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Exact Birthday is exactly that, a novel and fantastic birthday divination tool where you can divine the exact birthday of a total stranger in under 45 seconds. A specially printed business card is all you use to achieve this. A second card with general information like zodiac signs, their date ranges, and lucky playing cards is also provided as a reference card. Pop these 2 business-card-sized cards into your wallet or pocket and you are always ready to divine...
PDF 46 pages.
A unique suspension of 1 and 1/2 cards that can be installed anywhere and serves as a great conversation starter. There is absolutely nothing attached to it left, right, up, or down, all around. Make it look regal by placing a glass bowl on top completely isolating it and letting the conversations begin.
1st edition 2024, video 5:13.
Give logic and reason to your haunted deck to make it reach deeper levels of the subconscious.
I have always disliked how most magicians perform the haunted deck as an added phase to an Ambitious Card routine or worse just a single-phased find a card trick. Some use the presentation of ghosts, but I also don't like it as well. It is too dark for some of the audiences around the world and also doesn't suit every occasion/event.
Here are the 2 phases that I use to lead into the Haunted Deck.
1st edition 2024, PDF 4 pages.
Many years ago by a stroke of good luck, a fortunate combination of circumstances, I acquired a complete file of Thayer instruction sheets designed to accompany the apparatus. This just may be the only complete collection of Thayer secrets in existence. Recently I happened to mention this to Lloyd Jones who urged me to compile these instructions in book form, stressing the tremendous value of such a collection to magicians. This I consented to do but found there was too much material for one book. It was therefore decided to issue these secrets in several volumes, of which this is the first.
Excerpt from the introduction by David Hemingway:
The plum of the book is undoubtedly the 'Parade of the Firemen.' This will surely be seen in the acts of many leading children's entertainers.
Michael Elliott has at last been persuaded to go into print with his wealth of experience in entertaining children. His approach is, in my opinion, completely new and his knowledge of commercial script writing shows through in many ways.
Many of his basic ideas may seem old, but are presented in a new and telling way. Atrocious puns may seem corny to you and me, but they are the very essence...
You start with four blank cards and show them from both sides to be blank. Suddenly backs appear, faces appear, and you finish with yet another change of the back designs.
You will need three jacks or three cards with identical faces but different backs. You will also need three blank cards, two of which have the same back, and one a different back. You will also need a piece of hard wax which Peter uses to prepare one card.
1st edition 2024, video 2:34.
An entire act performed with any piece of rope.
A rope routine that is out of this world. Completely explained in these illustrated directions. Broken down into ten, easy-to-master steps to make learning a breeze. Includes patter, so you can keep your audience in stitches throughout.
As used by many professionals. A natural for the entertainer who travels light, as all you need is rope and a pair of scissors. No magnets, rubber cement, snaps, tape, wires, black art, or other gimmicks to worry about. Use any rope.
"I recommend it without hesitation." - Bill Larsen
"Sandsational Rope is the single...
A more magical version of the trick "Bigger" found in the Mark Wilson Course in Magic
A paper bag gets inspected, and 3 cards are chosen and put on display on the volunteer's body. A different deck is shuffled and dropped into the paper bag, and the spectator shakes the bag to shuffle the cards. Reaching into the bag, and without looking, 2 of the matching cards are found. The third card – the bigger card - is found because it is a jumbo card.
A little arts and crafts are required.
1st edition 2024, PDF 24 pages.
Three named playing cards are located aided by a wind-up toy. Self-working, foolproof, a real crowd pleaser. From the lecture notes of Jimmy Haviland, London's last street conjuror.
You will have to supply a wind-up toy yourself. It is ungimmicked. Anything that walks, hops, or drives a few inches will work.
1st edition 2024, PDF 4 pages + video.
Time to open a can of whoop ass!
The business card of the fortune teller Madame Magdelaine De La Grange has been torn in two. The spectator retains one piece. The other piece vanishes and appears stuck to the back of the spectator's selected card. The piece retained by the spectator matches the piece on the card perfectly.
A bizarre effect without precedent.
No palming. No angles. Resets automatically. You will need a Himber or Z-fold wallet.
1st edition 2024, PDF 12 pages.
With Double A.C.A.A.N. you will perform exactly the miracle the title promises: using a simple deck of 52 cards that is unmarked and not gimmicked in any way, you will find first one and then another card, both random, after generating a number in an equally unusual and random way.
A special "pad" to be printed in A3+ size, made available as PDF, will be the ideal mat for performing the effect. The various boxes will be completed, first with the choice of a mystery card kept face down and then two uncovered cards, the union of whose suit and value attributes will form a new card absolutely...
Con Double A.C.A.A.N. si compie esattamente il miracolo che il titolo promette: utilizzando un semplice mazzo di 52 carte non segnato e non truccato in alcun modo, si trova prima una e poi un’altra carta, entrambe casuali, dopo aver generato un numero in un modo altrettanto inusuale e randomico.
Uno speciale "tappeino" da stampare in formato A3+ , messo a disposizione con il pdf, sarà lo sfondo ideale per l’esecuzione dell’effetto. Le varie caselle si andranno a riempire, dapprima con la scelta di una carta misteriosa tenuta coperta e poi due carte scoperte, la cui unione degli...
Tips for magicians to overcome stage fright.
Conquer the Spotlight is a concise, yet comprehensive PDF guide tailored specifically for magicians who grapple with stage fright. This ebook dives deep into the psychology of performance anxiety and provides numerous actionable tips to help magicians build confidence, captivate audiences, and perform at their peak potential.
Two cards are face-down on the table next to each other. When you turn over the first one it is blank on its face. When you turn over the second one a big hole appears in the center. When you turn them back face-down the big hole vanishes. It can hardly get any stranger.
1st edition 2024, video 2:03.
From the prologue by Billy McComb:
The thing which annoys me about Ken de Courcy is that he has a tidy mind. This means he correlates everything in his nut so that it all has a place. This I don't have. So I suppose my annoyance is goaded by envy.
Now if you were to ask me to give you a hundred commercial card tricks which were new to audiences, I'd swallow down the Six Card Repeat and the Brainwave Deck and die quietly.
Not so our gallant Ken de C. He just sits down and puts a gaggle of highly commercial card tricks into book form ... and readably so, too. And, blast me thumb-tips, he invents...
Toni Koynini brings to you some fine card magic with a new approach. This is an ebook of card magic in which no digital skill is required, for the effects literally work themselves, yet there is none of the usual tedious dealing and counting associated with such tricks. First, there is a complete card act of six splendidly routined miracles:
CAN'T SEE (A complete Card Act): A pack of cards is shuffled and cut by a spectator, and the performer is genuinely blindfolded with bandages, dough or what you will. Then, using only the sensitivity of his fingertips, he quickly deals the cards, laying...
A self-help book for magicians. Have you ever struggled to socialize when not performing magic tricks? Included here is how to use being a magician as an advantage instead of a disadvantage. Plus hygiene and etiquette tips.
Also includes five original routines from the author, including:
The Annotated M.I.N.T. series continues. Thanks to Ed Marlo and Wesley James, M.I.N.T III, IV, V, VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T. 1963 - 1972 are already available. After releasing M.I.N.T III through VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T 1963, 64, 65, 66, 67, and 68, then 1969-1972, the articles in this volume again depart. It includes the years 1973-1974 - comprised of fewer articles but longer and more in-depth. As Wesley progressed toward completing the full run of Marlo In New Tops material, plus his extensive annotations, observations, and Bonus material, he wanted to be fair to Marlo fans, and to his...
Dieversion uses a single ungimmicked die to perform several fantastic effects. Multiple versions of a simple ranging force are used in a unique and novel manner to create impossible seeming outcomes.
In the routines, you apparently use your "Pollyanna Personality" to reveal an impossible piece of information being thought of by the participant. And as for the meaning of the word Pollyanna, try googling it and you will see that it has an interesting juicy meaning.
The following 6 routines are explained.
If you're looking for a unique and quirky effect, Bammo Strange Attraction will fill the bill. A fortune teller's business card vanishes and appears attached to the back of a selected card (regular cards or Tarot cards). The manuscript includes the fortune teller's business card so you can print it out and use it for this and other effects. An additional routine by David Britland adds something seldom seen in psychic effects: a sense of humor. The routine requires a Himber or Z-Fold wallet.
1st edition 2024, PDF 11 pages.
Five cards with different emotions written on them are placed into non-marked envelopes and freely mixed up. The performer holds each one against his forehead. Can he feel the 'Love' card tonight? He certainly can! Easy, baffling mentalism.
Bonus effects:
A prelude mode presentation for close-up or parlor using only three rings. The storyline is Irish lore and the importance of the Glover related to the elements of being, luck and magic. Unique link/unlinks from a clover display only but two-ring effects can be added. Employs reverse rings, gapless, webring, fan pattern techniques, sway methods and a holy grail finale. Here alternative final phase sequences are also provided for “less than optimum” conditions. All rings are handed out with some m-powerment and links in spectator hands. Requires a jacket or Z-packet and waistful techniques...
An exploration into the innovative logic, framing, moves, sleights and stratagems and charming myths or storylines of the Ancient Rings Series.
This series offers a completely different approach to using rings in magic effects. Forget "Chinese" as a storyline. Get beyond "linking" to "bonding, "intertwine," "merge" and more, with new moves, sleights, stratagems and audience engagement possibilities.
The routines can be "stand-alone," a segue to your favorite effects, or mixed. This ebook will allow you to decide where and if to get involved in innovative and different methods that can...