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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Antariksh P. Singh & Waseem & Sapan Joshi
Hoax Issue 4 by Antariksh P. Singh & Waseem & Sapan Joshi

Special issue featuring Harapan Ong. Harapan has answered some really interesting questions and some intimate questions too. Harapan has also graciously contributed a trick called 'Triumph Squared' followed with contributions from Cameron Francis, Bizau, Sapan Joshi and Antariksh Pratap Singh.


  1. Triumph Squared by Harapan Ong - A cleverX2 approach for Vernon's Triumph.
  2. Coupling by Cameron Francis - An interesting trick for couples
  3. Unknown Spell by Antariksh Pratap Singh - Aces are lost and found ..... in an amusing way with a surprise at the end.
  4. Chachu Triumph by Sapan Joshi - A nice handling for classic...
Mystic Alexandre
The Intuitive Dimension by Mystic Alexandre

This manuscript was previously called Psychic Destiny published in 2005 and was unavailable for a while, but it has returned with extra notes and stronger than ever!

In Intuitive Dimension you'll present a Psychic Test or an Experiment to your subject. You could even present this as a Unique Psychic reading.

From a short stack of business cards you hand her one, and have her write or draw anything she wants on the blank side ... a number, a name, a picture, a question ... whatever comes to her mind intuitively (or you can use completely blank business cards, no matter).

Once done her...

Matteo Filippini
Homing Card (Italian) by Matteo Filippini

( Piccolo studio sulla carta in tasca di Francis Carlyle )

Matteo Filippini presenta un suo personale studio sulla Carta in Tasca; partendo dalla splendida versione di Carlyle, apparsa sullo storico Stars Of Magic, passando da Homing Card Plus di Roberto Giobbi, presente sul secondo volume di Card College, Matteo offre la sua visione su questo grande plot cartomagico; si tratta certamente di uno dei pochi effetti con le carte da gioco che ben si adattano a diverse situazioni di lavoro: close-up, parlour magic, TV, teatro... La routine é stata divisa in diverse fasi ed analizzata fin nei minimi...

★★★★ $30
Jerry Andrus
Andrus Card Control by Jerry Andrus

This is Jerry Andrus' most important publication.

This ebook includes volume 1 and 2 of the printed version. The more than 1000 illustrations from volume 2 have been inserted close to where they are referenced in the text, making this ebook a lot easier to study than the original printed version where text and illustrations are separated.

Jerry Andrus was an incredible creative and inquisitive man. He could converse just as easily on questions surrounding quantum mechanics as he could on magic and optical illusions. He looked at a deck of cards very differently than most of us. This allowed...

★★★★★ $4
Rev. Donald E. Bodley
Lessons in Scripture by Rev. Donald E. Bodley

Perform magic tricks with presentations related to passages from the bible. Also includes a section called Presenting The Program which helps you put everything together and dress it up.

  • Introduction
  • Magic Makes Lessons Effective
  • The Blood Of Jesus
  • I Was Only Foolin’
  • The Need For Missionaries
  • Parable Of The Mustard Seed
  • "The Lord Is Risen Indeed"
  • The Power Of God
  • A Christian Gone Sour
  • Filled With The Goodness Of God
  • The Loaves And The Fishes
  • The Full Armor Of God
  • Setting The Example
  • "A Little Child Shall Lead Them"
  • How Shall I Put A Program Together?
  • Dressing Things Up ...
★★★★ $10
Floyd Gerald Thayer
Thayer Catalog #8 by Floyd Gerald Thayer

This is a beautiful catalog with an introduction that includes photos of Thayer's residence. This catalog was published in 1936 and as the title page correctly states: "The Finest, Largest, And Most Comprehensive Compilation of Magical Goods Ever Published."

1st edition 1936; 311 pages.

★★★★★ $12
Steve Sanders
ZenerPhobia by Steve Sanders

ZenerPhobia is a compilation and collection of ten effects that can be done with a Zener deck or as it is more commonly known the ESP deck.

Included in the book:

An introduction to the symbols and a brief description of the Piatnik and Royal Magic ESP decks and their little known secrets.

A spectator uses her inane ESP powers to predict whether five unseen cards will match another five unseen cards.

Janus Syndrome
Five Zener cards are openly put into five envelopes and mixed by a spectator. The magician predicts what symbol will be chosen, and another spectator chooses...

★★★★★ $12
Mystic Alexandre
Dr. Wendy Woo's Black Swan by Mystic Alexandre

Four Unique Playing Card Routines! Featuring Dr. Wendy Woo's RV Experiment VERSION 2. You can do this over the phone and this alone is worth the price of the manuscript.

This manuscript was written in 2009 and a release was intended then, but for various reasons not done so. Finally, here it is.

Who is Dr. Wendy Woo? Who knows, but briefly, she has been involved with remote viewing for nearly a decade and considers herself a "consciousness researcher who has sometimes experienced altered states of consciousness." In this manuscript she teaches you how to fake her abilities ...


★★★★ $10
Tom Phoenix
Crystal Clear by Tom Phoenix

Turn your card box into a devilishly sneaky peek device!

It takes 3 minutes and 42 seconds to make, and requires no special materials.

Two applications are taught in detail:

  • A 2-phase ACAAN routine, which also includes a presentation idea to make the ACAAN plot meaningful.
  • Two-Behind: You read the mind of their imaginary friend, AND guess the name of their friend.

1st edition 2015, 9 pages.

★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Dark Horizon by Unknown Mentalist

This is mentalism with a message. This routine can generate a strong emotional connect with the audience. Language is to a mentalist what semen is to impregnation. When a language becomes extinct, humanity slides down many generations. It is undeniable that mentalists have gained immensely from languages. This release is a humble attempt at conveying mentalism's gratitude for languages.

The simple but highly effective principle of this routine lends itself to complete customization/personalization. Performer displays some language lists. Some ancient languages which are still studied today....

★★★★★ $3
Devin Knight
The Uncanny Rising and Floating Iron Bar by Devin Knight

This effect was very popular in the early 1900s. It was used in vaudeville, tent shows, and touring illusion shows. However, today, it is almost forgotten.

This secret has been sold in the past by Nelson Enterprises, Nelmar, Joe Ovette and Del-Ardo and is now being revealed again to modern-day performers, who wish to add this novelty to their acts.

If you have seen Devin Knight perform, you may have seen him do this feat. It is a regular part of his show. This can be used by magicians, mentalists, and metaphysical performers; but, be warned, Even though there is a gimmick. This is not...

★★★★ $2
Raphaël Czaja
In Case Hof Emergency by Raphaël Czaja

You remove the four Jacks (your "emergency cards") from a deck and table them. A card is selected - let's say the 2H - and lost into the deck. You concentrate, reveal that his card is the QS, and produce it in one cut. But the spectator tells you this is not his card. You wave your "emergency" packet over the deck: The Jack of the same suit as his selection, the JH, turns face up. Then, the three remaining cards are turned over: They have changed into the 2S, 2D and 2C! Finally, you spread the deck: The JS, JD and JC are face up in the middle of the deck, with one face-down card between the...

★★★★ $10
Scott F. Guinn
Pro-Mega by Scott F. Guinn

Scott F. Guinn tips every detail of Pro-Mega, his blockbuster multiple location routine for parlor, platform and stage!

Seven audience participants each freely select and sign a card. The cards are lost in the deck and then each card is found in a progressively more impossible way. The amazement and amusement grow to an unbelievable crescendo with the revelation of the last card, which has been in full view in an impossible location since before the show began!

Scott is a seasoned pro who has used this pet routine in his professional performing repertoire for decades, often as the closer...

★★★★★ $9.95
Scott F. Guinn
Designated Driver by Scott F. Guinn

Scott F. Guinn is back with another commercial card routine!

You explain that you have a sure-fire way to decide which person in a group enjoying a few drinks should be the designated driver. After a deck of cards is thoroughly shuffled, one person selects a card. Three different people look at this card and commit it to memory. When you ask them all to tell everyone which card they saw, you get three different answers--each person names a different card! The card is turned over and shown that it doesn't match any of the cards named. In fact, none of the named cards are even in the deck! ...

★★★★★ $5
Jerry Andrus
Five Dollar Trix by Jerry Andrus

Five coin tricks, a move and coin holders, by Jerry Andrus:

  • Double Dollars
  • Ball and Coin Routine
  • Multiplying Dollars
  • Three Coins Across
  • A Coin Move
  • Dollar Bill Delusion
  • Coin Holders

1st edition 1973, PDF 26 pages.

Jerry Andrus
Kurious Kards by Jerry Andrus

From the introduction:

Here is a book replete with many of my ideas on Kurious Kards. Magicdom certainly has its share of "Take A Card" tricks -- "Mental Marvels" and "Mathematical Monstrosities." Why then couldn't it stand a little material that is either different enough to be sort of crazy, or crazy enough to be sort of different?

This book is not intended to be encyclopedic in nature, but rather just presents ideas that I have worked out over the years and recently. So here is my contribution of "Selectified Kard Insanities." Some are easy, some are difficult. They are not tricks within...

★★★★★ $7.95
Jack Vosburgh
More Than A Trick by Jack Vosburgh

Jack Vosburgh was a close friend of Ted Annemann and deeply inspired by that master. Annemann referred to Vosburgh as "an unusual idea man." See for yourself in these thirteen novel playing card problems, especially the famous "Future Deck." Everything clearly explained so you can learn them quickly and easily.

From the introduction:

You have bought another magic 'book'! And a book of card tricks at that! I hope you won't be disappointed.

Because you have shown enough interest in card magic to invest in this book you evidently share with me the opinion that there is nothing actually wrong with...

★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Square Thrills by Unknown Mentalist

If you already own Square Skills or purchase along with this, you can get this ebook for $6 only. And the owners of this ebook can get Why A Magic Square Should Not Be a Magic Square for half price.

Many enigmatic secrets. Hidden deep inside the 'Circle of Fate' for many centuries. Now rediscovered, repackaged and revealed for you.

You will learn 5 simple, self working secrets of the 'Circle of Fate'. You will also learn 11 stunning routines. You also get the 'Circle of Fate' printable prop.

Fully automatic and self working routines. So you can fully focus on your presentation. Very novel presentations are included along with scripting and patter. Easy...

★★★ $0
Michael Jay
Top Hat Volume 2 Issue 13 (Dec 2015) by Michael Jay
  • A Letter from the Editor by Michael Jay
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Christmas Memory by Ken Muller
  • The Art of Reading Magic by Gary Scott
  • The Elegant Sorcerer by Joshua Shuh
  • Three (Self-Working) Card Tricks by Werner Miller
  • Baubles, Bangles & Bibelots by Dave Wyton
  • Christmas Cups and Balls by Jon A. Hand
  • Almond Brothers by Ken Muller
  • Christmas Scripts by Ken Muller
  • The Magician by Michael Jay
  • Bizarre Bursary
  • Merry Christmas...Mr. Torrance by Mark Williams
  • The Death Rose by Weepin' Willie
  • Visionary Reflections from the Secret Laboratory of the Nyama Possessor
  • End Page

126 pages...

★★★★ $9
Mystic Alexandre
Cards of the Dead: The Egyptian One-Card Reading by Mystic Alexandre

The Book of the Dead is often translated as the "Book of Emerging Forth Into the Light" which consists of a number of magic spells intended to assist a dead person's journey through the Duat, or underworld, and into the afterlife ... so begins the Cards of the Dead - The Egyptian One-Card Reading.

You present the subject with a pack of cards, preferably one that looks special (there are a couple of options in the manuscript though any deck will do), the subject chooses ten random cards, you study these, pick up an impression (the kicker), note it down, and begin with the simple esoteric procedure...

★★★★ $9
Unknown Mentalist
Advanced Brain Knewmerology by Unknown Mentalist

The owners of Brain Knewmerology can get this ebook for half price.

A participant mentally chooses a precious stone. Another participant mentally chooses any day of the week. The performer not only divines both these thoughts but also deduces some related thoughts as well.

An absolute reputation maker in the right hands. This is a more advanced mind reading routine when compared to my Brain Knewmerology. It is still more impossible and stunning from the audience point of view.

Nothing is spoken or announced by the participants.

And it possesses the same set of rare qualities.

  • It is absolutely prop less and it can...
Tom Phoenix
Demonic by Tom Phoenix

Be ready for Halloween.

This is a dark, multi-phase routine perfect for anyone who appreciates magic with a more sinister tone.

  • The participant selects and signs a card
  • It is placed in their hands.
  • When they turn the card over, a black pentagram has appeared on the face.
  • You hold the card over a flame, and the pentagram vanishes from the card, and reappears on your palm.
  • You then burn the face of the card, and the numbers "666" appear in white writing in the center of the scorch mark.
You will receive a PDF with instructions, as well as additional ideas for how to use the techniques...
★★★★★ $7.95
Roberto Giobbi
Introduction to Card Magic by Roberto Giobbi

In 14 clearly organized lessons you will learn how to handle a deck of cards like a pro. And along the way you will acquire some amazing, yet simple card tricks, which will allow you to successfully perform a little card act for an audience.

  • Lesson 1: Tools and Instruments
  • Lesson 2: Getting Acquainted With Your Instrument
  • Lesson 3: Your First Techniques: Basic Shuffles
  • Lesson 4: Your First Card Trick: "The Mystery of the Triangle"
  • Lesson 5: Ordinary Cuts
  • Lesson 6: A Small Card Miracle: "The Cards Know"
  • Lesson 7: More Auxiliary Sleights and Review
  • Lesson 8: A Few Simple Flourishes ...
★★★★★ $10
Devin Knight
Pseudo Hypnosis by Devin Knight

This PDF teaches you how to combine a clever mental effect with REAL hypnosis to create an effect that can't be done with just regular hypnosis. This effect will help you stand out from the competition and increase your bookings.

Devin's bookings as a hypnotist have almost doubled since including this feat in his shows. This effect can also be used as an emergency effect when nobody goes into hypnosis. You can do this effect and it will appear to be real hypnosis.

Magicians and mentalists can use this as a pseudo hypnotic trick in their shows as it is not necessary to have the person really...

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