This is a completely new and improved implementation of the famous Al Stanger Miracle Poker Machine. It is based on Gaetan Bloom's superior routine for this miracle. The first phase of the Bloom routine is now customizable and requires zero mental work - an improvement to an already astonishingly clean and clever and easy to perform routine.
Here is a brief outline of the effect: A spectator selects 5 cards from a regular deck of cards. (The deck is not gimmicked in any way and can be a borrowed one.) Four of these cards are entered by the spectator into the Miracle Poker Machine. A fifth...
This is a woman empowered card trick. The spectator (preferably a woman) randomly selects a group of cards from the middle of the deck and deals them into four face-down piles. The top card of each pile is turned over to reveal the four Kings. Suddenly she finds the matching Queens. Sounds familiar, right? But this routine goes one further. When all the cards under the Queens are spread, they are of matching suits. This trick is free of any sleights.
1st edition 2021, PDF 7 pages.
Continuing with even more pro-quality close-up and platform effects, here's a worthy second volume of Berland's exclusive magic. Long out of print, this collection includes several miracles that Berland sold separately through magic dealers the world over.
Partial contents:
The "Free Cut Principle" was first discovered by John P. Hamilton and published in 1948 in The Eyes of the Gods. Gene Finnell independently discovered the same principle two decades later and published several applications of it in his Free Cut Principle booklet in 1967. Since then many card tricks have been created to make use of it. It does not require any dexterity, nor is it hard to understand once you know how it works. Nevertheless, it is very effective and practical for a range of applications.
A mentalism effect, also possible at a distance (in video chat or just on the telephone), in which you will incredibly succeed to guess, at the end of the experiment, where the card thought by the spectator is found among four ones freely chosen by him, even though you will never see the cards and never know if he decided to lie or not when answering the three simple questions you will ask him.
Key points:
This is a detailed description of Keith Clark's 'Phoenix plot' routine, where a cigarette gets destroyed but somehow is recreated - as it were it rises like Phoenix from its ashes.
Paul Fleming wrote:
Celebrated Cigarettes, by Keith Clark, is similar to Silks Supreme and Rope Royale (which were the work of the same author and the same publisher) in that it is edited by John Braun, illustrated by Nelson Hahne, and neatly printed by the offset process and bound in a decorative cover of soft boards. It is an eighteen-page booklet, with twelve pages of text and six of excellent drawings.
Like Mr. Clark's books on silk handkerchief...
Here is the effect: a spectator has a packet of 5 cards. For argument's sake, let's assume the five cards used are simply numbered 1-5 (the actual make up of the cards is up to your imagination). The spectator goes through a procedure in which cards are turned face up, face down, left as they are, the packet is cut, some-times the spectator decides whether the cards are turned over or not, sometimes the performer decides. But in the end, no matter who made the decisions, or which decisions were made, only the center card is face up and it is the 4. Not only that, but no matter what decisions...
Card Mentalism is a collection of simple but effective mentalism effects with cards. These effects have been field tested and require no complicated moves to execute leaving you, the performer, to concentrate solely on your presentation.
The effects included in this PDF are:
ANIMAL PREDICTION: A cute mentalism effect involving cards bearing animal pictures on them. Although the cards are mixed by the spectator both he and the mind reader end up on the identical animal card as if by coincidence.
ESTIMATION: A deck of playing cards is introduced and shuffled. A spectator is instructed...
This article succinctly critiques the Milton Franklin Andrews case, and introduces us to two at the time new suspects, James DeWitt Andrews and Edwin Sumner Andrews.
This article first appeared in the 1999 December issue of Magic Magazine, except for this release Richard Hatch added two pages introductory notes to better frame his article in the historical context of the hunt for Erdnase. The article is also essentially the talk Richard gave at the 1999 Los Angeles Conference on Magic History.
1st edition 1999 (intro 2021), PDF 16 pages.
Eine sehr gute Einführung wie man mit Magischen Quadraten den größt möglichen Erfolg als Künstler erziehlt. Peter Wilker war Universtäts Professor für Mathematik, jedoch braucht man fast keine Mathematik zu können um den klaren und einfachen Erklärungen folgen zu können. Einfaches Kopfrechnen ist alles was man können muß.
Eine Prise Humor
Viele Kunststücke unterhalten das Publikum durch ihren verblüffenden Effekt, sind aber für sich selber nicht lustig. Das Zerreißen und Wiederganzmachen einer Zeitung gehört etwa dazu wie auch die meisten Manipulationen. Manchmal lassen sich aber durch kleine Änderungen ernsthafte Effekte in humorvolle verwandeln, ohne daß sie an Substanz verlieren. In dieser Studie werden drei Beispiele dafür beschrieben: eine Vorhersage, die fast schiefgeht, Geistertafeln, bei denen die Zuschauer fast merken, wie sie funktionieren und ein "Bank Night"-Effekt, bei dem ein Zuschauer...
These are 8 hours of personal video instructions from Roberto Giobbi. This is almost like taking private lessons from Roberto. It is a one-to-one coaching from one of the world's premier card experts, who is considered by his peers to be one of today's finest and most influential teachers of magic.
"I was extremely impressed. Giobbi is an excellent teacher, he communicates his ideas clearly, and he's passionate about card magic - this is one of the best card magic DVD sets I've come across in recent memory. It contains a tremendous amount of solid material for beginning and even seasoned...
5 novel techniques, 4 variations. A crash course on billet reading/peeking techniques. You get a full peek of the billet every time.
"I can confirm, it contains the best full peek done with a folded billet that I am aware of." - Nestor Dee
"Julien's work with billets is sensational! His techniques are beautiful, elegant and extremely deceptive. This is some of the finest billet materiel available today." - Marc Paul
"Julien has made significant advanced to billet work. This video course contains what I consider to be real breakthroughs. If you are proficient with classic peeks and switches...
[S]Witch is a great impromptu billet technique, created by Julien during years of performances on cruise ships and in theatre shows. The effect is simple: You ask someone to draw or write anything on a small paper/business card. In only two very fair moves, you can duplicate their thoughts.
Yes we're talking about a switch, but such a good one. It's done in front of your spectator's eyes, and even though you magicians know there is one in play, you can't see it. It is that strong. This method is a real worker, performed hundreds of times by Julien for real audiences. A powerful secret kept underground...
From the preface:
Although only three years have elapsed since Latest Sleights was published, Magic has made such rapid strides in that short time, and so many new tricks have come into existence, that I cannot allow another edition to go to press without thoroughly revising this book and making many most important additions.
A fast, modern escape act you can present at nightclubs, casino floor shows, and TV.
It's an ever-changing world. And with these changes come new modes in everything, including show business. Houdini could be heavily shackled, then retire to a cabinet for thirty minutes, liberate himself and the audiences clamored for more. But that was then ... Paying customers today demand two things: speed and comedy. Many successful professional magicians throw good tricks away if the item won't produce at least six laughs and takes more than two minutes to perform.
This act has been streamlined to appeal...
From the foreword:
There are tricks that put us on the track of different (and sometimes better) problems. For example: the principle of the production box described in this booklet may be adapted for other purposes.
Kunststücke, die tausendfach erprobt sind und in zahllosen Varianten vorliegen, die damit auch ein gewisses Alter aufweisen, pflegt man als Klassiker zu bezeichnen. Beispiele sind etwa diese Klassiker: das Becherspiel, dann das Zerschneiden und Wiederganzmachen einer Schnur, die Schnurstäbe, die Chinesischen Ringe, der Eierbeutel und so fort. Die Studie bespricht drei solcher Klassiker sowohl historisch als auch sachlich und beschreibt neue Versionen: die "Banknote in der Zitrone", die "Schwebenden Gläser" und den Effekt "Zwei-in-die-Hand, eines-in- die-Tasche".
Tricks and amusements with a sheet of paper.
From the foreword:
Paper is one of the easiest materials to obtain, and to those who are interested in finding a useful means of utilizing some of the household accumulations, the present volume will undoubtedly appeal. It will be noticed that the book has been divided into two parts, and the first portion, dealing with Toys, Models, Puzzles, etc. made entirely from paper, will be found to provide a fascinating and at the same time, inexpensive form of amusement for the younger members of the home circle. The second section deals with some effective...
From the preface:
The title of this little brochure indicates its contents. Simple Tricks and simple tricks only. No apparatus is required and but little sleight-of-hand is needed in the performance of any of them. They consist of a series of tricks and problems, easily acquired, suitable for gatherings round the table on winter evenings. Some of them are new and many are old; but even the oldest are new to the rising generation. For six of the latest tricks, - "A Hindu Swindle," "The Elusive Match," "A Subtle Impromptu Effect with a Coin," "A Novel Card Effect," "An Artful Card Force," and...
From the introduction:
In the past few years I have written several books on general magic, all of which have been very favorably received by the magical group. For the first time I have now written a book on two specialized types of magic. Having practiced card tricks since infancy, and having a personal liking for good coin tricks, I am setting forth herein some of the fruits of my studies on these two subjects.
Magicians and emcees know that comedy plays an important role in warming up today's audiences. No matter how great your tricks may be, if the spectators aren't laughing, they're not being entertained. Whether for TV, stage, casino floor show (night club), or lodge shows, Without Mirrors contains an excellent assortment of material to choose from to make you the center of attention.
Memorize two or three of the one-liners and you'll also be prepared to deliver an apparently ad-lib, off the cuff remark, just as the late-night TV hosts do. While you don't have a team of comedy writers like the...