The Master himself U.F. Grant teach us new, unusual and highly effective methods of performing apparent pickpocket stunts. Startling effects requiring no skill. In this manuscript you will find a number of excellent suggestions for pickpocket stunts. No great pickpocket skill is required to execute them, rather, they are of the stunt type. They will convince the watching spectator that you are an accomplished pickpocket.
4 fantastici Giochi di carte:
Alcuni Esempi:
Spellino Tre o più spettatori scelgono uno alla volta...
Forse hai sempre desiderato inserire nel tuo numero un po' di Pickpocket ( borseggiatore in Italiano...) ma questi numeri richiedono ore e ore di estenuante allenamento... Ora puoi con l'aiuto di questo lavoro classico del Grande Grant, disponibile per la prima volta in Italiano.
Grant ha reso facili le cose difficili e così senza nessuna abilità puoi far sembrare al tuo pubblico che sei un "borseggiatore professionista"tra le risate generali! Ribadiamo che i metodi e i trucchi che sono spiegati sono a puro scopo di spettacolo e nulla hanno a che fare con atti criminosi.
In men che...
Routines from a full-time pro that you can (and will) do!
Scott F. Guinn is a full-time professional magician from Star, Idaho (near Boise) who has been entertaining and amazing audiences throughout the US and Canada since 1978. Scott earns his living performing for "real people" in the "real world". Scott has also written several books and ebooks which you can find here at He was featured in publications such as The Linking Ring, MUM, and AM/PM. On this DVD, you will find material from Scott's "A List", the stuff he performs for real people in real-world paying gigs. The routines...
This ebook includes both the text and the photos of the original two volume hardcover set. Each of the almost 1000 photos is available twice. The first time the photos appear dispersed through the text close to where each photo is first mentioned. And the second time all photos are together in one place, the same way this material was originally published - text and photos separate. Having the photos included with the text avoids the constant reference to another volume. But having them also together by themselves allows for a stop-motion-like viewing of the action.
It is easy to sing the...
Five mind blowing effects on one single card. Impossible killer mentalism.
Launched in FISM Italy 2015 through Charles Gauci Magic.
What the experts have said ...
"Pocket Minds cards are really clever and a great way to always have something with you ready to go. They are professionally made and worthy of any entertainer making their living with this art." - Richard Osterlind
"I like your ideas. Pocket Minds is very good. It is very nice to have a mentalism act in your pocket. Keep creating this kind of things." - Luca Volpe
"Your ideas are exceptional. This is a very practical prop...
Two cards are selected by Topper and Ramada and lost into the deck. The magician removes five cards from it. Topper confirms that one of them is his selection and the packet is placed between his palms. Ramada selects an indifferent card that is placed between her palms. After a magical gesture, Topper's card disappears from his packet. The magician says that playing cards like to switch places and that Topper's card should be reversed in the middle of the deck whereas Ramada's card should have switched places with her random card. One card is found reversed in the middle of the deck... but...
Rogers teaches twelve lessons and shares two scripts:
PDF 25 pages.
Get into the Christmas spirit. This ebook is entirely devoted to tricks and routines for Christmas. Presentations and ideas with tricks you may already own. Instructions for creating or making tricks in the holiday mood, nothing difficult. Pages of ideas to make extra money at Christmas with your magic and your showmanship. Get yourself a Christmas present now and put it to work for you.
This manuscript is ancestrally related to Criss-Crossings: Unleashing the X-Force insofar as it also deals with cutting cards. In this case, it deals with "cuts" and "turnovers."
This type of combinatorial maneuver began with Henry Christ's forcing technique that he developed in the early 1920s. He originally developed six variations but he only published the fifth one in Ted Annemann's book, Sh-h-h It's a Secret, calling it "The 203rd Force." It subsequently has been referred to as the Christ Force and it spawned many versions and applications.
Because of the cut-?turnover-?and-?replacement mechanics, the Christ Force is often confused with Ed Balducci's...
Here Jerry reveals six effects with his famous Linking Pins. They are:
Spectators examine three safety pins and hand them back to the performer who immediately demonstrates that no matter how the pins are laid on the table they will invariably end up with all their opening sides facing the same direction. If the performer attempts to lay one of the pins down facing the wrong way it will flip itself over in front of the spectators eyes.
Next the pins are shown to repel each other violently when held in a certain way.
The three pins are layed flat on the table. Performer picks up one...
This latest volume in the "Best Of" series of Peter Duffie eBooks takes a new direction. Almost 40 card routines have been extracted from Peter's past books and are included in this volume. All the routines have a common denominator: They all involve the selection of a card (or cards) and their subsequent revelation in clever/devious ways!
45 tricks from more than 20 books, 2 insane essays
The Best of Peter Duffie 1 is a perfect cross section of card magic's evolution over the years. Duffie has worked with so many legendary figures that his inspiration is a frenzy of possibilities. Each trick in this ebook was selected as the very best of Peter Duffie's extensive online library.
Duffie employs the most direct method to get from point A to point B. You'll finish the trick without one wasted move; an important characteristic of any good magic trick. A streamlined effect provides ample opportunity to develop the presentation. ...
This is a reprint of the rare and hard to find Secret Professional Pseudo-Hypnotic Methods first released by G. W. Magnuson in 1931. The original manuscript was poorly typed and full of typos and grammatical errors. Devin Knight has taken this work and reset the type to make it easier to read, corrected the typos and grammar and added photos. In addition, Devin has annotated the text with badly needed updated information regarding these methods.
Interestingly, Magnuson did not believe there was such a thing as real hypnosis and developed an act of pseudo hypnosis. Some of his best effects...
Performed and explained by Graham Jolley in conversation with Martin Breese
This download DVD is the final work of Martin Breese’s long career in magic. So determined was he to see this produced that whilst ill he forced the hospital to send him home for the filming. He had a great passion for the work of Al Koran and great respect for Graham Jolley – ‘Britain’s most baffling mind reader’.
Martin had spent many years trying to bring these together and the passion and humor is evident as they talk about their hero. The two discuss the life of Al Koran and Graham Jolley demonstrates and...
EFFECT: The performer shuffles a deck of cards and fans them out, explaining that he will use the two cards wherever the spectator says, "Stop." At the spectators indication the performer stops and removes the two cards at that point. Both hands and both cards are shown on both sides and without further manipulation the two cards are placed together face to face, and a silver dollar is seen to slowly emerge from between them.
After rolling up his sleeves and again showing his hands empty, the performer picks up the deck from the table and shuffles it again. The cards are fanned out, and again...
This ebook's purpose is to teach something about the art of close-up card magic; not just to describe some card effects. Each chapter consists of three parts:
This is a different approach to the Zodiac sign topic, with somebody you have never met before. It is not a sign divination. It looks like an improvised and casual prediction of a complete stranger's Zodiac sign.
What the audience sees, or will remember:
You show them a business card with all the Zodiac signs on it. You ask a participant to name their sign, and on the back of the card, his or her sign was already drawn.
You will need a one-time preparation with index cards and a jacket, (or a wallet) to carry it. It does not require pre-show work, pocket writing or dual-reality.
Fleecing the Flock: Confessions of a Spirit Medium is the entertaining, true story of Mr. Parker, an American who discovers the exploding séance scene in London. Along the way, he meets Thomson, a spiritualist medium of some renown. Unknown to Parker, Thomson is a fraud. We're along for a wild ride as Thomson slowly but surely reels in his victim. In a matter of months, Parker, formerly a fellow of good moral standing, is seduced into the fast-paced life of a spirit medium.
Along the way, you'll meet the various spirits that are conjured up by Thomson and company, as well as witness the...
Diese Ausgabe enthält die in dem Ebuch Schlaglichter von Christian Scherer veröffentlichten theoretischen Artikel zu zahlreichen Aspekten der Präsentation von Sprechzauberei.
Die Essays helfen, sich darüber klar zu werden, worin der Sinn eines Kunststücks für die Zuschauer besteht, in welchem Verhältnis Handlung und Vortrag stehen, was damit bei den Zuschauern bewirkt werden soll und wie die Präsentation optimiert werden kann.
Erstausgabe 2015, 7 Fotos, 40 Seiten
Author and collector Doug Edwards after seeing a performance said:
"That's the best impromptu ACAAN effect I've ever seen!"
If you have ever wanted to do an impromptu version of the David Berglas classic ACAAN but despaired of finding a workable method, rejoice! In his new ebook The ACAAN Experience Nick Conticello offers you four impromptu methods.
Each version of Nick's effect CAAN-Fluence starts from a single premise but uses a different technique each time to place a freely chosen card at a freely chosen location in a borrowed, shuffled, incomplete deck. None of these versions require any...
Twelve practical effects from an award winning performer's professional repertoire.
With 42 pages and twelve effects, this ebook has something for everyone. Whether you perform Close-up, Strolling, Trade Shows or Platform shows, you are bound to find something here that you can use. Everything included is well within the ability of the average performer. Effects using sleight of hand are simple and well known sleights many of which you probably already know. Includes photos, illustrations, and even templates to create these effects yourself.
Hobo Travelers - A no palming version of the...
Effect: Six compact disks representing different music genres are shown to two audience members. Each of them selects a disk in a very fair manner. The four disks that were not selected have a prediction written on them, "You will not choose me" and on the two that were selected is written, "Choose Me".
[Includes six CD labels to print out.]
1st edition 2015, 11 pages.
I believe this is the largest magic catalog ever published. It clocks in at more than 620 pages and is bursting full with products. A unique lovely feature of this catalog is that each section is introduced by a famous magician: Mentalism by David Berglas, Ropes by Pavel, Comedy by Karrel Fox etc.