If you are a fan of the classic Universal horror movies, The Mummy, Frankenstein, and Dracula, then you need this routine.
The shrunken head of a French missionary who failed to convert some Amazonian headhunters destroys the free will of your spectator and leaves a message predicting every action - specifically the choices referable to The Mummy, Frankenstein and Dracula.
It's $5: cheaper than a bag of popcorn in a movie theater.
And now Version 2.0 includes a Three Card Monte routine, Three Card Monster, where the audience tries but fails to find Dracula.
1st edition 2025, PDF...
You show four cards from their back. A magic word and two of them have turned face up, for example, two Jack of Hearts. You turn them back but suddenly two other cards, for example, two 10 of Spades. You turn these face-down and a moment later the four cards have changed into the four aces. A bewildering and fast paced change of cards.
1st edition 2025, video 2:19
The most deceptive false cut is when the spectator cuts the deck. This false cut is one of the most convincing false cuts of all the false cuts. It looks so innocent and fair.
This technique utilizes a simple triple cut sequence that maintains the order of the deck as the spectator cuts. It does this without the complexity often associated with other false cuts. There is no shift, pass, or similar involved. The magician simply cuts the deck one handed at the end of the cutting sequence and the spectator carries the cut.
Learn step by step how to perform this amazingly deceptive false...
Immerse yourself in a magical journey with this extraordinary routine packed with special effects. Witness the incredible spectacle as four Kings devour four Fives, only to have the Fives replace the Kings found within the deck. But the magic doesn't stop there - the Fives then replace the Kings once again, leaving your audience in awe.
This guide, enriched with 81 vibrant color images, provides a detailed walkthrough of the entire routine, ensuring you can master every step and deliver a breathtaking performance. Whether you're a seasoned magician or just starting out, this routine is...
You show four queens of diamonds and perform a twisting the queens type of routine. You turn the packet face down and one by one the queens turn face up. But Peter goes further in his effect. Suddenly all the queens are double-faces and show a queen of diamonds on the front and back of each card.
1st edition 2025, video 3:47.
Four incredible card effects that defy explanation and invite complete examination.
Allan Ackerman is one of the world's foremost experts at sleight-of-hand magic and gambling moves with playing cards. On this amazing download DVD you will be treated to four of the most incredible card routines ever created - absolute stunners that simply defy explanation. Normally, a brother magician might exclaim, "You're using gaffed cards!" To which you reply, "Go ahead, take a look!" Examine to their heart's content and they will find nothing. That's because Allan has devised extremely devious and elegant...
Effect: A prediction identifies both the freely selected card (Wild Card) and its precise location in the deck, despite the deck (52 cards) being thoroughly shuffled by the spectator after the prediction was made. The routine is framed within the context of a card game. The spectator chooses the specific card game, number of players, the Wild Card, and they deal the game. The magician never touches the cards.
Are you looking for a killer prediction effect that'll knock their socks off and is easy to do? Well, you're in luck - this is exactly what you need. This effect represents the pinnacle...
A mysterious, baffling, entertaining, eye-appealing transposition of two selected cards.
A selected card vanishes, reappears, vanishes, and transposes itself with another previously selected card. This PDF includes the original manuscript, plus all the refinements and methods Marlo added over the years.
More detailed effect description:
Two spectators freely select cards from a shuffled deck. The selections are returned to the deck, which is mixed and cut. The cardician removes five cards. Each one is shown and tabled, then he asks, "Did anyone see their card?" One of the spectator...
There are three moves and nine complete routines covered.
Allan Ackerman is one of the world's foremost experts at sleight-of-hand magic and gambling moves with playing cards. On this fascinating video recording, you will be treated to card magic's most venerable and classic effects, all given the Ackerman treatment. These are some of Allan's most cherished effects that he has used under fire, night after night to fool both laymen and magicians alike. Card magic like this has earned Allan a worldwide reputation as The Las Vegas Card Expert.
Magic can be a lifetime hobby and card magic...
The effect centers around the illusion of manipulating time by making a prediction about a spectator's card selection. The prediction is revealed to be blank even though the spectator thought he saw the magician write the prediction. This subtly suggests that we have moved backward through time to a point before the prediction was written down. Next, the spectator's freely chosen card turns out to be blank as well. The prediction was correct! This happens with a normal deck of cards. The effect creates a sense that the past, present, and future have been merged through mysterious forces. ...
Excerpt from the introduction by David Goodsell:
This book is not for everyone, because not everyone will want or be able to do the magic contained herein. It is a particular brand of close-up material with cards and coins that requires considerable practice to master, for the most part, and will send the intermediate or beginner to the reference books to learn specific sleights. For the serious student of close-up magic this issue will be a delight. The Marlo treatise on the "Observation Test" is very thorough and the items by Garret, Castillion, Aronson, Solomon, and Racherbaumer are all first rate....
In this e-book, I want to teach an incredibly powerful coincidence effect that is based on an idea by Charles Jordan. A card is fairly selected and lost, and then found in a highly unique way. For lay people, it doesn't get stronger than this; of all the effects that I've created, this generates the best reactions from lay audiences.
The magician introduces a deck of cards. He spreads it face-up to display that all the cards are different and in no particular order. He then hands the deck to the spectator as he says, "I want you to cut off about a third of the deck and give it a shuffle until...
Effect: In this demonstration of mind reading, a spectator simply thinks of one shape from a selection of seven distinct shapes. The spectator keeps their chosen shape private. Through the process where the spectator secretly spells out their chosen shape, the magician reveals the shape they had only moments ago held in their mind.
Here's what makes this effect so special: by using geometric shapes instead of regular playing cards, and adapting a clever principle from the gambling world into mind reading, we've created something truly different. It's not only astonishing to your audience,...
A slot machine prediction using three decks of cards.
Three decks of cards in their card box are piled up on the table in front of three spectators. The magician is about to show the spectators why he is not welcome in casinos anymore. Each spectator is asked to pick a different suit (free choice) and is given a deck that they shuffle. Then, the magician removes from each deck the cards of the suit chosen by the spectator without changing their order. At the end, three face-up piles are displayed in a row on the table. The magician explains that the piles represent the spinning reels of...
Discover the Revolutionary Magic of GiACAAN. Gino D'Alessandro, a young prodigy in the world of Italian card magic, has brought a breath of fresh air to magical effects with his extraordinary routine GiACAAN. Inspired by the legendary Slow ACAAN version of his master Gianluigi Sordellini, Gino has created something truly unique and spectacular.
Why GiACAAN is a Must-Have?
This is a combination of Shufflebored and Joshua Jay's Total Recall effect. Think Shufflebored with no setup and the spectators shuffle the cards. There is only one minor sleight, if you can call it a sleight, and no setup. There is some easy memory work. The reset is instant, and the deck is clean. The prediction AH card has three other predictions.
New: A timeline of the events is included making it quicker and easier to learn the effect.
Two .jpgs of the prediction AH card are included, front and back. You can print it on a blank playing card, index card etc.
Q1: What is the effect...
The purpose of these reports is to cite known references, suggest ancestral ties, credit precursors and progenitors, reveal any chronology, and trace the evolvement of ideas, tricks, sleights, and presentations.
1st edition 1997, PDF 10 pages.