The performer shows three cards: two jokers, and the queen of hearts. The queen of hearts is the money card. All the spectators have to do is follow the queen. No matter how hard they try, it just isn't possible. The queen is anywhere but where they think she is. Finally, in an effort to make it easier to follow, one of the jokers is set aside. The queen is mixed with the one remaining joker. Instantly, the queen has vanished leaving only two jokers in your hands. The "joker" that was set aside, and has been in full view the entire time is turned over and is found to be the missing queen. The...
Four cards are shown. They are the Four Aces. The cards are given a "twist" and when the cards are again counted it is seen that one of the aces has turned face down. This is repeated three more times, each time an ace has turned face down until all four aces are face down. The magician offers to explain how the trick was accomplished. The cards are again counted, and it is found that the magician was cheating. There are really five cards in the packet. The magician states that five cards make a poker hand, and as long as he is cheating he might as well give himself the best hand possible. The...
This is not an ordinary Cups & Balls routine. In this routine the balls are three different colors. The cups are ordinary, yet many magicians will suspect a chop cup set. This routine is nice for the trade show performer in that it resets instantly.
Includes a bonus routine with the Rub-A-Dub-Dub patter.
1st edition 2009, 35 pages, photo illustrated.
An incredibly fair new two packet "B'wave" effect with a killer ending that nobody will see coming.
The Effect:
Two packets of cards are introduced: one red and one blue, each containing four cards. The magician asks that the audience to imagine that each packet contains a four-of-a-kind, say the four twos. The blue packet is shown to a spectator and clearly contains all four twos. The packet is turned face down and given a quick mix. The magician asks the spectator to choose any number from 1 to 4, 1 being the top card of the packet, and 4 being the bottom card. The spectator notes the...
One of Devin Knight's most guarded secrets from his professional act is now being made available.
A truly long distance, hands-off mental card effect that seems totally impossible. An effect that not only baffles lay people but many magicians as well.
Performer invites anyone to help. He says he will try to subliminally force that person to choose a certain card. Magician proceeds to deal 10 cards face up on a table. He points out that most of these cards could be psychological choices. For example, one card may be the only club on the table. Another card may be the only odd value, another...
One of the best forcing decks in the world, designed to fool both lay people and magicians alike.
Make impossible card predictions with Devin Knight's Excalibur Deck. Mail a VIP a registered letter and never touch it again. Have him bring it to the show. Show the deck of cards to be different and hand them to any spectator (no stooge). Have him deal the cards face down on the table, while holding the deck in his hands. He stops anywhere during the deal and sets the card aside. Magician tells him to check the cards before and after in the deck. This allows the participant to see if he had...
Break is a gimmick that allows you to fold a kink into a card and move it to another position. It is a real kink, you can let the spectator feel and examine before and after.
Ben Robinson is a popular scholar showman. He has entertained at such opposite extremes as 21 shows in one week at Hollywood's Magic Castle, and at the Base Camp of Mt. Everest (17,800 ft.). Hartford Courant drama critic Malcolm Johnson wrote of his first one-man show Out Of Order: "Ben Robinson's performance of silent, surreal illusions is MUST SEE entertainment."
In Magic and the Silent Clowns Ben Robinson conjures with his passion of many years - silent clowns and magic. Focusing on Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and Harpo Marx, Robinson details Buster Keaton's jumping into...
Aaro has created a unique peek wallet that you can make yourself starting from a pretty standard leather wallet. Aaro's solution is new and in particular different to well known wallets including the Outlaw-effects Magnum 3M Filter Peek Wallet, Cornelius Thought Transmitter and Stealth Assassin Wallet.
The ebook describes in words and photos how to gimmick your wallet. It also explains handling and in particular how to peek. It does not include any routines. We assume you know what to do with this kind of gimmick. The basic effect that is possible with it is as follows:
Any information...
Cliff is a new use for an old gimmick. In that sense it is a groundbreaking new concept in the art of PK magic. The gimmick, virtually invisible to the naked eye, can be with you at all times, and is applicable to a nearly limitless amount of objects. You can easily perform Cliff in the midst of a large crowd, as there are no threads, blowing, or vibrations involved in the effect. Your body never comes in contact with the object. You can even hand out the item for examination.
Cliff is a dramatic, stunningly visual addition to your repertoire and a new development in the world of PK magic.
Foresight is now available as a PDF at a great savings. You get full directions and a PDF of the chart. Just print the chart off your computer on cardstock and you are set to boggle minds.
A killer effect that starts out like a comedy routine but packs a wallop at the end.
The magician holds up an envelope and says it contains a prediction. He askes a spectator to name any playing card. Performer says the named card is in the envelope. He removes an 8.5 x 11 inch picture that has the whole deck spread out. The performer says: "Look, there is your card right there."
The audience...
Effect: The performer states that some card players seem to have psychic ability. These card players can correctly sense the cards in an opponent's hand. The performer says he would like to try an experiment to see if a participant has this ability to detect playing cards sight unseen. He shows four opaque envelopes and removes the four aces from a deck. The four aces are then placed inside the envelopes and mixed so the participant has no idea which envelope contains which ace. The envelopes are placed in a row in front of the participant. The participant is asked to guess which ace is in...
Many years ago at one of the first Tannen's Magic Conventions the author attended he met Walter Gibson. He knew many of the great magicians of the 30's and 40's personally including Harry Blackstone Sr. and he had a series of Detective Comic Books. He wrote books about magic and he created the masked crime fighter: The Shadow. D. Angelo Ferri used to listen to The Shadow on the radio when he was a kid. He also watched a lot of early TV shows inspired by those old radio programs, TV shows like Racket Squad, Dragnet, The Untouchables, and The Naked City.
Ferri loves to smoke cigars. One foggy night he was walking through the...
Welcome to issue 4 of Card Shark, the highly anticipated monthly card magazine that contains awesome tricks from magicians around the world. This issue contains six great tricks, that will feed your card magic needs. You will get six brilliant effects, from Paul Harris, Jeff Stone, J. Jack, Donato Capitella, David Gemmell and me.
Sie haben eine Zauberdarbietung oder sogar eine Mentalmagie Show. Sie wollten schon immer mal Hypnose im Programm haben, wissen aber nicht wie. Zumal Hypnose zusätzlich nur ein kleiner Block sein soll. Dann ist dieses Manuskript das Richtige für Sie. In diesem Ebook erfahren sie, wie Sie hypnose-ähnliche Effekte ganz ohne echte Hypnose erlangen können. Sie können es als Hypnose-Tricks verkaufen oder so tun, als ob es echte Hypnose wäre. Es bleibt Ihnen überlassen. Ihrem Weg zum Hypnotiseur steht nichts mehr in Wege. Ziehen Sie in Ihrer nächsten Darbietung ihr Publikum in den hypnotischen...
Stephen Tucker's classic Cardiac series revived as an ebook. This is the third part of the trilogy. 20 stunning effects.
1st edition 1984, 40 pages; PDF 49 pages.
Table of Contents
Stephen Tucker's classic Cardiac series revived as an ebook. This is the second part of the trilogy.
1st edition 1984, 36 pages; PDF 40 pages.
Table of Contents
Stephen Tucker's classic Cardiac series revived as an ebook. This is the first part of the trilogy.
1st edition 1983, 36 pages; PDF 44 pages.
Table of Contents
23 fantastic card routines.
1st edition 1984, 52 pages; PDF 61 pages.
Table of Contents
More than 30 card effects and 7 bonus coin routines.
1st edition 1984, 70 pages; PDF 87 pages.
Table of Contents
Bonus Section
Formerly published under the title How to Cheat at Cards this is an updated version released under the title How to Cheat at Poker. The new version includes T.U.T., 50 pages by Chris Stanislas, his first and only publication.
The ultimate guide to learning all of the techniques for cheating at card games ...
An insight into the mind, mechanics and devilry of a card cheat.
"...It was 13 years ago today when I almost lost my life cheating at cards, and what more poignant a day to release a book on the subject. It is a hope that How to Cheat at Cards will be one of my final publications...
The performer is blindfolded. Using a borrowed deck, he begins to deal cards and randomly deals five cards to one side. He then invites the participant to turn over the five cards to reveal a Royal Flush.
This is Daniel Madison's tribute to Walter Irving Scott: a card cheat who is more commonly known as 'The Phantom of the Card Table.' On June the 14th, 1930, he managed to fool some of the worlds most prestigious magicians and card men. by demonstrating his ability to deal winning poker hands from a shuffled deck of playing cards. And he did this, whilst wearing a blindfold. A lot of speculation...
Deck switching: The act of secretly switching one deck for another during play.
The Cold Deck is a collection of deck-switching techniques by Daniel Madison. The ebook teaches six techniques for secretly and invisibly switching the deck in play in thorough detail. It also includes Slaine, a device that holds or feeds the cold deck to the cheat without suspicion.
The following techniques are included in this ebook:
1st edition 2011, 16 pages.