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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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August Roterberg
Card Tricks and how to do them by August Roterberg

Here is a historical ad from the Charles T. Powner Co. in Chicago: "This book gives, with careful and easy instructions, the newest card tricks and sleight-of-hand yet offered to professionals and amateurs. Not only does this book contain all of the new tricks, but nearly every one known is fully explained and exposed by explicit directions and carefully prepared illustrations. 160 pages, 80 fine illustrations. Price Postpaid $0.50"

I cannot offer this book at $0.50 as originally sold in 1902, but our prices are almost as good as 100 years ago prices. This book is the small version of Roterberg's famous...

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August Roterberg
The Modern Wizard by August Roterberg

Roterberg was a dealer, but he also wrote excellent magic books - four altogether. The Card Tricks and how to do them is an excerpt from New Era Card Tricks. So actually he wrote only three books. The Modern Wizard was his first one. It explains tricks with silks, eggs, glasses, billiard balls, coins, candles, pill boxes and more. Roterberg has a very efficient style of describing a trick. He supplies no patter or other fluff, but still manages to explain a trick thoroughly. He packs 68 tricks or methods into merely 120 pages. He closes his book with the chapter "The Art of Magic" where Roterberg gives a crash course in how to be a good magician....

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August Roterberg
Latter Day Tricks by August Roterberg

This book is the continuation of The Modern Wizard; same format almost same number of pages and same style. For example the 'handkerchief productions' are continued with methods twelve, thirteen fourteen, fifteen and sixteen. You will find many interesting plots with eggs, glasses, coins, silks, tubes, plates, flowers, nest of boxes, ...

1st edition, 1896; 112 pages.

  1. Robinson's Flying Handkerchiefs
  2. The Improved Soup Plate and Handkerchief Trick
  3. First Method
  4. Second Method
  5. Third Method
  6. Fourth Method
  7. The Four Soup Plates and Handkerchiefs
  8. The Handkerchief Coloring Trick
  9. Handkerchief Productions,...
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Audley V. Walsh & John Scarne
Three Card Monte: John Scarne explains why you can't win by Audley V. Walsh & John Scarne

This is a treatise on the sucker effects of the Three Card Monte. It starts with an intro by Nate Leipzig, includes a definition of gambling terms and goes on to explain moves, routines and schemes to work the Three Card Monte. John Scarne was a master in performing and demonstrating this sucker effect. Learn everything about it in this digital reproduction, either to be aware of the various ways this can be played and thus be protected, or to learn to perform it for entertainment purposes.

From the preface by Nate Leipzig:

For those who are not acquainted with Mr. John Scarne, I wish to say that...

★★★★ $5
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Audley V. Walsh
Sponge Ball Manipulation by Audley V. Walsh

Audley Walsh teaches you two wonderful routines including script ("The big bad wolf and the three little pigs" and "Time marches onward") plus a set of sponge ball moves. He uses a bell which he and the spectator ring several times during the routine. This is a very interesting idea for misdirection as well as camouflaging moves and palms.

The moves you will learn are

  • finger palm or finger pinch
  • finger pinch with two sponge balls
  • pick up
  • ring the bell
  • thimble move
  • sleeving
  • lapeling

1st edition 1936 8 pages; revised and enlarged 1940; original 12 pages; PDF 17 pages.

★★★★★ $7
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Audley V. Walsh
Dice Dexterity by Audley V. Walsh

From the introduction

While some of the sleights are not new, many improvements have been made. Too, many of the ideas incorporated in this book are Audley's own brain children and have never seen the light of print before.


Let it be known that dice stacking and dice manipulation have been used and known to the world's greatest dice men in gambling casinos for hundreds of years. Here is your chance to learn and do the feats which have made them legendary for their skill.

Magic dice. They stack up, vanish, appear, grow larger, shrink smaller, and act in general like they were...

★★★★ $2.50
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Audley V. Walsh
Dice Dexterity (used) by Audley V. Walsh

Softcover stapled, 1953 Tannen. For details on contents see the digital edition.

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Audley V. Walsh
Rackets are my Racket by Audley V. Walsh

We are proud to reintroduce this rare manuscript of Audley Walsh's gambling exposé, which also includes a number of the author's card effects that make a perfect ending to the lecture.

Contains the "meat" of his now-famous lecture, including a brief biography; how he developed and organized the lecture; gives an excellent summary on the origin and history of playing cards; plus six excellent, illustrated card effects and sleights to present:

  • The Mystic 32 Card Trick
  • Any Name Called For
  • Rubber-Fingered Charlie
  • Use My Deck!
  • Blackjack Peek
  • Three Card Monte with Paper Clip
  • The Magnetic...
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Atlas Brookings
The Real Thing by Atlas Brookings

What do other Mentalists think?

"At last a routine where you really are doing what you claim! This is a fantastic concept that Atlas has expanded greatly. It has the feeling of real mentalism because it IS real mentalism." - Marc Paul

"Page seven of your manuscript is worth whatever you end up charging for it." - Dave Arch

"I really enjoyed 'The Real Thing'...The core of the effect uses pure psychology which is just the ticket. The way in which this has been used to create a nice little lie-detector routine is very clever indeed." - Derek Heron

"Rather than a physical peek, your method...

★★★★★ $32
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Atlas Brookings
The Prodigal by Atlas Brookings

"Seriously, this is underpriced...A vast amount of theory and applicable content is squeezed into this... After I get it all integrated, this is going straight into my naked repertoire... This has a huge amount of information to digest, but it's 100% workable, and Atlas has brought many, many new ways to work with this to the table. I think that many don't use this principle simply because a work this all encompassing has never before been written on the topic. This really fills a previously gaping hole in mentalism and opens up many doors. This is incredibly underpriced in my opinion. I...

★★★★★ $40
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Enthuellte Wunder by Astor

Dieses Ebuch aus Astor’s Feder beschäftigt sich nur am Rande mit der Zauberkunst. Auf 33 Seiten befasst es sich mit ausgewählten Geheimnissen unserer Kulturgeschichte und hinterfragt deren Relevanz um zu den Wurzeln dieser Wunder zu kommen.

Astor beschäftigt sich auf den 33 Seiten des ebooks u.a. mit der Sator-Formel, dem Hexen-Einmaleins aus Faust, dem Buch der Wilden, dem Indischen Seiltrick und dem Fluch des Pharao.

In unnachahmlicher Art und Weise zieht Astor seine Leser in den Bann des Geheimnisvollen und weiß zugleich die Kulturgeschichte der Menschheit ein stückweit zu vermitteln....

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Verdammt Guter Zauberkuenstler by Astor

... und wie man es wird

Wie werde ich ein guter Zauberkünstler? Viele anspruchsvolle Magier haben diese Frage an sich gestellt, doch die richtige Antwort darauf zu bekommen, ist gar nicht so einfach. Astor hat aus seiner eigenen jahrzehntelangen Bühnenerfahrung als Profi eine Antwort darauf gefunden und seine Essenz auf 61 Seiten zusammengefasst. Schritt für Schritt nimmt er den Leser in 12 Kapiteln an die Hand, sodaß dieser am Ende des Buches, eine eigene Antwort auf die Frage: "Wie werde ich ein verdammt guter Zauberkünstler?" geben kann.

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Das Buch mit den sieben Siegeln by Astor

Vor etwa 40 Jahren begann Astor mit der Veröffentlichung seiner größten Geheimnisse in zehn einzelnen Manuskripten, die insgesamt 170 Euro kosteten und nur gegen eine ehrenwörtliche Schweigeerklärung zu erhalten waren. Insgesamt waren davon nur 150 Exemplare im Umlauf.

Die von Astor beschriebenen Ausnahmekunststücke sind nun als ebook zu erhalten. Auch heute noch haben diese Kunststücke nichts von ihrer Wirkung auf das Publikum verloren:

  • SUPRAVISION: Ihr Medium weiß, was sich in einer verschlossenen Kassette befindet.
  • MIRACLE GAME: Ein rätselhaftes mentales Mühlespiel mit Spielkarten. ...
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Die Magische Praesentation: Schauspielkunst und Regie fuer Zauberkuenstler by Astor

Die Magische Präsentation beinhaltet auf 148 Seiten kein einziges Zauberkunststück, sondern sie versucht den Leser in die Kunst einzuführen, aus einem Trick ein Kunststück zu machen.

Das Buch ist in zwei Bereiche geteilt: Der erste Bereich trägt den Titel: Schauspielkunst für Zauberkünstler. Darin erklärt Astor dem Leser, beginnend mit den ersten Schritten auf der Bühne, über das richtige Bewegen, Gestikulieren, Sprechen usw., alles was ein Zauberkünstler von der Schauspielkunst wissen sollte. Wer dieses Buch aufmerksam gelesen hat, wird nie mehr Kunststücke "zeigen"; er wird...

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Astor's Lehrgang der Magie by Astor

Über Jahre wurde von Astor ein Fernlehrgang - ähnlich dem Tarbell Course - zum Preis von etwa 500 Euro vertrieben. In 55 Kapiteln auf 527 DIN A4 Seiten mit über 640 klaren und deutlichen Illustrationen führt Astor in die Kunst der Zauberei ein. Dem Leser wird auf leicht verständliche Weise das Fundament der Zauberkunst nahegebracht. Dabei befasst sich der Kurs mit fast jedem Kapitel der Täuschungskunst, der Psychologie der Täuschung, Improvisation und Präsentation. Astor bringt sein fundiertes psychologisches Wissen und die Erfahrung aus jahrzehntelanger eigener Bühnenerfahrung als Profizauberkünstler...

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Arun Bonerjee
Show us a Trick! by Arun Bonerjee

Excerpt from the Introduction:

Here is a bunch of my creations in the field of intimate type close-up magic, that I have been using for long in my close-up work. In fact, many of the tricks in this book have been published earlier in Abra, and Magigram. However due to repeat performances, these have been further polished, and the articles are rewritten for this book, including these improvements.

  • Introduction
  • Have Faith In Me
  • Magical Strike
  • Thru The Barriers
  • Magical Gambling
  • Flight-O-Disc
  • Vibrations
  • ESP Stacking
  • On Time
  • Floating Match Box
  • What’s In a Name
  • In the Cards
  • Introducing...
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Arthur Watson
Conjurers by Arthur Watson

A very interesting article about early conjuring, conjurers, books and manuscripts. Includes detailed research on how the term 'hocus pocus' came about.

Up to about the end of the sixteenth century, the wonderful was by preference regarded as magical—as the work of supernatural powers, good or bad, but mostly bad. A puzzling phenomenon, the explanation of which was not obvious, was generally regarded as due to the invocation of powers above the natural. Many of the feats ascribed to demoniacal or divine aid are such as we know to be similar to the tricks included in the conjurer’s repertory....

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Arthur W. C. Brumfield
Perfection One-Man Mindreading Act by Arthur W. C. Brumfield

This is the act that duplicates the effects of Dunninger, perhaps the world's most famous mentalist. And best yet, no assistants are required.

EFFECT: Performer offers $1,000 to anyone who will prove he uses assistants or confederates. He states that he will pass among them slips of paper and envelopes on which they are to write phone numbers, dates, addresses, questions, etc. He states he will allow them to keep the slips in their own possession and nevertheless be able to tell what was written. He then passes the slips and envelopes and returns to the stage, asking them to place the envelopes under...

★★★★ $8
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Arthur Toskana
Mysterien des Kartenspiels by Arthur Toskana

Dieses Buch ist in Deutsch verfaßt und ganz dem falschen Spiel mit Karten gewidmet. Es behandelt unter anderem Griffe wie das Falschmischen, Spielaustausch, präparierte Karten und Gehilfen.


  1. Vorwort
  2. Die Geschichte der Karten und ihrer Spiele
  3. Die Volte
  4. Das Falschmischen
  5. Das Eskamotieren der Karten
  6. Das inkorrekte Abheben
  7. Das korrigierte Kartengeben
  8. Vorbereitete Spiele
  9. Karten-Präparationen
  10.    A. Gezeichnete Karten
  11.    B. Beschnittene Karten
  12.    C. Gebogene Karten
  13.    D. Durchstochene Karten
  14. Das Vertauschen präparierter Kartenspiele
  15. Der Gehilfe...
★★★★★ $7
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Arthur Setterington
Il Potere Della Persuasione by Arthur Setterington

P.D.P. (Potere Della Persuasione) è una conferenza/dimostrazione che usa semplici oggetti trasportabili in una ventiquattrore.

P.D.P. è un nuovo approccio al mentalismo che spazza via le ragnatele del passato – evitando il soprannaturale o il paranormale – e lo rende accettabile al pubblico moderno.

P.D.P. è basato sui fatti, non sulle possibilità o le probabilità. Le tecniche utilizzate sono moderne, educative, istruttive e, soprattutto, divertenti.

P.D.P. è una struttura all'interno della quale si possono includere gli effetti che già si possiedono. Qualunque cosa debba...

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Arthur Setterington
Bottled Bill by Arthur Setterington

A borrowed and signed bill vanishes from a spectator's hands and it is found in a bottle with a screw cap, that was inside a sealed envelope.

An Arthur Setterington original that's a sensation ... clean, easy, visual magic that has impact.

The magician draws attention to a stapled envelope hanging from two clips in a nicely lacquered wood and metal skeleton frame, in complete isolation. He requests the loan of a bill a $1, $5, $10, $100 - a £1, £5, £50 - it doesn't make any difference. A spectator is asked to note the number on the bill or he can place any identifying mark he wishes...

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Arthur Setterington
The Power of Perception by Arthur Setterington

PERCEPTIONISM - The recognition of audible or visible signals, transmitted voluntarily, or involuntarily, which reveal personal traits and idiosyncrasies. The interpretation of these signals may be used in a variety of ways by the receiver.

The majority of the effects described, are "mental" items, but the psychic approach has been eliminated in favour of the psychological, and the demonstrations appear to be based on natural, rather than supernatural happenings.

The person presenting this routine, is a demonstrator, not a magician, and the articles used should suit the style of the...

★★★★ $10
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Arthur Setterington
The Power of Perception (used) by Arthur Setterington

Softcover book stapled in excellent condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

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Arthur Setterington
Power of Persuasion by Arthur Setterington

Setterington offers an alternative presentation theme for a mentalist who does not want to perform like a mentalist. Rather than claim you can read minds or predict the future, you are demonstrating how people can be influenced and persuaded without them knowing or feeling influenced.

What is "Power of Persuasion"?

P.O.P. . . . is a lecture/demonstration, using simple items, which can be carried in a brief-case.

P.O.P. . . . is a fresh approach to mentalism, which blows away the cobwebs of the past, eschewing the supernatural or prenatural, making it acceptable to modern audiences. ...

★★★★★ $10
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