1920's film footage plus booklet revealing the closely-guarded secrets of the Indian Cups and Balls, the Mango Tree effect and much more. Together with attempts at the Indian Rope Trick plus bonus footage of Kuda Bux doing the Fire Walk.
Here is some amazing 1920's film footage capturing street magicians at work with some of the great Indian classics that are so rarely seen by Westerners. Much of the material on this download DVD (it is accompanied by an exciting musical track) is explained in the 40-page PDF (to download it see your digital shelf).
You will see great performances of the...
This movie was taken by Ake Hallberg from Sweden. Location is Hyde Park in London during the 1980s. The 8mm film was sent via Ulf Morling to Martin Breese who released it on DVD. You will see two performances of Fred's fantastic Ambitious Card routine together with numerous sleights and color changes. You will also see his incredible Vanish of Coin in tie.
This film is really short but a gem for all who have never seen Fred Robinson perform life. For more on Fred's magic see The Magic of Fred Robinson by Peter Duffie.
This is one of the most innovative cups and balls routines. Maestro Leonardo featured the routine in his IBM competition entry in 2008 in the UK and received a standing ovation from the audience. There are no moves in the routine that relate to any other cups and balls effects. The loads are invisible, and there is virtually no way that they can be spotted. Anyone who plans to use this routine and is prepared to put in the work perfecting it, could have a short act that is suitable for any kind of show venue. The Medieval Cups and Balls routine culminates with the production of water, a long...
The download DVD is a complete Chan Canasta television broadcast from a 1960's BBC TV Show. You see a professional entertainer perform, how he controls his spectators, and how he builds up the effects.
Chan first performs a few card effects and closes with a book test. In the beginning spectators take a few cards each and Canasta divines which cards each one has. Then two spectators take one card from a full deck each and they magically take the same card. Later a spectator takes two cards from a deck and puts each one in one of his pockets, without Canasta looking, but again Canasta knows...
Performed and explained by Brian Barnes.
The explanation for the performance and method is in Al Koran's Legacy but as Brian Barnes has been performing this act for around 50 years he has taken bits of the routine out and has added some of his own subtle touches.
This is a brilliant act for any full time magical entertainer. It just requires the minimum of props including a blindfold, cards and a table. It can be worked absolutely surrounded and for audiences of virtually any size.
Brian Barnes not only performs the act in front of an audience of twelve but then explains how to perform it in detail....
"A brilliant and versatile principle that has stood the test of time." Ian Rowland
This is an unbelievable book test. Just imagine taking a modern book; perhaps a best seller in the bookshops right now. The book is genuine and is completely unfaked in any way. You can even ask a member of the audience or perhaps someone on a radio show that you will be talking to, to bring along a copy of the Da Vinci Code or whatever you choose to use. Or you could do this impromptu with any book as long as you have a couple of minutes private time with the book.
You have the book examined and you...
"A brilliant and versatile principle that has stood the test of time." Ian Rowland
This is an unbelievable book test. Just imagine taking a modern book; perhaps a best seller in the bookshops right now. The book is genuine and is completely unfaked in any way. You can even ask a member of the audience or perhaps someone on a radio show that you will be talking to, to bring along a copy of the Da Vinci Code or whatever you choose to use. Or you could do this impromptu with any book as long as you have a couple of minutes private time with the book.
You have the book examined and you...
This work by LePaul has become a classic a long time ago. It is a must read for anybody who is seriously interested in card magic. LePaul was one of the 20th century's most admired card technicians. Here he teaches you 31 moves and 21 routines, beautifully explained in word and more than 300 photos showing the master at work.
Paul Fleming wrote:
No one who has seen the program of Paul Le Paul can doubt his ability as a performer; and no informed magician who reads The Card Magic of Le Paul will question that it is a real contribution to the literature of card conjuring.
The "new and different effects...
After the index in the back is a section of 14 pages with additional products. This means it is likely that Abbott catalog #18 is pretty much identical to Abbott catalog #17 except for this final section of products.
Magic products are being offered in the following categories:
The secret of success with a question and answer (Q&A) act lies in the performer's ability to ANSWER questions intelligently and to the point. In this ebook, DeLawrence reveals the real secret of answering questions from audience members of all walks of life. This work is regarded by many experienced professionals as the best of its kind ever written.
Included is a breakdown of questions according to the dress and other visual clues from the spectator; the value of asking for a raised hand after a partial delivery; stock questions (with many examples); tricks of the trade to developing entertaining...
One of the things Jerry Andrus is known for are his safety pin tricks. He has created a whole range of methods and moves and effects. Enjoy an array of truly bewildering effects with the lowly safety pin. [Please note that no safety pins are included with this download.]
"This is another powerful idea from Devin. Now, it is unusual and not something you would be doing in a show. But, if you want to make an impact with a client, or future client, then this is something you can learn and put in your personal arsenal. I'm sure many workers will want to add it into their memory banks of things they can use to look like memory experts." - Greg Arce
"As a veteran performer of over 17 years as the house mentalist at Magic Island in Houston, TX, I had been using the old Paul Linder version sparingly because of the possibility of repeating the same number for two people....
Sloka Deck is a mnemonic deck based on probably the world's smallest mnemonic for a full deck card stack. A practical alternative to brute memorization and math rules. This creates an almost instant stacked deck for you. Very tiny and yet powerful mnemonic holds the key to your 52 cards. An easy and practical rule is embedded into this tiny mnemonic to aid instant recall. You will be able to know the entire stack within minutes of reading the instructions.
Basically, given a card you can instantly know the previous and next cards. And with a little visualization, this can be used as a memorized...
Have you seen the Derren Brown episode in which he blindfolds a spectator? She truly cannot see and is asked to focus on a word that Derren has drawn and just shown to the entire audience. She truly has not seen this word and has no idea what the word is. There truly is no pre-show. After Derren provides the instructions to her, she puts something on her own notepad. At the count of three, she takes off her blind-fold, and shows her drawing to the audience. It is a perfect match. The S&S Method has never-before been revealed, and it allows you to exactly replicate this impossible feat of mentalism. ...
Dee Christopher is known for his haunted magic and mentalism; in this ebook he reveals his tricks of the trade...
This is the ultimate Halloween publication to put you above the competition and ensure your act is suitably chilling and mystical. Featuring classic and hard to find Dee Christopher routines, alongside many new presentations and work on haunted effects.
Eccoti delle piacevoli quanto interessanti note di conferenza di Aldo Colombini. Una bella selezione di effetti tra i suoi preferiti in cui sicuramente ne troverai da inserire nel tuo repertorio ! La ricetta è sempre la stessa : grande effetto e semplicità di esecuzione !!!
Eccoti un anteprima di quello che leggerai:
This free ebook is my way of saying a big thank you for the tremendous response to my releases, six of which have already made their way onto the Lybrary Hotlist.
After releasing Deckology 1 - Mystic Deck and Deckology 2 - Biologic Deck, I have been receiving requests to release further volumes of Deckology Series. So here is Deckology 3 - Comic Deck for your reading pleasure.
The secrets within a deck of cards uncovered in the first and second volumes of Deckology were more serious, mystical and profound in nature. But in this third volume of Comic Deck, the 'secrets' uncovered are hilarious in nature and allow you to play up the humorous...
Bruce Carlley is going to show you a number of games that the magician or gambler plays against a spectator one on one. The spectator gets a free choice of the objects that are used in the gambling game. (Some games use cards, dice, pieces of paper, spinners, etc.) For example, say the spectator has a choice of four dice. Spectator picks one die and the magician picks one die. Each rolls their die, and the high number wins. Whoever wins a best of 12 game match wins the game. Unfortunately for the spectator, the magician will almost always win the match. The probability will ALWAYS be in the...
Magic products are being offered in the following categories:
If you already own In-spy-ring or purchase along with this, you will get this for half price.
Now this second edition includes some clever and innovative additional revelation ideas from Marc Paul. It already includes a brilliant additional revelation idea of Chris Wasshuber.
These are 3 unbelievably dramatic routines which are totally unfathomable by the spectators. Even if they search the internet, they will find the entire patter and facts given by you are absolutely true and genuine which makes these routines all the more baffling and memorable.
Self working and easy to do. No stooges, no pre-show and no sleights....