Barton-Wright, one of the first Europeans to study Japanese martial arts, explains eleven pseudo-strength tricks in words and photos. Forty years before this publication Lulu Hurst created a sensation demonstrating similar stunts as manifestations of 'unexplainable forces'.
The tricks explained in this article are:
The primary reason we are offering this work is that Ted Annemann included it in his "Five-Foot Shelf of Magic". I am assuming he included it because he felt a conjurer needed to have some understanding of black magic and be able to converse intelligently about it. It may also be a source for plots and scripts for routines.
A nicely illustrated article explaining some of the popular pseudo-strength demonstrations made popular for example by Lulu Hurst and others.
200 years ago demonstrations of this kind created a sensation. Nobody could explain them. Many believed these were manifestations of some yet unexplained force. Today they are relegated to party stunts. Nevertheless, some are quite surprising demonstrations you can try out in your living room.
1st edition 1928, PDF 6 pages.
Sleights and routines with lit and unlit cigarettes. Illustrated by numerous photographic reproductions from the author's own hands, together with some additional line drawings.
This informative handbook provides expert, proven advice for booking and presenting a financially successful one-person traveling theater or school assembly magic show.
Not only that, but the author goes on to provide his exact patter for 25 standard effects as used in his program. This is an act that you, too, can present yourself. The emphasis is on performing for youngsters, and the author reveals why this age group is a financial gold mine for the alert performer.
Here's a quick look at what's included:
This effect was invented by Herbert Milton and made popular by Karl Germain. The improved method needs no double-faced cards and can be done impromptu providing the right type of glass is available. This visual effect can be performed at any time in your act and it may be done silently, with talk, or to music.
EFFECT: A shuffled deck of cards is placed in a stem goblet. Each time a handkerchief is flicked in front of the glass an ace appears.
This is Ray's totally impromptu method for a classic effect - one that has recently found favor with a number of well-heeled modern performers....
Excerpt from the introduction:
One of the popular magic magazines of the twenties was published by Thayer under the name of Thayer's Magical Bulletin. The publication contained, along with news of magicians, etc., instructions for many fine tricks. Thayer also issued regularly a small house organ of about six pages called Thayer's Magical Ballygram. These were not dated, although No. 25 mentions the year 1928, No. 32, the year 1929, and No. 42, the year 1931. I have Nos. 1 to 70 but understand that there were 12 more issued later. The Ballygram mainly described the new tricks that came out since Thayer's last catalog,...
This multi-part article starts with some historical perspectives and then is largely about the evils of gambling. However, it has a section on crooked play which is interesting for historical reasons. The topics covered in the section are:
1st edition 1837, PDF 73 pages.
To all magicians, amateur and professional - here is a loaded question:
Have you ever been bored silly watching a magician perform a spelling trick?
This is contentious and very obviously axiomatic. Quoting from the Preface of his new manuscript, Australian card man Ian Baxter comments: "Unfortunately, spelling effects in card magic hold the onerous title of being the most laborious, boring presentations imaginable."
This is the point at issue - boredom setting in, thanks to the tedium of endless counting and spelling, usually propped up with trivial patter. Such effects are simply...
ACAAN without Pain, Tear, Sweat or Fear
Worker's ACAAN is one ACAAN that will leave your audience speechless. Its method enables seamless execution which in turn delivers unparalleled mystery. Once you understand the method, it will be impossible to forget. This is the only ACAAN you'll depend upon the rest of your life.
Volume Three of the Thayer Quality Magic Instruction Sheets brings you over 200 more explanations of magic sold by the leading dealer of the Golden Age of Magic, Floyd Thayer. Choice, exclusive magic in eighteen categories, the secret and presentation explained in nearly the exact words as furnished purchasers of what are now real treasures. This, together with the first two volumes, constitutes a veritable encyclopedia of magical knowledge, as you can readily see.
This is a celebration of Sorcar's success as a magician. Several authors, reviewers, and commentators write about Sorcar and his performances. This is followed by cartoons by Alias and photos depicting Sorcar in various places.
An ebook of visual gags and other fun bits.
There are many types of comedy. Visual, verbal, straight, burlesque and pantomimic are but a few, and numerous off-shoots spring from them. Best of all, by far, is the visual gag. This has no language barriers and can be understood by young and old alike.
There was the classic visual gag of the famous musical clown, Grock. He would sit down at a grand piano, only to find the stool was too far away for him to reach the keys. To remedy this, he would rise from the stool, go to the other end of the piano, and laboriously start to push the heavy...
There will be no one who is not aware of the Chronologue diary effect by the great Bob Cassidy. This is a propless version of the same effect.
There are 2 pure propless versions of Chronologue which are explained where no diary or datebook and no physical deck or playing cards are in play. The process is quick, direct, and purely propless between the performer and a participant. The whole process takes about 2 minutes approx.
Using an imaginary diary and an imaginary deck, the lucky card of a participant for her birthday is nailed by the performer accurately. There are also 2 almost propless versions...
For many years, Ray has worked on the problem of developing an impromptu version of the Paul Fox Miracle Gimmick. After testing and discarding several earlier handlings, he has come up with a stunning version that is a reputation-building demonstration of mass mentalism.
It can be done anytime, anywhere, totally impromptu, with a borrowed deck of cards which is first thoroughly shuffled by a spectator. The cards are handed out to several spectators - between five and twenty if you wish - and they are each asked to just think of a card. The cards are gathered and once again shuffled. You...
Find their card with an inferno on your palm.
A card is selected, signed, and returned to the deck. And then ... you take a burning match and shove it into the deck, burning one card at a time going deeper and deeper and eventually the match extinguishes itself. You spread the cards and find that the match burnt through each and every card but it couldn't go beyond one particular card, their signed card.
A lovely print-and-perform trick.
Who in magic, beginner or expert, has not purchased, watched, or performed that perennial "Gone To Lunch" or as it is sometimes called, "The Indian Rope Trick"? This magic shop favourite has been making the rounds for decades and is still a consistent best-seller for dealers all over the world.
Would you believe, Australian card man Ian Baxter has for years been performing his own version that tops the original? Baxter put this together back in the 1990's and sold it through limited dealerships. Yes, the 'Gone To Lunch' theme is fully intact, but there...
A new take on Harbin's "Aztec Lady" and "Assistant's Revenge".
Excerpt from the introduction:
For some time now I have been wanting to build an illusion act and, for me, Harbin seemed to be the place to start. Unfortunately Zig-Zag had been performed so many times on television that I felt it would serve no useful place in my act. However, I did want a "torture" illusion and after reading "Harbincadabra" decided to attempt to make "Aztec Lady" based on the photographs in the book, as well as the brief information given in the Appendix "Letter to New Zealand".
I had seen Harbin perform this illusion...
Viele Ideen und Tricks mit Magneten. Damals, als diese Publikation zum ersten Mal erschien, war es schwierig an starke Magnete heranzukommen. Heute sind Neodym-Magnete leicht in allen Größen und Varianten zu bekommen. Die Ideen von Kaldy-Karo sind aber nach wie vor effektvoll.
Straight from the mentalism act of award-winning Linking Ring author Michael Breggar comes The No Tears Tear.
The No Tears Tear is an easy-to-execute center tear that provides a peek in real-time. Do we all need another center tear? Nope. You only need one. And this is the one.
The manuscript is loaded with text and photos depicting each action and step in detail. The rationale for each move is also discussed which makes learning the method a snap.
You will be using this approach in your mentalism routines shortly after reading...
This hard-to-find book of eleven clever card effects was ahead of its time and still plays well to today's audiences. While not self-working, magicians with ordinary card ability can do them all.
The effects include:
Acclaimed by close-up masters including Dai Vernon and Charlie Miller, McMillen and Brown were known as the most skillful card performers on the Pacific coast. Those who knew...
Using storytelling to not only effectively enhance effects, but also your show.
As a performer, I generally prefer the methods of the tricks I choose to be simple, the plots clear, and the magic...well, magical. I use stories to draw the audience in. To find interest in not only the effect I am presenting but also in me.
The Why and Way - How I use Stories, that help ensure my audiences remember Me and not just the effects.
Kiss Me Fate - a Tarot effect
Till’ Death Do Us Part - A haunting effect with an old letter, two wedding rings, and a string.
Soul Fate -...
A New Year, and new set of lecture notes from Jeff Stone. Dive into 14 effects and ideas ranging everywhere from gags to stunts to powerful, baffling, and visual magic. Everything in this set of lecture notes has been in Jeff's repertoire for several years, and in most cases, over two full decades.
Included is access to over a dozen video clips to create (as closely as possible) that in-person live lecture experience, plus multiple QR codes / links to other resources along with nearly 50 footnotes to get your history and resource juices flowing. It's time for you to "attend" the 2024 Stone...