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Reviews: Read What Others Are Saying: page 25

1574 ★★★★★ reviews
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123 ★★★★ reviews
Displaying 619 to 643 (of 2068 reviews)

4 Most

Overall customer rating: ★★★

reviewed by Larry Brodahl (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 21 November, 2021)

4 MostI like Peter Duffie's material. He's fairly clean in handling and avoids knuckle busters. In this particular collection, I really like GHOST BUSTER. It's cute, simple, odd, and lends itself to many different scripts.

100% Magic

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Larry Brodahl (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 21 November, 2021)

100% MagicPavel's magic is always interesting. But, since there's very few words written, you do have to THINK about what you're seeing. His magic is clean, usually very simple in execution, but can sometimes make you do a little DIY.

The Big Book of Rising Cards

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Bill Palmer (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 21 November, 2021)

The Big Book of Rising CardsI've been performing the Rising Cards for many years. I thought I knew every possible method, but there are methods in this book that I had not ever seen before. It's a well-produced book with very clear illustrations, so nothing is left to the imagination. I knew when I read some of the other reviews of the book that I needed to have the printed version. I'm glad I ordered it. Fine job, Chris!!! And I must say, the translation is extremely well done!

Entropy Dropping

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Avi Barir (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 18 November, 2021)

Entropy DroppingThis is one of the best mentalism books I have read and without a doubt the most inspiring book. At the basis of this tome, there is a single technique, which is a nice and interesting one, but not unusual in the realm of mentalism. What makes the book so amazing is the ingenuity of Jan Bardi who managed to take this technique and create an entire universe out of it. Jan stretches the technique in every possible dimension: He extends it to use almost any object, tangible or abstract, anything from playing cards to poems and from genuine eggs to crime scene reports. He scales it up for use with increasing number of objects. He describes numerous handling methods and diverse approaches to revelations. The highlight for me is the chapter where Jan ingeniously describes how to embed the technique, with its underlying mathematical principle, into easy-to-prepare props. The book covers dozens of routines that are all based on the same fundamental technique. For each of these routines many variations are offered. Inspiration is the main thing I take from the book. It implicitly sends you on a mission, taking every effect you use, and with the right thinking turn it into something bigger, stronger, smarter, more diverse, much different, and more impressive. Jan Bardi, I'm totally fascinated by your book.

The Sandwich Peek

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 17 November, 2021)

The Sandwich PeekThere are a bunch of excellent business card peeks out there. I particularly like Phill Smith's The Biz, which uses only a simple sleight, and Looch's Hollow, Paul Carnazzo's PaC Stack, and Marc Oberon's Insider, which are all variations on a theme with increasingly elaborate gaffes. Leave it to the creative mind of Scott Creasey to come up with a method using an ancient, underused gaffe, one that you can make in about a minute flat with no tools. I watched Scott's performance on the video, and it fooled the heck out of me. I had absolutely no idea how he got the peek. Unlike the heavily gaffed business card decks, you can pretty freely show the deck, both front and back, at the beginning of the routine. "Diabolical" is an overused word used to describe sneaky methods to steal a peek. But this method earns that adjective. Even if you already use one of the fancier peek decks, you should take a look at The Sandwich Peek. It's cheap, slick, and deceptive. And it resets almost instantly. Highly recommended.

Magician's DIY Tips and Tricks

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Ryan Reid (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 15 November, 2021)

Magician's DIY Tips and TricksThis is an interesting document with some valuable ideas to get you started.

There were some things I had an inkling of, but it was helpful to have examples of the kinds of supplementary items you could use. That said, some parts could benefit from more "examples of" even if they're not the perfect substitute to help point you in the right direction. Knowing these things will help to diversify your options/manner in which you think about approaching the topics contained within.

If you have a basic understanding of the topics listed in the description, $15 is pretty steep for the information provided.

Contactless Automatic Card At Number: Ebook #2 (Italian)

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Luca Ramacciotti
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 08 November, 2021)

Contactless Automatic Card At Number: Ebook #2 (Italian)… Sono importanti i lavori come questo di Biagio Fasano perché oltre a presentare effetti particolari si dedica molta cura agli effetti scenici e di sorpresa che possono avere sul pubblico soprattutto se tutto ciò che c’è di magico nell’esibizione avviene in mano loro.

In un’esibizione, più lo spettatore potrà essere partecipe e “protagonista” e maggiormente la sorpresa finale e il divertimento saranno memorabili per lui. Fasano presenta 3 nuovi effetti A.C.A.A.N. (Any Card at Any Number – carta al numero) originali che non richiedono alcuna manipolazione. Attenzione: questo non vuol dire che siano effetti semplici con cui affrontare il pubblico, ma che la loro ideazione è talmente geniale ed efficace che il tutto è basato sull’effetto e non su acrobazie di mano.

Si parte con la descrizione di un mazzo preordinato (VR STack PRO – il nome vi sarà chiaro durante l’esplicazione di come realizzarlo) …

In “A.C.A.A.N. Palindromo” … abbiamo una finezza perché per lo spettatore subito si instaura la [apparente] casualità del tutto… Su questo effetto notevole si va ad aggiungere un successivo step che va a creare il famoso “colpo di scena” (e da questi particolari si comprende come Fasano abbia accuratamente studiato ogni dettaglio che possa far presa sul nostro pubblico) ….

A.C.A.A.N. Creativo: … anche questo effetto è ideato proprio per far sì che il volontario ed il pubblico vedano che il prestigiatore non va a manipolare il mazzo di carte, per cui il tutto rende il fatto ancora più strabiliante e stupefacente …

V.R. A.C.A.A.N: … se si sospetta una manipolazione da parte del performer, il volontario sa che poi sarà lui a decidere invece l’ordine delle carte… Decisi dunque dal destino un NUMERO ed una CARTA, lo spettatore… giunto alla carta nella posizione corrispondente a quel Numero, incredibilmente volterà proprio la CARTA scelta!

Già solo dalla descrizione si può comprendere la potenzialità enorme di questi tre effetti perché ricordiamoci che fare un numero di prestigiazione non è dimostrare le proprie abilità, ma far divertire e stupire il pubblico. Non dovrà pensare a dove sia il trucco, ma rimanere sorpreso e spiazzato andando a ricordare quel momento con piacere.

Ringrazio Biagio Fasano per questo ottimo lavoro fatto con molta professionalità e passione.

Contactless Automatic Card At Number: Ebook #2

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Luca Ramacciotti
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 08 November, 2021)

Contactless Automatic Card At Number: Ebook #2... Works like this one by Biagio Fasano are important because, in addition to presenting special effects, he devotes a lot of care to the scenic and surprise effects they can have on the audience, especially if everything magical in the performance happens in their hands.

In an exhibition, the more the spectator can be a participant and "protagonist" the more the final surprise and fun will be memorable for him. Fasano presents 3 new original A.C.A.A.N. (Any Card at Any Number) effects that require no manipulation. Beware: this does not mean that they are simple effects with which to face the audience, but that their conception is so ingenious and effective that everything is based on the effect and not on hand acrobatics.

We start with the description of a pre-ordered deck (VR STack PRO - the name will be clear to you during the explanation of how to make it). ...

In Palindromic A.C.A.A.N. ... we have a subtlety because for the viewer it immediately establishes the [apparent] randomness of the whole ... On this remarkable effect is added a next step that goes to create the famous "twist" (and from these details you can understand how Fasano has carefully studied every detail that can appeal to our audience) ....

Creative A.C.A.A.N.: ... this effect is also designed so that the volunteer and the audience can see that the magician is not manipulating the deck of cards, which makes the whole thing even more amazing and astonishing ...

V.R. A.C.A.A.N.: ...if the performer is suspected of manipulating the cards, the volunteer knows that it is he who will decide the order of the cards... Having decided on a NUMBER and a CARD, the spectator... when he reaches the card in the position corresponding to that Number, will incredibly turn over the chosen CARD!

From the description alone we can understand the enormous potential of these three effects because we must remember that to perform a magic trick is not to demonstrate one's own abilities, but to entertain and amaze the audience. They will not have to think about where the trick is, but they will be surprised and displaced and will remember that moment with pleasure.

I thank Biagio Fasano for this excellent work done with great professionalism and passion.

A Promising Premise

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Gareth Jones (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 05 November, 2021)

A Promising PremiseLazily compiled.

The entries in this book are cut and paste from other Racherbaumer sources, such as The Hierophant. No problem with that, that's what makes these "one plot" books great, the compilation of methods of a certain plot bringing them all together for those who may not have access to the original sources.

Unfortunately in this particular book, in-text references to non-existent photos are present. It's disappointingly lazy from Racherbaumer. Either include the photos or at least remove the references!

This annoying problem aside, the methods are all worth reading.

Bending Minds 1

Overall customer rating: ★★★

reviewed by Boyet Vargas
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 04 November, 2021)

Bending Minds 1I received the complimentary copy of this book and from what I can see is that this book is something worth investing in. The effects inside this book are versatile as you can perform them both in person and in virtual environment. The method taught inside this book is something you can re-use to create your own powerful effects.

Thought Swiper

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Paul Romhany
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 03 November, 2021)

Thought SwiperPatrik Kuffs has created a remarkable system that enables you to know a thought-of card without any questions or fishing. This is a download that comes with written instructions and a PDF card you can print off. This double-sided card can be printed on any size card from a business card to a larger card. I would highly recommend laminating this because it is something you can take with you anywhere and will definitely want to use. What makes this so good is how easy it is to use and the presentation ideas he offers. Patrik even suggests printing this out and putting it on a playing card box. This is so smart because now you can do this anytime you bring out your deck.

There is really nothing to memorize as any of the necessary secret is built into the card so he's thought of everything. As soon as you read the instructions you can follow along with a card and will be impressed at how it works.

He includes a great routine where he combines The Invisible Deck with Thought Swiper. You introduce the deck and the Thought Swiper Card. By combining this you can now have them mentally think of any card and without even having them name their card you can take out the deck and show the only card in there is the one they were thinking of. Just one of the many ways you can use this killer little tool. If you print this on a sticker, as suggested, then you can have it on the box for The Invisible Deck and now it makes total sense saying the Thought Transmitter knows your card.

I'm actually going to print this out and stick it on the deck I use for Richard Sander's Any Card deck. It takes the trick to a higher level simply because at no time do they reveal their card - only at the very end prior to you showing the thought-of cards.

If you've ever wanted a method to find out a thought of card without electronic gimmicks and is 100% sure fire this is an incredible way to do it. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

Giant Balloon Reindeer

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Dave Sickelsmith (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 01 November, 2021)

Giant Balloon ReindeerThis was a BIG disappointment. It only gets one star because I can't get it to not highlight the last one. When I do a review I will give my honest opinion. I hope this helps in your decision to buy or not. Looks nothing like a reindeer. Doesn't even look like a dog. Save your money.

Sponsored Shows

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by V D (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 21 October, 2021)

Sponsored ShowsUnfortunately this must have been one of the most disappointing downloads for me, ever. Poorly written, wordy, repetitive, and outdated. The premise - a discussion on the sponsorship for the shows - is barely touched upon. You do learn how to hang flyers to the billboard, how to write a scheduled date into your calendar, and other items that have little to do with what you want to learn from this book. Lots of filler. The information that does concern sponsoring of shows could have been written in maximum one paragraph, no more. I also didn't appreciate the fact that the book description makes reference to the pandemic, with the obvious implication that the information provided is the most up-to-date. It's not at all. There is no mention of the internet at all as if it did not exist. The sponsoring party will sponsor your magic because that's a cheaper alternative to paying for a TV ad, and that's true. But what about other means for companies to market their products? For example, SOCIAL MEDIA?!? No mention of it at all. It really felt to me that the booklet was written 20-30 years ago, with a few "modern" words squeezed in last minute - such as "pandemic", "YouTube", "mobile phone". Heavily overpriced in my opinion.

The Linker

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by jonathon allwood
Rating: ★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 20 October, 2021)

The LinkerThis is an automatically generated classic that you can at any time you like to ensure that your family and friends and clients will go mad about this new generation take on a card link to a card! It is super easy super cool to do on the spot and on the stage you can not go wrong Alan think behind this up to date effect will open your mind and may help you and new effect that you too can wow magician! 2 rings create will be together but some time in a relationship they end up not being linked to each other! Go on learn it for your self you will love this effect because it is so clear and clean!

The Four Card Mystery Presents: Remote Viewing

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Renzo Grosso (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 18 October, 2021)

The Four Card Mystery Presents: Remote ViewingAbsolutely brilliant! I studied it thoroughly and immediately proposed it several times in close up with such amazing results that I am planning to put it in a stage show. I think the results will be outstanding!

52 Standard American Card Faces

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Lyle Broughton (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 06 October, 2021)

52 Standard American Card FacesThank you so much!! Looking at the files now, and I'm blown away. Seriously. No idea how these were made with so much detail, but clearly a TON of time went into this, unbelievable work. I can't even put into words how impressed I am. Thank you!


Overall customer rating: ★★★

reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 06 October, 2021)

PentertainWhen I saw this series from Ken de Courcy, I didn't know what to think. Books of mathematical tricks using pen and paper? But with the impulse purchase, I found out. Pentertain, the first book in the trilogy, has six tricks: the old "life force," a matrix trick, two entertaining ways to multiple two two-digit numbers, a telephone number trick that has a method that I'd previously seen for currency serial numbers, and a goofy mathematical oddity that Devin Knight put out as a separate manuscript. The second book, Son of Pentertain, has six more things, five of which I don't think are very good and a variation on the old Martin Gardner tic-tac-toe gambit that folks like Richard Osterlind and Johnny Thompson have used. Mistress of Pentertain, the third and longest book, has 25 tricks and gags that are a real mixed bag with a lot of junk. I'd give Pentertain 3/5, Son of Pentertain 2/5, and Mistress of Pentertain 2.5 out of 5. There are things of interest amidst the dross, but be forewarned: de Courcy wrote these books in a different time--almost 50 years ago--so there is a lot of offensive and blue material. If you're going to use some of these things, you're going to have to rework the patter. Otherwise, you'll never pentertain--or entertain--in public again.

Out of My Mind

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 06 October, 2021)

Out of My MindAdam Hudson may not be a well-known mentalism, but he should be. And that glowing quote from Derren Brown isn't just fluffy praise for a colleague: This book is excellent. There are so many different things in here using classic mentalism techniques that you're sure to find something of value, from psychological forces to mathematical tricks, a la Marc Paul. Star Trik, a horoscope revelation, is brilliant, worth the $20 by itself. When you see how Adam rethinks an ancient method, you'll be gobsmacked. No one will ever be able to backtrack the method. It looks impossible, like real mind reading. This is my favorite mentalism book of the year so far.

The Complete The Mentalist

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Michael Breggar
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 15 September, 2021)

The Complete The MentalistWhile this review certainly covers THE MENTALIST publication, I felt it necessary to comment about Chris and Lybrary. Mentalism and magic aficionados world-wide owe a debt of gratitude to Chris Wasshuber. I'm not certain this publication, like many others, would have resurfaced if not for Chris' diligence and wonderful digitizing skills. It's a long story, but Chris was able to exhume THE MENTALIST, reach out to those currently "watching over" this publication and bring it to us. Kudos, many times over, Mr. W!!

I had very fond memories of this publication. One of the first things I purchased at Kanter's Magic Shop in Philly in the mid-1960's. The names of the contributors meant little to me at the time, but now it reads like a who's who of mentalism at the time. Don Tanner edited the first year, Jack Dean a couple of subsequent years before the magazine folded. I always felt Bascom Jones "Magick" picked up the baton in the 1970's.

The effects are your typical newsletter mixture of great but impractical to just plain great! The writing is very much of its time: terse, but to the point. Things are well explained. The important thing is to read this with an open mind. First picture yourself performing the effects as written, then ask would this work with today's audiences and my performance style. Revise as necessary; the ideas and thinking are what is important here.

Nostalgia can be a funny thing. Reading through the magazine again, I can picture myself very clearly where I was reading through this material the first time around!

I loved THE MENTALIST then. I love it now!


Overall customer rating: ★★★

reviewed by Marc Rehula (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 10 September, 2021)

DelightfulI've explored many methods made for Curry's Open Prediction premise (that is, the methods I have access to), and I've been frustrated by how convoluted some of them are (double facers, rough-smooth). I'd come to the conclusion that the version in Card College was the cleanest, most direct method. But I struggle with palming, so I've still been looking. This version is now my favorite. The sleights are easier (at least for me) and the effect is still clean and direct. Highly recommended.

Expert Card Mysteries

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Phillip Dennis (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 10 September, 2021)

Expert Card MysteriesThis book refers back to Sharpe's previous book, Expert Card Conjuring several times. Purchasing that eBook first or along with "Mysteries" will help you to get the most from "Expert Card Mysteries." There are many nice effects in this book. If you are an intermediate-level card magician be prepared to learn some great new sleights as you advance toward "expert!"

793.8: Where is The Magic?

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Chet Cox
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 08 September, 2021)

793.8: Where is The Magic?Not often enough do we see a book which includes a little history, a little biography, a lot of thought, and a LOT of magic - both "tricks" and performance technique.

Interlude: Jeffro is a good friend whom I've met exactly once and I've even given him money. If you knew how good his material is, you would throw money at him too! This is as close to the beginning of my review that I'll put my Statement of Conflicts of Interest, just because I'm contrary.

You may wonder why you should throw $29.95 at him for a book without a color cover or even paper. The answer is in the title, which is a question - maybe THE question for anyone who would pursue this vocation and hobby. Jeff asks - and answers - that question with every effect, with every musing, and on every page. He makes you wonder about it, and shows you the wonder of it. The magic is good. Really good. Read the listing of effects up there in the description (pause, as you scroll upward and re-read the description) and tell me that you aren't intrigued. This guy finds magic in everyday life - I now carry a receipt from Wal-Mart which almost reads minds because of Jeff. I've carried a Topit most of my life and didn't even know it. Because of this book, I look at everyday boring things and see the magic inherent in them. Even in relationships.

First he makes you wonder "Where is the Magic" - then he guides you to see the wonder of magic. As Walt Disney said, sometimes it's fun to do the impossible. This book will help your brain get used to thinking that way.

Propless Vaccine

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 04 September, 2021)

Propless VaccineThis eBook is something I wish I picked up sooner. I like the method very well. If you like this you might as well buy Propless Signtist as well because they both use similar methodology. WELL DONE UNKNOWN MENTALIST!!!

Thayer's Life Span Reading

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 04 September, 2021)

Thayer's Life Span ReadingThis is a MUST for History Buffs and collectors from past Thayer Catalog Buffs, and Robert Nelson Buffs. I basically feel the material is a bit outdated but I don't mean that I would not use it for a person who is 40, 50 or more years old. The reading is very descriptive and a mature person would relate very well to this.

Basic Training

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Robert Gethner (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 29 August, 2021)

Basic TrainingI love the way Kendall breaks down sleights so that you can learn them easily. His book isn't unique in that respect, but certainly unusual. He might, for instance, have you start with fewer cards than are required, then master a tiny piece of the move, and so on, until eventually, when he teaches you how to put the pieces together, the move isn't so hard to learn. He's in good company -- Michael Close, Aaron Fisher, and Carl Irwin do similar things in their teaching.

Kendall is opinionated but in a good way. He explains different ways to do a part of a trick or sleight and explains why he prefers one such way.

Displaying 619 to 643 (of 2068 reviews)
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