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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 2366 to 2389 (of 10405 products)
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★★★★★ $12.99
Abhirup Roy
Mentalism Bundle by Abhirup Roy

Effect 1: Impromptu Pin Guess

Imagine walking up to a random spectator and instantly reveal the PIN Code that they generated, moments back, without any funny business, the spectator never says or writes any digit of the pin code.

  • Totally impromptu pin Reveal.
  • A relevant plot, no pre-show involved.
  • Zero memory works
  • Spectator never says or writes any digit of the pin code
  • 100% correct all the time
  • Less memory work for spectator
  • Practical to perform
Effect 2: Impromptu Index

After a bit of chatting with your participant, you take the cards from the card case and hand it to your...

★★★★★ $10
Brick Tilley
Black Jack Hole Card Switch by Brick Tilley

This is an improvement in the handling of the Curry Turnover that makes this move easier to accomplish and more deceptive. A simple get-ready makes the exchange faster and infinitely more rewarding. It was perfected during hundreds of hours behind a Black Jack table without ever once being detected.

It can be used for magical purposes as well. Add this subtle weapon to your card arsenal.

1st edition 2021, PDF 4 pages, video 30 s.

George Ernest Arrowsmith
Two Little Gems by George Ernest Arrowsmith

Two surprising card tricks based on a little known principle.

My Lady's Jewels

The performer starts with: "The story goes that a certain queen had some very valuable diamonds, and one day when she opened her jewel casket lo and behold some of them were missing. Summoning the court detective, she commanded him to trace the stolen gems and return them to her, and, being a very able sleuth his quest was soon accomplished. If you will take your own pack of cards and follow my directions, I will show you how he did it."

The cards having been produced (and emphasis is laid upon the fact...

Tom Sellers
Subtle Sorcery by Tom Sellers
  • The Flying Coins
  • Ball Production For Club Workers
  • Thimble Production
  • Choice Restored
  • The Web Handkerchief Production
  • Black Art Milk Vanish
  • A "Stag" Party Pack
  • Tele - Refreshment Bar
  • The Hoop Un-Looped
  • The Surp-Rising Cigarette
  • Which End?
  • Finding A Card At Any Number
  • The Girl Behind The Door
  • Silk Sympathy
  • Bar And Chains Escape
  • Sleight For Gloved Workers
  • The T.S. Sack Escape
  • Date Plus Your Age
  • Lay-Out Speller
  • A Mental Tip
  • Entertaining With Words
    • (1) Marriage And Divorce
    • (2) Lazy Bones
    • (3) Backwards And Forwards
  • Effective Four Ace Trick
  • Leap Year Card Trick
★★★★★ $5
Tom Sellers
Scots Magic by Tom Sellers
  • The Spirit Guide
  • A Paddle Routine
  • The Impromptu Rising Card
  • The Elongated Cigarette
  • New Rising Cards
  • Flip Flap
  • The Tell Tale Scytale
  • The Ribbon Pyramid
  • Two Silks Vanish
  • Off And On Again
  • Change Over Cards
  • The Jumping Ring
  • The T.S. Find The Lady
  • Winged Cigarettes
  • On Again - Off Again
  • Balls And Pillar
  • An Old Trick Simplified
  • The Winner
  • It's Just Chance
  • The Name On The Slate
  • Living And Dead
1st edition 1939, 24 pages; PDF 20 pages.
Peter Wilker
Magische Studien 1 und 2 by Peter Wilker

Die "Magischen Studien" beschäftigen sich mit bestimmten Themen, Ideen und Problemen der Zauberkunst. Jede Studie wird eingeleitet durch eine kurze geschichtliche und sachliche Betrachtung, gefolgt von einigen zum Thema passenden Kunststücken. Viele dieser Kunststücke sind noch wenig bekannt oder neu, andere wieder enthalten neue Ideen zu bewährten Effekten - alle aber wurden praktisch erprobt und haben sich vor Laienpublikum als erfolgreich erwiesen.

Zuschauer Zaubern

Es geht in dieser Studie um Kunststücke, bei denen die Zuschauer selber "Wunder" wirken, ohne daß scheinbar der...

★★★★ $3
Harlan Tarbell
10 Magical After Dinner Stunts by Harlan Tarbell

Here are ten fun-to-perform mysteries from arguably the best magical artist and instructor on the planet. Easy enough for the beginner, the varied routines will entertain any audience, regardless of the performer's skill level. Despite the title, you'll find yourself using one or more of these stunts wherever people gather: at the dinner table, at your favorite watering hole, at parties, or at get-togethers with friends and family. Each effect is painstakingly illustrated in Doc Tarbell's famous style, making them fun and easy to learn and perform.

Originally published in 1930, after the...

Martin Breese
Martin Breese Catalog 1 by Martin Breese

This is the first catalog Martin Breese issued most likely in 1975. He had not yet begun to create and publish his own products. We therefore find in this catalog only products from other manufacturers, such as Ken Brooke, Johnson Products, Sterling Magic Creations, and others.

1st edition 1975, PDF 57 pages.

Martin Breese
Martin Breese Video Catalog by Martin Breese

Martin Breese was an early adopter of video technology. He produced a number of videos in-house, and also retailed some of the earliest instructional magic videos available. This was the first video catalog Breese issued.

1st edition 1986, 20 pages; PDF 20 pages.

★★★★★ $10
John King van Rensselaer
Prophetical, Educational and Playing Cards by John King van Rensselaer

This work explores the history, meaning, and uses of playing cards.

From the foreword:

If an apology is needed for writing again on the subject of playing cards, the excuse may be offered that new lights have been turned on the subject, so that there is fresh information to lay before the public, derived from a close and exhaustive study of the European libraries and museums, as well as of the pictures on the Playing Cards themselves or prints found in those repositories, and also in the collection owned by the writer; for these speak their histories to those who regard their symbols with...

★★★ $6
Ian Baxter
Three Good Deals by Ian Baxter

Growing tired of long, arduous Poker Deals that magicians love and audiences can loathe? All too often when a spectator remarks: "I wouldn't like to play cards with you!" the performer unleashes a twenty-minute Poker demonstration, often laced with countless sleights and bloated yarn about a shady Mexican gambler. The entertainment quotient is immediately stifled; it is all just 'too much.'

Looking to jettison these overbearing routines? Author Ian Baxter has put together some practical alternatives - three highly entertaining, well-paced Poker Deals in one exceptional manuscript. Easy, delightful...

★★★★ $9
Unknown Mentalist
Ezorb by Unknown Mentalist

Ezorb stands for "Easy to Absorb Zodiac Resource Booklet". It contains several special tools, ideas, and inputs for improving, polishing, or embellishing your performances of zodiac-related effects and routines. No routines are included.

1st edition 2021, PDF 17 pages.

★★★★★ $9.95
Sultan Orazaly
Sky Vanish by Sultan Orazaly

A visual vanish of a playing card which looks like real magic. The gimmick can be made in a few minutes.

1st edition 2021, video 7 min.

Mario Tarasini
Slider Levitation by Mario Tarasini

Borrow any bill (any currency), hold it in your hand, attach the bill to the card and it will start to rise. Simple, visual and a clear effect.

1st edition 2020, video 25 min 45 s.

★★★ $0
Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof January 2021 by Brian T. Lees
  • National Organizations
  • 2020 Abraca-Poof: A year of newsletters
  • Marketing
  • Market to Market
  • Write
  • Interactive Coaching
  • Connecting the Dots
  • Getting Ready to Retire
  • Pandemic Impact
  • Health
  • Sound Problems
1st edition 2021, 10 pages.
Dr. Hans-Gerhard Stumpf
Wir Zaubern by Dr. Hans-Gerhard Stumpf

Vierzig ausgewählte Tricks für den Anfänger mit guten Beschreibungen und Illustrationen.

  • 1. Welche Hand hattest du hochgehoben?
  • 2. Sehen mit verbundenen Augen
  • 3. ...und noch ein Kunststück mit dem Hut
  • 4. Das Geheimnis des Herz-Königs
  • 5. Hokus Pokus mit Zucker
  • 6. Onkel Antons Abenteuer
  • 7. Der schwebende Papierball
  • 8. Das Ei des Columbus
  • 9. Der Zauberstein
  • 10. Wir zaubern mit dem Notizbüchlein
  • 11. Ein Geldstück löst sich in Wasser auf
  • 12. Ein Wasserglas wandert durch die Tischplatte
  • 13. Drei Wassergläser
  • 14. Wir verzehren eine brennende Kerze
  • 15. Sogar hellsehen können...
Barton Whaley & Martin Gardner & Jeff Busby
The Man Who Was Erdnase by Barton Whaley & Martin Gardner & Jeff Busby

This book won the SAM Special Library Award. It details Martin Gardner's, Jeff Busby's and Bart Whaley's search to uncover the person hiding behind the pseudonym S.W. Erdnase. It lays out in detail the case for Milton Franklin Andrews. It describes the life of Andrews, how he started with magic, and how he transitioned to become a cardshark, including his travels around the word hustling and cheating to make a living.

A detailed analysis of Erdnase's likely sources and inspirations, as well as other information about the book, its reprints, and other pertinent information will help every Erdnase researcher....

Harry Houdini
Houdini's Book of Magic and Party Pastimes by Harry Houdini

Fascinating puzzles, tricks and mysterious stunts.

It starts with a short biography of Harry Houdini and then has a series of simple magic tricks and party stunts. Each one is described with an illustration and a few words of explanation.

  • The Disappearing Coin
  • The Balanced Quarter
  • A Good Trick With Glasses
  • Try This On Your Friends
  • Ring On A String
  • The Magnetic Hand
  • A Clever Cork Trick
  • The Climbing Ring
  • This Trick Will Fool You
  • The Mysterious Match
  • A Trick For Bridge Players
  • A Knot That Will Mystify
  • Try This On A Friend
  • Try This At A Party
  • Which Cards Are Turned?
  • An Amazing...
★★★★★ $7
Tom Sellers
Novel Necromancy by Tom Sellers

In this publication Tom Sellers introduced the world of magic with what became a classic effect. It is mostly known under the title "Just Chance" or "Bank Night".

  • Foreword
  • The Encyclopaedia Test
  • Obtaining Information
  • New Method Sum Trick
  • A Coin Date Mystery
  • A Table Trap Idea
  • "It's Only Chance"
  • Diminishing Matches
  • A Tube And Ball Mystery
  • Aces And Kings Transposition
  • Knots And A Ring
  • The Sympathetic Matches
  • Unique Production Box
  • A Coin Sleight
  • A Bran To Rabbit Box
  • The Magnetic Dish Of Water
  • A Neat String Tangle
  • Another Coin Sleight
  • Rope And Rod
  • A New Slate Idea
  • Rope, Rings...
Giacomo Bertini
Micromisdirection by Giacomo Bertini

Forget for a moment what you know about classic theory, and discover a different way to look at misdirection, particularly in the world of video clips and zoom meetings. Bertini demonstrates how this applies to coin magic, but the concept remains valid for any type of close-up magic.

1st edition 2020, video 3 min 50 sec.

★★★★ $5
Ulysses Frederick Grant & T. A. Whitney
20 Stunners with a Short Card by Ulysses Frederick Grant & T. A. Whitney

Twenty card miracles that you can do, updated and given fresh, new life for modern performers and audiences. This isn't your grandfather's manuscript of card tricks. If you have Grant's original Tricks with a Short Card, you're getting only half the story. This new, revised edition adds a whopping 350% more content.

If you're new to magic, the effects you're able to present will look like you've spent years of practice to polish them to perfection. And if you're a pro, you'll appreciate and enjoy T. A. Whitney's updated approach to these pasteboard miracles.

"Very clever. You need this...
Wolfgang Riebe
Financial Savvy for Magicians by Wolfgang Riebe

What I wish I knew 30 years ago when I started my magic career.

Are you starting out, or fairly new to the magic profession? Are you an established pro that needs honest and open advice on how to become wealthy as a magician? This ebook should be the first and most important work in your magic book library. You may know secrets of magic tricks, but more importantly, do you know the secrets to a wealthy magician lifestyle?

Let's be honest, besides the handful of famous magicians...

  • How many wealthy magicians do you really know?
  • How about magicians that can retire comfortably tomorrow? ...
★★★★★ $50
Ali Foroutan
Voiceless by Ali Foroutan
"A fascinating, practical new technique for deciphering people's thoughts without them even saying a word. I love it! And all mentalists need to learn it." - Dan Harlan

"What a wonderful entertaining way to perform a horoscope divination. I was captivated by the entire presentation, the principle is wonderful, and I'm looking forward to using it." - Richard Webster

"When I watched Voiceless demonstrated by Ali I was baffled. When I read the book It opened a whole world of possibilities. This is something you want to keep in your arsenal of knowledge and pull it out when you need. Great for virtual or real in...

Dibya Guha
Countries and Numbers by Dibya Guha

Effect: A few cards bearing names of different countries are handed over to a spectator. He is instructed to mix the cards in a face down manner and to place the cards face down on the table. After the spectator has completed shuffling, the performer places an envelope containing a prediction on the table and hands over a playing die to the spectator. The die is rolled and the top spot on the die is noted. The cards are now picked up by the spectator and based on the top most number on the die all the cards are discarded except one. The prediction is now taken out from the envelope and it is...

Displaying 2366 to 2389 (of 10405 products)
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