The magician introduces a deck of cards. He invites a spectator to thoroughly shuffle the deck. Once the spectator is done shuffling, the magician spreads the deck face up as he asks them to verify that all the cards are in fact different. With this done, he closes the spread and turns the deck back face down, after which he turns his back to the spectator. He then (while turned away) instructs the spectator to cut the deck into 3 piles. Furthermore, he promises never to touch the deck again until the end.
The spectator takes the deck and cuts it into 3 more or less equal piles:...
An impromptu 21-card trick on steroids.
From a deck shuffled by one spectator (S1), another spectator (S2) deals any 21 playing cards, singly and face down, in the palm of the magician. The remaining cards are discarded. Each spectator removes any card from the face-down pack. The magician shows the first card to S1 and cuts it into the pack. Same with S2.
Next, the magician deals the cards haphazardly in a few packets (each containing a different number of cards) on the table. They are all shuffled by S1 and S2. Then, in order to demonstrate how to gather the packets in a single pile,...
12 previously unreleased card routines. Strong, practical card magic with an efficient approach to the moves and construction. They are clearly described with numerous photographs for ease of learning.
1st edition 2014, PDF 62 pages.
Note: For those who own the original Rain Man, you're in for a real treat (see the last condition in the conditions section below).
The magician and the spectator are seated together at a table. The magician introduces a deck of cards and spreads it face up to show that all the cards are different. After this, he turns his back to the spectator and says "I want you to generate a random number between 1 and 52. Of course, I could have you name one, but then you may think I psychologically influenced you towards a particular number or that I relied on you to think of a popular number....
The Double Lift is a powerful move but it is also easy to do it wrong, meaning not deceptively. In this ebook, the author will show several ways to learn and effectively perform this sleight and how to perform a variety of card tricks using this technique.
1st edition 2015, PDF 46 pages.
The Next Stack is a cyclical stack that is as easy to learn as the Si Stebbins stack but can withstand scrutiny, unlike the Stebbins stack. In the Stebbins stack, the increment of 3 or 4 could be visible to a participant if observed keenly. But in the Next Stack it is almost impossible to recognize the sequence.
The Next Stack is named as such because literally it is based on the "Next" principle, which is a novel, innovative principle. Given any card you can instantly know the next card.
It will take all of 5 minutes for you to learn this cool principle and start applying it. This principle...
The spectator names a Poker hand. He can change his mind. The deck is spread face down and the five cards for the named hand are the only face-up cards. The deck is squared and spread again: the face-up cards have vanished. For the kicker, the deck is spread face up and all the cards are blank. It was all an illusion.
Uses a special gaffed deck you can easily make at home. No sleights. No memorization. Idiot proof. Automatic reset. No angles. Killer kicker.
1st edition 2023, PDF 12 pages.
A prediction Jumbo card is placed sight unseen in full view. A deck of cards is displayed and shuffled and a spectator freely selects a number of cards to use from the deck. These cards are eliminated one by one until only one remains. Despite the freedom of handling and choices, the selected card matches the Jumbo prediction. Very easy to do, suitable for a close-up show or a stand-up performance.
1st edition 2017, PDF 2 pages.
You show four cards with red backs. Then you table one of the red-backed cards and add a card with a blue back to the remaining three red-backed cards. Suddenly all of these four cards have a blue back. You table one of the blue-backed cards and add a card with yet another back design. The same thing happens, all the cards take on that new and different back design. You do the same procedure one more time. Then the Joker enters the picture and even more all different backs appear. If this doesn't dazzle you then clearly Dazzzillle is not for you.
1st edition 2023, video 3:59.
An incredible A.C.A.A.N. effect completely in the hands of the spectator.
The title of this eBook contains the acronym for "Any Card At Any Number," and in fact the new version explained here, incredibly automatic and completely hands-off, of this famous card magic and mentalism effect, is capable of surprising even many magicians (we can say this with full knowledge of the facts, having personally tested it in magic circles) and guaranteeing a "devastating" impact on the audience.
After introducing and quickly showing a normal deck of cards, the magician shuffles, and cuts, then places...
Maurice Kill is a completely reimagined version of the classic effect Miraskill created by Stewart James (participant chooses red or black color and the mentalist has the other, cards are turned over two at a time making three piles. One will be the red pile if both cards are red. One will be the black pile if both are black. The last will be the discard pile if one is red and one is black. The result of the game is predicted in advance by the mentalist).
Maurice Kill is a faster and more stunning version. Variations are offered to you. You may not even know the number of cards used, which was impossible...
The magician introduces a deck of cards. He invites a spectator to thoroughly shuffle the deck. Once the spectator is done shuffling, the magician spreads the deck face up as he asks them to verify that all the cards are in fact different. With this done, he closes the spread and turns the deck back face down. He then instructs the spectator to cut the deck into 3 piles. Furthermore, he promises never to touch the deck again until the end.
The spectator takes the deck and cuts it into 3 more or less equal piles: top pile, middle pile and bottom pile respectively. The magician...
A master class on card technique, giving the 19 possible effects in all of card magic, the 16 basic sleight-of-hand accomplishments, and details on what is required to become an expert with cards. The first six chapters alone are a "must read" for all magicians, as they will most certainly provide motivation and (hopefully) inspiration to improve their routines.
Also included is a completely rewritten and illustrated explanation of Buckley's Thirty Card Problems book, including explanations and illustrations of the necessary sleights, supplementary suggestions, presentation ideas, observations, comments and advice...
The magician introduces a deck of cards; he spreads it face up to show that all the cards are different. Next, he places the deck on the table in front of a spectator. He says: "In a moment I am going to turn my back to you, and while I am turned away, I want you to make a free selection of any card. Simply cut off any amount of cards and look at the bottom card of the cut-off portion. Then, bury the cut-off portion somewhere into the middle of the remaining cards in order to lose your selected card. Once that is done, invite me to turn back around to face you."
So the magician...
12 card routines from totally self-working to average difficulty.
If you can do double lifts, Elmsley Counts, etc, then you are in luck. All of the tricks are explained with Liam's full handling, presentation, theory, extra ideas, and credits, including a lot of photos to make learning even easier.
01. Biddle Print - The Biddle Trick and the Finger Print Trick get together and have a sexy time, ending up with this crazy baby.
02. In-Decision - Sit back and relax as two spectators reveal their own thought of cards.
03. Hofferoon - Two classics combine to give the best mash-up since...
Show four ten-spot cards all with red backs. Showing them again reveals a four of Spades with a big black dot on its face. Then there are several four of Spades with a big black dot. Suddenly a card has a different back but also a huge hole cut in the middle. When this card is turned face-up it reveals yet a different card. It is madness. Best to watch the demo video.
1st edition 2023, video 4:07.
A new approach to the Stewart James classic Pocketheral.
Stewart James (1908 - 1996) was known not just for an immense output of published effects, but his deliberate, somewhat humorous conferring of odd titles to various tricks. Pocketheral was certainly no exception, attracting the attention of, among others, Edward Marlo.
The Cardician, Marlo's celebrated book released back in 1953, included two very worthwhile variations of PTR. Marlo, along with many others, would doubtless have been amused by the name chosen for this one. Marlo's approach involved not twenty but ten cards being dealt in a row, a spectator being asked...
A detailed explanation and breakdown of how to back palm a playing card.
The author shows the aspiring card magician how to make playing cards appear and disappear from and into thin air using a sleight-of-hand technique known as back palming. Many photos assist in comprehending this at-first difficult-looking move. But with a bit of practice, it is within reach for any dedicated student.
This technique is typically used on stage but it can also delight in an impromptu setting close-up and it can be done with other thin flat objects besides playing cards, such as business cards, credit...
Excerpt from the Foreword:
The majority of the effects described in this book are absolutely new, and require a minimum amount of skill. I have been using many of them for a considerable time, and they are all original with me, except one. So I sincerely hope that others will not "invent" them in a few months time.
In this publication, Impey describes how to wax together pairs of cards, a technique that Dai Vernon would later refine with rough-and-smooth to create his famous Brainwave deck. Judson Brown is generally credited with inventing the basic brainwave-type effect using Impey's waxed cards...
A finessed examination of a unique technique.
This manuscript is about a basic card technique that is sui generis, although it remains a limited application. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing because it's been cleverly used to perform one of the best short versions of "Triumph" extant.
The basic move permits you to secretly reverse a card while the deck is tabled and simultaneously riffle shuffled. This manuscript also reveals the how, when and who worked on it. The first Tabled Reverse appeared in Marlo's Off the Top in 1945, credited to Russell Barnhart. Therein it was sparsely explained,...
The magician introduces a deck of cards. He spreads it face up to show that all the cards are different. Next, he invites a spectator to thoroughly shuffle the deck. Once the spectator is done shuffling, the magician takes the deck to demonstrate what they are to do. He cuts off some cards from the top of the deck as he tells the spectator "I want you to cut the cards from the top of the deck like this in order to make some piles." He then reassembles the deck and hands it back to the spectator as he says "Let's do 3 piles. So cut the deck into 3 piles." Furthermore, he promises...