The trilogy contains all of Jack Hughes creations, a staggering amount of illusions, apparatus and props. Each illusion comes with drawings that depict its construction and its main dimensions. While the drawings and sketches do show all the pertinent details, these are not blueprints that have every little dimension spelled out. Nevertheless, anybody who has built a box before will have no problem in building any of these apparatus. It is a tremendous source book for ideas for any prop builder and illusion builder.
The following illusions and apparatus are described in this volume:
The following illusions and apparatus are described in this volume:
Jack Hughes was a master builder and craftsman who created and built props for some of the biggest names in magic for decades. Most of the items he built were his own inventions. The few that were not he most often improved significantly.
Every item is carefully described in terms of its effect, apparatus, and performance. Nevertheless, the emphasis is on the prop with detailed drawings and dimensions to allow anybody handy to replicate these wonderful magic tricks. (The drawings are not blue-print type construction drawings, but rather sketches and illustrations with the main dimensions...
How would you like to be able to predict anybody's PIN number and be 100% correct every time? The victim is truly shocked when you tell him his number, how could you possibly know. Also comes with a kicker ending that will fry your audience.
[Note: Uses dual reality and requires good spectator management.]
1st edition 2013, 16 pages.
David Devlin loves packet tricks. This new eBook contains nine of David's best packet tricks. (Volume two in this series is Packet Racket II.) Some use normal cards, some use gaffs, and some are impromptu. If you think you're getting a book about packet tricks that only magicians will appreciate, think again! This book is a terrific collection of tricks for laymen, restaurant workers, bar magicians, close-up workers, and everyone in between.
All of the tricks in this eBook are packet tricks, but most tend to have a feel of something a little bigger. Most of the effects use standard packet trick methodology...
This is a straight forward ACAAN that is very easy to do - one could say it is more or less a move-less method. You ask the spectator to name any card (no force, completely free choice). Then you ask them to cut a portion of the cards off the deck and count the cards. This is the free selection for a number. Again there is no force of any kind. The spectator can cut as little or as many cards as she wishes. Nevertheless, the card the spectator has chosen earlier ends up at the same number.
[Note: The method is deceptively simple. It will probably not fool most magicians, but it will fool the vast majority of laypeople. The advantage of this method is that it requires no preparation and no forcing of any kind.]
1st edition 2013, runtime 10 minutes....
Many wonderful fire tricks and the secrets of fire-eating. Add brightness, flash, color, and excitement to your show. The entire fire-eating subject is covered: torches, gas jets, licking a red hot poker, drinking boiling liquid, biting hot iron, eating burning objects, fire bubbles, etc. Also, the Human Blow Torch, other thrilling but different effects such as the Human Volcano, Fire Fountain, Burning a Living Head, Burning Water, the Dragon's Mouth, many others. Spectacular numbers include Colored Fire, Automatic Lamp, Mysterious Candles, Breath of Fire, etc. There are sixty tricks in all,...
An improvement on the classic TOPIT device.
For years many have been using the TOPIT gimmick. Michael Ammar made the sewn-in-type TOPIT popular. All those years Alexander de Cova was always thinking whether it might be possible to hide the bag (or better: the bag's opening and the edge) in the jacket. After becoming acquainted with the works of Tommy Wonder and his breakthrough concerning the tails TOPIT, things clicked together.
Tommy's system inspired de Cova to apply the principle to a regular TOPIT. The result is that this TOPIT can't be seen, because there is no visible edge.
In this ebook de Cova...
You are at the carnival. The sights, smells, and sounds are over-whelming. You come across a small stage with huge, colorful banners behind it. A man with a microphone walks onto the stage, and begins his bally. That's right! He is getting the crowd excited to see the Sideshow!
"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please gather around the stage. Another show is about to begin. We can't block the midway, so gather down and gather around. You are going to see the most amazing display of human anomaly so incredible you have to see it to believe it!
Ladies and Gentlemen, please help me welcome...
Die neue Ausgabe ist fertig und steht zum Download bereit. Es erwarten Dich wieder interessante Ideen und Techniken. Diesmal ist Basteln das Schwerpunktthema, d.h., alle Tricks können leicht selbst hergestellt werden. Hier ein Auszug aus dem Inhalt:
BOXED - Diese Routine war der Hit im Seminar! Ein unterschriebener, geliehener Geldschein erscheint gefaltet im Inneren eines Sturmfeuerzeugs, welches sich inmitten einer Zigarettenschachtel befunden hat, die mit breiten Gummibändern umschnürt war. Eine professionelle Routine aus der Praxis für die Praxis. Der trick ist ideal für Party und...
Come Costruire, davvero, una meravigliosa LEVITAZIONE a 360°... i più completi piani di costruzione di questa originale versione della levitazione a 360 gradi. di Maximilian Monteleone - Introduzione di Ruben
Se per te i "piani di costruzione" di una illusione di solito somigliano ad un puzzle...
Se sei rimasto spesso deluso dalla mancanza di completezza dei piani...
Se hai bisogno di una Illusione spettacolare che puoi eseguire praticamente ovunque anche a qualche metro dagli spettatori e che pur può essere trasportata nella tua auto...
Se hai sempre desiderato eseguire una levitazione...
More magic from the pages of Peter Warlock's legendary magazine.
A collection of tricks, stunts and bits of business using a reel.
A reel is a very powerful stage and parlor tool. (In its miniature versions it can even be used in close-up environments.) It is small enough that it can be easily palmed, but powerful enough to pull silks, cords and other items in a fraction of a second. It is like an invisible hand that the performer can use at his command.
Includes care, repair and maintenance of reels.
This is one of the most important books on stage illusions. Many experts consider it among the best 10 illusion books ever published - some even have it in their top three. Besides describing a list of startling illusions Guy Jarrett mixes in stories about show business and there in particular his opinion about some of the big names in magic. Particular Howard Thurston receives a lashing from Jarrett. This book has a refreshing honesty and directness that is missing from most other magic books. Jarrett even describes a few card effects and other parlor tricks he has performed.
Rumors have long persisted of an "other" IBM Ring in the city of Toronto. This motley crew of magicians, mentalists, gamblers, jugglers, psychics, university students and general dilettantes met regularly at a secret place known only as "the usual place and time" and adhered vigorously to its vague objectives of advancing the art of magic, trading gossip and exploring techniques for the vanishment and disappearance of pub foods in a collegial environment.
This is Ring 99 and these are their stories.
Includes the official Ring 99 membership oath, the Ring 99 induction lecture, "Hail to...
From the man who brought you the Magician's Guide to Palm Reading, comes the Magician's Guide to the Tarot!
The Tarot has long fascinated both magicians and the general public. With its entrancing artwork and air of mystery, these cards are the perfect tool for magicians and mentalists. However many magicians and mentalists can find it difficult to incorporate the Tarot into their close-up sets. Learning what each card means and then delivering a 'reading' can seem a daunting task. With 78 cards in a full deck, many can be worried that it is impossible to remember what each card means. And when it comes to using the Tarot...
Continua la pubblicazione del corso più organico al mondo di Giochi di Prestigio!
Il contenuto di questa lezioni spazia in vari campi. Una prima parte tratta di storia. Una seconda parte tratta di psicologia pratica applicata alla prestigiazione, soffermandosi sull'importanza e lo sviluppo della personalità per avere successo come Prestigiatore, con consigli pratici. Infine vengono proposti con minuziosa spiegazione tre begli effetti pronti per essere introdotti nel nostro repertorio con una minima spesa. Ecco descritti gli effetti con le stessa parole di Tarbell:
"Nella lezione vi...
Continua la pubblicazione del più organico Corso di Giochi di Prestigio al mondo.
Questa lezione inizia, come le precedenti con un pò di storia, prendendo in esame l'origine della superstizione.
Si prosegue con un importante riassunto e applicazione dei principi imparati.
Si conclude con la chiara presentazione e spiegazione di alcuni trucchi con la carta davvero sconcertanti :