magic ever written." Max Holden said: "I consider Vernon the greatest man with a pack of cards of the present day." Many consider Dai Vernon, the professor, as one who had probably the biggest impact on magic in recent times. ...

★★★★★ $19.90
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Al Mann on Mentalism

Al Mann
Al Mann on Mentalism by Al Mann

Al Mann was one of the most creative minds in mentalism. Author of over hundred pamphlets with such intriguing titles as 'The Tesseract', 'Page of Swords', 'The Kolophon', 'Acidus Plus' Martin Breese managed to persuade him to make an audio recording in order that mentalists may get to know him better. You will hear Al Mann describe how he first became involved with magic. He details some of his experiences and early influences and describes an effect which is seldom seen today - reading a message in the dark.

Bert Reese is discussed and his methods described. Al knew Dunninger and often...

★★★★ $30
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Fred Kaps' Currency

Fred Kaps
Fred Kaps' Currency by Fred Kaps

Edward Victor's 11 Card Trick done with Dollar Bills.

The details and inner working of this routine have been kept secret since the days of Fred Kaps; before then it was only divulged to a handful of very close friends, and occasionally discussed by Fred Kaps with serious performers. Subsequently...

★★★★★ $15
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Duplo: drawing duplication

José Prager
Duplo: drawing duplication by José Prager

This is an extremely clever gimmick which you can construct in a matter of minutes. You will probably have to make a quick trip to your office supply store, but it will be worth it. This is probably one of the most clever duplication principle.

Just look at the massive positive feedback this has already received:

"Very simple, direct and organic... This could be done in your birthday suit,with nothing more than a marker and one business card and you never peek the card. Got some ideas brewing on this one for double divinations, but for one assistant, nothing more than a good presentation...

★★★ $19.95
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MP4 (video)

Puzzle Mania

Devin Knight
Puzzle Mania by Devin Knight... logical and makes perfect sense. You can easily make this up using kid tray puzzles available in most all toy stores. This effect has previously only been shared in Devin's lectures, but now the information is being made available to everyone.

This is not the standard jigsaw puzzle effect, but one that has a new twist to the plot, and two climaxes. That is right, you do the effect twice, two different ways, and make the child the star of the show at the end!

Here are the effects. The performer shows two duplicate tray puzzles. One is left completely assembled and all the pieces from...

★★★★★ $7
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Secret of Touching Cobras - Without Getting Bitten

Devin Knight & Al Mann
Secret of Touching Cobras - Without Getting Bitten by Devin Knight & Al Mann... books that even mention this trick gloss over it without revealing the REAL METHOD. This is the first book to reveal secrets normally only passed from father to son.

This is a must read for Al Mann fans, and covers the experiences of Al Mann who planned to put this trick into his stage act at one time.

BONUS EFFECT: ROD TO SNAKE - In the Bible and other religious writings, it tells about magicians who cast a rod on the ground and it changed to a snake. Was this just a story or is it possible to do it? The trick can actually be performed and is performed today by some street magicians...

★★★ $9.95
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Anthology of Card Magic

Gordon Miller
Anthology of Card Magic by Gordon Miller

Originally sold in three printed volumes, now combined in one gigantic PDF.

Ever since the Abbott Magic Company started business in 1934, hundreds of card tricks have been offered for sale in their catalogs. As each new catalog was published, many of these tricks were omitted to make room for newer ones ... but like good books, great music and fine art, these effects of card magic still remain classics. Gordon Miller, who has been a member of the Abbott staff for over thirty years, delved into the archives and compiled over three hundred of these effects into this huge collection. Almost...

★★★★★ $12.95
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Learn to Recite and Write the Alphabet Upside Down and in Reverse

Devin Knight
Learn to Recite and Write the Alphabet Upside Down and in Reverse by Devin Knight

Professor Backwards made a name for himself doing these feats on all the talk shows including Ed Sullivan in 50s to 70s. You can do many of the same things and learn how to do them in less than one day. This is due to the special techniques and easy to learn mnemonics I have developed. No more forced memory. The techniques in this PDF will teach you how to do these feats in less than one day. Looks difficult to do, but is easy if you use my secret techniques. This is NOT the old Russian warrior technique, but something much easier and faster to learn. Magicians have been doing these feats since...

★★★★ $5
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Practical Magic

David Robbins
Practical Magic by David Robbins

The tricks in this ebook represent a selection of the best tricks from each issue of Magic Is Fun, a magazine now out of print. Wherever possible, credit has been given to the originator of each trick or its presentation.

Over 100 tricks that anyone can perform with simple inexpensive props. Including...

★★★★ $2.50
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The Assistant Test

Devin Knight
The Assistant Test by Devin Knight

A comedy warmup that always gets laughter from an audience as the magician explains a test he uses to hire assistants.

Technically, this is not a magic trick. It is something that magicians and entertainers of all types can use. It never fails to amaze, amuse, entertain and create laughter. It...

★★★★★ $5
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Gerard Zitta
Ostrakinda by Gerard Zitta... Effect (as perceived by the audience):
  • "Please take a coin, toss it, and watch secretly which side is up"...
  • "There is no way anybody here can know if you lie or tell the truth"...
  • "Now, if you want, you can turn the coin over. You can do it covertly, as many times as you want."
When the spectator is satisfied, you ask only one innocent question, and you correctly guess which side is up at the end. This effect can be repeated identically, with different questions to make it more nonbacktrackable.

1st edition 2016, 11 pages.

Reviewed by Gerard Zitta

Thanks for your review. What you are reviewing is the first effect ("OSTRA")....
★★★★★ $19
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Star Signature

Unknown Mentalist
Star Signature by Unknown Mentalist... Principle and can be performed impromptu or remotely over phone or skype.

This release contains 4 different methods for star sign divination. A specially designed Zodiac Card is included as a printable prop which can be printed in any size from pocket size to parlor size or stage size.

1. The 3 Questions Method - Using this method, the performer can divine the star sign of a participant by asking a maximum of just 3 questions (in some cases, just 2 questions may be enough)

2. The 2 Questions Method - Using this method, one can divine the star sign by asking the participant a...

★★★★★ $18
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Conjurer Dick

Professor Hoffmann
Conjurer Dick by Professor Hoffmann

This is a lovely story of a boy wizard growing up to become a conjurer. While this is not autobiographical, Angelo Lewis clearly incorporated aspects of his own experience and life into this novel. For example, one of his teachers of card sleight-of-hand, M. Charlier, makes an appearance as Monsieur Ledoyen. This was the first book that had his pseudonym, Professor Hoffmann, as well as his real name, Angelo J. Lewis, on the cover.

Interesting for magicians is that every trick that features in this novel is explained. While the explanations are not very detailed, they are enough to reveal...

★★★★ $6
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Best Tricks with Invisible Thread

Ulysses Frederick Grant & T. A. Whitney
Best Tricks with Invisible Thread by Ulysses Frederick Grant & T. A. Whitney

Originally this book was titled Tricks with Hair. Twenty-Six outstanding tricks, tips, and secrets that enable you to perform some of the most baffling effects in all of magic!

What is invisible thread? New chapters only in this edition reveal the secrets of invisible thread and even how to make your own. These secrets have been jealously guarded by top close-up and stage performers, as well as magic dealers ... until now.

Today, U. F. Grant is recognized as one of the most phenomenal creators of baffling mysteries. His original manuscript has been updated and packed with new information...

★★★ $4
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22 Thumb Tip Handling Positions

Hal Saxon
22 Thumb Tip Handling Positions by Hal Saxon

Can we move beyond the basic silk vanish? Can we do anything more magical than the old bill change? Can you improve on the basic salt vanish? The answer is, "Yes!". It all starts with your handling of the thumb tip.

I have almost 200 very magical effects that I perform with the basic thumb tip and people never see or even suspect a thumb tip. The secret to skyrocketing your thumb tip skills is to learn how to handle the thumb tip.

Not a day goes by that I don't get asked about how to match a thumb tip color to an individual skin tone. Everyone is concerned about someone seeing it. My...

★★★★★ $17.50
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Behind the Back Location

Unnamed Magician
Behind the Back Location by Unnamed Magician... or the backs of any of the cards - takes the deck behind his back. He tells the spectator that he's going to locate their selected card under challenge conditions: without being able to see anything.

The magician then, from behind his back, brings forward the deck in a face-down position with one card sticking out of it. He hands that card to the spectator, asks them to name their selected card for the first time, and then invites them to flip the card over ... and it is none other than their selected card. (The rest of the cards could be examined if desired.)

Some important conditions...

★★★★ $20
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Victory Carton Illusions

Ulysses Frederick Grant
Victory Carton Illusions by Ulysses Frederick Grant... some of U. F. Grant's designs and incorporated his advice, you can let your imagination run wild and take pretty much any illusion or illusion plan and rework it to use cardboard.

31 pages

Reviewed by Sam Weiss

This is a really good ebook and every illusion you will want to use. The 1st one that I made was the dog vanish and I fooled everyone. all I have to say is 3 words


Reviewed by Frederic Clement

This book is a must for any amateur or professional magician or illusionist. It shows us how illusions don't have to be expensive to be impressive! These simple but effective...
★★★★ $9
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