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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★ $25
David Devlin
Bookworm: The Ultimate Impromptu Book Test Act by David Devlin

Here is the act exactly as the audience sees it:

The performer asks for the loan of three paperback novels, a piece of paper, and a pen or pencil. The performer says, "I have a feeling about one of you, and I think I have a pretty good idea about something that is going to be significant to you a little later on." The performer then writes something on the paper, folds it up, and hands it to one of the audience members.

Three audience members are now selected to participate in the tests. Participant #1 selects a book, opens it up to a random page and remembers a word. The other participants,...

Werner Miller
I Like Mathe by Werner Miller

Erleben Sie Mathematik in Ihrer unterhalsamsten Form:

  • vordergründig-pur bei der eindrucksvollen Demonstration scheinbar "außergewöhnlicher" Fähigkeiten im Umgang mit Zahlen
  • hintergründig-subtil als unsichtbaren Modus operandi in semi-automatischen Kartentricks ("Selbstgängern").
Über 100 verschiedene Tricks bzw. Trickversionen mit zahlreichen farbigen Abbildungen, inkl. Kopiervorlagen.
  • Gewusst, wie
  • not so E-Z
  • Columbus Square
  • Symbol-Muster
  • Matrix-Force plus
  • Geniestreich
  • persiste!
  • Dubai Dab
  • All you need is…
  • Reverse Faro Five
  • Dem Ass auf der Spur
  • Der "Zig-zag" Deal ...
Werner Miller
Reprise 3 by Werner Miller

Neu-Kompilation von 30 Tricks aus den Jahren 1987-2004, ursprünglich veröffentlich in den Zeitschriften Zauberkunst, Magische Welt, Magische Notizen, Aladin & Innovator und im Internetmagazin Topit.

  • Squariety
  • Carrétudes
  • Eine von elf
  • Hofklatsch
  • DuGaTroMi
  • Hummer nach Art des Hauses
  • diESP
  • E-S-Piraterie
  • Aus dritter Hand
  • Munch
  • Idioten-Quiz
  • 4 mal 7
  • Die unvergleichliche Pik Dame
  • Ein bisschen Hokuspokus
  • Die „treffliche“ Sieben
  • Knifflig
  • Der einfachste (?) Würfelkasten
  • Karten-Computer
  • "Hellsehen" mit dem Stratagem Deck
  • Auf den Spuren des Wunderbaren Griffith'
  • Card Traps
  • E-Z Elmsley
  • Irritationen ...
★★★ $15
Chris Hare
Star Finder by Chris Hare

Chris Hare presents two effects which when performed in sequence enables the performer to discover a complete stranger's Star Sign and birthday.

Star Finder is a clever technique for secretly discovering and revealing a complete stranger's Astrological Star Sign, without any prior knowledge whatsoever.

Using only six keywords and guiding someone through some simple mental imagery you will be able to correctly name someone's Astrological Star Sign, in a very short space of time. By using keywords it appears much less contrived than some other anagram based methods. Furthermore, the six...

★★★★★ $15
Devin Knight
Clip Sight by Devin Knight

Release #9 in Devin Knight's Psychic Sight series. Clip-Sight is a utility tool that will allow you to create miracles that defy explanation. It is an improvement over an old Al Mann idea. You can do all of the below effects and MORE with this gimmick. These effects will not only fry your audiences they will fool the majority of magicians as well. None of the below effects require any sleight of hand! All are easy to do, yet are some of the most impossible effects ever created. This sold professionally made up for $59 in the past. You can easily make your own for a fraction of that!


★★★★★ $30
Kent Gunn
The Fun Shop Cups and Balls by Kent Gunn

The Cups and Balls done a little differently than most. This is an unusual, direct and very magical cups and balls routine. A white ball, a blue ball, and a red ball magically gather under one cup in different ways.

1st edition 2008, 36 pages, photo illustrated.

★★★★ $20
Erik Ostresh
meLt: The Evolution of the Vanishing Deck by Erik Ostresh

This is the best vanishing deck gimmick created to this date.

A spectator picks a card, remembers it, and even signs it. The magician cleanly inserts the card into the front of the pack. He then spreads the deck showing that the card is lost somewhere in the pack. With no funny moves he squeezes the deck and it literally "melts" in his hand, leaving only one card, the spectator's signed selection!

The meLt ebook not only teaches you how to make the is a full 110 page book that includes two routines, instructions on how to make three different versions of the gimmick, and...

★★★★★ $25
Edward Marlo
The Cardician by Edward Marlo

Edward Marlo needs no introduction. He was one of the most prolific and influential creators of card magic. This is one of his most ambitious undertakings - a big book that runs the gamut of Marlo card magic. Unusual sleights, miraculous tricks, incomparable routines, material for the student, gems for the expert. Plus an interesting chapter showing how card tricks evolve and giving full credit to all inspirational sources for the entire book.

1st edition 1953, 199 pages; 1st digital edition 2012, 184 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. A Few Words............

    Chapter One

  2. Sense Of Touch ...
★★★★ $5.95
Bert Pratt
Browsing Around in Magic by Bert Pratt

Bert Pratt was a bookworm, somebody who worked his way through libraries and book stores to find the odd appearance of magic in non-magic books. He wrote a series of articles which were published in the Midget Magician, a journal that saw a print run of only 50. It is therefore safe to assume you have never read these articles.

It includes excerpts from books and magazines now practically unobtainable. Bert Pratt, writing as Ptinos, delved deeply into the old book marts of London, into libraries, into magazine files, to find magic and magical references. The resulting reading is charming,...

★★★★★ $45
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Hurt McDermott
Artifice, Ruse & Erdnase by Hurt McDermott

"Frankly, I find your approach the most careful and cautious of all that have been published." - Bart Whaley

"Hurt's book is very good writing on a subject I care about. I enjoyed it tremendously and learned a great deal in the process. I think you will, too." - Richard Hatch

The search for one who may not want to be found.

In 1902 under the pseudonym S.W. Erdnase and the title Artifice, Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table a book on sleight-of-hand with cards was published. This book became the bible for card magicians. To this date it remains arguably the single most important book on sleight-of-hand card magic. Some of the most respected masters of card magic,...

★★★★ $12
David Devlin
Mind Control by David Devlin

Back in 2001 Brad Burt produced David Eldridge's booklet, Mind Control. In the booklet are David's thoughts on Equivoque, or The Magician's Choice Force. Brad said, "(the effects David has created using Equivoque) are subtle and maximally deceptive, and deliver a kind of pure effect that can be the highlight of a professional show."

David Devlin has now reproduced this booklet in e-book format. In it are detailed explanations of how Equivoque works and techniques that make it deceptive. There are routines to get you started, including a routine in which a spectator blindly sets a wristwatch...

★★★★★ $15
Scott Creasey
Tarot in Your Pocket by Scott Creasey

For the first time outside of his lectures, Scott reveals one of his pet effects, Tarot in your Pocket perfect for one to one or large groups.

A twenty minute (or more) piece of psychic theatre you can carry in your pocket.

Scott explains in detail how to prepare your own props using just some blank cards and a sharpie (not supplied) Take eleven double blank cards with the names of the tarot written on them. Cleanly read the minds of various individuals and give them a Tarot and Numerology reading based on their free choices.

As a bonus Scott explains how, while across the room with...

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini
Small Wonders by Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini

Ten packet tricks performed with regular cards. Cameron and Aldo joined forces again to produce powerful routines you can and will use.


  • THANKS, MEESTER (Cameron Francis): A transposition between Kings and Jokers with a kicker ending.
  • EXIT (Aldo Colombini): A packet of red cards changes places with a packet of black cards.
  • EUPHORIA 2 (Cameron Francis): An amazing prediction effect that ends with a big surprise.
  • GRAVE (Aldo Colombini): The Jacks turn face down one at a time, then they change into the four Aces and the Jacks reappear in the middle of the deck.
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Card Mix by Aldo Colombini

Ten very strong routines with cards, from various authors.


  • ITALIAN HEART (Aldo Colombini): A spectator finds a selected card after the deck has been shuffled with a further final climax.
  • FOUR-CARD REPEAT POKER (Paul Gordon): You show four cards and you eliminate one, but you still have four cards. The same thing is repeated and at the end you end up with the four Aces.
  • RAINBOW MYSTERY (Aldo Colombini): You and the spectator select two cards each and they match front and back. What’s so strange? The backs of the other cards are all different (Rainbow).
★★★★ $29.99
Wolfgang Riebe
The Complete Works by Wolfgang Riebe

Wolfgang Riebe has been one of the most successful professional magicians in the world during the last 30 years with appearances in over 165 countries. This is not just an ebook on prestidigitation, but original routines and ideas that work. A unique feature is that most tricks have video links where you can see Wolfgang perform the effects and routines he shares. So you are not buying an ebook on 'theory', but on practical magic that works. As a bonus he shares links to select online teach-in videos too.

This is a man who has achieved a number of firsts in the magic world, had over 200 TV...

★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Gagbuster: The Sequel by Aldo Colombini

More flip-lines, banters, ad-libs, comedy sight bits, and emcee blockbusters. The sequel of one of the funniest, most unusual DVDs on comedy ever produced (Gagbuster)! Another collection of visual gags and comedy bits that you will use in your shows.


★★★★★ $10
Kyle MacNeill & Cameron Francis
They Are What They Eat by Kyle MacNeill & Cameron Francis

a cannibal cards routine + three bonus effects

"Very, very good!" - Gary Jones

From the sleightly demented minds of Kyle MacNeill and Cameron Francis comes a cool cavalcade of carnivorous card creations: Four tricks inspired by the Lin Searles' "Cannibal Cards" plot.

The main event is "They Are What They Eat", a super direct cannibal cards routine with a powerhouse kicker ending!


Three "Vampire" Jokers are introduced. Three cards are then selected and placed on the table. One at a time, the selections are run through the Joker packet whereupon they lose their ink, turning...

★★★★ $10.50
Reverend Tristan
Fragmented Thoughts by Reverend Tristan

Three stunningly dark pieces of theatre that will captivate and enthrall even the most sceptical of witnesses.

With Tsarology, you will reveal your participant's personality, using a Tarot card selected by them...and be proved uncannily correct.

In Revelations, your own audience member proves that the Armageddon has already begun!

And you Shall be Forgiven, lastly, gives you the power to remove someone's sins for them, from the murky depths of their very soul.

Also included, as a chilling bonus, the good Reverend bequeaths to you 'Mark of the Beast' – an effect you can carry around...

Timo Dante
Jenseits: die Antwort deiner Fragen by Timo Dante

Wollten Sie ihre Zuschauer schon einmal mit einer Medium-Nummer beeindrucken? Antworten auf Fragen aus dem Jenseits beantworten? Sie können es jetzt und das sogar kostengünstig. Timo Dante beschreibt hier seine Variante dieser sehr emotionalen Darbietung, mit dem Jenseits in Kontakt zu stehen.

Ein mysteriöser Effekt für alle Beteiligten. Überschreiten Sie mit diesem Kunststück die Wege in eine andere Welt. Jetzt kann jeder diesen Effekt präsentieren ohne teure Requisiten, die auch noch nach Trickgerät aussehen. Mit dieser Methode von Timo Dante wirkt alles ganz unverfänglich.


★★★★★ $15
(Benny) Ben Harris
Dimensional Relativity by (Benny) Ben Harris

The classic from 1981: Signed Card Turns Inside Out - Examinable

Only once in a while do you create a new plot. Folks have always said - and will probably continue to say - "it's all been done before." Of course, that's usually the case, but not every time.

Dimensional Relativity was released in 1981 as printed booklet. The original concept of "turning a signed card inside out" (created on the nineteenth day of August, 1979 and shared with Woody Meltcher) became fashionable enough to see the book through two printings in three months. The reviews were excellent and lots of folk took notice. ...

★★★★★ $25
Devin Knight
Four Told by Devin Knight

Read four minds at once!

The performer shows a chart consisting of five colored ESP symbols. He invites four people to participate. Each participant is asked to just think of an ESP symbol shown on the chart. The participants write nothing down, they just think of a symbol. There are no restrictions. Each person could be thinking of a different symbol, or they all could be thinking of the same symbol. They do not share their thoughts with each other. The performer begins to get impressions and calls out three symbols. He says, "If I have called out the symbol you are thinking of, please close...

★★★★★ $30
Scott Creasey
The Corporate Mentalist by Scott Creasey

A full corporate presentation in your pocket.

This lecture (or teach in if your prefer) is a change from the usual show a trick then explain it format Scott has used up until now, it is in fact his corporate lecture, performed, explained and laid down in print. In the introduction Scott writes:

This presentation is a reality, it was honed and perfected on various corporate sales decks within the cut throat world of the time share industry which is still thriving on the Costa el Sol, it has also been presented at a number of other corporate events in the UK and is a commercial no nonsense...

Scott Creasey
Mental(Magic)ism by Scott Creasey

Scott has a working repertoire of approximately fifty routines which he mixes and matches as the occasion arises. He has chosen some of his favourites for these lecture notes.

  • Introduction
  • Playing cards in Mentalism (a discussion)
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Sealed Thoughts
  • Five Keys to Dreamstate
  • Wordology
  • The Time Traveller
  • Zenner-Phobia
  • Traffic Lights Revisited
  • Pure Mentalism (a discussion)
  • The Eternal Triangle
  • Multi-Tarot

1st edition 2008, 48 pages.

★★★★★ $15
Scott Creasey
Escaping the Restraints of Reality by Scott Creasey

Scott offers a mix of magic, mentalism and escapology.

  • I Only Drink Fro My Nerves
  • Fire on a Budget
  • Mind on Fire
  • Mind on Fire (The Re-Mix)
  • Seven Keys to Dreamstate
  • The Clear Impression
  • Close Up Dupe
  • Clipboards and Druids
  • The Druids Eye
  • The Chronolgue Prompt
  • The 21st Century KB Wallet
  • To Cuff Or Not To Cuff
  • Gimmie Some Slack

1st edition 2005, 50 pages.

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