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1672 ★★★★★ reviews
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130 ★★★★ reviews
Displaying 1492 to 1516 (of 2216 reviews)

Simplex Magazine Test

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 16 April, 2016)

Simplex Magazine TestFor $6, this is a great magazine test that is worth much, much more. Get a couple of different magazines, spend about 20 minutes preparing, and you are ready to go. (I use copies of two Mensa magazines. Seems appropriate. :)) It uses an old book-test principle, but once again, Devin has put together a dynamite effect that will work for close-up, parlor, or stage.

Credit Card Divination

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 16 April, 2016)

Credit Card DivinationThis is a nice completely impromptu effect--within certain limitations. While I knew the "theory" behind it--I think that it's in one of Jon Thompson's Naked Mentalism books--but the working is extremely clever. OK, being able to figure out Mastercard, VISA, American Express, or Diner's Club, by itself, isn't spectacular, but I think that if you do it a couple of times with different folks, it will play well.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 16 April, 2016)

LiebraryOver the past few years, I've looked at a few dozen smartphone effects. None of them really work for me because they all just scream, "The app does the effect." With ebooks now being commonplace, an ebook test seems entirely appropriate. And this one is terrific. It looks suspicion-free. There is no special app involved. Have somebody pick one of seven PDF books (no shenanigans here, it's a free choice) and then punch in random page number (also a free choice). You immediately can predict the first word on any page in any of the seven books. (Well, almost every page...) The method is ancient, but the styling is new. For a modern close-up book test, with just a little bit of audience management, this is fantastic. Heck, you can even keep the ebooks in cloud storage and download the chosen ebook to the spectator's smartphone or tablet and use his PDF reader app. Did I mention that the entire method takes about three sentences to explain? At 15 clams, this is a bargain for the minds you can blow.

Girl in Little House Illusion Revisited

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Eric Gumieney (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 16 April, 2016)

Girl in Little House Illusion RevisitedThis is just plain fun. It is a real winner. I smiled as I read the pdf. It reminds me of good old fashioned magic from a bye gone era. Devin Knight does a great job in explaining all that needs to be done to make this effect one that will be talked about long after your show is completed. I'm very pleased with this purchase and I believe you will too. The psychology behind this is insane and FUN!

I highly recommend this.


Rubik Notes

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Paul Shepley (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 07 April, 2016)

Rubik NotesUnnecessary repetition of diagrams, incomplete information, and dishonest description.

Pages 16 and 17 refer you to the DVD, so if you don’t have that, you cannot learn this method. Speaking of which, it does not have any apparent advantage over any other beginner method, and there is no information or discussion about how you might use it to accomplish a blindfold solve, genuine or otherwise. For example, you position middle layer edge cubies individually with an eight move algorithm, same as every other beginner method. Usually this is done from the top layer into the middle layer, while here you do the opposite.

So, what about the “effects”, and the “killer bonus”?

Basically, three of these “routines” consist of you solving the cube (very unlikely to be a sub 1-minute time, by the way) before a spectator can accomplish some task or the other. Where’s the magic? There is none. It might be impressive done blindfold, but there is NO information on how you might go about learning a blindfold solve, genuine or otherwise.

You also get a method for doing a bag solve effect. The method is truly awful. I don’t want to give anything away here, but it involves the use of dry wipe marker pens applied to the white face of your cube. This makes the cube look mixed up, when it’s not, see? The author suggests you be mindful of the lighting conditions! The author also recommends the use of a ridiculous gimmick for an instant solve effect.

There are other problems with this product, not least being priced at $9 when you can learn more useful information on the Rubik’s website for free.

My advice is:

If you want faster solve times, do online research into speed cubing.

If you want (no-gimmick superior method) effects, try Cube 3 by Steven Brundage.


Overall customer rating: ★★★

reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 04 April, 2016)

PerplexitiesHaving over thirty of Peter Duffie's works and like Feras A. Alkharboush. His works plus the Feras right up which is in-depth and knowledgeable says it all so I have not read the book ( as Yet )to give a write up as Feras has covered all the important points my only observation is the clear photographs and the fact that if my late friend Kevin Reay was still with us. Late night practice sessions would have been the order and a dozen decks of cards broken in and plenty of practice to do all the effects Peter Duffie has shared with us in this new work


Overall customer rating: ★★★

reviewed by Feras A. Alkharboush (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 03 April, 2016)


Its been a long time since I've read a Duffie book, I jumped in and purchased his latest offering Perplexities as soon as I received the email from's Chris.

I review products based on the ad copy. You may read an effect there and compare it with my notes. Lets break it down.

Automatic Aces: Cool procedure where the spectator finds the 4 aces. Although a bit discrepant its extraordinarily straight forward. Negatives include a tricky preparation, and while you could open with this, its likely whatever other setups you planned ahead will get destroyed as the spectator is undergoing the procedure.

Rideckulous: If you thought the ad description is odd its because its wrong. The "helpers" ( i.e 2 black Jacks ) sandwich the selection as well as all the cards of the OPPOSITE colour. The direct method allows for a very straightforward trick without any procedure, which is unusual as the whole thing is totally hands off. The price is a setup that you can prepare on the fly at an opportune moment if you can cull your way to a red-black separation.

Natterjacks: The ad is very accurate. From a shuffled deck in use, 3 jacks jump from a spectator's half to yours. The last jack doesn't jump, but rather locates a spectator's selection. The method is very simple yet allows for a very direct effect. I personally find the finale of finding a selection is out of place and may work to change it, though thats a personal choice.

Hellish Prequel: Hellraiser is one of Peter Duffie's more known tricks and this one is intended to be used as a lead in to it. 2 Jacks transpose with 3 cards. One phase, direct method, no extra cards and the deck never in sight. Its a bit discrepant though I believe it'll fly. I use a Marlo version of the Glide and its perfect for this.

Hell Raiser 1-2-3: The original Hellraiser is one of the most direct Elevator routines and this update has made it even more direct. Accurate ad description. No extra cards and no deck is needed. If you enjoy the Elevator plot you'll be hard-pressed to find a more direct method. While I'm not sure I'll use a transposition ( the previous effect ) to lead to an Elevator, that is my personal choice however I would've preferred to read how Mr.Duffie segues to it.

Missing Diamonds: The ad copy is accurate however since its lacking I'll provide some needed background. In the original Alex Elmsley's Diamond Cut Diamond, you openly remove the Ace thru 10 of diamonds and later change any one of them to the selection. It gave the spectator a tremendous amount of freedom rarely captured in other versions but there was a price: It heavily depended on false deals. Alot of variations attempted to address this including many by Peter Duffie himself. Here, the crux of Duffie's idea is allowing the spectator to deal and change the card herself. Its a straightforward method and I believe its a genuine improvement on the original. In my personal view, if the selection is modified somehow as a thought of card, it would provide an extremely eerie feeling to the spectator. Can be done from a shuffled deck. On a side note, as openly arranging the diamond cards is a big dead-time in performance I would produce them magically at the outset. A Dani DaOrtiz effect is great for this though its name escapes me.

Triple Stop by Gene Maze: You and the spectator deal down cards and you both stop at the mates. This is done 3 times. Extremely direct though uses very technical sleights. If you do Jack Merlin's Lost Aces this will immediately go to your repertoire.

Not Your Card: Accurate ad description. I typically despise down-under deals but I love it here as it allows for comedy. Carry the needed "Not Your Card!" in your pocketwallet and you're always ready on the go. Instant reset, zero setups in the deck. I personally think its stunning, comical and very practical. To get the finale you need to palm a card from a small packet which can be tricky. I personally would use Ed Marlo's Future Classic Palm or a Lewy Palm ( Expert Card Technique ). Obviously seasoned magicians can see many additional endings for this ( to wallet, folded card to anywhere .. etc ). Since you're making the comical cards from normal blank cards, you can customize them to any lines or messages you deem fit particularly in a company show.

Too Secret: Vague ad description. You're locating 2 seemingly thought of cards using a procedure that is ( in my opinion ) poorly justified. Even if you do justify it, I personally believe its too procedure heavy to be used for laymen. From a borrowed shuffled deck, so you may enjoy performing it for fellow magicians.

Last Orders: A way to perform Dr.Daley's Last Trick. No routine, just a single phase. I'm not sure how original this is as its virtually identical to Bill Malone's handling of the trick in his On The Loose DVDs with the exception of a handling touch that makes a sleight smoother to get into. Its a nice touch, a good one, but that's it.

I Me Mind: The spectator spells to the mate of his freely thought of card. No procedure except the actual spelling. The effect is short and to the point but with a big price: A big 29-card-setup is needed.

Lying Low: You spell out the spectator's answers to your questions and the deck always reveals the true answer whether the spectator answers truthfully or not. You end up producing the other 3 mates, allowing you to deduce selection. 20-card-setup is needed and I don't see a way to easily arrive to this. Personally I don't see how the setup is worth the amount of magic you're getting though readers' taste may vary, especially Karl Fulve's fans.


Overall lots of good material here to cover the price. I tried to elaborate on the ad copy and to mention the negatives when I see them. I like how Peter Duffie's latest work are less focused procedures and more about direct effects. I hope this review was helpful.



102 EZ Magic Tricks

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Simon Hood (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 02 April, 2016)

102 EZ Magic TricksOver 100 tricks for just 1$?! In these days?! Gotta give it to lybrary. Keep up the good work.

Absolute and Ultimate Coin'cidence

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Simon Hood (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 02 April, 2016)

Absolute and Ultimate Coin'cidenceHere the brilliant principle of Coin'cidence is impossibly extended to a mind boggling 7 coin version. The alternative routines with words, numbers, colors, shapes in combo with some other cool methods is very refreshing. An exhaustive treatment of a basically amazing principle. The author displays an unconventionally deceptive thinking style and inspired me to think up some cool ideas myself. Great value for money.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Simon Hood (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 02 April, 2016)

Coin'cidenceCoin'cidence, Absolute Coin'cidence & Ultimate Coin'cidence - got this 3 ebook bundle for $27 (I missed the intro offer of $15). Brilliant principles and clever methods. 27 routines in all. Extraordinary range of pocket mentalism using business cards. The author's take on Max Maven's positive/negative is unconventional and killer. For me just this one is worth the cost of the bundle. On the same day I completed reading, could perform it thrice with great success(using invisible coins!). Simple and stunning. I will be using a lot of these routines. Highly recommended.

The Collected Works of Sigmund Fraud

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 31 March, 2016)

The Collected Works of Sigmund FraudWhen this first came out in print I was in two minds to purchase it is now out of print. So grateful that it is now available here for $10. One copy was recently on Ebay at $35.99 and $13.10 postage which I missed out on and I only wanted to learn just one of the 24 original when first the book came out in print. But now have read today without moving from my computer screen I find that all the effects can be used or altered to suit my own style which I am sure any one purchasing and studying and putting some hard study and practice in too they should find the cost of the book has paid for itself with just one chosen effect. A recommended addition to any mentalists working lybrary.

Absolute and Ultimate Coin'cidence

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Rick Ratley (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 30 March, 2016)

Absolute and Ultimate Coin'cidenceThis is okay, the base method (Coin'cidence) is a little contrived in my opinion.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Rick Ratley (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 30 March, 2016)

Coin'cidenceOver-priced in my opinion. Not as clean as the description. No bad, but I wont use it.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 29 March, 2016)

BusinessassinsOnce again his creative mind delivers a practical way to leave contact details that is also entertaining with a lasting impression on the spectators mind. As always recommended for practicality and little space taken up just 100% presentation required to do this little master piece justice which I hope all who purchase will do so.Well done Unknown Mentalist

Classic Card Magic II

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Enrico Varella
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 29 March, 2016)

Classic Card Magic III love the Classics in card magic! And, Paul does justice to them again in his second book dedicated to the creators of these timeless masterpieces. It is not easy to simplify these original creations, yet he has made them streamlined and efficient for the working performer. Each of the six pieces has the potential to be your masterpiece. I learnt the Oil & water routine immediately, and it will now be my default version. Open Travelers and Jazz Aces are my current interests, and Paul has encouraged me to give these another shot - complete with fun working patter and strong built-in misdirections within each routine. Learning about the Classics is a must for the serious Student of Magic, and this second book will provide you a strong reason and motivation to do so. And, you get to engage and utilise useful sleights you may have overlooked.

Classic Card Magic II

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Christopher Weber
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 27 March, 2016)

Classic Card Magic IIPaul's new book "Classic Card Magic II" is an excellent source of inspiration for magicians. All of the effects in this book are gems that card magicians are sure to enjoy and perform! Paul has a unique way of making difficult moves much simpler and never sacrificing anything from the effect. In most cases he makes the effect even better! For example, I remember struggling with the original "Jazz Jacks" (since I love jazz I really wanted to learn it) and never really felt comfortable enough to perform it. Paul utilizes moves that for me are far more comfortable so I can now feel the flow of the effect and relax with it. This has been the case with all of Paul's effects. Well worked out and designed to keep the focus on the presentation not on difficult moves. Try all these classics. If you haven't performed them before, here is your chance to learn and enjoy some great card magic. Thanks Paul, you did it again!!

Mind Matricks

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Cortez Magicus (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 23 March, 2016)

Mind MatricksI am hollywoods big fan. Attractive routine & colourful stars. From Daniel Craig to Angelina Jolie, many stars. Pocket version with names is very good. It is solid trick for all type shows. You can use any country stars. All self working but unbelievable. Very happy with mind matricks.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 22 March, 2016)

UnbrokenThis author creates ideas that stimulate the mind and purchase was as always in my opinion well worth the small price

Mind Matricks

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Tuesday 22 March, 2016)

Mind Matricksthe actors in the PDF will not be recognised by all but use of photos collected of internet and used with your own simple art work you have a effect that not only does the job of entertainment as written .But can be adapted to famous people in the news or even children's super hero caricatures or products involved with the promotion event etc. so in a nut shell an other winner from the unknown mentalist I can not keep up with his speed of creative thinking. But well done my friend


Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Sunday 20 March, 2016)

ElementalEven if you don't buy at special offer price. The full price will still be worth more than the asking price if confused by that statement just follow the Unknown mentalist purchase what and when you can and be amazed at his ideas that flow fast from his fertile mind. Put the practice in add your own style and slant and maybe even encourage your own mind to create more ideas to maybe publish and sell hear. As all except one from hear at the library I have purchased with pride and place amongst my magic working library he wont stay Unknown for long at the rate he produces working and practical ideas that take up little space enjoy I recommend 100%


Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Scott Druid (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 19 March, 2016)

ElementalThis is enormously power packed. Until I got to the secrets section, I just could not recognize the old classic method. In a most devious manner you gain 2 bits of secret information. Then you use that to do multiple stunning reveals. On the way, you learn a couple of very cool, cheeky day for date shortcuts and a nice birthday magic square. Fantastic props. And what huge variety ! This is way beyond brilliant - just like The Unswami. I would have easily paid 3 times the price. Highly satisfied.

Classic Card Magic I

Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Enrico Varella
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 17 March, 2016)

Classic Card Magic IFinally, a book that addresses a strong appreciation of the classics! The Classics are known as that because they are timeless, distinct plots, and your audience reactions will be buoyant and boisterous. Five effects that you can review or learn immediately, with updated patter to meet the contemporary need of today's sophisticated audiences. This is the first of a series of such much-needed books. I am a fan of Paul Lelekis (reviewer for The Linking Ring) and his 27th book followings his inimitable style of Wow! As a regular worker, his approach is practical, pragmatic, direct, well thought through, and impactful. I believe that you will use at least one of his effects immediately upon your practice. His approach to exciting the Inner Universe of magical entertainment is his trademark, as his clear writing style. Three effects went straight to my repertoire: Red Hot Tarpon Opener, Homing Card, and the bonus - Any Even Black Spade. And there is even an ACAAN effect, plus his 6-Card Repeat. Everything in it, is a winner. I give 'Classic Card Magic 1' my highest recommendation. I await the remainder of his series. Enjoy!


Overall customer rating: ★★★★★

reviewed by Loki Jedi (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 16 March, 2016)

ElementalNever ever in over 10 years as magician got this much value for money. Both the design of props and the routines are unbelievably top notch. A definite 'must buy'. The one emotion I feel right now for Mr.UnMe is - gratitude n admiration ! He has taken an old method and turned it into a pulsating power horse.


Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Simon Hood (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Monday 14 March, 2016)

UnbrokenFor the first time, I came across what may be called as 'disguised equivoque'. This is a mind blowingly clever twist to the standard equivoque. That and a couple of classic methods are crafted together into a chilling and spooky routine. Fantastic theme and presentation. Very unconventional thinking this. Commendable. You could really start a cult, if you wanted to. Not only numerical thinking, which I enjoyed in one of his stacked decks (13MM of Stebbins) but this author's emotional thinking is also terrific.

Labyrinth Illusion

Overall customer rating: ★★★★

reviewed by Anonymous
Rating: ★★★★ (Date Added: Saturday 12 March, 2016)

Labyrinth IllusionIt's a very good illusion - in my opinion - but here are some problems: 1 - I'ts like sleight of hand, HAND WASHING, where you do these complicated moves, a million times, and it is NOT NATURAL. For example: You see the same old fan productions, with the usual back palming, a million times, and thinking that the audience will not catch on. But it should be obvious to anyone watching.

MY POINT--KEEP IT SIMPLE!!! CUT OUT THE CLUTTER(FILLER)!!! Not too many sleights, color changes, etc.!!!


THE BOTTOM LINE::--Labyrinth Illusion COULD BE a better illusion, by making the Act shorter and less complicated. I MEAN--You basically have the magician assistant, doing a lot of secret stuff, and at the same time--the magician is also doing several secret stuff. Plus the audience, see lots of stuff happening, and it's hard to grasp what's going on, because you have so many effects --going on, at the same time. BUT IT IS A GREAT ROUTINE--IF YOU DON'T CLUTTER IT UP--WITH TO MANY EFFECTS!!!

If I may, I like to recommend 2--RAND WOODBURY BOOKS--THE BASE BOOK & DIVERSIONS. The books will give you a better perspective, and understanding of the LABYRINTH ILLUSION.

Displaying 1492 to 1516 (of 2216 reviews)
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