Sechs Nummern + Sonderheft, 164 Seiten.
Sechs Nummern, 168 Seiten.
Sechs Nummern, 162 Seiten.
Sechs Nummern + Sonderheft, 142 Seiten.
Sechs Nummern, 145 Seiten.
Sieben Nummern, 110 Seiten.
Sechs Nummern, 86 Seiten.
Drei Nummern, 25 Seiten
Shadow entertainments are as old as the hills, but their popularity is undiminished and the hand shadow expert is a recognized and popular artist and entertainer. A practical guide for both adults and children.
Generations of entertainers have amused audiences of children and adults with the art of hand shadows, using only a light source and their own two hands to form immediately recognizable profiles of people and animals. Lovers of nostalgia and aspiring hand shadow artists will delight in this ebook, which features more than 50 hand shadows.
These quaint illustrations depict many different...
Within this ebook you will find five routines that are for intermediate mentalists. Do you want working material that can be performed in any situation? Then look no further,
Ask two subjects to mentally design a dictionary, imagine to look inside and to think of any word they would like. After both subjects say out loud a word they have selected a cloth is pulled off the easel to display what they selected in an obscure fashion.
No preshow, dual reality or instant stooging and the easel is on display the entire time. This routine really is as close to mind reading as it gets.
If you are looking for stunning, practical and direct drawing duplications this ebook is for you.
I am Peter Turner and I am happy to present a compilation of drawing duplications from my previous published material Devious Realities and Dare to Be BOLD. If you are looking for clever drawing duplications that require no peeks, no preshow and are as clean as they come look no further. If that wasn’t enough, there are additional ideas and a drawing duplication from Pablo Amira.
1. Mind Plant: A subject thinks of a word, number or picture and you are able to reveal it. Nothing is written down and no preshow. ...
Explanation of the Boris Wild Marked Deck + Explanation of the BW Memorized Deck + 5 incredible routines including "Miracle!" and "Pure Telepathy" as seen on French National television.
"The Boris Wild System is a marked deck for the 21st century. It's intelligent, unsuspecting, and it fooled me sooo bad! I love it!" - Joshua Jay
"For an easy and sure-fire way to read the back of any card in the deck, Boris' method is safe and unbeatable. I recommend it highly." - Aldo Colombini
"Boris Wild has created a genuine masterpiece with his marked deck. You can do effects with it that you simply cannot do with...
Detailed explanation of the method to build a creative act and the techniques of impact on the audience used by Boris (including a whole chapter on how to create standing ovations).
For the very first time, a full-time French professional performer unveils all the secrets that will allow you to develop and strengthen the impact of your magic on the audience: thinking and process of creation, techniques of working, presentation, interaction with the audience, body language, psychological subtleties...
Boris even explains the method he developed to build his FISM award winning act. A method...
The lecture notes from Devin Knight's 2009 tour. More than a set of lecture notes this is almost a complete book in itself! Features mind-boggling effects including cards and mentalism. Effects that fooled the majority of magicians in attendance. These notes also contain directions for some of Devin's marketed effects that would cost your several hundred dollars to buy with props and tells you how to make them.
Includes such effects:
"Dai Vernon was a huge admirer of Jack McMillen, and so am I. The content of this book, capably presented by McMillen's friend and student of many years, Michael Landes, will bring great happiness to any advanced practitioner of the art. I have printed and spiral-bound the PDF into a book, which is now full of underlines, highlights, and personal notes. One of the Top Ten Buys at!" - Roberto Giobbi
Jack McMillen is famous for his (plunger) card rise. Seventy-five years after first appearing in print, it remains the preferred pure sleight of hand method for the rising cards, as well as a powerful more...
"Dee is not only giving you an effect here. He is giving you a full routine that packs so small but plays so big, hits hard and leaves them with no where to go. An astouding little routine which lets you seem like a true time lord." - Alan Rorrison
You hand a small box to an audience member at the start of your show. You have never met them before and they need not even leave their seat. You just tell them that the box will prove important later on.
As your show is coming to a close, you call out for your box holding spectator and ask them to join you on stage. You ask your spectator what the...
Radek received many queries to issue his Eastern Moves ebook as video. For some it is easier to learn a move from video instructions. Radek listened and decided to issue seven videos covering each part of Eastern Moves.
This is the first part including the chapters of 'Useful Moves' and 'Flourishes' including:
"Crazy cool deal from a Coin Magic Guru!" - Ben Salinas
If you haven't heard of Retro-Gravity, it was a self-levitation that Al Mann and Devin Knight created over 20 years ago. It has been kept under wraps all these years. Whispered about on the underground, and hinted that it would be released someday... That day is NOW.
Retro-Gravity allows you to levitate 2 to 4 inches in the air. It is a special gimmick you attach to your shoe and once done is completely invisible. Any time you wear your shoes, you are ready to levitate. Anywhere, anytime under any conditions! This means you can walk around in a restaurant, party or out door festival and levitate...
"I have just watched Roger's Real Gone Aces and thoroughly enjoyed what I saw. You caught me several times during the routine. Your handling is among the best I've seen..." - Peter Duffie
"The techniques used in Roger's Real Gone Aces are very direct and straightforward. I honestly believe that the cardman will have a stunning addition to his repertoire." - Bill Miesel
"Arcardia exemplifies Roger's special enthusiasm for sleights that are executed under cover of what is for him a natural handling of the deck. With an exasperating capacity for self-criticism, his pursuit of excellence in the execution...
Arie Vilner is a true master of the pasteboards. His creations have baffled the best minds in magic. Here you can learn his unique techniques and routines.
From the Foreword written by Ken Krenzel:
Presentation and method are inseparable, intertwined ingredients in creating entreating, magical magic. Magic is a most unique performing art which, optimally, evokes astonishment, wonder, and an experience of impenetrable mystery.
Presentation style may range from serious to comedic. Berglas and Tamariz succeed in equally mystifying and entertaining their audiences.
Arie Vilner is an...
Are you ready to take your career to the next level?
Enhance your magic career with one of the most amazing publicity stunts ever created. The Blindfolded-Car Drive is unsurpassed for getting front page publicity.
This isn't your normal blindfold drive. Not only do you drive a car blindfolded, but the WINDSHIELD IS COVERED WITH NEWSPAPER at the same time! People may suspect you could see through a blindfold, but how can you drive with the windshield covered? Yes, you can even have a reporter ride in the car with you and have no clue as to how you are driving the car sight unseen.
It’s a peek wallet…without the wallet!
Evil Twin is an easy-to-make / easy-to-use gimmick that allows you to obtain information in a super-clean way. You will need some blank business cards or other small cards one can write on.
"It is a very clever idea and will be making one up straight away." - Carl at The Magic Café
"This is an excellent, portable p**k device that will be on me at all times." - Anthony Brandonissio
"I like my mentalism simple and the more I play about with this effect the more I like it." - NeilS
"Jose just keeps putting out those …Wow, I wish I thought...
Remote viewing, mind reading, song revelations, predictions and more... All with an iPhone or iTouch. (Some Android phones can be used for this too).
Swipeit is impromptu, can be performed with a spectator's phone and no special apps or software are needed. Absolutely no funny or illogical moves are involved.
Also featuring additional creative routines and ideas from the minds of Ran Pink, Mauricio Jaramillo and Paul Carnazzo that will give you plenty of concepts to experiment with.
Have an easy remote viewing routine and some very powerful mind reading effects at hand any time you meet someone....
A deviously clever drawing duplication using an ungaffed, store-bought pad.
"WOW, I just got this today and really like it. It is so simple and to the point that I can’t believe no one has thought of this until now! I have played around with this and think that I like this better than my IMPs pads. No kidding!" - Ray Noble
"Thanks Jose, you have come up with another gem." - NeilS
"Nicely done J. Prager, this is some clever stuff, a great lil peek device." - jaybest
"Love your stuff! Bob Nelson and Al Koran, both very dear friends, would have enjoyed your thinking a great deal....