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Modern Magic

Professor Hoffmann
Modern Magic by Professor Hoffmann... many times by various publishers; 563 pages.
    1. Introductory Observations
    2. The Magic Wand
    3. The Magician's Table
    4. The Magician's Dress
    5. Profondes
    6. Pochettes
    7. "Loading" Pockets
    1. The Cards
    2. To "Make the Pass"
    3. To "Force" a Card
    4. To Make a "False Shuffle"
    5. To "Palm" a Card
    6. To "Ruffle" the Cards
    7. To "Change" a Card
    8. To Get Sight of a Drawn Card
    9. To "Slip" a Card
    10. To "Draw Back" a Card
    11. To "Turn Over" the Pack
    12. To Spring the Cards from one Hand to the Other
    13. To Throw a Card
    14. The...
★★★★ $7.50
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Magic by Misdirection

Dariel Fitzkee
Magic by Misdirection by Dariel Fitzkee...
pretense, disguise, stimulation, monotony, and a host of others - and then showing exactly how they - may be employed in specific instances. The Diebox, The Burned and Restored Bank Note, Kellar's Rose Bush Trick, The Egg Bag, Stephen Shepard's Vanishing Bird Cage, and Tommy Martin's Cards Into the Pocket are among the tricks that are described at very considerable length, and then examined in detail with the object of discovering which methods for bringing about misdirection have been employed, and in what ways. This procedure strikes us as an exceedingly fruitful one, since...
★★★★★ $9
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Philemon Vanderbeck
OORT by Philemon Vanderbeck...
need to believe there is something more to Life than today's mundane responsibilities and attendant stresses -- and that there are knowing individuals who can home in on that desired something. Ones who on a clear or cloudy day can interpret, can possibly see forever. The Readers of palms, cards ordinary and Tarots exotic, of runes and tea leaves and the psychology of recognizing subtle yearnings unexpressed. OORT guides.

First -- what OORT is not. It is not a primer for shabby storefront psychic scams full of trickeries of the trade for fleecing the gullible, for exploiting the...

★★★★★ $35
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Larry Becker's Magic Castle Lecture

Larry Becker
Larry Becker's Magic Castle Lecture by Larry Becker

"Everyone should work the Castle for a week. Not for the money, but for the memories." - Larry Becker

Many years ago the first mentalism trick I purchased was "Psycho II" an incredibly clever method, so clean, so fair but what a deception. Larry in his own words in 1984:

At the Psychic Entertainers Association convention in St. Louis, I was requested to demonstrate my abilities for the TV media. The effect that I chose to perform was "Psycho II". Approximately 25 years ago, I released the grand-daddy of this remarkable ESP design miracle as just plain "Psycho". It proved to be an award...

★★★★★ $15
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Ear Marked

Werner Miller
Ear Marked by Werner Miller

This was Werner Miller's first English publication and it holds 51 astonishing tricks, all based on clever mathematical principles. You will find next to tricks with cards, numbers, and dice also topological tricks with paper and cardboard.

One of my favorite tricks is called "Quick Change Square" where a 4x4 square changes from a non-magic square to a magic square in a flash. In "Crazy Square", Werner combines the olde "Chinese Compass" with the "magic square" and produces a witty, lively piece. In "Aeolic Prelude", Werner takes a compass and an ESP deck to produce a nice little bit of ritual...

★★★★ $20
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Spot by Nefesch

Predictions are one of the most important plots in mentalism. As a performer you want to be ready to make a perfect prediction any time any where. And you want it to be simple, clean, and unsuspicious.

Imagine being able to make a prediction without any force, without any switch, with borrowed items, without any suspicious movements. Spot is a 100% impromptu way to make a prediction of any kind:

  • ESP symbols
  • Initial names
  • Numbers
  • Dates
  • Playing Cards
  • Etc.
In other words: YOU CAN PREDICT ANYTHING!!!!

The method behind Spot is so simple, so easy and yet so deceptive and powerful....

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MP4 (video)

Fourth Dimensional Mysteries

Punx & Bill Palmer MIMC
Fourth Dimensional Mysteries by Punx & Bill Palmer MIMC...
  1. ... 5th Booklet
  2. The Sheriff and the Card Sharp
  3. Variatio Delectat
  4. The Sheriff and the Card Sharp
  5. Souls in Harmony
  6. Crystallomancy
  7. The Sheriff and the Card Sharp
  8. "Roll the Film"
  9. The Brainwave Deck
  10. Important Afterthoughts On A "Course of Study"
  11. Souls in Harmony
  12. Crystallomancy
  13. Crystal Balls and Playing Cards
  14. A Completely Crazy Idea
  15. One Last Crazy Idea

    6th Booklet

  16. The Oracle
  17. The Oracle or "The Three Wishes"
  18. The Center Tear
  19. Final Remarks

    7th Booklet

  20. Psycho Bell
  21. Foreword
  22. The Dictionary Trick
  23. "Reflecta - Thot"
  24. Psycho-Bell Version 1
  25. Psycho-Bell Version 2
  26. Outline of the Routine

    Bonus ...

★★★★ $25
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Improved Little Strangers

Devin Knight & Bob Hummer
Improved Little Strangers by Devin Knight & Bob Hummer

Using your own deck or a borrowed deck, you turn your back to the spectator. The spectator can shuffle the deck while your back is turned. The spectator removes the top 15 cards from the pack just as they come. From those 15 cards he is to remove all the black cards and put them in his front left pants pocket. The remaining red cards, he counts and then places them in his right front pants pocket.

Next, he takes a few more cards from the remaining deck, the number to correspond the number of red cards in his right pants pocket. If he placed 7 cards there, he would remove from the deck face...

★★★★ $7
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The PAT Switch: Before Computers Series 1

Bob Farmer
The PAT Switch: Before Computers Series 1 by Bob Farmer
"... The PAT Switch will have you rethinking many of the tricks you know and probably have in your repertoire, as well as suggesting new ideas." - Matt Field
There was a time when Doug Henning roamed the earth, a time designated B.C. (Before Computers). It was a time when armed only with an Olivetti portable typewriter, a deck of cards and a dream of unseating Max Maven as the inventor of more damn card tricks and sleights than anyone else in history, I devised many, many effects, some really awful with short life spans ("Spanish Inquisition," lie detector with Ascanio spread), some acceptable...
★★★★★ $10
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The Gaming Table Volume 2

Andrew Steinmetz
The Gaming Table Volume 2 by Andrew Steinmetz

This second volume of The Gaming Table is from a magician's point of view much more interesting. It includes a history of dice and playing cards including a fairly detailed description of how playing cards were made. It has a chapter on fortune telling with cards. And it also features a surprisingly good chapter on card tricks with explanations for four sleights (false shuffle, false cut, glide, card change) and 18 very nice card tricks. Among them we find a version of the prearranged deck and two person codes.

For people interested in Erdnase it is interesting to note that at the beginning of the...

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New Pentagram Magazine Volume 18 (March 1986 - February 1987)

Peter Warlock
New Pentagram Magazine Volume 18 (March 1986 - February 1987) by Peter Warlock...
  • ...The Scryer / Hugh Wylie
  • The Torn and Restored Paper Trick
  • The Birdcage Vanishes / Michael Symes
  • Cola-Spension / Ian Adair
  • Stanley Jaks lecturing at the Unique Studio

No. 6
  • Tribute to Jack Avis
  • In the Manner of Jack / John Derris
  • Interior Designs / Roy Walton
  • Four in Hand / Hugh Scott
  • A Pentagram Ego
  • 53 Cards Won't Do! / Ed Marlo
  • From Deal in Kent / Ted Danson
  • The Pearl of Fate / Bobby Bernard

No. 7
  • Jack Avis Tribute Issue
  • Paper Money / Sid Lorraine
  • Lost and Found / Francis Haxton
  • Power Play / Karl Fulves
  • Mysterious Matching / Paul Flory
  • Streamlined Solo Aces / Michael Symes
  • Card...
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The Emerald Mystery

Warner Perry
The Emerald Mystery by Warner Perry

An incredible Nate Leipzig card effect, now redesigned with subtlety, instead of knuckle-busting sleight of hand. A deck of cards is genuinely shuffled. The spectator then chooses a suit and removes the corresponding thirteen cards from the deck. The performer chooses another suit and likewise removes his thirteen cards. The spectator places the top card of his packet on the bottom of his packet; the magician duplicates this procedure. The spectator places his next card face down on the table. The magician does likewise. The spectator then alternately places cards on the bottom of his packet...

★★★ $4
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The Conjuror's Repository

Giuseppe Pinetti & Philip Breslaw & Gustavus Katterfelto
The Conjuror's Repository by Giuseppe Pinetti & Philip Breslaw & Gustavus Katterfelto...
  • ... one hand and Silver in the other; which Hand the Gold is in, and which the Silver
  • A Notable Hocus Pocus trick with a Cock
  • Another Trick, played with a Fowl
  • To make sport with quick-silver
  • Another trick to make sport with quick-silver
  • Several letters that contain no meaning, being wrote upon cards, to make them, after they have been twice shuffled, give an answer to a question that shall be proposed; as for example, What is Love?
  • To discover the number of points on 3 cards, placed under 3 different parcels of cards
  • The Secret of the Invisible Girl
  • The wonderful Well
  • To make a ring shift...
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Magicseen No. 104 (May 2022)

Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 104 (May 2022) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw...
  1. ...
    • ... prop
    • RGB - N2G - Chinese coins
    • Silent Rings - Axel Hacklau - Chinese linking rings
    • Optical - Danny Goldsmith - coin vanishes
    • Broadside Glimpse - Jack Tighe - card move
    • It's Your Choice - Paul Brook - book on effects with a card method
    • Mechanic's Palm - Fran Amor - card move
    • ESP Testing Kit - Spooky Nyman - ESP routine
    • Silver Surfer - Wolfgang Moser - coin effect
    • Coinception - Roddie McGhie - coin gimmick
    • The Jack Hughes Ultimate World of Magic - Chris Cross - Book and DVD
    • Movie Night - Jon Gadd & Steve Bowring - mentalism
    • Get Outta My Way, I'm Doing to...
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Biagio Fasano
SHIELD by Biagio Fasano... being completely impromptu, performable even with a deck borrowed and shuffled by the audience.

The first and last effects, "Say My Name!" and "The Final Countdown", in addition to being fully automatic, can be performed entirely in "contactless mode": the magician, after handing the deck of cards to the spectator, will simply give him the instructions to follow and will not touch the cards again until the effect is concluded. The only trick that needs a little preparation is the third: "Game of Life," but this will be performed openly in front of the spectators and will be an integral...

★★★★★ $20
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Biagio Fasano
Emunsoc by Biagio Fasano

Easy miracles using a new stack of cards.

This eBook collects a series of no less than seven tricks that are very simple to perform in front of one's audience, but all very impressive. All this is only possible thanks to a particular pre-arrangement of the pack of cards, derived from Si Stebbins but which, unlike it, will not be recognizable even to the majority of magicians, appearing on first examination to be entirely similar to a real shuffled deck. I have called this pre-order: VR Stack Pro and I will describe it extensively on the following pages.

Below you will find the effects...

$24.90 $12.90
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Genii Volume 84 (2021)

Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 84 (2021) by Richard Kaufman...
  1. ...
  2. The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii - Knights at The Magic Castle
    • Conjurers Book Club - Libby Ward
  3. One Night in Brooklyn - Jamy Ian Swiss
    1. Part Two
  4. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Tricks Reviewed by David Regal
      • Copeland coin Box - Jeff Copeland
      • Changing Cards - Bob Swadling
      • Takeoff - Arnaud
      • Vanishing Ring - SansMinds
      • The Ring Box - Tom Yurasits
      • No-Ring Ring Hank - Lynetta Welch
      • A Clean Ring Vanish - John Archer
      • The Oracle System - Ben Seidman
      • Aces Front - Alan Wakeling
      • Dinglish Deck - Curtis Kam
      • Hit - Luke Jermay
      • Tell the Truth - The Creators of ThoughtCast
    2. Books Reviewed by Francis Menotti
      • That Old Black Magic: The Lives and Legends of Great African American Magicians - Jim and Melania Magus
      • The...
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Tenyo Plus Eins

Tenyo Plus Eins by Solano

Eine kurzweilige Betrachtung des von Tenyo jährlich neu aufgelegten zauberhaften Bonusprogramms der Jahre 1996 bis 2023.

Die T-Serie von Tenyo Zaubertricks ist weltbekannt. Weniger bekannt ist die "Plus 1" Serie die nur in Japan erhältlich ist und nur gegen Punkte die man mit gekauften T-Serien Tricks sammeln kann. Seit fast mehr als 30 Jahren kommt in dieser Plus-1 Serie jedes Jahr ein neuer Trick heraus. Solano stellt diese 28 Tricks hier vor.

Es ist ein wunderschönes Sammelthema das so manches tricktechnisches Gustostückerl beinhaltet.

  • 1996: Psychic Battle ESP
  • 1997: Four Chance...
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Tenyo Plus One

Tenyo Plus One by Solano

An entertaining look at the annual enchanting Tenyo bonus program from 1996 to 2023.

The T-series of Tenyo magic tricks is world-famous. Less well-known is the "Plus 1" series, which is only available in Japan and only for points that can be collected with purchased T-series tricks. For almost 30 years, a new trick has been released every year in this Plus 1 series. Solano presents these 28 tricks here.

It is a wonderful collector's theme that contains many a trick-technical gem.

  • 1996: Psychic Battle ESP
  • 1997: Four Chance Game
  • 1998: Fortune Telling Card
  • 1999: Dream Psychometry ...
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The Art of Modern Conjuring

The Art of Modern Conjuring by unknown... reprinted in the US around 1910); 222 pages.
    2. Card case, the
    3. Card changing box, the
    4. Card jugglery
    5. Card spelling
    6. Dealing seconds or retaining the top card
    7. Diminishing cards, the
    8. Disappearing card, the
    9. Forcing cards by telepathy
    10. Inseparable jacks, the
    11. Magnetic aces, the
    12. Mysterious deal, the
    13. Pips vanished from a card and reproduced on a handkerchief, the
    14. Quickest pass on record, the
    15. Rising card from pack held in hand
    16. Rising card from pack in a glass
    17. Rubbing...
★★★★★ $5
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Modern Magicians Hand Book

William John Hilliar
Modern Magicians Hand Book by William John Hilliar

What an excellent book. The quality of the material is outstanding. What makes this book particularly rare is a chapter on juggling and how to fake great juggle skills. I have yet to see another book on magic with such an extensive chapter on juggling. You will also find the obligatory chapter on shadowgraphy, a good write up of black art, and large sections on cards, coins, and tricks with many other props. You will find billiard ball manipulation as well as stage tricks with large apparatus.

1st edition, 1902, Frederick J. Drake & Co, Chicago; 440 pages; PDF 325 pages.

  • Introduction ...
★★★★★ $7
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Secrets by Ulysses Frederick Grant...
, and probably enough usable material to make every purchaser feel that he has received his money's worth. It should be noted, however, that Mr. Grant's style is very concise, as will be evident when it is remembered that he uses only one page to explain each trick. The result is an absence of detail which some readers may miss.

The author has drawn not only upon his own stock of ideas but upon other magicians for some of his effects; and a recital of some of the "secrets" that are associated here with well-known names in magic will give a notion of the variety to be found in this little volume. We note, then, The Cards Up the Sleeve (George DeLawrence's method, performed with great success by Tommy Martin), The Button Off the Vest (a la Malini), The Card Stabbing Trick (again by Malini), The Super Telephone Trick (which, says Mr. Grant, has sold for $15.00), Grant's Brain Wave Trick (after Dai Vernon), The...

★★★★ $7
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Modern Magic Manual

Jean Hugard
Modern Magic Manual by Jean Hugard

In this classic manual, the first Hugard wrote for people outside the inner circle of magic performers, he reveals the secrets of a host of mystifying tricks covering all major forms of close-up and stand-up magic: conjuring with coins, watches, rings, balls, eggs, silks, cigarettes, cigars, thimbles, flowers, ropes, bills, cards and mental magic.

This is a great primer for anyone aspiring to be a performing magician. The large amount of effects also holds gems for the intermediate and advanced performer. There is some overlap of material with other Hugard publications.

Paul Fleming wrote:


★★★★★ $8
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Troublemakers: A Strange Printing Effect

Cameron Francis
Troublemakers: A Strange Printing Effect by Cameron Francis

Cameron Francis brings you a twisted packet trick that will blow your spectators away.

Effect: The magician displays a packet of six Jokers and asks the spectators if they have ever heard of marked cards. Assuming they reply in the affirmative, the magician continues, "Well, most people don't know how to really mark cards. Especially in a subtle fashion. But I do. And I'll show you right now using this packet of jokers." Noticing two blue backed jokers in the packet, the magician sets them aside, claiming they are "troublemakers". The other four Jokers are shown to have normal red backs....

★★★★★ $10
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Displaying 481 to 504 (of 889 products)