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Star Test has nothing to do with star signs or their divination. Here STAR Test stands for Synaptic Transmission Association Response Test. Here under the guise of a scientific (pseudo) experiment, you actually demonstrate your mind-reading abilities in a very novel and stunning manner. I like it a lot when a mentalism effect is couched in a pseudo-scientific presentation. The credibility and believability factors increase exponentially. The effects described...
The Bammo I Don't Know Wallet Dossier is the manuscript that comes with Tony Miller's IDK Wallet. At over 215 pages, the Dossier is the largest collection of wallet effects published to date. The wallet is expensive ($165) so when contemplating the purchase a reasonable person might want to know what exactly the wallet can do.
As an advanced version of the Himber, the Bendix Bombshell, the Sho-Gun and the Z-Fold wallets, it can do what any of those wallets can do and, conversely, those wallets can be used to accomplish some of the effects of the IDK Wallet. Accordingly, the Dossier is...
Only for a limited time ...
Here's a fabulous collection of magic, mentalism, and comedy bits for close-up and cabaret - all at a bargain festive price of $12! Around 100 pages of cool stuff including:
TRAVEL CHAOS: A series of effects revolving around travel and holidays.
MENTAL MOVIES: A self-working mentalism killer effect for cabaret or close-up.
SUPERSTARS-R-US: A great mentalism effect that plays big.
BOOK HIM DANNO! A comedy book test with a twist...
WHERE'S MY DOVE? An ultra-clever mentalism effect...
WHO'S GOT THE SNOW? - A 'just chance' routine with an adult...
There are some mighty good card miracles here, from the fertile mind of Jack Vosburgh. Contains six original, impromptu card tricks with anybody's deck - with no extra appliances, preparation or setup - and almost no skill.
Here's a listing of the clever effects included in the book:
No secrets!
You know, with such an incredible trick as the "Invisible Deck", I have rarely seen a pitch in work that differs from the original "take an invisible deck and turn over the card". Yes, this performance works, but ... well, there can't be such a genius deck - a deck of one trick. And the deck has long been the property of the laymen, so you need to develop it.
In this part of the Invisible Deck Project, I have collected the best (in my opinion) options for demonstrating and upgrading IDs from the first part + here you will find two pleasant bonuses: the chapter "How to...
No secrets!
You know, with such an incredible trick as the "Invisible Deck", I have rarely seen a pitch in work that differs from the original "take an invisible deck and turn over the card". Yes, this performance works, but ... well, there can't be such a genius deck - a deck of one trick. The deck has long been the property of the layman, so you need to develop it.
I decided to dig deeper and see what else interesting things can be done with this deck and decided to create this guide to the Invisible Deck.
Excerpt from the Introduction:
Magicians, like all other living beings, must eat. Perhaps it does seem rather strange to the layman that the Magician can not conjure his money out of space a la "Miser's Dream," but alas, we all know only too well that if we want to get money we have to go out and work for it. It is my purpose to try and help those who are interested in turning their magical ability into dollars and cents.
From the commercial point of view, Magicians are divided into three parts. First there are those who depend entirely on Magic. It is their life work and profession....
Eine Sammlung von Zauberkunststücken ohne und mit Apparaten, die ohne große Vorbereitungen leicht ausführbar sind.
Aus dem Vorwort:
„Der kleine Bosco“ war in meiner Jugendzeit ein vielbegehrtes Büchlein. Welche Knabenseele hätte auch nicht gerne das „Zaubern“ erlernen mögen! Leider wurde man jedoch beim nähern Studium des Inhaltes etwas enttäuscht, indem das Büchlein doch nicht so ganz das hielt, was man sich von ihm versprach.
Später ist mir noch manch anderer „Kleiner Bosco“ aus anderen Verlagen in die Hände gekommen, die alle so ziemlich dasselbe enthielten...
For those who are familiar with the effect called Fast and Loose or the Endless Chain I don't have to tell you what a brilliant effect this is or the impact it has on an audience. It is because of this that Fast and Loose has been performed for at least 400 years. There are other reasons magicians love this effect, it is not only easy to perform but it is also a joy to perform and it can become a part of your EDC. In fact, if you can get your hands on a piece of string or twine you can perform Fast and Loose.
So what makes this ebook different to the many other books on Fast and Loose?...
Excerpt from the Preface:
No skill, no sleights, no manipulation is required to perform the following effects. Many are impromptu, making use of anyone's cards, and needing no preparation or make-ready. Others admittedly depend upon such chicanery as cards with double faces and blank faces, double backs and blank backs, roughing fluid and other aides, all available from magic shops. Many skilled manipulators have not hesitated to use such artifices, so the reader should not scorn them.
Aside from whatever merit these tricks may possess, it is believed their greatest value lies in the...
Magicians rarely theme their magic around holidays, but it's something that Darius and I have always done, and this documents a selection of our Christmas-themed magic.
Christmas Cracker Prediction - Predict the joke in your Xmas Cracker, with no forces.
Frosty Card Reveal - A snow spray card prediction reveals one card, and changes to reveal a second one.
Card Through Window - A festive take on a classic.
Around the Snow Globe - A snow globe is opened and the contents changed into real snow.
Bang For Your Buck - Taking a party popper, you fire it, then replace the ribbons inside,...
The magician introduces a deck of cards. He invites a spectator to thoroughly shuffle the deck. Once the spectator is done shuffling, the magician spreads the deck face up as he asks them to verify that all the cards are in fact different. With this done, he closes the spread and turns the deck back face down, after which he turns his back to the spectator. He then (while turned away) instructs the spectator to cut the deck into 3 piles. Furthermore, he promises never to touch the deck again until the end.
The spectator takes the deck and cuts it into 3 more or less equal piles:...
There are two routines explained in this manuscript. One is Propless Cartomancy and the other is Invisible Astrology. Both these effects are so very propless that you can actually perform them totally naked. Of course, that is speaking figuratively. Please do not try it literally.
You can perform these 30-second miracles at any time, anywhere to anyone - instantly. You can perform these routines close up, parlor, stage, street or even on a phone call or on a virtual show.
And the best part is that you need zero knowledge of either cartomancy or astrology to perform these routines. It...
An impromptu 21-card trick on steroids.
From a deck shuffled by one spectator (S1), another spectator (S2) deals any 21 playing cards, singly and face down, in the palm of the magician. The remaining cards are discarded. Each spectator removes any card from the face-down pack. The magician shows the first card to S1 and cuts it into the pack. Same with S2.
Next, the magician deals the cards haphazardly in a few packets (each containing a different number of cards) on the table. They are all shuffled by S1 and S2. Then, in order to demonstrate how to gather the packets in a single pile,...
A Mentalism Super Effect! Including all the templates to print colour back and front of the special 3 Superheroes cards.
This is a mentalism effect where the magician, using three special cards that he shows represent three different superheroes shown on both sides of each of the cards, instructs a spectator to arrange them in the order she prefers and to shuffle them, at first with one hand, then using both at the same time.
When finished, she will cover with the palm of her hand at first only one of the cards and then, after the next two-handed shuffle, as many as two out of three...
Un Super Effetto di Mentalismo! Include tutti i modelli da stampare a colori e fornte/retro delle carte speciali dei 3 Supereroi!
Un effetto di mentalismo in cui il mago, utilizzando tre carte speciali che mostra rappresentare tre diversi Supereroi raffigurati su entrambi i lati di ciascuna carta, incarica una spettatrice di disporle nell'ordine che preferisce e di mescolarle, dapprima con una sola mano, poi usandole entrambe contemporaneamente.
Al termine, coprirà con il palmo della mano dapprima solo una delle carte e poi, dopo il successivo mescolamento a due mani, ben due carte...
This ebook will save you time and money. It is a quick read and has tips you have not seen. Good resources for professionals and lots of information for beginners. Learn how to use Siri or Alexa for practice. Use Notion to keep a database of your tricks. Learn magic principles, magic utilities, memory tips, links to everyday props on Amazon and more. It's a great reference book to all things magic.
Numerological Destination is a simple, direct, bold, and effective self-working playing card routine with no sleight of hand, no mathematical procedure, and no marked cards ... it uses a regular pack of playing cards, anywhere, anytime.
You will surely find other uses for this method, but here's how we present it ...
Numerology is seen as a universal language of numbers. It's the idea that the universe is a system, and once broken down we're left with the basic elements, which are ... numbers. These numbers can then be used to help us better understand the world and ourselves. But one...
Eine Sammlung leichtausführbarer alter und neuer Zauberkunststücke.
Auszug aus dem Vorwort:
Zu den kurzweiligsten Unterhaltungen in Gesellschaftskreisen gehört unstreitig die Vorführung von Zauberkunststücken. Der Grund, weshalb solche nicht öfters gezeigt werden, liegt darin, daß die hierzu erforderlichen Requisiten, sofern es sich nicht um Handtricks handelt, die andauernde Hebung erheischen, meist größere Koffer und Kisten zur Verpackung und zum Transport notwendig machen. Es gibt jedoch eine Menge wirkungsvoller magischer Experimente mit nur kleinen und leicht transportabeln...
An informal history of gambling in America from the colonies to Canfield.
Inside flap:
Sucker's Progress is the first attempt to write a connected history of the most prevalent of venial sins, and traces the history and development of gambling in America from the card and dice games in the back rooms of colonial taverns to the days of Richard Canfield the last of the great American gamblers. The book is concerned with the picturesque and spectacular features of gambling, and only incidentally with its morals.
The author commences with a survey of the origin and development of the principal...
12 previously unreleased card routines. Strong, practical card magic with an efficient approach to the moves and construction. They are clearly described with numerous photographs for ease of learning.
1st edition 2014, PDF 62 pages.