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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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D. Angelo Ferri
Le palle di carta in scatolina by D. Angelo Ferri

Questo è il primo miracolo che io abbia mai visto la mia insegnante di eseguire. Sentivo che avevo visto vera magia. Ho iniziato i miei studi con le monete attraverso il tavolo, per poi passare a questo gioco. Uno dei suoi insegnamenti grandi è l'uso degli occhi. Questo è qualcosa Slydini istintivamente compreso e impiegato in tutta la sua magia. Questo gioco insegna l'uso degli occhi e soprattutto convinzione. In ogni lezione che abbiamo mai avuto mi ha sempre detto: "Dovete credere a quello che stai facendo, se lo credono, ma ci crederà". Ho incluso centinaia di fotografie. Ho incluso...

D. Angelo Ferri
Magia con le sigarette di Slydini by D. Angelo Ferri

Questo libro include tutti i miei insegnanti di magia con le sigarette. Imparerete a strappare una sigaretta in due e quindi ripristinarlo. Imparerete come prendere una sigaretta dal nulla. Lo studente imparerà: i modelli di temporizzazione Slydini, il concetto di eseguire un meccanico necessaria quando la mente dell'osservatore è mentalmente a riposo, e di sistema Slydini di movimento (il corpo prende la mano). Dato che la magia Slydini si basa su principi guida che non cambiano da gioco a gioco lo studente dovrà anche imparare le discipline che verranno applicate ad altri giochi Slydini....

D. Angelo Ferri
il Maestro di Misdirection by D. Angelo Ferri

Ho studiato con Slydini per otto anni. Ha organizzato pensiero, movimento, manipolazione mentale, in un sistema di controllo della percezione dell'osservatore. Il mio maestro non ha inventato queste cose. Aveva capito come usarli. Ecco perché la sua magia è diverso. Non ha creato basata su principi accettati. Ha creato sulle leggi della natura umana. Il mio sogno è che la magia del maestro, continua in Italia. I miei nonni arrivarono in America da Napoli, Sicilia e Abruzzo, nel 1910. Sono nato nel 1949. La mia prima lingua era napoletano. Non ho mai parlato in italiano. Ho...

★★★★ $10
Devin Knight
Sanda Panda Mystery Box by Devin Knight

The Sanda-Panda Mystery Box is an ungimmicked 6"x 4" cardboard box. It is always in full view and gives you the ability to make near impossible predictions. No pre-show work and all are ONE-MAN effects. No secret assistants or stooges are used in any of the effects. NO FORCES of any kind are used in any effect.

IMPOSSIBLE CARD PREDICTION: Two participants form a card to ensure the choice is random. One chooses the suit and the other the value with no restrictions. You take the lid off the box - inside is a deck of cards and a folded 8" x 5" piece of paper. The participant unfolds the paper....

★★★★ $9
Devin Knight
Silken Sands by Devin Knight

A novel and flashy effect that your audience hasn't seen before. This was a limited release a few years ago. Now you can make it up yourself in less than an hour, using items found in most of the larger box stores. NO TOOLS of any kind required to assemble!

Effect: The performer shows a metal bowl to be empty. He then puts in three large handfuls of different colored sands, red, blue, and yellow; saying from these base colors, all colors can be made. Magician then pours a quart of water into the bowl and mixes the sand and water with a wooden chopstick. He takes the stick and begins to fling...

★★★★ $9.75
Michael Ammar
4 Minutes of Fame by Michael Ammar

This is an introductory offer. It will soon go to $14.95

A unique twist on the Cups and Balls that puts the spectator center stage! 4 Minutes of Fame is a very special Cups and Balls routine.

Based on a concept by Dick Williams. Starting about 12 years ago Michael and Dick corresponded about Dick's concept for having a spectator perform the routine while fooling himself, and Dick urged Michael to work out some of his ideas on it.

Long since retired, Dick loved to see a working professional spending time with his creation. His enthusiasm was contagious and inspirational. He was hoping...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 13: Nick Trost Part 5 by Aldo Colombini
  • DESIGN BY ACCIDENT: A card is selected. A packet is dealt into four piles and the top card of each pile matches the selection.
  • ESP PARADOX OF PAIRS: A spectator picks three pairs while you deal the cards. These pairs are the only ones containing two matching symbols.
  • DUAL ESP TEST LOCATION: Two symbols are selected under very fair conditions, yet, you can announce them.
  • TRIPLE MATCH BY DESIGN: A spectator shuffles the deck. You take a prediction card and the spectator finds two more matching symbols.
  • SYMBOL SENSE: A deck of cards is mixed and three spectators think of a card each. You...
David Devlin
Blind Date by David Devlin

Effect: The performer introduces a deck of cards that has swimsuit models on the cards. It is explained to a male spectator that he is going to go on a date with one of these 52 girls. All he has to do is psychically determine her phone number.

You bring out 5 cards, which are numbered 1 through 10. All of the odd numbers are on one side of the cards, and all of the even numbers are on the other side of the cards. In other words, the card marked with a 1 on one side is marked with a 2 on the other side. The others are, of course, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, and 9/10. You tell the spectator that you will...

★★★★★ $6
Max Andrews
Max Andrews' Magic Magazine: Volume 5 (Apr 1956 - Sep 1956) by Max Andrews

Max Andrews' Magic Magazine: Volume 5 (6 issues)
Published by Max Andrews and Vampire Magic, 144 pages

Volume 5, Number 1, April, 1956, 28 numbered pages without covers

  1. advertisements
  2. Meet - - Bob Lawrence
  3. Contents
  4. Editor's Page - Max Andrews
  5. Cooze Gags for the Mag - Frank S. Cooze
  6. The Vampire Club - report by "Buck"
  7. Sleights, Moves & Subterfuges - series by Eddie Joseph
    • Silken Smoke
  8. Dry-Wet - John Graham Reed
  9. Pasteboard Prangers - a new series by Peter A. McDonald
    • No. 1 - Out of Becker
  10. Focus on Magic - series by George Blake
    • Close-Up Magic ...
★★★★ $6
Max Andrews
Max Andrews' Magic Magazine: Volume 4 (Apr 1955 - Mar 1956) by Max Andrews

Max Andrews' Magic Magazine: Volume 4 (12 issues)
Published by Max Andrews and Vampire Magic, 336 pages

Volume 4, Number 1, April, 1955, 28 numbered pages without covers

  1. advertisements
  2. Meet - - Bertram Millidge
  3. Contents
  4. Editor's Page - Max Andrews
  5. Salute to Jean Hugard
  6. Vampire Club Meeting - report by "Buck"
  7. Going Up - Truxa and Partner [Eric and Gulli Bang] - from the "Evening News"
  8. Focus on Magic - series by George Blake
    • Comedy Magic
      • Magical Situation
      • Perverse Magic
      • Rare Examples
      • The Formula
      • Perverse Chinese Rings
      • Perverse Egg Bag
      • The How
      • Going...
Max Andrews
Max Andrews' Magic Magazine: Volume 3 (Apr 1954 - Mar 1955) by Max Andrews

Max Andrews’ Magic Magazine: Volume 3 (12 issues)
Published by Max Andrews and Vampire Magic, 336 pages

Volume 3, Number 1, April, 1954, 28 numbered pages without covers

  1. advertisements
  2. Meet –- Anthony Spicer
  3. Contents
  4. Editor’s Page – Max Andrews
  5. The Vampire Club – report by “Buck”
  6. Focus on Magic – series by George Blake
    • Odds & Ends
      • The Mysterious Mis-Deal
      • Full Pack Spell
  7. High Spirits – Johnny Geddes
  8. Polychromatic Crystal – Harold G. (Huddersfield) Beaumont
  9. Two of Clubs – Johnny Geddes
  10. Two Useful Sleights – Edward Victor ...
Max Andrews
Max Andrews' Magic Magazine: Volume 2 (Apr 1953 - Mar 1954) by Max Andrews

Max Andrews' Magic Magazine: Volume 2 (12 issues)
Published by Max Andrews and Vampire Magic, 344 pages

Volume 2, Number 1, April, 1953, 28 numbered pages without covers

  1. advertisements
  2. Meet - - Jay Palmer
  3. Contents
  4. Editor's Page - Max Andrews
  5. The Magic Circle - Month Concert report
  6. Stand It Up - Jack Nightingale
  7. Fishing-A-Ring - Jose Ablang (Singapore)
  8. Bamboo Sticks - review by George Blake
  9. The Annual Dinner of the International Brotherhood of Magicians (British Ring) - report
  10. Almost in Confidence - series by Victor Farelli
    • Spectacular Production of a Coil (Using a Long...
Max Andrews
Max Andrews' Magic Magazine: Volume 1 (Apr 1952 - Mar 1953) by Max Andrews

Max Andrews' Magic Magazine: Volume 1 (12 issues)
Published by Max Andrews and Vampire Magic, 332 pages

Volume 1, Number 1, April, 1952, 20 numbered pages without covers

  1. advertisements
  2. Meet -- John Bourne
  3. Contents
  4. Editor's Page - Max Andrews
  5. Magic of 1951 - Max Andrews
    • Double Magic
  6. Balloonology - series by Charles Cole
  7. Magigags - series by Eric P. Wilson
  8. White Magic - a series of cigarette manipulations - J. H. Vermeyden
    • Foreword
    • Introduction
    • Original Effect by Suzy Wandas
  9. Stoogie Says - gag column
  10. Funzabuzzin - series by Johnny Geddes
    • Cheeky...
Max Andrews
Max Andrews' Magic Magazine: Index by Max Andrews

Max Andrews’ Magic Magazine: Index
Published by Max Andrews and Vampire Magic, 27 pages

  1. Front Cover of Volume 1, Number 1, April, 1952 – this is the only cover provided
  2. Copyright notice of the CD version by Martin Breese
  3. Index for Volumes 1-5 (54 issues)
Derek Lever
Derek Lever's Magic Mag Volume 4 by Derek Lever

Derek Lever's Magic Mag, Volume 4
Published by Derek Lever, Peter C. Woolley & Taurus Magic, Manchester & Bury, Lancaster, England
Volume 4 consists of 6 issues, 266 pages total

Volume 4, Number 1, October/November 1982, 40 numbered pages plus 4 unnumbered cover pages

  1. Candid Comments by The Editor - Derek Lever
    • Praise from Abra
    • Magic Mag Magician of the Year
  2. Comedy Corner - jokes, comedy routines, etc. - Derek Lever
  3. Free Trick, complete with the Apparatus, from Magic Mag
    • A Different Card Trick - Maurice Deighton
  4. cartoon
  5. Free Advertising Section
  6. Happiness...
Derek Lever
Derek Lever's Magic Mag Volume 3 by Derek Lever

Derek Lever's Magic Mag, Volume 3
Published by Derek Lever, Peter C. Woolley & Taurus Magic, Manchester & Bury, Lancaster, England
Volume 3 consists of 6 issues, 264 pages total

Volume 3, Number 1, October/November 1981, 40 numbered pages plus 4 unnumbered cover pages

  1. Candid Comments by The Editor - Derek Lever
  2. Magical Inventor of the Year Competition
    • The Impromptu Chop Cup - Eoin Taylor
    • Phenominal Coincidence - E. W. Thomas
    • Routine for the Cups and Balls Plus Chop Cup Set - Paul Anthony
  3. another (better) photo of Edwin Hooper
  4. List of readers who passed the examination...
★★★★★ $5
Derek Lever
Derek Lever's Magic Mag Volume 2 by Derek Lever

Derek Lever's Magic Mag, Volume 2
Published by Derek Lever, Peter C. Woolley & Taurus Magic, Manchester & Bury, Lancaster, England
Volume 2 consists of 6 issues, 264 pages total

Volume 2, Number 1, October/November 1980, 40 numbered pages plus 4 unnumbered cover pages

  1. Candid Comments by The Editor - Derek Lever
    • Lever Agrees with Edwin ???????
  2. Stage Magic - illusion plans
    • The Boy to Rabbit Illusion
  3. Entertaining the Under Fives - Myster Yaffe
    • Part Three - Your Material and You
    • It Need Not be Magi
    • Ya Gotta Have Love
    • Dealer's Items
  4. List of readers...
Derek Lever
Derek Lever's Magic Mag Volume 1 by Derek Lever

Derek Lever's Magic Mag, Volume 1
Published by Derek Lever, Peter C. Woolley & Taurus Magic, Manchester & Bury, Lancaster, England
Volume 1 consists of 6 issues, 260 pages total

Volume 1, Number 1, October/November 1979, 36 numbered pages plus 4 unnumbered cover pages

  1. Candid Comments by The Editor - Derek Lever
    • Are Magic Societies Out of Date?
  2. drawing collage of Chung Ling Soo
  3. Blast from the Past - Chung Ling Soo - personality
  4. Kid's Entertainers Only - news and advice
  5. On the Road with Michael Allport - series
    • Zurich, Switzerland
  6. Well I'll Be Hanged - a new...
Martin Breese
Al Koran: The Unique Years by Martin Breese

This ebook - compiled and edited by Martin Breese - gathers together all of Al Koran's magazine articles from The Magic Wand, The Gen, The Wizard and Pentagram. It also features virtually all of the commercial effects that Al released via the Unique magic Studio in London. Included as well are the effects that Al released himself whilst living in the USA.

The ebook includes a great introduction and article about Al Koran by the mentalist Peter Zenner. Al Koran: The Unique Years is illustrated throughout by Phil Shaw and has a cover designed by Paul Griffin.

This 200 page, ebook has countless illustrations. Still available are all of...

Peter Duffie
Subtle Miracles by Peter Duffie

Peter Duffie is one of the world's most creative cardmen and Subtle Miracles gathers together some of his most inventive work. Many of these effects were marketed as exclusive manuscripts (Solo, Duet, Trio, Quartet, Double Indemnity) and are now brought together for the first time, together with a selection of brand new routines using equally clever methods. David Britland contributed a routine called 'Red Alert' as well as added notes commenting on Peter's routines. An appendix teaches a couple of important sleights.

  • Introduction
  • Solo
    • Wildlife
    • Hamman Count Variation
  • Duet
    • Point Blank Assembly
    • Impulse: Two cards transpose under...
★★★★★ $49
Robert Harbin
The Robert Harbin Book by Robert Harbin

This is a digital facsimile version of the original hardcover book. [The one hardcover I had left has sold. Sorry.]

Back in the 1970s Martin Breese had the chance to record Robert Harbin on one of his early Magicassette releases. The Harbin Magicassette probably rates as the most popular of his recordings.

In 1983 Martin asked the late Owen Griffith to transcribe the words from the Harbin Magicassette. The late and great Eric Mason created the illustrations for The Harbin Book. One day at a business trade fair Martin saw a full scale photo litho printing machine being demonstrated and decided to leap in to the deep end and he bought the demonstration machine and had...

Martin Breese
The Best of Pentagram Card Magic by Martin Breese

Fabulous collection of card magic culled from the pages of The Pentagram, including an excellent chapter by Graham Adams.

  • Introduction
  • George Blake's Super Speller
  • The Nonsuch Card Prediction By Francis Haxton
  • A Legacy From Jordan By Francis Haxton
  • An Ace Change By Roy Walton
  • Double Stop By Franklin V. Taylor
  • R. J. Fisher On Double Stop
  • Double-Stoppered By Ron Baillie
  • Jack Potter On Double Stop
  • Full Stop, Double Stop By Hugh A Carroll
  • A Trick With A Purpose By Wilfred Jonson
  • Turnover Change By Harry Hickson
  • The Twenty-Seventh Card By C. Dudley Whitnall
  • Improved Sure-Fire Force By C. Dudley Whitnall ...
David Britland
Chan Canasta: A Remarkable Man Volume 2 by David Britland

This is the long-awaited follow up to the first volume. It is a quality soft back publication, perfect bound. It contains a lot of information that arrived too late for inclusion in the first volume. We are grateful to all those who have helped us produce this set of books on the Remarkable Chan Canasta.

  • Publisher's Introduction
  • Further Discoveries by David Britland
  • Chan Canasta article (reprinted from Magic Magazine)

The first volume can be found here: Chan Canasta: A Remarkable Man Volume 1

1st edition 2001, 45 pages.

Paul Diamond
Paul Diamond Entertains by Paul Diamond

Anyone who has seen Paul work will know that he is first and foremost an entertainer. This book contains commercial routines he has used professionally for many years.


  • Introduction by Martin Breese
  • "I'm There To Make Them Happy"
  • Paul's ESP Trick
  • The Flying Eagles
  • Coins Across
  • The Travellers
  • Two Copper, One Silver
  • Diamond Aces
  • Mandarin Coin

1st edition 1986, 38 pages.

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