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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★ $0
Michael Lyth
Dice Stacking Without A Cup by Michael Lyth

The magician at the table asks the spectator to select a card. You may stop reading now if you didn’t know it was going to be a card trick. But any way a 100% freely selected card from a regular deck of cards is signed by the spectator. The magician proceeds to remove the signed card away in full view at all times and ditches the remainder of deck into a savant/ditch box. Next four dice are placed separately onto the table as they are drawn from the magicians pocket that signed card has not left the magicians left hand and signature is still in full view. The magician proceeds to make...

★★★★ $0
Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof March 2019 by Brian T. Lees
  • Trick Sold / Secret Told
  • Sixpack Product Review
  • Performance Mistakes
  • Point Of Law
  • Cheap Magic
  • Competition
  • Change Things Up

1st edition 2019, 10 pages.

★★★★★ $10
Brick Tilley
Glass Production by Brick Tilley

The production of a glass of liquid from under a hat as performed by Jimmy Haviland, called the last of the street conjurors, in 1986. Includes a video tutorial.

1st edition 2019, PDF + video

★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Amazing Magic Volume I by Paul A. Lelekis

This ebook is the first of a series of ebooks that will "tackle" the intricacies of magical performance with a 'teach-in' of direct venues and many excellent effects. Stay 'close' to this series for a beautiful array of performable magic. This first ebook focuses on ESP.

6 included videos explain the moves.

In this first of a series ... the slant is on mentalism and ESP, a beautiful impromptu coin effect, and excellent card magic. Ever been asked to do a trick and you "have nothing"? Now you will always be ready ... to read their minds.


DIRECT COLLECTORS - This puzzling...

★★★ $25
Sam Sharpe
Neo-Magic by Sam Sharpe

The art of the conjurer.

Neo-Magic is the foundation for all of Sharpe's writing. Sharpe offers great insight into what makes magic magical. Starting with an analysis of art and its relationship to magic, Sharpe explores what he feels is needed for magic to become a fine art. He provides his insight into topics as originality, patter, styles of presentation, program construction, stage fright and others.

From the preface to the second edition:

What I have been doing over a considerable number of years is to find out, if possible, whether the answer to the question "Is conjuring a Fine...

Dave Arch
Magic Tricks For The Visually Impaired Part 2 by Dave Arch

In Part One of this series, you received a proven routine that a blind person could perform for a sighted person. Here you'll find a routine that a blind person can perform for either a sighted person or another blind person. In addition, with the use of five bells, the premise of this routine is based on the visually impaired person's heightened sense of hearing due to their absence of sight.

1st edition 2019, PDF 1 page + audio 15 min

★★★★★ $12
Harry Houdini
Conjurers' Monthly Magazine All Volumes (1906 - 1908) by Harry Houdini

In 1906 Houdini released his own magic publication the Conjurers' Monthly Magazine. It was short-lived and in large part an organ for Houdini to voice his personal opinions and grievances. Nevertheless, several historically important and interesting articles can be found in this magazine.

815 pages

★★★★★ $10
Harry Houdini
Conjurers' Monthly Magazine Volume 2 (Sep 1907 - Aug 1908) by Harry Houdini
  1. Conjurers' Monthly Magazine - Volume 2, Number 1 - September, 1907 - 48 pages
  2. editorial
  3. Robert Houdin's Proper Place in the History of Magic - Harry Houdini - has had the rights purchased to be published as a book
  4. History Makers in the World of Magic - Harry Houdini
    • Ludwig Leopold Döbler
  5. London Notes - Theo. Hardeen
  6. Viennese Notes by Herr Ottokar Fischer
  7. Harry Day
  8. Reading and Rubbish - Reviewing Books and Tricks from the Press Wise, and Otherwise
    • More Novel Notions - Robertson Keene
  9. photographs of magicians [8 pages]
  10. Spirits and Ghosts
  11. Our Mail Bag
    • Alexander...
Harry Houdini
Conjurers' Monthly Magazine Volume 1 (Sep 1906 - Aug 1907) by Harry Houdini
  1. Conjurers' Monthly Magazine - Volume 1, Number 1 - September, 1906 - 32 pages
  2. Salutatory
  3. Unknown Facts Concerning Robert Houdin - Harry Houdini
  4. American Magician Balked [re: Arthur E. Kramer]
  5. Notes From Theo. Hardeen, Our Official European Correspondent [English Notes]
    • On Board the Kronprinz Wilhelm - August 2, 1906
  6. Notes from Our Special European Correspondent - Herr. N. Osey [German Notes]
  7. Death's Roll Call
    • Max Rossner
  8. Reading and Rubbish - Reviewing Books and Tricks from the Press Wise, and Otherwise - Harry Handcuff Houdini
    • Old and New Magic - Henry Ridgely Evans
  9. photograph - Max Rossner
  10. Our Mail...
★★★★★ $15
Alexander de Cova
Coinvelope by Alexander de Cova
"This is new to me. I have not seen anything like it. Your touches make it a miracle vanish. Very clean - very natural. Excellent." - Michael Close

"What a brilliantly simple, devious and clever idea! It is so deceptive, I love it!" - Nick Einhorn

Coinvelope is Alexander de Cova's latest creation. With this super simple (and therefore reliable) gimmick envelope you can vanish a borrowed, marked coin and have it reappear anywhere. The vanish is absolutely convincing and easy to do. The diabolical envelope does most of the work.

The envelope can be constructed literally within seconds, without using...

Jules Lenier & B. W. McCarron
The Dirty Dealer by Jules Lenier & B. W. McCarron

An entertaining close-up effect where you attempt to teach the spectator how to "dirty deal", but always goes wrong when the spectator tries. It gets funnier and funnier, ending with a surprise climax.

Audiences enjoy tricks with a gambling theme. If the effect also combines comedy and mystery, then you have a triple threat combination that's sure to be remembered.

The performer explains how he sent away for a mail order course in dealing cards. He offers to teach a spectator how to do it, offering a money-back guarantee. The spectator can't seem to follow directions, even though the performer...

★★★★ $6
Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant
Improved Devil's Newspaper by Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant

With this novel production, you can pick up a newspaper lying flat on a table and produce a large load of solid items, even a dove, without body loads.

Many club performers would like to do a large production, but are reluctant to carry the large apparatus usually necessary for such a production. The Devil’s Newspaper is the answer to this problem. Although this item packs flat in your case, it none the less, holds a large load.

This is real appealing magic as a double-sheet of newspaper is seen flat on your table. It is picked up and shown in a slow and deliberate manner. Yet, when...

Carl Willmann
Moderne Salon Magie by Carl Willmann

Planmäßige Darlegung und vollständige Erklärung der bedeutendsten Vorführungen der Zauberkunst, ihrer Hilfsmittel und Kunstgriffe.

  • Einführung in die Entwicklung der Magie
  • Die Hauptregeln
  • Der Zauberstab
  • Der Zaubertisch
    • Der Mitteltisch
    • Der Seitentisch
    • Die Beisetztische
  • Die Servanten
    • Die Ansteckservanten
    • Die Stuhlservanten
    • Servanten für Gläser etc.
    • Transportable Servanten
    • Die Glasservante
    • Die Tütenservante
  • Die mechanischen Klappen, Fallen und Pedale
    • Die einfache Klappe
    • Die Klappe mit Übersetzung
    • Die große Doppelklappe für Mitteltische
    • Die mechanische Fallklappe ...
Ralf Wichmann-Braco
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 26: Zombie Schwebetechnick by Ralf Wichmann-Braco

Aus dem Vorwort:

Eine Revolution in der Zauberkunst - insbesondere in der Sparte der "Schwebenden Kugel" - bildet die ZOMBIE-Technik (optisch ist sie artverwandt mit der viel älteren "3. Hand").

    • Zombie-Gimmick
    • Schwebeobjekt
    • Sonstige Requisiten
    • Vorbereitung
    • Routine
    • 1. Die Kugel umkreist den Kopf
    • 2. Die Kugel umkreist den Körper
    • 3. Das Schweben der Kugel an den Tuchrändern
    • 4. Das Schweben der Kugel an einem festen Punkt
    • 5. Das Verschwinden der Kugel
    • 6. Die Schlußtour
★★★★★ $6
Graham Reed
Sock It To 'Em by Graham Reed

A comedy and original "Just Chance" routine for children and adults with several presentation ideas. Very easy to do and to prepare.

Here's a tremendous 'Just Chance' effect; tremendous because not only is the method extremely clever, clean and easy to perform, but the plot is distinctly novel and offbeat. Clear instructions explain how to prepare it in just a few minutes. All the items you need are easily found.

In performance, a neat plastic rod is shown. Attached to this are three colored clothes pegs and three colorful socks. The magician explains that it is his own way to make a gift...

★★★★★ $25
Dave Arch
Magic Tricks For The Visually Impaired Part 1 by Dave Arch

Ever wished you could gain some media coverage for your magic shows while making a substantial contribution to others' lives? Consider teaching magic tricks to the blind. No doubt there's an organization in your area that already serves as a hub for services to the visually impaired. The very concept of blind people and magic catches most people (and the media) off-guard. Yet it's very workable as Dave Arch's experience shows. When you consider the tricks you already know, there are three categories of tricks that work for the visually impaired. There are tricks that the blind can perform for...

★★★★★ $5
Eric Mason
Eric Mason's Pandora (Instructions) by Eric Mason

[Note: These are only the instructions that came with the gimmick. You will not receive any gimmick. However, with the instructions you are able to construct your own gimmick if you want to.]

Walt Lees wrote in the Pabular:

"This is one of the funniest and most startling ways of producing a selected card that I have even seen. In effect a card is selected and returned to the pack. The card can be marked if so desired. A small box is shown; it is circular with a hinged lid, rather like a ladies powder compact, but smaller. It is placed on top of the pack and opened. Out pops a jack in the box type of snake with the chosen card stuck to its nose. It is as quick and clean as that: There is no fumbling, palming or anything of that kind. The impact comes because the card is bigger than the box...
★★★★★ $8
Loring Campbell
Magic That Is Magic by Loring Campbell

From the Author's Note:

I do not claim everything in the pages following to be original, but I do say that every trick and routine in this book has been used and tried by me and that everything here is audience tested and will go over with an audience. Perhaps the thousands of Magicians all over North America who have seen my shows in the past 22 years will recall having seen me perform many of these effects.

This is not a book of card tricks or close-up pocket effects, but a collection of tricks and routines for the performing Magician who gives shows and entertains audiences. I believe...

★★★★★ $15
Robert A. Nelson
Nelson Enterprises Manuscript Collection 2 by Robert A. Nelson

Here are six more, hard-to-find Nelson Enterprises manuscripts for mentalists and magicians.

This collection contains the following Nelson manuscripts, updated and edited for a new generation of performers:

Pulse Test and Blood Control — The psychic entertainer demonstrates how he is able to start and stop his pulse by using mind control. Nelson claimed this method fooled doctors. (NE Cat. #171)

Long Distance Telepathy — The performer has a psychic friend who reveals a freely selected card by telephone. And, to fool the wise ones, the psychic's name and phone number are placed,...

★★★★★ $10
William W. Larsen & B. W. McCarron
A Spook Show in Your Parlor by William W. Larsen & B. W. McCarron

Host your own entertaining séance or year-round haunted house with these frightfully spooky stunts.

Not just for Halloween, you'll be the life of the party any time with more than a devil's dozen effects and stunts that take place around the séance table or darkened room. They won't break the (blood) bank, either.

Newly revised, with over 20 pages of added content, including new methods, attractions and ideas to make yours the most talked-about event in your city or town. Don't just perform magic . . . live it in your own house of spooks and ghosts.

Here's a partial look at the contents: ...

★★★★★ $8
Show Talent Enterprises
Your Break in Show Business by Show Talent Enterprises

You could be the next big star in films, on the stage, or television. Veteran performers of stage and TV reveal all in this must-have guide ebook for anyone who wants to enter the exciting world of entertainment. Whether your goal is to appear on a televised talent contest, play theaters, Las Vegas, TV or appear in films, this ebook contains time-tested advice and vocal exercises to get you on your way, just as if you'd hired your own personal coach to prepare you for the "big time."

This informative ebook also reveals proper microphone technique, how to minimize stage fright and pre-show...

Dave Arch
The Scissors Race by Dave Arch

A little friendly competition between audience members might be just what's needed to add a piece of variety to your show. As two contestants compete in a paper cutting race, the magic starts to happen. Both the contestants and the audience are surprised by the unexpected outcome. Ultimately it ends in a tie. Truly there must be magic in the air.

In addition . . . Dave has added as a bonus another non-magical competition that he used for over a decade to decide who would be given his Giant Balloon Reindeer.

1st edition 2019, 2 pages.

★★★★★ $10
Eberhard Niedrig
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 25: Das Wunder der Jakamimes by Eberhard Niedrig

... und andere Magische Geschichten.

  • Das Wunder Der Jakamimes
  • Die Magische Weltreise
  • Die Sonnenpagode
  • Luzifer Und Sein Schwager Otto
  • Grosse Wäsche
  • Balthasar Und Seine Klosterbrüder
  • Sechs Mal Sex
  • Die Karte Mit Dem "Roten Punkt"
  • Jumbo Und Das Riesengedächtnis
  • Zu Scharf Gedacht!
  • Die Rosenfärbung
  • Die Venus Von Milos In Tokio
  • Radio - Magie (Das Verschwindende Radio)
  • Schnüffeljonny Und Die Lampe
  • Die Schnapsbrennerei
  • Jonathan - Das Liebe Monster

Erstausgabe 1986, 36 Seiten; erste digitale Ausgabe 2019, 51 Seiten.

Will Goldston
Magazine of Magic (1914 - 1922) by Will Goldston

A total of nine volumes spanning the time from October 1914 to May 1922.

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