(Larsen is writing as Rev. Dr. Richard Straussberg)
Whether you want to haunt a house, perform a parlor seance, or entertain a private audience with a series of ghostly mysteries, this book shows you how to do it. Long out of print, this limited edition manuscript is now available to a new generation of house haunters, spirit mediums and practitioners of bizarre magick. Use these spine-chilling effects to scare the yell out of your victims. If you're a storyteller, use one or more of these macabre stunts to accentuate a horror story.
Use an effect or two to spice up your existing act....
Now you can perform a sealed message reading psychic act, without the use of paid accomplices of any kind. Not just one, but two complete presentations are thoroughly and patiently explained.
The Question-and-Answer or "Q&A" Act is one of the most riveting that the psychic entertainer can present. Your audiences will be amazed to find that the psychic performer is able to discern their thoughts ... even though their questions remain sealed and in view in a glass bowl upon the stage. And yes, their questions can be returned after the performance.
This act is the result of years of successful...
Over $1,200.00 of professional mentalists secrets are divulged in this illustrated volume, originally released as a limited edition that is now out of print.
To make it even more compelling, three new methods are included in this newly revised and updated edition (the original edition actually only contained 49 methods). Now you get a full 52!
Explained are methods used by stage mentalists, club entertainers, psychic "office" workers and phony mediums to obtain the data and, if not captured by the performer himself, how to secretly send this information to the mentalist.
This is one of the cleverest methods ever devised for a one-on-one answering of a written question. The basic method was first created by W. G. Magnuson and later improved on by myself. The spectator writes a question on a slip of paper and folds it into fourths. The mentalist doesn't do the folding. The spectator is then given a match and asked to burn the slip that has been in full view at all times. There is no center tear, nor is the slip torn in any manner. The spectator folds up his question and burns it. The slip is not put into an envelope at any time, it merely rests on a deck of cards.
The performer...
Here's a no-fail method of predicting the headlines of five newspaper stories - a week in advance - without assistants, stooges, impressions, switches or gimmicked envelopes.
Want to feature a headline prediction in your act, but you don't own a prediction chest or other apparatus? Well, now you can, with this updated version of this near-impossible to find U. F. Grant creation.
Only in this updated version will you learn ways to improve the handling, add prestige to the mailing, and secure more publicity with the effect. And we've eliminated any old-fashioned ruses, leaving you with what...
Here is a new refreshing way to get steady paid bookings as a cold reader. This plan does not involve theater shows, restaurants, costly advertising or renting office space hoping for clients.
The original method was advocated by W. G. Magnuson and Robert Nelson in the early 30s and worked well then; however, Devin Knight has updated this idea to make it 100% practical for today. The cool thing is that this works anywhere in the world, not just the USA.
If you are a mentalist with a good understanding of cold reading then you can work this plan either full-time or part-time. Mentalists around the world are already...
Make any small object appear inside a sealed and locked envelope. Print template is included.
Your spectator signs the sealed envelope before the routine starts. Perform an effect with any small object and then... as your big finish... ask them to tear open the signed envelope and they will find their object inside. They get to keep everything.
Blake will take you through how to make this incredible utility device, plus a load of really cool routines and ideas. When you purchase Envelock, you will receive a PDF file (download from your lybrary digital shelf) which will allow you to print...
Real lie detection for mentalists and magicians. Know when someone is lying by holding their wrists.
"This, as Devin says, is for the advanced performer. It is not new, it is not 100%, but for those times that you must, this is the solution. Do not overlook this, and if you know the method, you will be delightfully experimenting. Put this in your arsenal." - Marc SalemThe technique described in this PDF has been one of my closely guarded secrets over the years. I used this constantly when I performed as psychic, Jason Michaels.
This information was first made available to the magic...
An amazing utility prop which enables the performer to force any number. Perfect for forcing a phone number or special date.
"The Horwitz Add a Number Pad is, as far as I am concerned, the ultimate of its type." - Graham JolleyNew manufacturing run. This new batch is made with even higher-quality leather than earlier batches. The size of the pad is 9.2 cm (3.6 inches) x 12 cm (4.7 inches).
It is based on the principle of the Basil Horwitz Wallet with the hip-pocket sized leather writing pad locking firmly using embedded magnets. This tool allows a range of mentalist effects for large and small...
"Gallery Reading is unique, it's unlike any other book on cold readings. I love it! It is organic, real and different. It's not stock, but exploring and seeming comprehensive to the audience. You will use it right away. I did." - Marc SalemImagine that you have finished your mental act and then start telling complete strangers, with remarkable accuracy, their secret thoughts, as well as their private and personal affairs from stage. You can point out people who have lost objects or money and apparently help them find them in some cases. This is accomplished without any impression devices,...
Effect: Two people each select a card. The performer then shuffles the deck by giving it a riffle shuffle. The spectators take the deck and returned the cards with the deck in their own hands in such a manner that there can be no suspicion of trickery. The two cards are not forced.
The performer now spreads the deck face up on the table so all the faces are in full view. The first card is found by contact mindreading (apparently). The first spectator holds the performer's wrist while he moves his fingers over the face up cards. Suddenly, the performer's finger drops down on a card and it...
Silas Linden's Epoch is a new method and fun system to create mindreading anytime, anywhere, 100% propless. You and your participant start to create a mind-to-mind connection, and after some moments of casual conversation, you can know his zodiac sign, his thought of name, playing card (and much more) creating a fantastic moment for him and for the audience.
1st edition 2019, 6 pages.
The collected works of Carlos Emesqua, are now available:
1st edition 2019, PDF 172 pages.
From the brilliant mind of Eddie Clever comes this astoundingly direct sealed question reading miracle. Every move has been thoroughly thought out and blended to flow into a smooth sequence.
There have been many methods devised for secretly divining written data on a card within a sealed envelope, but none, we firmly believe, is as baffling or as easy to do as this. Lifted directly from Eddie's routine for private seances, it has been an exclusive favorite of his, the modus operandi never once having been detected.
The envelope used is absolutely unprepared and so is the white card, which...
Here is another ebook that gives you four amazing mental effects direct from Devin Knight's repertoire. These are effects not in any previous Devin Knight PDFs. These effects can be used close-up or on stage. Here is what you get:
CHALLENGE CARD TEST: A spectator selects a card sight unseen and initials the back of it. He returns it to the deck while the performer shuffles it. Neither the performer nor spectator sees the card. The deck is spread face up and the spectator slides one card out of the spread. It proves to be the card he signed on the back. Stunning!
A participant thinks of two words with opposite meanings. The performer tells him to decide upon one word and to forget the other. He settles on a word in his mind after deciding from several thousand possibilities. He does not look at a list of words, but freely decides on a word in his mind. He is not to tell the performer the final word or write it, just concentrate on it. The performer picks up a piece of cardboard and with no fishing or questions; writes a word and shows it to the participant and audience. Let's assume the performer wrote: 'Beautiful'. The performer says, "Does that define...
Book tests comprise some of the most stunning effects in the mentalist's arsenal. Here, completely explained, are many of the cleverest, most transparent mental demonstrations ever assembled.
Selling for the equivalent of over $50 in today's buying power when it was first released, this manuscript contains some of the most jealously guarded secrets ever developed for apparently reading the minds of your spectators in a clear, convincing manner.
Not just bare bones descriptions, Hull provides complete patter and the thought behind the workings for several outstanding tests using books...
Would you use the proven and classic technique of equivoque (aka. magician's choice) more often if you could simply read your pre-printed script as an integral part of your performance, show the script to your participants, and ultimately give them a copy so they could even try it again later?
With an official looking and intriguingly customizable 1940's Compatibility Quiz from the popular Life Magazine, all of the above works just as stated. By carrying the script on your smartphone, you'll be ready to perform this classic piece of mentalism with any six objects anytime and anywhere.
Here's a complete four-phase routine using a deck of ESP cards.
Do you know the true facts about the ESP deck? J. G. Thompson, Jr. has thoroughly analyzed the deck and come up with some most amazing discoveries which he has blended into the first completely routined demonstration with a standard deck of Rhine E. S. P. cards.
Now you can prove your mastery over extra sensory perception (ESP) and demonstrate to your audience that you are a mentalist by using an ESP testing deck - a scientifically approved accessory. You go through a series of experiments such as Rhine has only hoped to...
Available now - Voodini's Ten Steps to Tarot Mastery. In ten simple steps, this PDF will take you from a nervous beginner to an experienced Tarot card reader, and more than that - you will be able to go out and deliver readings after the very first chapter.
This manuscript is close to eighty pages long, and gives you all the information, technique, and confidence you need to become a truly first rate Tarot card reader. Written in Paul Voodini's usual engaging and entertaining manner, this PDF is aimed at the mentalism and magic community, so you know you're getting real world advice and knowledge...
The Social Prediction has fooled the best minds in mentalism and now Debjit has finally decided to share it with the magic community. The video and PDF covers two revolutionary impromptu techniques to predict anything weeks in advance.
Imagine asking someone to think of anything, they open your Facebook profile from their phone and they see that you had already predicted it months ago.
The effects can be performed live or over phone calls, messages, Skype and radio. They can also be used to predict the winners of the World Cup or any event on social media. And it's the best way to promote...
Here's the perfect "one man" comedy mentalism act that's great for those occasions when you aren't able to perform your regular show. Or add it as a feature to your regular act.
Don't confuse this with the old "two person" comedy mindreading act. This hilarious routine can be performed by you, alone, without assistants, stage hands or stooges. Using a crystal ball, a jumbo electric light bulb, or even a swirly-painted bowling ball, you cause a laugh riot by apparently answering questions which have been merely "thought of" by your audience. There's no mystery to it. All you need is this clever...
One of the most amazing demonstrations of stigmata you will ever see. Imagine crying tears of blood at will. You could start a religious cult with this secret! 100% safe as no chemicals or drops are put into your eyes.
This little-known secret used by mediums and spiritualist ministers is completely revealed in this PDF. At some spiritualist summer camps, mediums will use this trick to apparently cry blood while giving a reading from a dead loved one. At spiritualist churches some ministers will cry blood tears while giving messages.
Psychic Jason Michaels used this trick to cry blood...
Here are six more, hard-to-find Nelson Enterprises manuscripts for mentalists and magicians.
This collection contains the following Nelson manuscripts, updated and edited for a new generation of performers:
Pulse Test and Blood Control — The psychic entertainer demonstrates how he is able to start and stop his pulse by using mind control. Nelson claimed this method fooled doctors. (NE Cat. #171)
Long Distance Telepathy — The performer has a psychic friend who reveals a freely selected card by telephone. And, to fool the wise ones, the psychic's name and phone number are placed,...