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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 42


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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Displaying 1942 to 1965 (of 2949 products)
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★★★★★ $10
Rachel Colombini
Card Carnival by Rachel Colombini

Easy-to-do card miracles.


  • THREE-WAY MIRACLE PREDICTION (Nick Trost): Three amazing predictions you won't believe! Great routine.
  • TEN MATE (Joe Rindfleisch): A spectator picks a card and you find its mate.
  • 2' WAVE (Aldo Colombini): The "B'Wave" effect with regular cards. A selected Queen turns face up, has a different colored back and the other three cards are blank! Everything can be examined.
  • BLANK-MAZEMENT (Rachel Colombini): A deck of blank-faced cards and two dice. The spectator finds the mates of your predictions.
  • TWO BY TWO (Karl Fulves): You show cards two by two and they do not match....
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Aces Up Your Sleeve by Aldo Colombini

Here is the second download DVD with routines using the four Aces as primary 'characters.' Ten card routines with Aces.


  • TOPSY-TURVY ACE LOCATION (Nick Trost): In a face-up and face-down shuffled deck you find the Aces and then all the cards turn facing the same way.
  • HOF-WICH (Cameron Francis): Two Jokers find the Ace of the same suit of the selected card and then the Ace changes into the selection.
  • ACCENTUATED ACES (Paul Gordon): The Aces are eliminated one by one and the last changes into the selected card.
  • ATLANTIS (Aldo Colombini): A card is placed on the table and a selected card is inserted among the four...
★★★★ $4
Eddie Joseph
Premonition by Eddie Joseph

This is probably Eddie Joseph's most proud creation.

THE EFFECT: Anyone in the audience is asked to call out the name of any card. Person naming the card is asked to advance, pick up the pack which lies on the table within its case, and deal cards face up, one at a time until he comes to his card. Assistant deals every card in the pack but fails to find the one he named. He is now told to count the cards in pack and he finds only 51. ONE CARD IS MISSING AND THE MISSING CARD IS THE ONE JUST NAMED ALOUD. The Magician reaches into his pocket and without the slightest DELAY brings out the very...

★★★★ $12
Victor Farelli
Thanks to Leipzig! by Victor Farelli

The cleanest method of passing three freely selected cards from one packet to another, with a borrowed pack and without preparation and a convincing mental effect. Including bibliographical and historical notes on the thirty card trick and a treatise on false counting.

"... a fairly brilliant effect, executed with borrowed cards, will prove ten times more convincing to a modern audience than the most elaborate and astounding feat imaginable, performed with a pack belonging to the conjurer himself..." - Farelli's Card Magic (Chapter VIII.)

"... The conditions under which I constantly perform, impromptu, and...

Aldo Colombini
The Chosen Few by Aldo Colombini

Ten stunning packet tricks. All these routines are performed with regular cards.


  • A SWITCH IN TIME (Roy Walton): Four red cards and four black cards are switched but always the two packets remain in their original colors.
  • HOF-PACKET (Aldo Colombini): The Hofzinser theme using just the four Kings (or Aces) and a selected card.
  • TRANSMENTAL (Steve Pressley): A thought-of card disappears from a packet and reappears between two cards.
  • OIL, WATER & GUTS (Aldo Colombini): Four red cards are mixed with four black but the colors separate. The procedure is repeated, then they mix and...
★★★ $4
John Gelasi
Fit For Kings by John Gelasi

"John's enthusiasm for card magic shines throughout this material, 'Daley + 2' is a gem" - Paul Hallas

"These routines are a lot of fun and very commercial!" - Cameron Francis

In his first major ebook project, John Gelasi presents five fantastic, super-commercial card routines all featuring the four kings and using a regular deck of cards.

With just a little setup, you'll be performing strong, easy-to-do card effects. Some are even totally impromptu, and can be performed completely at a moment's notice! Having trouble finding impromptu effects that you actually want to perform? Look no further. All five...

★★★★★ $8
Victor Farelli
Nate Leipzig's Card Stab by Victor Farelli

In this ebook a detailed explanation of Nate Leipzig's original method of performing the Card Stab will be found.

From the foreword:

In Chapter III in Down's Art of Magic, the editor, John N. Hilliard, describes a similar trick, but it is not credited to Leipzig, and it is vastly more complicated and difficult than his.

In the hands of the Card Master, the effect was really marvelous as all "old timers" who have seen him perform the routine will agree. Consequently, it is with pleasure that we put it on record, and we do so in the hope that it will become popular in all countries of Anglo-Saxon...

★★★★★ $5
Victor Farelli
Master Speller by Victor Farelli

The performer borrows a pack of cards, which, if desired, may be thoroughly shuffled either by the lender or by another spectator. Without arranging the cards in any special order, and without "sighting" any of them, the magician deals four packets, of five cards each, face down on the table. The entire procedure is exactly as if a game of poker or nap were about to be played.

Any member of the audience selects one of the four hands. No force, direct or indirect, is employed. The three packets not chosen are returned to the pack. The person holding the selected hand is requested to choose...

★★★★★ $5
Tommy Wonder
Torn and Restored Card by Tommy Wonder

This is Tommy Wonder's improved version of a Paul Harris 'Torn and Restored' card effect. You truly only use one card. There is no additional card or piece of card that is used as gimmick. You take one card tear it into four pieces and restore it. Of course, there are many little tips and bits of business Tommy Wonder addresses - all of which are lessons you can apply to many other effects.

Tommy Wonder also teaches a very important lesson on putting things into your pockets which will make this action much more natural.

runtime 13min

★★★★★ $5
Tommy Wonder
Cards to Card Case by Tommy Wonder

This is a beautifully motivated opening effect for a card manipulation act. A deck of cards is introduced. The cards are taken out of the case. The cards and the case magically switch places several times. Besides the clever gimmick it is really a lesson in how to motivate the various effects in the performance. Wonder demonstrates how this effect of a deck of cards switching place with its case can be turned into a wonderfully motivated episode rather than an unmotivated series of effects. Wonder finds a good reason for every sequence that turns a simple trick into a story and thus beautiful...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 3 by Aldo Colombini

This is the third volume in Aldo's Nick Trost tribute series. All the tricks are performed with a regular deck of cards.


  • A TRIPLE TRANSPORTATION: Cards are following ‘indicators’ with a stunning triple change/transposition.
  • JAZZ 1-2-3-4 REVISITED: The A-2-3-4 of Spades and four other cards are shown. The A-2-3-4 are placed between the other cards and they vanish one after the other to assemble in one packet.
  • DOUBLE WHAMMY PREDICTION: You remove two predictions. A spectator selects two cards and these are shown to be mates.
  • THE MAGNETIC ACES: Two freely selected cards are used to...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 2 by Aldo Colombini

This is the second volume in Aldo's Nick Trost tribute series. All the tricks are performed with a regular deck of cards.


  • A SIMPLE COINCIDENCE: A spectator selects a card. You spread the deck to reveal a face-up Ten in the center. The spectator’s card is the other red Ten.
  • THE NINES FIRST: A card is selected. A second card is chosen and both turn out to be Nines.. A packet of cards contains exactly nine cards and the last card is a Nine and this card finds the other Nine.
  • A PUZZLING ASSEMBLY: Using the court cards, the spectators separate the four Jacks, the Queens and the Kings. ...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 1 by Aldo Colombini

Nick Trost was a master in creating amazing tricks and routines based on subtleties rather than difficult sleight-of-hand. Here you have a the first of a three volume set based on the card magic of Nick Trost. This is Aldo's tribute to a very creative magician.

All the tricks are performed with a regular deck of cards.


  • ACE STOP: Here is a quick, easy method of locating the four Aces in a magical manner.
  • AMBITIOUS DEUCE SANDWICH: A selected card is buried in the deck only to jump to the top and land between the two red Deuces. This happens three times.
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Pre-Deck-Ability by Aldo Colombini

An unbelievable prize winning routine with a regular deck of cards!

A stunning self-working routine. Three different predictions are taken from a pad of paper and given out, one to each of three spectators. A deck of cards is shuffled and cut into two halves. A spectator cuts a portion from one half, turns it face up, and shuffles it together with the other face down half creating a topsy-turvy condition (a packet of face up and face down cards.) The spectator cuts any amount of cards from this face up and face down portion, turns it over, and shuffles it with the remainder of the deck which...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Tricks and Treats by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are performed with a regular deck of cards. Special guest appearance of Cameron Francis

  • BACK TO THE FUTURE (Aldo Colombini): Five double-backed cards reveal a Royal Flush.
  • H2OILED (Aldo Colombini): Another unique Oil & Water routine in three phases.
  • PENNY PLAIN (Karl Fulves): A spectator chooses where the selection ends up.
  • THE JACKS COME BACK AGAIN (Nick Trost): The two black Jacks always separate from the red ones. At the end the four Jacks change into Aces.
  • LIBRA (Richard Vollmer): A nice routine where you find the selected card and, as a climax, the three mates of it.
  • ROYAL TWIST (Didier Dupré):...
★★★★★ $12
Hugh Miller
Secrets of Gambling by Hugh Miller

This is a great book on the secrets of how to cheat with cards and dice at many popular games - a guide to dishonest gambling. It offers a good overview of the various methods from mechanical cheating methods to sleight of hand.

1st edition 1970, original 128 pages; PDF 82 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Cheating at cards
  3. Mechanical Methods: marking cards, sorts, deck switches, edge marking, daub, punch/nail marks
  4. Strippers: types of strippers, Vernon's "Bathroom Strippers"
  5. Locaters: short, corner shorts, thick cards, long cards, ridge/breather crimps
  6. Holdouts: Kepplinger...
★★★★ $5
Kyle MacNeill
Be by Kyle MacNeill

Be is the latest ebook from creative young magician Kyle MacNeill, and contains 7 commercial card effects, 2 new sleights, and one troubleshooting idea. It is 6 months in the making, and also contains a cool new principle of magic.

From the Intro:

Don’t you just love it when an idea, a spark of interest, a breakthrough just materialises in your mind, for you to pick up, expand, and stretch into something amazing? My idea was fashioned when in a Chemistry class.

One minute you are half – listening to the complex and uninteresting audio, which almost is depicted internally as a haze...

Aldo Colombini
Fifty-Two by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are performed with a regular deck of cards. Ten incredible effects with a special guest appearance by Cameron Francis.


  • PARADOXICAL PAIRS (Nick Trost): You place twelve pairs of cards on the table. The spectator selects the only two matching pairs. No force.
  • VOISINAGE (Didier Dupré): Two face-up Jokers and four face-down Queens between them. A spectator names any Queen (free choice) and eliminates the other three cards from the packet. The remaining Queen is the selection.
  • TEXAS MIX (Aldo Colombini): A card is freely selected. You reveal three mates of the selected card and, as...
★★★★★ $12
Cameron Francis
Card Trail by Cameron Francis

"Five terrific routines and a great full deck false cut plus video demos of them all... what more could you want?" - Stephen Tucker

"Providence is my new favorite sandwich trick!" - Raphael Czaja

"Cameron's best Ebook yet!" - Kyle MacNeill

"I have most of Cameron's e-books and this is one of my favorites!" - Jeff Prace

"Another great set if of effects from a very creative mind." - Rus Andrews

"(A) great a set of notes... Thumbs up!" - Ollie Mealing

Cameron's best ebook yet! Five effects and one in-the-hands false cut. Jaw dropping card magic that's big on impact and easy on the knuckles. Fun plots and novel...

★★★★ $27.50
(Benny) Ben Harris
Silent Running 3 by (Benny) Ben Harris

Silent Running 3 picks up where the second volume, Run Silent, Run Deep, left off: That is, it is brimming full of novel applications of both the CrossRoads and Silent Running principles. You need to be familiar with these procedures (as taught fully in the first two volumes of the trilogy).

Part One of this finale jumps in at the deep end with some stunning and clever contributions. Novel ideas including making an “X” appear on the back of any “thought-of card” (a card generated by having the spectator create a card in his head via the SR process) or applying the SR principle to gospel magic or Ten...

★★★★ $5
Burling Hull
Sealed Mysteries by Burling Hull

This is one of the earliest publications which has Burling Hull's Svengali deck described. Hull called it originally the "Cards Mysterious". Even in this early publication he complains about unauthorized copies being sold by unscrupulous dealers. A hundred years later and nothing has changed. We still have magic retailers and manufacturers producing and selling illegal and unauthorized copies of magic products.

One thing has changed though over the last 100 years - the use of Bicycle cards. Hull writes:

One of the objections to the trick is that the design of the backs are that of Bicycle...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Melting Pot by Aldo Colombini

The ultimate assembly!

Four Kings are placed on the table and three cards are placed onto them. The first King vanishes and now you have two Kings in the second packet. They vanish and you now have three Kings on the third packet. They vanish and in the fourth packet you have….the four Aces! The Kings are found on top of four other packets!

★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
On the Cards by Aldo Colombini

Routine with cards that you will use. Includes Aldo's famous Jumbo Coincidence with a cut in half packet of jumbo cards. Special guest appearance by Cameron Francis who performs his two effects.

  • ACES UP (Lin Searles): The four Aces are lost in the deck and they reappear on top.
  • LOST AND FOUND (Nick Trost): You find a selected card under impossible conditions after the spectator shuffles the deck.
  • JOKER DILEMMA (Aldo Colombini): A card matches your prediction and the whole deck turns out to be all Jokers.
  • CARD LIE SPELLER (Marty Kane): One of the best versions of the 'Lie Detector' theme.
★★★★★ $10
Dr. Bill Cushman
Telephone Bill by Dr. Bill Cushman

Take a bit of “Miraskill,” a twist each of Mirabill and “A View To A Skill” and mix with “Minimal Miraskill.” Between Stewart James, Herb Zarrow, John Bannon and Dr. Bill, you will have one of the strongest effects possible to perform over the telephone.

The good doctor had been seeking a way to perform Mirabill over the phone ever since its release but it seemed impossible. Until now.

Telephone Bill looks and sounds different than any of the above but utilizes James’s original brilliant principle and is every bit as squeaky-clean as Mirabill. Live and in person it is mind bending. But over the phone? Your audience...

Displaying 1942 to 1965 (of 2949 products)
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