Continuamos ofreciendo en español, la fantástica saga de rutinas cartomágicas de Aldo Colombini.
Nuevas rutinas, totalmente impromptu, usando un mazo normal de cartas y muy fáciles de hacer... pero a la vez, como siempre, muy mágicas e impactantes.
Me doy cuenta de que si te las arreglas para organizar tu "tiempo" acabaras teniendo un MONTÓN de tiempo. Y es en este montón tiempo que no se sabe se tiene, en el que se pueden hacer muchísimas cosas que de otro modo no se harían porque se piensa que se tiene suficiente tiempo para hacer aquellas cosas que requieren tiempo.
Mostly Perfect is an instant 4x4 magic square presentation for any named total that simplifies the computational method originally developed by Orville Meyer (and which has also been published by Mark Farrar, Bill Fritz and Harry Lorayne, among others). Mostly Perfect also produces even more balanced and elegant squares than those produced by the Meyer method.
The ebook also comes with a browser application (no Internet connection needed) to facilitate learning of the method.
Download a free extract.
"Mostly Perfect creates the most well-balanced magic square I've ever seen ... And it's not even hard to do...
CARDSHARK is an exciting monthly card magic digital magazine, edited and compiled by Kyle MacNeill. This is the second issue, and it is being sold for a brilliant price of $2.80.
This issue contains 5 tricks from Peter Duffie, Marion Boykin and Kyle MacNeill.
From a manuscript written by Fred Kaps.
The descriptions are almost entirely Fred Kaps' own, taken from the manuscripts in his handwriting. Changes of words or grammar have only been made where the meaning could have been in doubt had Fred's terminology been used. Fred Kaps' Purse uses techniques by Fred Kaps, fully explained and illustrated with original photographs.
This is one of my pet effects that I practically always carry with me because I can do the routine anytime, anywhere, without any set-up.
The effect is: you show an elegant little purse frame...
Edward Victor's 11 Card Trick done with Dollar Bills.
The details and inner working of this routine have been kept secret since the days of Fred Kaps; before then it was only divulged to a handful of very close friends, and occasionally discussed by Fred Kaps with serious performers. Subsequently the original routine has been independently developed, changed and adapted by Trevor Lewis, Mike Caveney, Peter Pit, Ger Copper and other well-known performers to suit their own individual styles.
The transcript of the manuscript in Fred Kaps' handwriting has only been very slightly edited. It is substantially the routine Fred always presented,...
As taught by Fred Kaps to Trevor Lewis.
"This Cups and Balls routine has several Vernon touches; but there are alternative strategies which are truly outstanding and characteristic of the master, Fred Kaps." - Trevor Lewis
The warm, bright Mediterranean sunshine and Phillipe Fialho's delightful villa looking down on Nice in the French Riviera was the setting for Fred Kaps to teach Trevor Lewis his Cups and Balls routine and generously tell Trevor he could do what he liked with it. Trevor had a video of Fred performing the routine and had written it up in rough notes.
Twenty years...
With contributions by Werner Miller, Max Maven and Shigeo Futagawa.
The day was March 6th 2011 when Werner Miller sent me his Da Capo 3 and Da Capo 4 ebooks. Whenever I receive something from Werner I make time to read it. He has a knack to incorporate new twists and takes, or entirely new principles which stimulate my own grey cells.
Browsing Da Capo 3 I stumbled on an unusual effect which Werner titled "Pointing the Way". It was first published in 2001 in Club 71. This effect consisted of two parts. One was a printing effect where blank cards were shown, which later had arrows printed on them. This part of the effect was nothing special, the usual...
Cameron Francis presents seven more self working mental magic miracles using playing cards, business cards, bills, coins, envelopes, Sharpies and discount cards. There's a little something for everyone in this collection of super commercial, high octane material.
The original Magic With An ESP Deck was written in 1972 as an “instruction manual” to go with an ESP Deck marketed as a magic prop. The mimeographed manuscript contained a hand full of good self working effects with an ESP Deck, written and produced over a couple of days. Sam Dalal thought no more of this than the hundreds of similar manuscripts and instruction sheets he has written over the years for commercial magic items.
He was delighted when he found the book had achieved the status of a reference book on the subject. Republished by Micky Hades, references to this manuscript popped...
Devin Knight's Closely Guarded Secrets is a new series that will include never revealed secrets that he developed over the last 30 years. The first release in this new series is Double Clip Line.
This is not the old Snip-Snip Want Ad test. This is Clip Line on STEROIDS! Closely guarded secrets that take Clip Line to a new level. Here are the effects included in the first release of the series.
CLIP LINE EXTRAORDINARY - Two different newspaper columns are shown. One column is marked with the number 1. The other column is marked with the number 2. This is so the audience can tell the columns...
Vol. 7, No. 5, November 2011; 68 pages
Cover: Brynolf and Ljung
[Note that this is a translation from Spanish which is not in perfect English. But this should not inhibit your comprehension. There are many photos which support the explanations.]
COLOR CHANGING DECK: Magician lets a card be chosen from a blue back deck, rubs his back against a red box and the card changes its back colour from blue to red. Then he does a demonstration of how he changes the colour of the backs of the cards, in slow motion. He slides his fingers over the back of another card and it changes its colour little by little until the back remains completely red. Not satisfied with that, he gives a magic touch with the red box on the deck and it changes the back colour of all the cards from blue to red. The deck can be examined at the end of the routine. You...
This is the seventh in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 7 features routines by Nick Trost.
This is the sixth in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 6 features routines by a range of famous authors.
This is the fifth in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 5 features routines by a range of famous authors.
Imagine this: You walk up to your girlfriend and she's in a bad mood. You take out strawberry pack of gum and offer it to her. She says she doesn't like strawberry she wants mint flavor. You then wave your hand over the pack and visually change it into mint gum. Give her a kiss and a gum.
1st edition 2011; 14 pages + video explanation
A Nick Trost routine performed by Aldo Colombini. A beautiful, unique routine. A spectator shuffles the deck. Several cards are dealt face up on the table. The performer says that he will attempt to match the face-up cards color for color by dealing face-down cards onto each. He then turns over the pairs and every pair matches – color for color. A spectator tries to match some cards but he fails to match more than just a few. Finally, you correctly name the color of all the cards in the packet before you turn them over. Just a regular deck of cards is used!
New packet tricks with regular cards.
Re-Thinks is a new series of eBooks from TC Tahoe.
"I have seen TC kill the crowd with his Locked & Loaded Key routine. It is well thought out, fast paced and a fooler. Oh, and UnGimmicked!" - Paul Romhany
"I have always been a fan of TC's thinking. TC knows how to entertain and shares these secrets with you in his series, while providing new methods and clean approaches in his methods." - Kenton Knepper
"Rarely does a working pro magician release his good stuff to others.... I would dash, not saunter, to buy this work from TC Tahoe!" - Dan Garrett
"I would recommend TC Tahoe's re-Thinks to anyone!" - Paul...
Duplex is a card rising effect from the mind of Kevin Schaller. It builds and improves on an old theme which allows you to show the box from all sides as well as allows you to show the box completely empty before you insert the deck.
A freely chosen and signed card is lost into the deck and the deck is put back into the box. Without any funny moves the signed card starts to rise all the way out of the box.
The best part of the trick is that there are no threads, wires, weights, rubber bands or magnets - just the box and the deck. No forcing. No cellophane needed. Box can be shown empty...
These two techniques are amazing, pack small, play huge mentalism effects that are reputation makers. These two effects are shot live in Chicago and teach expert handling of two miracles.
X and A - An instant close up or stage question and answer.
"This is the best Q and A I've ever seen!" - Magician Mark Bond
"This fills a gap in the mentalism q and a market! Truly Awesome." - Kevin Viner
1 to 100 spectators are asked to write down questions covertly. Even though these questions are sealed inside an opaque security lined envelope, the mentalist can access whats written on...
This second issue is a miscellany of magical mélange contributed by who well understand their art...