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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 102


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
The Card Magic of Peter Duffie by Aldo Colombini

14 amazing card routines using gimmicked cards.

  • A Free Choice
  • Bleached
  • Blinder
  • Brain Sell
  • Clear Thought
  • Ghost Flight
  • Star-Struck
  • Total Magic
  • Printerface
  • Point-Blank Assembly
  • Stund!
  • The Universal
  • The Vanishing
  • Thunderstruck

1st edition 2011; 26 pages.

★★★★★ $9
Paul LePaul
The Card Magic of LePaul by Paul LePaul

This work by LePaul has become a classic a long time ago. It is a must read for anybody who is seriously interested in card magic. LePaul was one of the 20th century's most admired card technicians. Here he teaches you 31 moves and 21 routines, beautifully explained in word and more than 300 photos showing the master at work.

Paul Fleming wrote:

No one who has seen the program of Paul Le Paul can doubt his ability as a performer; and no informed magician who reads The Card Magic of Le Paul will question that it is a real contribution to the literature of card conjuring.

The "new and different effects...

★★★★★ $9.95
Paul LePaul & Bro. John Hamman
The Card Magic of Bro. John Hamman S. M. by Paul LePaul & Bro. John Hamman

A great performer presents the work of another great performer, and you end up with an ebook of new and freshly different card effects. Brother John is known for his Final Ace Routine, Halucination, etc., but here is another side of his talents. All tricks with ordinary cards, gathered by Paul LePaul (his close and personal friend), edited into a dozen wonderful effects for the enthusiastic card man. The late Paul LePaul illustrated the material.

  • Foreword
★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
The Card Magic of Aldo Colombini by Aldo Colombini

15 amazing card routines using gimmicked cards and prepared decks.

  • Blind Deal
  • Blowing Away
  • Chip-Chip Hooray!
  • Deep Rising
  • In Between
  • Mixed Relations
  • Turning Point
  • Twice Blank
  • Ulti-Mate-M
  • Wild Mix
  • Add-Acadabra
  • Cornered
  • Joker Dilemma
  • The Rubber Illusion
  • Cut It Out

1st edition 2011; 20 pages.

★★★★★ $6
Tommy Wonder
The Card in the Box by Tommy Wonder

Be prepared to receive a good dose of Tommy Wonder's clever magical thinking. Critically hailed as the best "Card in Box" ever created. Tommy shares all of the intricate details of this powerful routine, including the incredible "Two Second Card Fold", where you fold the the card three times into 1/8 of its original size. This is how magic is meant to look.

Tommy Wonder thinks about every minute detail. For example

  • What is the perfect size of the box?
  • How should the hinge operate?
  • What to do when a spectator stares at your hands while you want to perform a move?
  • And many more insights...
Dariel Fitzkee
The Card Expert Entertains by Dariel Fitzkee

A master class on card technique, giving the 19 possible effects in all of card magic, the 16 basic sleight-of-hand accomplishments, and details on what is required to become an expert with cards. The first six chapters alone are a "must read" for all magicians, as they will most certainly provide motivation and (hopefully) inspiration to improve their routines.

Also included is a completely rewritten and illustrated explanation of Buckley's Thirty Card Problems book, including explanations and illustrations of the necessary sleights, supplementary suggestions, presentation ideas, observations, comments and advice...

Lynn J. Searles
The Card Expert by Lynn J. Searles
  • Introduction
  • Chapter One The Psychology Of The Card Expert
  • Chapter Two Basic Sleights
    • The Lace-Through False Shuffle
    • The False Cut
    • The Compound False Cut
    • The Simple False Cut
    • The Second Deal
    • The Bottom Deal
  • Chapter Three Miscellaneous Sleights And Moves
    • Back Palming A Complete Deck
    • The Riffle Cut
    • The One-Hand Shuffle
    • The Weave-In Shuffle
    • The Multiple Lift
  • Chapter Four Tricks And Deceptions
    • A Subtle Card Location
    • Ace Control
    • Jacks And Aces
    • Second Deal Four Aces (No. 1)
    • Second Deal Four Aces (No. 2)
    • A Renovated Trick
    • A Renovated Trick (A Variation)
    • Another Card...
★★★★ $15
Peter Duffie
The Card Activist by Peter Duffie

Auto Hue
Two spectators each select a card from a packet. The selection procedure happens in the hands of the spectators, you have no influence over the procedure. First, the cards separate into reds and blacks. Then the selections magically appear among the cards of opposite colour. All this happens without the performer touching the cards.

Not Wrong
You offer to demonstrate your ability to cut to certain cards with great accuracy. You give the deck a couple of cuts, placing a packet face down on the table. You turn over the top card of the tabled pile to reveal the Ace of Hearts. This...

★★★★ $12
Dave Forrest
The Butterfly Effect: an impossible triple prediction by Dave Forrest


(This is Dave's treatment of Cameron Francis' effect 18: A Powerhouse Prediction Effect.)

EFFECT: You display a deck of cards and begin by telling your spectator two pieces of information:

  1. One of the cards in the deck has had its back altered.
  2. The deck is in a completely random order but for three cards which you have specifically positioned for the experiment.
The deck is spread face up and the spectator is asked to verify that the deck appears to be in a completely random order. The spectator confirms that it is. You begin to deal through the deck, face up on...
Aldo Colombini
The Brat Pack by Aldo Colombini

[A less detailed version of this trick can be found in Direct Hits.

Three strong effects with an unexpected climax. This routine can last for several minutes and although it is very easy to perform, you will produce three strong effects due to the gimmicked deck that you can easily prepare in ten minutes.


The performer shows a deck and shuffles it. A card is selected by a spectator and openly placed in the middle of the deck. A coin is vanished. The deck is cut and on the bottom portion there is the vanished coin. Below the coin is the selected card.

Another card is selected and replaced in the deck. The words WHO IS THE GREATEST MAGICIAN?...

Father Cyprian
The Bottom Collectors by Father Cyprian

From the forward:

What are Bottom Collectors? Perhaps this may be best explained by stating a goal set for working out a version of Roy Walton's "Collectors". The goal was to achieve a clean spreading of the Collectors packet. The means adopted was the addition of three aces plus the three selections to the face of one ace. This is easily done if the six-card stock is on the bottom of the deck. It can be added directly to the face of the supposed ace packet. Thus the name "Bottom Collectors". Another factor that came into developing this approach was that all of the published versions of...

★★★★★ $12
Boris Wild
The Boris Wild Marked Deck Lecture Notes by Boris Wild

Explanation of the Boris Wild Marked Deck + Explanation of the BW Memorized Deck + 5 incredible routines including "Miracle!" and "Pure Telepathy" as seen on French National television.

"The Boris Wild System is a marked deck for the 21st century. It's intelligent, unsuspecting, and it fooled me sooo bad! I love it!" - Joshua Jay

"For an easy and sure-fire way to read the back of any card in the deck, Boris' method is safe and unbeatable. I recommend it highly." - Aldo Colombini

"Boris Wild has created a genuine masterpiece with his marked deck. You can do effects with it that you simply cannot do with...

★★★★ $10
The Book of Thirty-One by Toto

From the preface and introduction:

This book could be titled "The Game of Thirty-One Revisited" because of the various articles that have made an attempt to describe the game. Why then did I set out to write this? First, because I consider the game of thirty-one such a delightful diversion from the "norm" that I want to bring it to the attention of the magic fraternity, and second, because I have many ideas I would like to add.

At the Magic Castle, in Hollywood, the game was first shown to me by Dai Vernon in August of 1980. The "Professor" frequently showed me card puzzles that he had learned over...

★★★★ $10
R. Kunard
The Book of Card Tricks by R. Kunard

From the preface:

In offering this collection of Card Tricks to the public it has been my endeavour to make every particular as clear as possible to the uninitiated. It will readily be granted that practical illustration must be vastly superior to the most carefully-written description of anything which, at the same time, requires both rapidity and neatness in execution; yet it appears to me that, if in the following pages I have been successful in making the most intricate trick clear in the manner of its manipulation, proper practice for the acquirement of ease and certainty will do the...

Liam Montier
The Boof by Liam Montier

"The Boof is the goods. The most fun and interesting card tricks I've seen in a long time. Nicely done." - John Bannon

"Ridiculously awesome material!" - Cameron Francis

"The Boof! contains solid, practical card work that is the Montier hallmark. Liam has a gift for stripping down handlings without losing impact. There is truly something for everyone in this latest collection. Boof boof bang bang!!!" - John Carey

The Boof collects together over a dozen of Liam Montier's strongest card tricks and routines to date. If you haven't experienced Liam's card magic before, then you are in for a real treat. This is efficient,...

Abhinav Bothra
The Blind Faith Collection by Abhinav Bothra

Four exquisite moves.

  • Ambience Control + a two card transposition version
  • Layer Change
  • Topsy Force
  • Turvy Control

1st edition 2015

★★★★★ $40
The Blackjack Room by Zandman

This is a true miracle. The description below is true to the last word. It reads like a miracle - because it is one.

With contributions from: Greg Arce, Neil Tobin and Richard Osterlind

The Prediction:

A prediction is sealed in an envelope and held by an audience member the entire presentation. No switches.

The Game:

On stage; a table, 5 chairs and a deck of cards. 5 players (spectators) come up to play a hand of blackjack. Cards are shuffled by a random player and re-cased to avoid any tampering by the performer as he explains about blackjack. No false shuffles. No Sleights. One player deals...

★★★★ $5
The Black Art or Magic Made Easy by unknown
    1. How To Make The Pass
    2. The Long Card
    3. To Produce a Particular Card without Seeing the Pack
    4. To Call for Any Card in the Pack
    5. The Changeable Ace
    6. The Convertible Aces
    7. The Gathering of the Clans
    8. Everybody's Card
    9. Forcing a Card
    10. The Card hit upon by Guess
    11. Ups and Downs
    12. To Tell The Card That A Person Has Touched With His Finger
    13. The Card Discovered by Touch or Smell
    14. Confederate Cards
    15. The Ten Duplicates, or Cards in Couples
    16. The Turn-Over Feat
    17. The Nerve Feat
    18. To Tell The Number Of Cards By The Weight
    19. To Change the Card by Word of Command
    20. The Card in a Mirror
    21. The...
Brick Tilley
The Birdcage Vanish by Brick Tilley

A playing card held between both hands vanishes in an instant. It does not use a thread or pull or topit.

1st edition 2021, PDF 3 pages, video 17 s.

★★★★★ $6
Mike Porstmann
The Big Edge by Mike Porstmann

Mike gave this lecture already twice in the US with great success. He is one of the gambling and cheating-at-gambling authorities in Germany. I liked particularly his 10 card poker deal for the stage, an entertaining piece of card magic for a large audience.

1st edition, 1999, Mike Porstmann, München

  1. Welcome To The Golden Nugget
  2. The Great Joker Game
  3. New York Credit Card
  4. Jokers Always Win
  5. 10 Card Poker Deal
  6. Derby Days
  7. Switchgame
★★★★ $39.50
Claude Klingsor
The Big Book of Rising Cards by Claude Klingsor

This is the most beautiful magic book ever published! I know, this is a pretty strong claim, but read on and judge for yourself.

"I've just had a chance to spend a couple of hours with this book. Wow, Chris. This is an amazing book. Not only does it look incredible, it is of immense historic value." - Ben Harris

"A terrific work, a must have for anybody who thinks of him- or herself as a magician." - Max M.

Before I tell you why I am convinced this is the most beautiful magic book ever published, allow me to give you a bit of history on how this book came to be.

In 1954 Claude Klingsor...

Martin Breese
The Best of Pentagram Card Magic by Martin Breese

Fabulous collection of card magic culled from the pages of The Pentagram, including an excellent chapter by Graham Adams.

  • Introduction
  • George Blake's Super Speller
  • The Nonsuch Card Prediction By Francis Haxton
  • A Legacy From Jordan By Francis Haxton
  • An Ace Change By Roy Walton
  • Double Stop By Franklin V. Taylor
  • R. J. Fisher On Double Stop
  • Double-Stoppered By Ron Baillie
  • Jack Potter On Double Stop
  • Full Stop, Double Stop By Hugh A Carroll
  • A Trick With A Purpose By Wilfred Jonson
  • Turnover Change By Harry Hickson
  • The Twenty-Seventh Card By C. Dudley Whitnall
  • Improved Sure-Fire Force By C. Dudley Whitnall ...
★★★★★ $10
John Benzais
The Best of Benzais by John Benzais

A classic publication with wonderful coin magic, some card tricks and cut and restored rope. Slydini adopted some routines from Benzais.

  • The "Coins Through The Table"
    • First Effect (For One Coin)
    • Second Effect (For Two Coins)
    • Third Effect (For Four Coins)
    • Han Ping 'Benzais'
    • With Six Coins
    • Something Extra The Benzais Grip
    • Again With Six Coins
    • It Doesn't Belong Here
    • One Handed Method
  • Just A Few More "Coin Tricks"
    • 5c For Your Thoughts
    • The Benzais Concealment
    • Transit Dime
    • Follow-Up For Transit
    • A Simple Vanish
    • Another Simple Vanish
    • Not So Simple
  • Different Types Of Card Tricks ...
★★★★★ $10
Paul Hallas
The Best of Alchemy Card Magic by Paul Hallas

Alchemy ran for a brief two years and was much loved by its subscribers. Appearing every two months it was also a unique magazine in that it was what is called a "house" magazine put out by not one magic dealer but two, Practical Magic and PH Marketing. There were no columnists, just tricks. There were 92 tricks described in just 12 issues.

Being a past editor of the magazine Paul has picked out what he thought were the best card contributions, nineteen in all. If you missed the magazine, you will find these effects worthy of your attention. For the most part, these are easy effects to do....

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