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Magic & Mentalism: page 115


Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 7638 to 7661 (of 10397 products)
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★★★★★ $45
David Numen
The Abnormal Lift: and other abnormalities by David Numen

One could hardly ask for a more visual demonstration of unusual mental powers. For an astonishing few moments, the universal laws of physics are seemingly displaced. Four volunteers, using only two fingertips each, somehow lift a seated adult from his chair high into the air as though he were made of Styrofoam. And no one is more astonished than the lifters themselves, considering that moments before the sitter was as immovable as a couple hundred pounds of dead weight ought to be. What's more, the phenomenon is completely under the control of the performer who can turn the power on and off...

★★★★★ $12
Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice 6 by Cameron Francis

"Great tricks!" - Peter Duffie

"Really strong magic... Again!" - Raphael Czaja

"AWESOME stuff as usual. 'Half-Version' forced me to get up and grab a deck!" - Dave Forrest

The 6th installment of the smash hit ebook series is finally here! Six new, commercial, completely impromptu card miracles. New plots. Fun twists on old plots. Cool methods. This is card magic you will use.

  • DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN – A stunning double sandwich effect.
  • OVERCOUNTPaul Harris' Overkill meets Paul Cummin's Counting On It for one stunning effect.
  • FACES IN THE CROWD – An impromptu packet effect with a novel presentation.
★★★★★ $25
Will Ayling
The Art of Illusion by Will Ayling

This is a classic work on illusions that focuses on the presentation and staging. The method of the illusion is explained often with illustrations but no detailed building plans with dimensions are included.

The following illusions are explained:

  • Floating and Phantom Princess
  • Sword and Chair Suspension
  • Broomstick and Kellar Levitation
  • Aga Illusion
  • Temple of Swords
  • Head Cremation
  • Crushing a Woman
  • Temple of Benares
  • Broomwitch
  • Golfer's Dream
  • Eye of a Needle
  • Rod Through Mediaeval Style
  • Tiger
  • Totem Pole
  • Rod & Rope Release
  • Guillotine
  • Head Chopper
  • Vivisection of a Clown
  • Wrist...
★★★★★ $12
Al Leech
A Last Look at Leech by Al Leech

12 card tricks that are not in his books.

During Anthony Brahams' early child and youth years in magic he was never happy with the card magic available for newcomers. Then, in his twenties, he bought an Al Leech book and at last felt he was performing 'good' magic. All the more so when all the more he read, avidly buying each new Al Leech book when published and adding to his repertoire such notably outstanding effects as "The Hot Card Trick," "Double Deuce" and "Ace Location" among many.

After buying all of Leech's books Anthony discovered more of Leech's material was scattered throughout other magic...

★★★★★ $29
Jack Avis
Rara Avis by Jack Avis

Sixty Years of Magic from the Private Notebooks of Jack Avis!

After Jack's death in 2004, 28 notebooks were discovered among his vast collection of manuscripts, books and other publications that contained his collected thoughts over the past half century. Some original, some of his own handlings of effects of his friends, some sleights, some tips and ideas but all bearing the stamp that earned him a world reputation for simple, baffling, natural magic. This important volume contains much of Jack's original thinking and ideas as well as rare photographs and notes from throughout his sixty...

EZ Wild by MS

You will need a gimmicked coin for this routine. Start with three half dollars and change them into copper coins.

EZ Wild is the easier wild coin effect. 3 coins, no extras. One by one changes into a copper coin, finishing with surprising backfire. New moves and sequences.

Only 3Fly by MS

Only 3Fly is one of MS' pet effects with 3 coins. The flavor of a fingertip coin across without any gimmicks or invisible assistant, just 3 coins, 2 hands and a coherent routining. Learn today a totally practical routine suited for walkabout and cocktail performances.

"A nice variation with just 3 coins. Definitely an effect worth learning and studying" - Marion Boykin

★★★★★ $2.50
Soumya Deb
Soumya's Brainstorm by Soumya Deb

Soumya Deb is one of the most prolific magic ideas-men it has been Sam Dalal's privilege to come across. Sam has been inundated by contributions from him. He has regularly sent several contributions for every Electro Fun Update, although space and the requirements of variety restrict the publication to a small fraction of his ideas.

When Sam told Soumya they would put out his better ideas in book form, he again received twice as much material as they could possibly use. This ebook brings you the best and most practical of his "brain storms" spanning from novel card tricks to easy to make...

Ananta Deb Banerjee
Designed to Deceive by Ananta Deb Banerjee

Mr. Deb was initiated into magic at an early age. As a teenager, he was inspired by the Late P.C. Sorcar’s Magic Shows, and soon started performing his own magic shows in local clubs on many occasions. He developed an interest in the 'mechanics' of tricks and started making his own props in his own small home workshop. He gained a wealth of knowledge by avidly reading a wide variety of books on this subject.

The eight effects described in this ebook are mechanical self-working props, that "do" the magic. The performer has little else to do, once the props are ready, than pull the correct...

★★★★★ $150
Dale A. Hildebrandt
Hand Bluffs and More Stuff by Dale A. Hildebrandt

Warning: The author, publisher, editor, seller, and/or anyone else connected to this ebook in any way, shape, manner, or form, shall not be responsible for your use or misuse of the information in this ebook! This leaves you, and only you, as the sole person responsible for your use or misuse of the material in this ebook! You agree to check local laws, and to obey said laws at all times--before implementing this material! This ebook is not intended as medical advice or as hypnotherapy advice! This ebook is only for informational and entertainment purposes! This ebook is not for the faint of...

★★★★★ $12
Werner Miller
Enigmaths 9 by Werner Miller

Werner Miller continues with his ninth and last volume in this series of self-working and semi-automatic effects all based on mathematical principles. Many of them are card tricks.

"Any trick requiring a sleight is not honest. You are telling a lie with your fingers. (...) A puzzle is more clever than a trick, because with a trick you cheat to get the result. With a semi-automatic effect – using a principle – one tends to feel a little more honest." - Stewart James (1908-1996)

1st edition 2011; 35 pages. Illustrated.

Table of Contents

  1. Logic
  2. The Substitute
  3. Puzzle Time
  4. "1 – 9"
  5. Middle...
★★★★★ $12
Werner Miller
Enigmaths 8 by Werner Miller

Werner Miller continues with his eighth volume in this series of self-working and semi-automatic effects all based on mathematical principles. Many of them are card tricks.

1st edition 2011; 32 pages. Illustrated.

Table of Contents

  1. It Goes Like This
  2. Segregation III
  3. Segregation IV
  4. One for YOU, one for ME
  5. Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
  6. Poker Prophecies
  7. Court-Die-ally
  8. Symmetrical Surprise I
  9. Symmetrical Surprise II
  10. Hera's Method
  11. Hera’s Method – XL
  12. Any Other Card
  13. Where Is It?
  14. U/D Swapping
  15. A Trick With 18 Cards
  16. Two, Three, Four
  17. Positions of Trost
  18. Moment musical
  19. The Hol(e)y Card ...
★★★★★ $12
Werner Miller
Enigmaths 7 by Werner Miller

Werner Miller continues with his seventh volume in this series of self-working and semi-automatic effects all based on mathematical principles. Many of them are card tricks.

1st edition 2011; 31 pages. Illustrated.

Table of Contents

  1. Cardician’s Solitaire
  2. I’m NOT Ogen
  3. Alternately
  4. Segregation I
  5. Segregation II
  6. Four Queens
  7. Two Aces
  8. Upwards
  9. Free Cut Duo
  10. Flip Coda
  11. Similar Endings
  12. Huit Cartes
  13. Countdown
  14. Flipdoodle I
  15. Flipdoodle II
  16. Escalera
  17. Pasillo
  18. Arrowbatics
  19. OLRAM Arrows
  20. Arrow Predictions
★★★ $4
Sam Dalal
All you wanted to know about Change Bags and 101 Tricks you can do with them by Sam Dalal

To the average magician, a Change bag is a device like a collection bag, that changes a couple of silks, ribbons, rope or other similar items. Well, there are several varieties of those, with short handles for one hand operation, and longer ones for two hand operation, with single and double compartments (for a double change), with zippers to poke your hand through - Sam Dalal has made over a dozen varieties of this for his Magic service. But there are many other types of "change bags" like draw string bags and ladies' purses, paper "pop bags", mesh shopping bags and crystal clear bags, some...

★★★★★ $3
Sam Dalal
42 Amazing Tricks and Stunts with Rope by Sam Dalal

You can carry a piece (or more) of rope in your pocket, and use it to perform some amazing magic for an intimate audience of a couple of spectators, or on a stage for an audience of hundreds. There are hundreds of tricks you can perform with a piece of rope. The most famous of these is the Cut & Restored Rope trick, where a piece of rope is cut into two or more pieces, and magically restored.

But there are many others, where knots magically appear or vanish from a length of rope, rings or handkerchiefs penetrate through a length of rope, or a rope penetrates through your knee or neck. There...

★★★★★ $21
Dee Christopher
Belief by Dee Christopher

A collection of thoughts.

Belief is the new ebook on mentalism by Dee Christopher. In this ebook, not only will you find some versatile techniques and a devestating full close up mind reading act, you will also find several essays on creating the most powerful demonstrations possible and making the demonstrations that you already do ten times more powerful.

The ebook also contains the full explanation of 2009's The Isolation Experiment video. A demonstration Dee devised using a readily available but under used prop to create the illusion of bending a fork while it's completely isolated....

Peter Duffie
Embellished + Covert Assembly (bundle) by Peter Duffie

Two download videos by Peter Duffie for one low price. Both are reworked items. Embellished is a reworked Valediction, and Covert Assembly is a rework of Pocket Assembly.

★★★★ $6
Peter Duffie
Covert Assembly by Peter Duffie
  • No Gaffs or Duplicates.
  • Impromptu
  • Use any Deck.
  • This is a reworked version of "Pocket Assembly".
Peter Duffie
Embellished by Peter Duffie
  • Great finish to any routine.
  • This is a reworked version of "Valediction".
  • Easy one-time Preparation.

★★★★★ $14.95
Peter Duffie
Best of Duffie 5 by Peter Duffie

Over 40 Tricks - Fully Hyperlinked - LOW introductory Price!

This volume takes off from where the previous volume finished. Featuring more card magic based on clever principles rather than sleight of hand. 43 routines have been extracted from Peter's past books and are reprinted in this new volume.

  • THE...
★★★★★ $4
Sam Dalal
Magic with a Marked Deck by Sam Dalal

From the introduction:

Most magicians have at some time or the other resorted to faked or trick decks to bring about some miracle or the other. And yet these same performers, who will pull out a Stripper or a Svengali deck at the drop of a pin shy away from a marked deck, presumably under the impression that everybody knows a Marked Deck.

That is, of course, a ridiculous notion. The truth of the matter is that not one spectator in a thousand can detect a good marked deck, and most of them are unaware of their very existence. For that matter, a number of demonstrations in our studios have...

★★★★★ $7.72
Dave Forrest
Boxflip by Dave Forrest

'Card to Box' meets 'Deck to Pocket' in this insanely visual transpostion.

The Effect: You remove the deck from its case and have a spectator freely choose any card - no force - and sign it across the face. You then place the card case into your pocket before losing the signed card back into the centre of the deck. With a snap of your fingers you claim that you have made the card jump to your pocket and appear inside the card case. Your audience doesn't believe you. But, with a totally empty hand you reach into your pocket and produce...the entire deck. The spectator turns his attention back...

★★★★ $17
Dave Forrest
Star: torn and restored card by Dave Forrest

The Torn and Restored card that breaks the mould. Dave has kept it a secret for more than eight years.

Effect: Fold a selected and signed card into quarters and then fairly rip it up. Now, slowly and visually you start to fuse the pieces back together again. And when we say 'fuse' we mean that the pieces really fuse together before your eyes. The entire card is eventually restored and everything can be examined.

A new breakthrough method for the T&R card effect. You'll love the method - it's so devious yet so visual and it really won't take that long to get the hang of it.

All the phases...

Dave Forrest
Colour Burn: color changing deck by Dave Forrest

A blue backed deck is removed from its case. The deck is spread and your spectators are asked to call out the names of some cards that they see. You then take the named cards and, one by one, begin to magically change their back colour from blue to red. Offering a better look at the technique you announce that you will change the back of another card...


With a gentle wave of your hand, the card begins to visibly change. The card actually appears to change as you move your hand back and forth over it! You pause halfway - the card under your hand is half blue and half...

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