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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★ $9.99
Scott Cram
Day One by Scott Cram

The classic "Day For Any Date" feat has been updated!

Day One is a new approach to appearing as a human calendar. You ask for the year and month of the spectator's birthday, and instantly create that month's calendar for them on the back of your business card.

Day One is designed to be simple to learn, as well as quick and impressive to perform.

The role of math and mnemonics has been greatly simplified and minimized, and you don't need any previous experience with other mnemonic systems. Entire centuries are covered with less than a third of the mnemonics required by other approaches....

Devin Knight
Random Thoughts by Devin Knight

The performer says prior to the show, he jotted down some "Random Thoughts" and place them inside an envelope. He shows the audience this envelope and places it in full view before the effect begins. Any spectator is invited to help. No stooges or pre-show work.

The participant is then shown an ungimmicked sheet of newspaper. The performer then tears that newspaper sheet in half four times resulting in a stack of torn papers. This stack is placed on a table. The spectator then counts down into the packet, using a number that was arrived at by throwing a pair of ungimmicked dice. The number...

★★★★ $8
Jim Sisti
The Working Professional's Chop Cup by Jim Sisti

From the introduction:

This routine was honed through many years of adding segments and cutting others. I approached the idea of developing a Chop Cup routine with two priorities: first, I had no interest in doing a Chop Cup routine that made the spectator the foil, i.e.: they always guess incorrectly where the ball is. Thus, I've included much of my patter so that you can see how I've taken the "sting" out of the routine. Secondly, I refused to underestimate the intelligence of my audience and directly address their suspicions that there is more than one ball in play. In fact, in the spirit...

★★★★ $8
Jim Sisti
The Working Professional's Ambitious Card by Jim Sisti

From the introduction:

Though there is little that is "new" in the way of sleights here, this routine came from years of careful trial and error. The five phases represented here are the final result. I've found, after thousands of performances, that for the walk-around performer, this routine is just the right length to maintain spectator interest. Also, like any magic routine where the same effect is apparently repeated a number of times, each phase offers an apparently more impossible set of circumstances. It also ends with a natural applause cue.

7 pages, photo illustrated

★★★★★ $8
Jim Sisti
Grandpa's Fruit Knives by Jim Sisti

From the introduction:

One of the things that I had to come to grips with when I became a full-time professional performer more than 20 years ago was that I needed to stop focusing on tricks that I liked and had to find ones that my spectators liked. I also decided to try and make my presentations less expositional ("Watch this coin…" kind of stuff) and more about personal expression – letting the audience get to know me perhaps a little bit better as a result of the magic.

This manuscript is the result of my explorations into the Color-Changing Knives. I always loved the trick but...

Rachel Colombini
El Libro de los Test del Libro 2 by Rachel Colombini

Tras el éxito del primer volumen, Rachel Colombini recopiló 20 efectos más sobre el test del libro.

Un gran éxito de ventas, ahora en español. Nuevos efectos incluidos en este segundo volumen:

  • EL TEST DE LA REVISTA (Someeran)
  • SEÑAL FORZADA (Rachel Colombini)
  • LIBRO – CAMPANA – VELA (Floyd Shotts)
  • PÁGINA 98 – LINEA 14 (Werner Miller)
  • EL...
Rachel Colombini
El Libro de los Test del Libro by Rachel Colombini

En el efecto estándar (a veces se hace como una predicción) un espectador abre un libro por una página y se concentra en una palabra (o tres palabras o una línea). El mentalista, de pie a cierta distancia, es capaz de revelar la palabra que el espectador está pensando. Por supuesto, como ocurre con muchos clásicos, las variaciones abundan y Rachel ha tratado de plasmar esta variedad de métodos. En este ebook también se encuentran un par de "test de revista" que da un toque moderno a la forma habitual de realizar un test del libro.

20 grandes efectos a un precio más que razonable......

★★★★★ $18
Devin Knight
Word Sight by Devin Knight

Based on the original Al Mann Lexicon Phenomena, but greatly improved and so far advanced it fools those who know the original effect.

Now you can make this up using your own computer for a fraction of buying it new already made up.

Imagine revealing two FREELY thought-of words from across the room using an ungimmicked dictionary (you will have to paste two pages with word lists at the very front and two pages at the very end of the dictionary). Imagine doing this 15 feet away and never touching the dictionary during the presentation. Devin Knight's Word Sight allows you to reveal two words, sight unseen, that...

★★★★★ $8
Ted Voorhees
Magic for Ministers by Ted Voorhees

Magical Tricks Prepared for Teaching and Preaching Use

From the introduction:

The increasing problem of the church of today is to interest the young people in practical Christian service. The gospel message is as potent and powerful as ever, but the difficulty is to get young people to listen to it and to find preachers who can speak the language of the young people of today and make their message sufficiently attractive to challenge their attention.

Modern pedagogy is finding that object lessons are most efficient in teaching the young mind. We remember and understand so much more...

★★★★★ $10
Michael Daniels
Three Easy Pieces by Michael Daniels

Three Easy Pieces is a collection of three self-working mentalism effects for close-up, especially one-to-one, presentation.

The first effect, The Prisoner, is a variation on a trick and principle first published by Howard Adams. Two sets of five ESP symbols are shuffled and dealt into two face-down piles. The spectator successively eliminates pairs of symbols by spelling out a key phrase as cards are moved from the top to the bottom of either pile – switching piles whenever, and as often, as the spectator wishes. The last pair of symbols is found to be a match. The other four eliminated...

★★★★ $5
Ian Baxter
Simple ACAAN by Ian Baxter

Five approaches to the popular 'Any Card At Any Number' problem that rely more on subtlety than sleight of hand. As the title implies, the approaches are uncomplicated and well within reach of the beginner in card magic. One of Baxter's most popular titles.

From the Preface:

The evergreen Any Card At Any Number equation continues to attract new and novel approaches from card experts of all levels.

This modest manuscript unleashes five techniques of my own devising, each the result of reading Ken Krenzel's inspiring book Relaxed Impossibilities. With a careful text by Stephen Minch, the chapters...

★★★★ $15
Chris Wasshuber
Magician's DIY Tips and Tricks by Chris Wasshuber

This is a collection of money saving tips and tricks for the magician. I have been raised with a DIY attitude. Over the decades I have collected tips and tricks to make an expensive dealer item for a few dollars, or to replace something with a cheap item from the hardware store. If you are not afraid to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty, then you will find a lot of useful tips in this ebook.

With contributions by Jack Poulter, Wilhelm Eberhard, Chuck Smith, Bruce Kalver, Jeff Stone, Robert Kaldy-Karo and Scott Xavier. This PDF will be updated periodically as I discover new tips and tricks. Every customer will get access to all future updated...

★★★★ $12
Devin Knight
Super Delux Baby Gag by Devin Knight

Devin Knight has reworked this old gag for today's audiences with new up to date topical gags and jokes not found in other baby gag routines. The routine also includes an optional kicker finish where an adult photo of the named person is removed from the envelope.

This is not the old standard baby gag. This is a complete comedy routine in itself. The performer says he wants to try some quick psychic experiments. He begins with a comedy number prediction, proving he thought of the same number the participant did(???). Next, he asks anyone to name a famous person. As a gag he removes a baby...

★★★★ $10
Devin Knight
Tri-Sight by Devin Knight

The performer calls attention to three face-down envelopes that are on a table in full view. He says these contain three predictions. The performer then has a playing card freely selected and signed while he looks away; there is no force of any kind. The selected card is then lost in the deck. The deck is given to the participant, who cuts the deck at random and deals three cards face down onto the table. The performer then shows three more envelopes. He places the three dealt cards into these three envelopes, without looking at them. Neither the performer nor the participant knows the identity...

★★★★★ $25
R. Shane
Tractare by R. Shane

In Tractare (a Latin word that means "to handle") the exploration of unusual effects continues. Tractare features magic that is easy to do, based on a subtlety or simple move, but nothing that really requires sleights or finger flinging. Here you are able to beguile your audiences while making them smile, laugh, engage and become part of your show.

From the preface:

This being a magic book, it's only appropriate to begin with a trick question:

What's a sleight?

Careful; I told you it was a trick question.

Forgetting dictionary definitions for the moment, as magicians we can rattle...

★★★★★ $25


R. Shane
Automata: Beyond Self-Working Magic by R. Shane

From the preface:

Self-working magic, if you won't hold the pun against me, is a tricky thing.

Some will tell you, as I will, that there is no such thing as truly self-working magic. That is true. Every trick, regardless of method, requires a presentation, a character, a flow of action to become more than a trick, to become an effect. With the proper method, it may become an effect worth doing. But in the beginning, it's just a trick.

And tricks, well, tricks can truly be self-working.

But do we really need another book of self-working tricks? Hasn't all the good stuff been done...

★★★★★ $50
R. Shane
Pentalogy by R. Shane

"This is the best thing in bizarre magic to have happened to me in years. I am quite taken by the effects, the methods, the props, the presentations and the advice on performing. The results are novel, thoughtful, funny and scary. To be blunt, I wish I had created it all myself."
- Robert Neale, Creator, Author, Life, Death, and Other Card Tricks, Tricks of the Imagination, The Magic Mirror

"Shane is one of the most original and creative writers of practical bizarre material around. Like me you will be enchanted with Shane's imaginative presentations. His stories range from high comedy to subjects...

★★★★★ $9.95
Kevin Schaller
Encore: three easy effects by Kevin Schaller

Encore by Kevin Schaller teaches you three easy to do effects with playing cards, a paperclip and a mobile phone.

MOBILE COIN - a very deceptive transposition of a signed coin and the battery of your mobile phone. It’s a very easy trick that uses no gimmicks and is almost impromptu.

SEARCH & DESTROY - A paperclip that is clipped to the card box vanishes and reappears on the selected card.

EDGY - The back and front of your prediction changes so it matches with the chosen card.

All the tricks are easy to do and don't need magnets, threads or big gimmicks. Learn three easy yet effective...

Fraser Parker
True Mysteries by Fraser Parker

"I just finished editing Fraser Parker's book 'True Mysteries'. I can honestly say I would put this right up there with Luke Jermay's '7 Deceptions' without question. Fraser Parker is about to become as recognized for making the impossible possible as Luke Jermay. I am proud to call Mr. Parker my true Student. Anyone who studies or appreciates my work needs to have this book and read it more than once!" - Kenton Knepper

High praise indeed, and yet possibly understated, given what is in this new work. It's nearly impossible to overstate what is in this ebook.

You may already know Fraser Parker...

★★★★★ $9
John Gelasi
Just Cards Volume 1 by John Gelasi

Young magician John Gelasi presents the first in a new ebook series full of fun, commercial card magic, all done with a regular deck of cards. This may be his best collection of pasteboard prestidigitation yet.

In Just Cards: Volume 1 are 5 new card effects, covering a wide variety of plots. All of the routines are effective and hard-hitting, yet relatively easy to do. You're sure to find something that you'll love performing.

Routines included:

Fine Feathered Finks: A no-palm "homing-card"-type routine where a selected card jumps between a packet of jacks and the deck.

Yes We CAAN:...

★★★★★ $10
Devin Knight
Impossible DEVINation by Devin Knight

Devin Knight's Impossible Devination has the Mentalism community up in arms. It is, quite simply, one of magic's greatest secrets finally revealed after 15 years! A trick that has fooled almost every magician who saw it performed.

Introducing Impossible DEVINation! With it you can reveal a playing card or duplicate a drawing on a business card hidden completely under an opaque plate under test conditions. A spectator selects a card while your back is turned and it is concealed under a plate. You are still able to divine it simply by placing your hands over the plate. There is nothing concealed...

★★★ $5
Devin Knight
Gyrater: Floating and Spinning Deck by Devin Knight

The performer has a card selected, no force, and returned to the deck. The deck is shuffled and 7 or 8 cards are dealt face down into an arc shape. The performer introduces his card case and says this is his pet, CASEY. Casey is well trained and can find selected cards. That is because he is a pointer. (Pun Intended.) The performer holds the card case above his hand and says, "Casey stay." The card case remains suspended in the air. The performer says, "Chase your tail." The deck revolves 360 degrees in the air. Performer says, "Play dead," the card case drops into his hand.

The performer...

★★★ $10
Ian Baxter
Ten on Deck by Ian Baxter

Ian Baxter’s first book, first published in 1970. Card men everywhere enthused about the contents and the endorsements it carried from the likes of Dai Vernon, Ed Marlo, Card Mondor, Robert Parrish, Jon Racherbaumer and others, are testament to the quality of content. Alton Sharpe wrote the Introduction.

Ten reputation making card miracles.

"The material is not only interesting, but clever and workable. Yes, l recommend it." - Edward Marlo

"Ian Baxter is a creative and skillful artist." - Dai Vernon

"After what I have seen of the contents, I'm eagerly looking forward to reading the book. What I have seen is really impressive." - Jon Racherbaumer

"I must say l will use...

★★★★ $14
Stephen Tucker
The Immaculate Conceptions by Stephen Tucker

13 close-up effects from the twisted mind of Stephen Tucker.

35 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Tucker Trip
  2. Cluster
  3. Foiled
  4. Small Change
  5. Half & Half
  6. Abort
  7. Xact
  8. Hypno
  9. Omni
  10. Satan’s Card
  11. Domino Match
  12. Whoops
  13. Malfunction
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