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Reviews: Read What Others Are Saying: page 53

1679 ★★★★★ reviews
196 ★★★★ reviews
135 ★★★★★ reviews
85 ★★★★★ reviews
131 ★★★★ reviews
Displaying 1302 to 1326 (of 2226 reviews)

Osmosis II

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Enrico Varella
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 16 October, 2016)

Osmosis IIOsmosis 1 received its due recognition, and I am glad. That Osmosis 2 is a sequel to that, I am grateful for. When a busily, working, professional-magician tips the mitt on his ‘Workers’ and approach to Audience Management – you respond by running fast. You have not run fast enough, until you have applied at least one piece out of this large collection of tested-and-proven routines. In this new volume (his 37th eBook), I enjoyed many new pieces of card magic, however I enjoyed the chapters on Comedy Control, Professional Misdirection, Jumbo Coin Production, doing the Passes, and the story behind the Jacks in a deck. Read it, test it out, and Lelekis’s ideas may transfer to you by osmosis –through that thin membrane that separates your trick from your magic.

Osmosis II

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Roy Eidem
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 16 October, 2016)

Osmosis II"Osmosis II" is a little gem from a man who exclusively makes his living performing & entertaining real people with magic. His work & multiple videos included with the book are wonderful lessons for any student of magic. He has hammered out real magic to play strong in the real world. I especially like & now use his tips on misdirection. Money well spent.

Thoughtless ACAAN

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 16 October, 2016)

Thoughtless ACAANRyan Shaw got my attention with his first of many to come magical works "Thoughtless ACAAN'". As most magicians if not all, should if not already learned at least one card at any number effect that will suit there own style of presentation this young man from Massachusetts should me admired for his first work and encouraged to use his love and enthusiasm of magic effects that pack a punch with any audience also for his words of young wisdom within the work which I will not divulge hear you should already know and implement in your own show If not purchase This Young Gentleman of magic first work shared hear on the Library site maybe this effect will be in your own repertoire soon

Magic Digest

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Michael Lyth
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 12 October, 2016)

Magic DigestThis George Anderson knew his magic.

He also knew what was enjoyed by audiences I recommend this purchase for the serious interested in magic plus history side. I have a printed original copy in my working library, for a new unused copy you could pay up to £140.00 +£2.80 prices vary from international sellers so $15.00 a wise investment no pages to get drink spilt on or chewed by cat/dog /children and easy on the eyes excellent foundation building block for any new magician or memory jog for the old ones like me

If that is not enough there are two really entertaining bonus sections. One reprints the bizarre tricks of the ancients and the other a runs a cross-section of honestly amazing advertisements for tricks sold by dealers in magic equipment. Most of these items were 'the latest' when the book came out in the early 1960s, but almost all of them are either white hot collectable now or displayed as museum pieces.

Karma Kosmic Kalender

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Chris Cross (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 12 October, 2016)

Karma Kosmic KalenderFor many many years now (after performing it over a 100 times), I had always held Bob Cassidy's chronologue as a benchmark in diary effects - and for good reason.

But now for me Karma Kosmic Kalendar will be the new benchmark in diary effects. That's saying a lot. Because it is that good. This will now replace Chronologue both in my jacket pocket and in my act - both stage n close up. Need I say anything more? That pretty much sums up my review, I guess.

Massive Fire Bowl Production

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Ronald M Levy
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 10 October, 2016)

Massive Fire Bowl ProductionDevin Knight has made available to us a captivating collection of three effects which share aspects of their methods. There is "U.F. Grant's Massive Fire Bowl Production," which is absolutely spectacular. It is presented with a version of this Trick that produces "A Goblet of Fire," which is themed from "Harry Potter," and also a delightful trick for the Halloween "Trick or Treats" which first produces a candy container, and then offers the child a treat. This is entertaining, charming, and mysterious magic with fire that will surely grab the attention of your audiences.

Phantom Mindreader

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Dr. Munawar Pasha (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 10 October, 2016)

Phantom MindreaderWell, I must say the idea is not new. But materials are really hard to find to make this gimmick. Also describtion is a little misleading. I did not learn anything new as I was already using this on a book test. Also another product so kind of disappointed. So I get nothing new. Also building the gimmick is much of a pain.

Karma Kosmic Kalender

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 09 October, 2016)

Karma Kosmic KalenderYet again food for thought and stimulation of ones own mind. Presenting through use of Diary in a mentalist capacity.make it a date in your own diary to purchase and gain results

Defective Cups and Balls

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Mark Dilliway (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 29 September, 2016)

Defective Cups and BallsYet another winner by Mr. Lelekis. Dust off your cups and balls and get ready to perform this classic effect with a difference. The premise and patter for this routine is just second to none, plus the B'Wave Oil & Water bonus is also brilliant. As with everything that Paul produces, you can put them straight into your repertoire to get great reactions, laughter, and to give a truly magical performance. Thanks for sharing this with us Paul.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Enrico Varella
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 28 September, 2016)

Thaumatology‘Thaumathurgy’ means ‘works of miracle’, and if THAUMATOLOGY is inspired by that, then these ‘Workers’ can inspire magic, works of marvels, and miracles. One of my favourite effects is Marlo’s THE COLOUR CHANGING DECK. Ring in only one stranger-card and there is so much return on your investment. And, so is a book of matches in MATCH BURNS TWICE…MAYBE THRICE? The simple but effective reveal of a card in VOODOO ASHES may lead you to review this old effect. There are several more in this collection of eight effects, yet they promise one thing – designed to inflict maximum impact because they have been raised to a higher realm. One example is Mike Skinner’s treatment on Peter Kane’s ‘Jazz Aces’ in SKINNER’S JAZZ ACES. I actually started with the last two mentalism effects (‘art mathematical’) involving dice and a writing-pad. The principles are so simple, yet we tend to overlook them. Simplicity and clarity of effect are the trademarks of Paul Lelekis’s creations and choice of saintly effects. Buy it. Go forth and be a wonder-worker!

UF Grant's Lost Card Secrets

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Ronald M Levy
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 27 September, 2016)

UF Grant's Lost Card SecretsThe amount of careful research and scholarship Devin Knight has applied to this excellent group of surprising card spelling effects, together with a stunning card transposition, presents the legendary magic of UF Grant so that there are valuable secrets here that are of use by the magician of today. Grant speaks to us once again through the dedication of Devin Knight.

The Magic of Magic

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Gerard Zitta (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 26 September, 2016)

The Magic of MagicVery nice examples of what Magic should be indeed. Thanks for sharing.

My Favorites

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Mark Dilliway (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 22 September, 2016)

My FavoritesThere are lots of kids publishing lots of card effects. But if you want quality effects by a true professional, then look no further than Mr. Lelekis! This man earns his Buckolas' by performing and creating TOP QUALITY material. The sort of material that will leave your audience's jaws all agog! This book is no different, his version of the Dream Card is literally the very best card effect I have ever learned / read. Top notch thinking with a truly amazing climax. This guy knows his onions, there's no silly hype which proves to be hot air. These are effects to get excited about. If you haven't already indulged in any of his works, now is a great time to start, and I guarantee that you won't be disappointed. At the end of the day, if you want to perform truly outstanding effects that WILL please your spectators, then learn from the man that does this day in, day out. Yes, I am a fan, but why wouldn't I be. This is true working material. Two words 'BUY NOW'.

Kommando Kard

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Robin Gillett (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 21 September, 2016)

Kommando KardI love the Karma Deck, but it only allows casual examination by the spectators. The Kommando Kard allows you to perform many of the effects that require a stacked deck, but (1) WITHOUT a deck of cards AND (2) it will withstand examination by the audience. Like the old American Express commercial. "Don't leave home without it!"

Classic Card Magic IV

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 20 September, 2016)

Classic Card Magic IVTHE KANNIBAL KARDS is the reason for my purchase of this quality work other accompanying effect are practical too well done to the author.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 20 September, 2016)

OsmosisMy review will not do this work justice but those who have already contributed their thought's example Rick Carruth from magic road show fame and Magic Tips and Tricks which can be purchased from Amazon in paperback and kindle, Rick knows the quality of this author's work which can quite often be found in issues of the road show so don't let the lemon float by give the work some purchase and reading and practice time you will not be sorry.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 20 September, 2016)

ThaumatologyI like Jazz Ace routines so a chance to read the authors ideas one of which Michael Skinner - Skinner's Jazz Aces was a reason enough to purchase English born Peter Kane (1938-2004) created many memorable close-up magic effects. He also contributed articles/routines to various magic periodicals. His routine Jazz Aces which is an Ace Assembly card routine done with the aces and only four other cards which was first published in Another Card Session with Peter Kane (1971). Peter also used to perform this effect with 2 jumbo cards. It's a simplification of Seven Card Assembly by Edward Marlo. And excellent reading /recommended research is Jerry Mentzer jazz combo.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Christopher Weber
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 20 September, 2016)

Thaumatology“Thaumatology” by Paul Lelekis is an awesome, fun book. The title definition is perfect: Study of the performing of miracles. I love the great mix of material in this new book by Paul. Each one of these effects is indeed a little, or a big miracle. The non-card tricks are the kind of effects that are the perfect little trick to perform at a moment’s notice when asked to do a trick for someone. You will likely recognize many of these effects as they have been around for a while. Paul gives them new life in his fun and entertaining approach to each one of them. I particularly enjoyed revisiting “Match Burns Twice”, “Voodoo Ashes”, Marble Matrix” and “Math Magic”. These are terrific, ageless little miracles that are just so much fun to perform for people. Fantastic icebreakers that will get people talking! The card effects presented here are all killers that stand alone. “Jazz Aces”, “27 Card Trick”, “Color Changing Deck” (Marlo) are classics in their own right. As always, Paul’s style is very clear, easy to understand and to the point. His teaching is easy to follow as he illustrates the important points and finds just the right techniques to use so all unnecessary moves are eliminated. The emphasis is always on entertainment. Just reading through these effects really put a smile on my face. I know they will do the same for you.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Roy Eidem
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 19 September, 2016)

ThaumatologyPaul has done it again. Pure worker material to delight the paying public. Marbles, matches, math, & of course cards. Drop the dime, you will use this material to delight your friends & audiences.

The Amazing Memory Test

Overall customer rating: ★★★

reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 19 September, 2016)

The Amazing Memory TestThis is Luke Jermay's take on Corinda's Step 3 Amazing Memory Test. While anything Luke Jermay says is worth reading, I'm not sure this is worth $25. First, Jermay has some ideas on adapting Corinda's objects to make them more personal and vivid. This is the kind of memory stuff that you can find elsewhere and was not of much use to me since long ago I'd committed Corinda's system to memory without change. Jermay's discussion of how to do a memory routine was useful, however, as was his idea to link it with a backward alphabet recitation. (Though I disagree with him on how to do that parlor trick. Get Devin Knight's fantastic, inexpensive book with great mnemonics from Lybrary, and you'll be able to recite the alphabet backward in under an hour of study. No kidding.)

I liked the material here, especially for someone who hasn't studied the Corinda step. (But why haven't you?) But it's just not worth the price.

The Best Short Change Scam Ever

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 19 September, 2016)

The Best Short Change Scam EverIf you've ever seen the movie The Grifters, you will see John Cusack do a version of the short change scam. As Devin reminds us, this ebook is for educational purposes only because if you pull this routine on a shopkeeper, you are stealing, plain and simple. I've seen it used exactly one time in my life, many years ago, so I'm sure that there still are some practitioners of this out there. This ebook should probably be required reading for anyone who works in retail or at charity events. The short change is an insidious flim-flam.

How Psychics Locate Missing People

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 19 September, 2016)

How Psychics Locate Missing PeopleFor $10 and 12 pages, I was intrigued, so I bit. And five minutes later, after finishing this ebook, all I could do was shake my head at a scam so ingenious, yet so diabolical, that I'd never have come up with it on my own in 10 lifetimes. Of course, I'm not a con artist. Anyway, you are getting a really obscure--and dangerous--phony psychic scam, one that if you do it, you will be committing a serious federal crime. It's an interesting read, but you have been warned. (Devin warns you too.)


Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 19 September, 2016)

Phenomental!It's almost de rigueur in the mentalism field to put out a book, usually with nine effects, and slap a price tag of $30 on it. And the old adage goes that if you find at least one thing that you'll use, it was a good purchase. I have mixed feelings about Phenomental. First, you get eight effects, but it's more like five effects and three forces/subtleties, not full routines. I'm going to have to try out Vaporize even though I'm not a fan of dual reality. The Up Force is intriguing, like something that should be in Banachek's next volume of Psychological Subtleties. I think Influenza is the strongest routine here, though truth be told, it's a variation on an old Annemann idea, one that Looch and now Alexander Marsh have also gussied up. (And the video performance of it, in front of what appears to be a women's lavatory at a park, is completely underwhelming, especially since it edits out the move that you need to do.) The other stuff, like yet another handling of Out of this World and the WatchStop Principle, which is hardly original, really didn't do anything for me. I will say though that I was impressed that a few things actually used sleights, something that you don't see much of in mentalism, and that's good.

Overall, is it worth the 30 clams? Probably not quite for me. I had kind of the same tepid feeling with the author's Hand Which, where I liked a couple of his ideas, didn't like one in particular at all, and wasn't blown away. Influenza by itself might be worth about $15, Vaporize $9.95, and the Up Force belongs in a larger collection of psi-forces. I think the tipping point for purchase might be if you want another handling of OOTW. If not, Phenomental is probably a pass.

Underground Bottom Tear (UBT)

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Christian Fisanick
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 18 September, 2016)

Underground Bottom Tear (UBT)I've posted a review of UBT on another site, but I like it so much that I am going to tell you here that if you are new to mentalism and don't have a good billet peek, or you are not comfortable with the one that you are using, then you must give this a try. Once you work on it--and it's not that hard to do--you'll use it forever. As I said in my other review, it is a tear of the "instant/real-time peek" variety, unlike a traditional center tear. Bob Cassidy would question why one would use a technique where you take the peek when the audience is burning your hands as you rip up the billet instead of being more traditional and taking the peek on an offbeat or after a logical disconnect. That you have to answer for yourself. Whatever accomplishes the result deceptively is what you should use.

If you use another peek such as a classic center tear, Osterlind's Perfected Center Tear, etc., and it serves you well, you might not need this. Then again, for me, this is a real thing of beauty. It's quick, clean, and straightforward. Highest recommendation.

Perpetual Calendar for your iPod/iPhone/PDA/cell-phone

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Ferry Gerats (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 18 September, 2016)

Perpetual Calendar for your iPod/iPhone/PDA/cell-phoneHow wonderful to make this available. Thank you Scott Cram!

Displaying 1302 to 1326 (of 2226 reviews)
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