Contains 19 Amazing Effects:
ALL ABOARD! B'wave by Max Maven has been one of David's favorite effects since its release in 1991. Since then, countless variations have been published...and here are some more! These routines have been designed to give what is essentially the same effect as B'wave, but eliminate the need for Equivoque or any other force. There are four effects that will knock 'em for a loop, plus two bonus chapters devoted to the "Wave" concept.
First up is Jacks in the Box. On the table sits a single card box. It is explained that the box contains the four jacks, and only the four jacks. However, there...
More routines based on the 16th Card Principle.
Peter Arcane and David Lesault have made divination with dice easy.
The origin of knucklebones is closely connected with that of dice. Dice are a traditional tool for fortune telling. Used for casting lots, dice are an indication of fate. They are used for games of chance and provide an opportunity for Lady Luck to shine on the fortunate.
All you need supply is your own die or dice and you're good to go.
If you can count to six then Knucklebones is your perfect partner in crime.
You'll also find included the relationship between the Tarot and the die.
A simple yet powerful divination...
Peter Arcane first shared Quick Jumps Lazy in his 2004 Twisted Mind lecture notes.
Having refined the routine over the last 10 years he now shares with the fraternity his thinking behind the basic effect and more - isograms, panagrams and much much more...
The alphabet will never quite be remembered in the same way ever again!
1st edition 2004, 1st digital edition 2014, 17 pages.
Bibliotheque - of books; a library or depository of wisdom...
Bibliotheque - direct, classic mind-reading wrapped in a silky dust jacket of cold reading and personality profiling...
Bibliotheque - a three stage routine for stage or parlour where the hits just keep getting bigger and bigger!
Pick a book, any book!
The performer is joined by a volunteer in front of the audience. She fairly chooses a book from those on display, and from there she and the audience are taken on a journey of discovery. The performer supplies a stunning character profile, a quick reading, and then plucks...
Long out of print - now for the first time in eFormat. Over the last 11 years Peter Arcane's Zodiac KeyWords has become a bit a cult classic. Initially limited to 50 copies its long been sought after. Well now it's been released in electronic format for the enjoyment of those that perform miracles and missed out the first time round.
Zodiac KeyWords picks up where Ray Grismer's What's my sign? drops off.
What do you do once you know their sign?
Within the pages you'll find a technique that will allow you to take those next steps and present yourself as someone who has more than an understanding...
KAPOW! picks up where Peter Arcane's POW! left off.
It offers 250 inspirational quotes, proverbs and sayings which cover 25 traits of the Minor Arcana and more - Peter also covers the most popular topics of Cold Reading.
Used with care, and sprinkled lightly through your readings KAPOW! will make you a true Superhero.
What's been said so far about KAPOW!...
What you get here is not an updated version of POW! No! Much better! This is a perfectly made follow up. - Rudolf Künzli
I was amazed at the new insights I gained from KAPOW. This is essential reading for anyone who uses Tarot...
Con grande piacere annunciamo un momento storico per la Prestigiazione Italiana: La pubblicazione dei volumi dell'Enciclopedia dell'Illusionismo di Salvatore Cimò in formato digitale.
L'enciclopedia dell'Illusionismo composta di molti volumi vide la sua luce in Italiano con i primi 7 volumi intitolati:
Contains 17 Amazing Effects:
runtime 1h 40min
Michael Maxwell's Incredible Magic at the Bar is a six-volume series designed to teach you how to easily master and perform some of the greatest and easiest magic tricks. Each set in the series covers a different and unique type of magic, such as Bar Magic, Card Magic, Coin Magic, Rope Magic, Silk Magic, Impromptu Magic, Mental Magic, Money Magic and many more.
Incredible Magic at the Bar, Volume 1 teaches you effects that are easy to perform on either side of the bar, but especially suitable for bartenders who wish to raise their image to a new level. Return customers are guaranteed; they will...
Back in 1982, Tom Craven wrote a charming little booklet entitled The 16th Card Book. This ebook is a reproduction of this booklet and additionally a collection of contributions by a list of eclectic performers who contributed their routines on the same topic.
Tom Craven's original 16th Card Book - 1982
The Great Card Magic of Nick Trost continues.
It's a sort of Cups and Balls routine, yet it is done with only one cup which is actually a glass. It's a Two In The Hand And One In The Pocket routine, using the glass instead of the hand. The glass has a paper cover yet things happen without cover and under cover. It is one of those brilliantly unusual effects that you will use most of the time. A glass covered with a piece of paper and three sponge balls are shown. One after the other the balls disappear and reappear under the glass. If you like, one appears BETWEEN the glass and the cover. Two balls are placed under the glass and one in...
Stanley Collins was one of the finest card magic creators ever, and Collins's Card Conceits was his finest hour.
1st edition 1925, reprint 2007, 1st digital edition 2014, 50 pages.
A killer packet effect featuring a nifty four of a kind production/appearance with a totally unexpected color-change finale.
Requires only regular spare cards you've likely got lying around! Featuring two awesome bonus effects:
1st edition 2014, 9 pages.
This is the fifth edition of the Coffee Break Mental Magic series and features a spooky routine based around the ghost stories of author M.R. James! When a collector of occult and esoteric books visits a small bookshop in the English village of Castleton, he could not have predicted that a demon would later be sent to kill him! However as a student of the occult, the book-loving collector is not as easy to kill as might be expected!
This is an enthralling story-telling routine that utilises a thumb tip bill switch or classic billet switch (or even a change bag). It is beyond the scope of...
From Rum and Coke to chocolate milk, the magician looks over his audience, reads their minds, and pours their favorite drink from an empty flask one by one. This famous illusion was made famous by Robert Houdin, and has been modernized for the 21st century!
Two routines are taught. There is a magic tea kettle like effect and a think a drink. This has been a huge closer in Scott Xavier's corporate mentalism set for years. It is also a huge bar magic routine as well as an ideal hospitality magic routine.
You can produce a variety of drinks both alcoholic and not. From Milk, chocolate milk, strawberry...
Uno dei più bei manoscritti di Grant sul mentalismo con possibilità straordinarie non limitate certo alle esibizioni radio-televisive ma adatto a tutti i tipi di spettacolo.
Stropicciatevi bene gli occhi perché quello che state per leggere sono gli effetti spiegati in questo manoscritto.
Questo testo rivela come presentare e realizzare un numero straordinario, che apparirà davvero miracoloso a qualunque pubblico profano o all’esame di una commissione. Si tratta di un effetto che farà discutere e susciterà interesse e mistero più di ogni altro. Il numero consiste nell’apparente...
Die neue NAM 14 ist fertig und steht zum Download bereit. Die erste offizielle Ausgabe des Jahres 2014 ist wieder vollgepackt mit kommerziellen Ideen und Routinen, die man so auf dem gesamten magischen Markt nicht findet.
AUTOSPELL DECK - die Killer-Routine von Devin Knight, bei der eine frei gewählte Karte unter unmöglichen Bedingungen vom Zuschauer selbst aus dem Spiel herausbuchstabiert wird. Der Trick ist ein absoluter Fooler und keiner, dem ich ihn gezeigt habe, hatte auch nur einen Ansatzpunkt einer Lösung! Das Schöne dabei ist, dass das Kunststück als Selbstgänger zu bezeichnen...
This is probably the best routine ever created for the Okito Box. In the hands of the legendary Ken Brooke, this routine was a masterpiece. You will study the Master Move, the best way to secretly turn over the box. Once mastered, you will be introduced to a four-phase entertaining routine with simple props.
The effect, briefly is: A coin is in the box which is placed on top of a cardbox. The coin penetrates the cardbox. The effect is repeated. Then the coin disappears and reappears inside the box. Finally, the coin penetrates the hand of the performer! If wanted, everything can be examined. Detailed...
A very easy, commercial and entertaining color changing knife routine in several phases. With ideas by Ken Brooke, Ascanio and Juan Tamariz. For close-up and walk around. A white knife (or any color) changes to black. You simply say that you are using TWO knives so you produce a white one. The two knives change places a few times and at the end everything can be examined (obviously you have to bring your own knives)!