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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Mentalism: page 52


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Bob Cassidy
But Stranger Still by Bob Cassidy
  • Doctor Bob Live and in Persona!
  • A Day at the Movies
  • Doctor Bob's Opening Routine
  • Doctor Bob's Killer Miller Caps
  • The Billet Reading Portfolio
  • Smear and Hear
  • BONUS: Questions and Answers about Dr Bob and his important message to you!

1st edition 2002, 17 pages.

Bob Cassidy
Strange Impressions by Bob Cassidy
  • The Enigma of #23
  • Epilogue to 23
  • Interlude - The Reverend Dr. Bob's "Bank Nite"
  • Signed Twice
  • The Art of Pre-show: Creating the Best Impression
  • BONUS: THE Ultimate Mind Trip

1st edition 2002, 20 pages.

Dee Christopher
Article3 by Dee Christopher

Article3 is Dee Christopher's take on the classic "Three Article Test", which has previously been approached by the likes of Gene Grant (Phantini), Jack Miller and Eddie Joseph; however, all of the previous solutions have involved unjustified actions and often complicated crib sheets and processes. In Article3, all of the issues have been destroyed, leaving you with a perfect method for a wildly impressive demonstration of psychometry.

The basic effect is that three participants each hide one of three items (For instance; a coin, a ring and a watch) in their pocket while the mentalist is turned away or...

★★★★★ $15
Larry Brodahl
Scripted #16: Zodiac and Mom's Favorite by Larry Brodahl

A parlor or stage trick with a single method, but two vastly different scripts using totally different props. Fun and fooling.

Two tricks in one. Each with nearly identical handling but widely different effects.

In ZODIAC, you show a spectator pictures, one at a time, letting the spectator say "stop" whenever they wish. Their selection turns out to have been predicted in a message hanging in full view of the audience.

In MOM'S FAVORITE, you show the spectators playing cards, one at a time, again letting a spectator say "stop". Their selection turns out to have been predicted in a message...

★★★★ $15
Robert A. Nelson
Dr. RaMayne's Spirit Manifestations by Robert A. Nelson

Weird, eerie and baffling pseudo spirit manifestations are easy to accomplish with very little preparation or expense, once you know how.

That was the first line of Nelson's catalog ad for this nearly impossible to find manuscript, detailing the methods of fake mediums and con artists who presented seances to bilk the public. Why is this title so hard to find? Primarily because it was only advertised in three of the Nelson Enterprises catalogs. Some feel that the methods were used to spawn new fraudsters, instead of being used to inform the innocent public. Others believe that Nelson was...

★★★★★ $4
Devin Knight
Controlled Actions by Devin Knight

Effect: The magician says he will attempt to control a spectator's actions. The magician displays three envelopes numbered 1, 2, and 3 saying these are predictions. A participant selects three cards from a regular deck. The performer shows the participant three blank envelopes and asks for a number from 1 to 3.

The magician proceeds to write that number on the envelope and the participant takes one of his selections (no force) and the magician slides it into the envelope with the number the spectator named. This process is repeated with the other two envelopes and cards. The performer then...

★★★★ $10
Robert A. Nelson
Psychological Reading by Robert A. Nelson

NOTE: This reading is also contained in the Nelson book, Confessions of a Medium.

Amaze any spectator, even one whom you've not met before, by giving an in-depth character reading that reveals psychological insights your client hasn't shared with anyone.

Spectators are more readily convinced by fortune tellers, and the like, if the reader begins the reading without first asking a lot of questions. In other words, the psychic gives the reading "from the cradle to the grave," as though the spectator's life were the pages of an open book.

No sooner does the client enter the room, then immediately the reader...

Paul Voodini
Victorian Seance and the Birth of Mentalism by Paul Voodini

Paul Voodini presents Victorian Seance and the Birth of Mentalism, recounting the rise of Spiritualism in the 1800s, the antics, tricks, and techniques of the fraudulent mediums, and how this led directly to the birth of that branch of the magical arts known as 'mentalism.'

This detailed manuscript outlines and explains such techniques and methods as mesmerism and hypnosis, table-tipping, slates, automatic writing, book tests, 'reading' techniques and Q&A, spirit manifestations, the Ouija board, and much, much more. The text also touches on escapology, quick change, and other magical techniques. ...

Sean Waters
Not Just A River In Deutschland by Sean Waters

In Sean Waters release solely devoted to ESP demonstrations with Zener symbol cards, you will acquire the ability to ascertain the right time and place for predictions to come true, along with intuiting when people intend to do you harm. You will learn numerous techniques for duplicating the enhanced abilities of "psychics". The secret of how to implant the thought of a single Zener shape in your participant's mind is detailed as well. With the help of a Zener pack, you will aid your onlookers exploration of determinism, the weight of foreknowledge and a litany of impossible seeming demonstrations....

Simon Caine
Razorsharp by Simon Caine
"This ebook is full of practical and highly interesting ideas in mentalism. Great explanations with photos that make reading fun and flowing. I will be mixing Meridian in with my own work with ESP cards!" - Pablo Amirá
Razorsharp is a collection of practical, powerful and entertaining mentalism routines using the simplest, most direct methods. With not a center tear in sight, these routines are designed to be easy to perform whenever, wherever, and whatever the circumstance and deliver the hard hitting moments of mystery your audiences deserve. Crammed with audience tested effects, fooling subtleties...
★★★★ $12
José Prager & Peter Turner & Luke Jermay
Ahead by José Prager & Peter Turner & Luke Jermay

3 Mentalism Masterpieces.

Two Very Secret Digits By José Prager

The mentalist is able to divine the first digit of his participants PIN and the first digit of his card without looking at it at any moment and without them writing anything down.

The Weekly Forecast By Peter Turner

The performer leaves his client with a sealed envelope to hold claiming it is a prediction that will be of the utmost importance during the show in a week's time.

He leaves the client with this set of instructions: The client is to choose any paper or magazine that week, to look at any headline and to...

Tom Phoenix
Peeks of Chaos by Tom Phoenix

Two devious peek devices for mentalists.

Every mentalist needs an arsenal of peek methods, be that a device, or a folding peek. The Peeks of Chaos contains two peek devices, each using the card box: the "Mockra Peek", and the "Meanas Peek". Each method is very deceptive, and the peek happens at a natural moment, with no funny movements.

1st edition 2017, length 30 min

Robert A. Nelson
Technique of the Private Reader by Robert A. Nelson

Nelson reveals the special techniques that enable psychics and mentalists to give spectacular private readings.

Successful operators are able to astound and bewilder clients with apparent facts and reason, though unbeknownst to them. Where does this strange and uncanny power come from?

It's easy to "give readings," to apparently read the innermost thoughts of your subject and to chart their life from "cradle to grave," if you possess the technique - the knowledge of how to judge your client. What to tell him or her and how to accurately read their reactions. Such is the true secret. ...

★★★★ $8
Arthur W. C. Brumfield
Perfection One-Man Mindreading Act by Arthur W. C. Brumfield

This is the act that duplicates the effects of Dunninger, perhaps the world's most famous mentalist. And best yet, no assistants are required.

EFFECT: Performer offers $1,000 to anyone who will prove he uses assistants or confederates. He states that he will pass among them slips of paper and envelopes on which they are to write phone numbers, dates, addresses, questions, etc. He states he will allow them to keep the slips in their own possession and nevertheless be able to tell what was written. He then passes the slips and envelopes and returns to the stage, asking them to place the envelopes under...

Ray Gordon
ESP Error by Ray Gordon
"Top Routine. Bravo!" - Roland Henning, Zaubertheater Lübeck, and owner of

The mentalist hands out a prediction for things to come. Then a spectator mixes five envelopes, each envelope containing one of the five ESP cards. he places them next to each other on the table. He has full control over the order.

Five more envelopes with ESP cards are shuffled and placed on the table, each on top of one of the other envelopes. The spectator has a free choice, where to place the envelops and he can change the order again if he wants to. At the end there...

Werner Miller
E-Z Square 8 by Werner Miller

Even more magic squares with playing cards.

1st edition 2017; 12 pages.

Werner Miller
E-Z Square 7 by Werner Miller

Even more effects with magic squares.

1st edition 2017; 13 pages.

Kevin Parker
Kounted by Kevin Parker

An impromptu card divination.

Divine the amount of cards randomly cut off the deck by you or spectator without using stacks or gimmicks; you may be off by one or two cards; no setup, totally impromptu. Spectator even shuffles the deck beforehand. Borrowed deck.

Kevin Parker's system allows for this type of feat and many others.

  • you're not cutting to predetermined spots; you can cut anywhere or let spectator cut.
  • no insertion of a crimped, cut, shaven, or altered card into the deck to mark a location; no setup whatsoever.
  • no gimmicks or stacks or deck setup; borrow a deck, let them...
★★★★★ $10
Dr. Spencer Thornton
Secrets of Mental Magic by Dr. Spencer Thornton

Mind-bending mentalism for psychic entertainers who demand the best.

Dr. Thornton reveals 30 effects, psychic principles, ruses and ideas in this must-have mentalism how-to ebook. These are effects and devices that you will use.

If the name sounds familiar to you, Thornton's ideas have been used, vetted and praised by the likes of Robert A. Nelson and David Hoy, to name a few. After reading the contents of this amazing work, you, too, will be singing his praises.

Here's a partial look at the contents:

  • Introduction
  • Thorntonism
  • Other Thorntonism Ideas
  • Pulse Control
  • Thornton's Impossible Book Test
  • Direction...
Andy Cannon
Mtangulizi by Andy Cannon

An ebook for anyone who wants to improve the way they are received by their audience whether onstage, in the bar or in casual settings and we cover a few simple things we can do right off the bat to see this change.

Many people are struggling and not getting suggestion to work. This ebook will change that! We look at what the majority of people are NOT doing that is preventing them from seeing success in their use of suggestion and normally its just one simple thing.

If you're interested in being seen as unique and different and above all look and feel real - you'll find the approaches...

★★★★ $10
Will Andrade & B. W. McCarron
Last Train to Spookville by Will Andrade & B. W. McCarron

A four-act spirit seance in a box.

A bell placed in the cabinet rings out answers to questions. A handkerchief takes on life and moves about the cabinet, even flying outside it. A pair of slates reveals an answer to a thought-of question.

And now for the finale! A committee of spectators seals three blank sheets of paper inside a glass fruit jar. The jar is placed in the cabinet, in plain sight, with a fountain pen and bottle of ink. When the paper is removed by the committee, it's discovered that the spirits have accurately predicted the outcome of a pair of previous tests.

To top...

Maurice Fogel
Technicolor Chance: Fogel's Top Secrets No. 3 by Maurice Fogel

In a row on a tray stand five differently colored tissue paper bags. Two members of the audience are invited to participate in a little game. Each of the tissue paper bags has been screwed over at the top. Four of the bags, states the magician, contain crumpled pieces of paper. The fifth one contains something of value. The bags can be examined without actually being opened. They can be shaken and held to the light. Sure enough, something is seen and heard inside each of them. A taper is lit. The audience are asked to nominate one of the bags. The bag is lifted and caught on fire, when it dramatically...

★★★★★ $10
Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron
The Modern Blindfold Street Drive by Robert A. Nelson & B. W. McCarron

Not just an effect, it's an event. Box office records attest the tremendous value of this sensational publicity stunt. The Nelson Enterprises were the first to realize the possibilities of a stunt of this kind in conjunction with mental acts, and were the first to utilize it. The Blindfold Street Drive actually attracts thousands of people to witness the performer drive the car through the streets, while handicapped by the lack of normal vision. We know of no other stunt, or idea that could be placed into operation that is sure to attract so much favorable comment, and to impress upon the residents...

★★★★ $10
Robert A. Nelson
Projected Answers by Robert A. Nelson

The first and only book on the technique of "projected answers to questions!"

Learn the professional mentalist's secret of projecting or carrying the replies to questions. Don't just provide a simple answer or restate the question. Use Nelson's projection technique to turn an ordinary Q&A act into a masterpiece. Not only does the spectator receive an answer to her question, but she is given a bonus in the form of additional information pertaining to her question, plus other predicted events.

The spectator is doubly intrigued at this mysterious source of information. Other spectators become...

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