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Biagio Fasano
Truth Bites (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Un effetto impromptu di Mentalismo che comporta una carta solamente PENSATA, scelta tra Assi e Figure, e in cui, nonostante la possibilità per lo spettatore di Mentire, la Verità in tutte le sue forme verrà sempre rivelata dal Mago!

”Truth Bites” è un effetto di Mentalismo ma anche un Packet Trick sempre pronto all’occorrenza, dove una spettatrice pensa ad una carta che potrà essere uno dei quattro Assi oppure una qualsiasi Figura del mazzo. Si sceglierà segretamente anche un ruolo da ricoprire: Cavaliere, che dirà sempre la Verità, oppure Furfante che, al contrario, mentirà...

Peter Pellikaan
Water and Oil Different by Peter Pellikaan

You show four cards with blue dots and another four cards with red dots. Then you stick a blue dot over a red dot card and a red dot over a blue dot card. After 5 seconds the dot color of the remaining three cards in each packet has changed, too.

You continue to mix the cards but they always separate into packs of the same color, like oil and water separate. In the final sequence, you remove the two dots you stuck on in the first phase and the colors change again magically.

1st edition 2024, video 5:46.

Stuart Cramer
The Secrets of Karl Germain by Stuart Cramer

Karl Germain was a dynamic stage performer whose baffling feats of wizardry have come to life again in this must-have ebook.

Several of Germain's stage, club and close-up mysteries are revealed in this well-illustrated text, allowing them to be appreciated by a new generation of magicians.

Cramer explains many of Germain's feats, including Casadega Propaganda (a small Spirit Cabinet), several large Spirit Cabinets for stage performances, various types of Spirit Slate-Writing, a Spirit Seance In a Lighted Room, the Germain Handkerchief Color Change (the finest ever invented), Miss Confetti...

Dustin Marks
Ultimate Fair Selection by Dustin Marks

The spectator shuffles their own deck, cuts it twice (similar to the cut deeper force only done by the spectator), and looks at the first face-down card. The magician knows the spectator's card without ever touching the deck. The cards are normal, and the magician can be out of the room when the spectator views their card.

The method works 100% of the time and is simple to perform.

Key Points:

  • No reset
  • No math
  • No setup
  • No sleight of hand.
  • Not too procedural.
  • No electronics
  • Magician never touches the cards
  • Four variations

1st edition 2024, PDF 6 pages.

Mark Lewis
The Royal Road to Stage Hypnotism by Mark Lewis

This ebook has been written for those people who want to learn the art of putting on hypnotic demonstrations for public entertainment. Whether you are a hypnotherapist, stage entertainer, or public speaker wishing to expand your activities, this ebook will give you the instruction you need. Professional magicians in particular seem to be drawn to this fascinating way of entertaining people.

There is nothing more hilarious than a good demonstration of stage hypnosis. We would also add that there is nothing more dramatic and mysterious than this type of entertainment. A good hypnotism show...

★★★ $35 $25
Hal Saxon
Beginner Sanada Gimmick Course by Hal Saxon

"Oh Hal, this course is amazing. I've been a magician for 24 years and just like you, I thought there was a void in beginner Sanada training. You have very nice handling and down to earth teaching." - Nick Williams

"This (Sanada) training is very good. I highly recommend it. A great starting point and loaded with good information. My favorite tricks you teach are the wormhole and faux hypnosis routines! Very well done and I love your thinking outside the box." - Matt Hilton

The Sanada Gimmick is an amazingly magical tool. And folks, it's available at your magic shop for well under...

★★★★★ $29.95
Steve Pellegrino
Collected Secrets by Steve Pellegrino

For over a decade, Steve Pellegrino has created strong magic and mentalism routines that have been released to the market. Professional magicians and mentalists have added many of those routines to their repertoires. Until now, these manuscripts have been unavailable anywhere.

Collected Secrets is a 455-page collection that combines Steve's previously released manuscripts into one large volume. It features 36 effects, including 5 previously unreleased routines.

Divided into three chapters, Cards, Mentalism & General Magic, here is what is included:

  • Cards
    • Your Card!
    • Take It Further...
José Prager
Extraordinary Psychic Secrets by José Prager

Six new professional routines that will make anyone believe you are genuinely psychic.

"This is a great collection of 'test conditions' mentalism that will enable you to build a reputation as the real deal. Simple, direct and elegant methods that will allow you to focus on making your presentations as amazing as possible. Jose shares one of his pet secrets in 'Hearing Thoughts' that I especially liked, it's a gem of a method and could transform the speed at which you gain your secret knowledge. Excellent thinking!" - Marc Paul

"A perfect compilation for all your Mentalism needs." - Marc Salem ...

★★★★ $10
Scott F. Guinn
Strangely Sympathetic by Scott F. Guinn

"Your stuff is always a fun read. I absolutely love Strangely Sympathetic. Your magic is very strong and not hard to do. It's what the doctor ordered." - John Luka

This is a feature showpiece for professional stand-up performances that you'll want to add to your show right away. Here are some features of the routine:

  • It is exceptionally easy to do and requires zero sleight-of-hand.
  • It "packs small, plays big."
  • It is foolproof. There is nothing that can go sideways on you in the fire of real-world performance.
  • The procedure looks extremely fair. There are no false moves and there...
Biagio Fasano
Obscure Hands-Off ACAAN by Biagio Fasano

An always-ready Any-Card-At-Any-Number effect, with a borrowed deck of cards that will never be touched by the magician and will leave everyone amazed.

This is an Impromptu "Any Card At Any Number" card magic effect that the illusionist is always able to perform, even with an incomplete and borrowed deck, and the most incredible thing is that he will never touch the deck of cards but will simply give all the instructions to the spectator.

After freely shuffling a deck and secretly taking a small group of cards from the center, so that the magician does not even know how many cards it...

Biagio Fasano
Obscure Hands-Off ACAAN (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Un effetto di Carta al Numero sempre pronto,con un mazzo di carte preso a prestito che non verrà mai toccato dal Mago e lascerà tutti quanti di stucco!

Quelle che vedrete è uno strabiliante effetto “Any Card At Any Number” che l’illusionista è sempre in grado di eseguire, anche con un mazzo incompleto e preso a prestito, e la cosa più incredibile è che egli non toccherà mai il mazzo di carte ma si limiterà a fornire tutte le istruzioni allo spettatore!

Dopo aver mescolato liberamente un mazzo di carte e prelevatone segretamente un piccolo gruppetto di carte dal centro,...

Peter Pellikaan
Techno Water and Oil by Peter Pellikaan

You show two packets of four cards each. One has red dots on the faces and red backs. The other one has blue dots on the faces and blue backs. You repeatedly interleave them but they always separate.

1st edition 2024, video 6:25.

William H. Radcliffe
Magic for Amateurs by William H. Radcliffe

I couldn't find out much about the author, but it appears that he worked professionally in telephony, thus perhaps also his contribution of a telephone trick in Magic is Fun issue 2. He was the second earliest discoverer of the only magic hexagon in 1895, which he patented in 1896, and was long thought to be the first until new records showed that the German Ernst von Haselberg discovered it in 1887.

Excerpt from the introduction:

Most people like to hear about the mysterious, the weird, the supernatural, but they would rather see these things for themselves than be told about them. That is why the magician...

★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Card Tricks with the Tenkai Move by Aldo Colombini

Before moving to the US, Aldo Colombini wrote several books in Italian. These books contain tricks and routines that have never been published in English. So, we decided to gradually make these works available in English. As friends of the late Aldo, we believe that none of his wonderful creations should be lost. This is the first translation. If there is a good reception, we will continue this work.

From the introduction

The Tenkai Turn Over has been only sparingly used in modern card magic (at least as far as I know). It is a secret move that allows you to perform the effect known...

★★★★★ $15
Mark Lewis
Streetwise Tarot by Mark Lewis

A different approach to Tarot readings.

There are literally hundreds of books written on the Tarot, but this is probably the only one with a "streetwise" approach. This unorthodox system describes a more realistic, down-to-earth attitude to the Tarot, based on practicality rather than the more common metaphysical theories.

This is not to say that there is no spiritual element to this method. It encourages an attitude of empathy and compassion, which the author believes is essential for a Tarot reader. There is an entire chapter on the ethics of Tarot reading, a topic that is rarely, if...

Scott F. Guinn
Cryptology for Morons by Scott F. Guinn

A selected card vanishes, penetrates a card box, and appears in a sandwich in the cased deck.

Two decks, in their cases, are brought into play. One is red and one is blue. Barry selects one and you hand it to him (we'll assume he chose blue). You take the red deck out of the case and spread it face up and face down to show it is normal before removing the two black jacks. You insert the jacks face-up into two different places in the face-down deck. You then return the red deck to its case and close the case.

Barry removes the blue deck from its case, looks through it, and removes any...

★★★★ $15
Dustin Marks
Double Impossible Prediction by Dustin Marks

Using the spectator's deck, you predict two cards that the spectator will stop at and cut to without touching the deck. And the exciting twist: You make your predictions, and then the spectator shuffles the deck! Any deck, no setup, no reset, and easy to perform. When asked to do a card trick, this is the one you will showcase.

1st edition 2024, PDF 12 pages.

Larry Brodahl
Scripted #43: Nines in Context by Larry Brodahl

An old puzzle that gets elevated to a solid mystery. Completely impromptu, can be done to multiple people at the same time, and plays equally well close up, parlor, and stage. It even plays well on Zoom, or over the phone.

1st edition 2024, PDF 14 pages.

Biagio Fasano
My Creepy Card 3 by Biagio Fasano

An ever-available packet trick: an amazing mentalism effect concerning the divination of chosen or merely thought cards, complete with prediction and final surprise.

This is an impromptu mentalism effect handled as a simple packet trick, involving an amazing first phase based on a prediction and a great final surprise. The conjurer, after showing nine cards of Spades, from Ace to 9, shuffles them and has a spectator cut the pack. Holding it facedown, the magician chooses one card without showing it, leaving it in view as his prediction. He has the spectator cut the remaining pack (of eight...

Biagio Fasano
My Creepy Card 3 (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Un Packet Trick sempre disponibile: uno stupefacente effetto di mentalismo Riguardante la Divinazione di Carte Scelte o solamente Pensate, con tanto di Predizione e Sorpresa Finale!

Si tratta di un effetto Impromptu di Mentalismo gestito come un semplice Packet Trick, che comporta una stupefacente prima fase basata su di una predizione ed una grande sorpresa finale.

Il prestigiatore, dopo aver mostrato nove carte di Picche, dall’Asso al 9, le mescola e fa tagliare il mazzetto ad uno spettatore. Tenendo il mazzetto di dorso, il mago sceglie una carta senza mostrarla, lasciandola in...

Brunel White
Modern Master Mysteries by Brunel White

Excerpt from the introduction:

It would not be out of place for me to here add what Mr. Louis C. Haley (author of that fine book The Dramatic Art of Magic) pointed out re the effects in Original Mysteries, as the same remarks apply to every effect in this present work, that the whole of the apparatus used for obtaining the effects could be made up at home.

  • Introduction
  • Brunel White's Rabbit Box
  • A Silk Warehouse from an Examined Empty Bowler Hat
  • The B.W. "Mystic" Bouquet and Frame
  • "The" Dove and Bouquet Transposition
  • The Marvellous Eight Cut Strings Mystery
  • A New "Master" Table Top
  • The "B.W." Skeleton Table
  • The "Limit"...
Peter Pellikaan
Jumping Dots by Peter Pellikaan

You show two packs of four blank cards each. You stick a blue dot on the top card of one pile and suddenly all these four cards have blue dots. You do the same with the red dot and the other pile. Then you exchange the top cards of these two piles. The remaining cards follow their leaders because the pack that had blue dots before has now the red dots and vice versa. When you take off a red dot and a blue dot from one card each, the remaining cards return to blank cards.

1st edition 2024, video 5:16.

Unnamed Magician
The Gift by Unnamed Magician

Another trick that fooled the best cardmen in the world.

"This is a fooler! The Unnamed Magician has created an impenetrable mystery that not even your magician friends will be able to figure out. It's really well constructed and how he gains the secret knowledge is ingenious!" - Marc Paul

"A truly diabolical method which will fool even the most knowledgeable of card magicians!" - Matt Baker

"There aren't many creators reaching the same standard as Unnamed Magician when it comes to creating real mind puzzling card effects; you need to be Alan Turing to break these codes. In this effect you are...

★★★★★ $10
Scott F. Guinn
A Very Great Deal by Scott F. Guinn

A Very Great Deal is a feature card routine straight from Scott's real-world performing repertoire.

"A Very Great Deal by Scott Guinn IS a very great deal! This is jam-packed with fun, audience participation, and a terrific surprise ending. This is worth adding to your repertoire." - John Luka

Effect: Cody is handed the deck, which he shuffles and cuts to his heart's content. You introduce a small, sealed envelope and give it to Anna to guard. Cody selects a card. You give him the opportunity to take a different one. When he decides on a card, it is placed face down on the table in full...

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