This ebook is a compilation of the following titles:
Over sixty...
From the introduction:
Every piece of information - idea - suggestion and routine has been independently created, developed, exploited and tested by the author some time or other. The reader is therefore assured, he is not getting any "second-hand" material in consequence.
The colossal amount of material crammed between these covers, will provide the progressive manipulator with a wealth of valuable assets.
The book has been divided into three parts. The first supplies detailed explanation for nearly forty new moves and passes. The second is kept apart for the creation of novel effects...
You will not only learn how to float balls but many other objects including balloons, boxes, bulbs, blocks, eggs, kites, puppets, canes, cards, microphones, telephones, heads, hats, hands, horns, ...
Sponge balls pack small and play as big as your imagination allows. Learn basic manipulations and routines. Use as close-up, walk around, with volunteers during your show or on the spot. This ebook gets you well on your way with some of the classic manipulations.
1st edition 2016, 22 pages.
Mainly billiard balls but also thimbles, cards, coins and silks.
David Devlin has come up with a very whimsical and clever effect that is simple to do and a blast to perform. This effect uses dice that are printed by the U.S. Playing Card Company. These are not normal dice. These dice have card suits and card values printed on them. They are called Poker Dice. These are readily available any place that games are sold and are very inexpensive. This is a great trick for use in walk around and restaurant performing.
Here is the effect: The performer brings out a deck and casually gives it a few cuts. A spectator gives the deck a cut but does not complete...
Over 60 routines and effects by various magicians including Dale Salwak, Ian Adair, Robert Olson, Percy Abbott, Walter Gibson, Charlie Miller, Peter Warlock, James Reneaux, and dozens more.
Working Progress is a short ebook of six tricks that I use when working for real, live human beings. They're all practical tricks that work in pretty much any performing environment you could possibly find yourself.
Inside you'll find a cool transposition that you'll love to perform, a chop cup routine which includes TWO fabulous endings that get round the awkward "putting the lemons back into your pocket" reset moment, a great use for the Phil deck that you can use for parlour performances or to open a set at a house party, plus there's a routine for the card to wallet that doesn't foreshadow...
This is a wonderful "Dancing Ball" routine. You can have the ball dance on the heads of spectators, inside a glass, etc. The possibilities are many.
You will need a special gimmick for it. The video explains what you need and how you need to prepare it. If you do not have the necessary supplies and do not want to find them yourself, Peki does also sell a kit with all the supplies for an additional $30. At the end of the video you will be informed where you can purchase the kit.
1st edition 2016, length 7 minutes
You will learn the Master Move and all movements of the "Zone Zero" and "Temporary Oblivion" routines. The purpose of the Master Move is a method of showing a flat object on both sides while having a ball or other object concealed at the same time.
One quality all of Jerry's publications have is an abundance of very good illustrations. Here you are getting 60 illustrations.
1st edition 1994, 12 pages.
From the introduction
While some of the sleights are not new, many improvements have been made. Too, many of the ideas incorporated in this book are Audley's own brain children and have never seen the light of print before.
Let it be known that dice stacking and dice manipulation have been used and known to the world's greatest dice men in gambling casinos for hundreds of years. Here is your chance to learn and do the feats which have made them legendary for their skill.
Magic dice. They stack up, vanish, appear, grow larger, shrink smaller, and act in general like they were...
Tom Osborne writes:
Cups and balls have been giving pleasure, as a magic trick, to generations of spectators. It is still regarded as one of the most outstanding of all magic effects. My gratitude to Dr. Henry Ridgeley Evans and to John Mulholland for writing the story of the cups and balls, so that all may appreciate the history of this classic of magic. Thanks to Bill Hanna for the illustrations which do so much to make the book come alive.
All the basic ball moves are described in detail using clear illustrations. A section of routines is described that will get you started on your way to devising your own methods and plots....
Contains over 100 ideas, tricks, routines and novelties with the Cups and Balls. Contains over 40 illustrations, engravings and photos. Includes the original Mohammed Bey routines and three authentic Easy Indian Cup routines. For beginners and experts alike.
About 'The Cups'
My Cup Runneth Over
This is Peki's full fledged lecture video on manipulation with balls. It was originally released in German in 1994, but Peki has dubbed it himself in English. If you want to learn how to manipulate balls this is the video to learn it from. Jeff McBride has very good lecture videos on the market, but keep in mind that Jeff McBride started with stage manipulation seeing Peki perform.
Peki has a beautiful soft and lyrical style and reveals all his tricks and tips and ways to practice, including the various gimmicks he uses to achieve seamless transitions, wonderful color changes and other highly...
Top stage magician Peki reveals in this video several of his well kept secrets for billiard ball manipulation. Peki was German Champion, European Champion and was awarded second and third place at FISM in manipulation in 1979 and 1985 respectively. He is considered one of the best stage manipulators in the world. Additional to the tips he shares you will be able to see historic footage of some of his performances.
1st edition 2015, length 16 min
There has always been a shortage of books on billiard ball routines, but here is one on that subject you will enjoy using. Not only has Garcia set forth many facets of ball material, but they are clearly and beautifully illustrated by Harvan, who is an excellent manipulator himself. The material on routining is followed by handling of the ball and shell, then a Master Routine, The One to Five Slow Motion Production, Bilious Balls, Strictly One Hand, One to Four With Solid Balls, Advice and Thoughts on Balls, Simple Golf Ball Routine, all very well explained. Many illustrations.
1st edition...
A stunning routine of unparalleled talent! The cups and balls with clear glasses - transparent cups. Antonio breaks new ground in close up magic with this effect. What an idea and what entertainment.
"Antonio breaks new ground in close-up magic. What a fabulous idea." - Arturo de Ascanio
"In my lifetime, I've seen some of the greatest "CUPS N BALL" routines performed by Dai Vernon, Mike Ammar, John Thompson, Charlie Miller, Johnny Paul and the many others with brilliant routines and moves & sleights. Antonio's routine is smashing and completely blew me away! You don't need an expensive set of cups for the cups and balls routine!...
Here you have a unique cups and balls routine created by Ken Brooke, using just three cups and three balls with a surprising climax: The production of a fruit or vegetable. This routine is not difficult to do and is performed by Cameron Francis as part of the Aldo Colombini Tribute series.
This routine appeared in The Art Of Close-Up Magic Vol. 1 written by Lewis Ganson. A Chinese bowl is shown empty and placed mouth downwards on the table, sponge balls appear and multiply repeatedly. Eventually there is a fruit or production. A top class routine that was performed by the late Fred Kaps in his close-up routines. This routine is not difficult to do and is performed by Cameron Francis as part of the Aldo Colombini Tribute series.
Paul presents his multi-staged routine, Defective Cups & Balls which he has been performing for almost two decades!
Even Houdini once said, "You can't consider yourself a magician unless you can perform the Cups & Balls!"
Defective Cups & Balls has Paul's complete, hilarious patter and each stage of this routine becomes more and more "eye-popping" as the story goes on. Best, yet, this routine ends with not just a double - but a TRIPLE revelation that will have everyone, including the kids, completely FREAKED OUT! It just seems IMPOSSIBLE!
PLUS, this routine will get you a huge applause from...
It's a sort of Cups and Balls routine, yet it is done with only one cup which is actually a glass. It's a Two In The Hand And One In The Pocket routine, using the glass instead of the hand. The glass has a paper cover yet things happen without cover and under cover. It is one of those brilliantly unusual effects that you will use most of the time. A glass covered with a piece of paper and three sponge balls are shown. One after the other the balls disappear and reappear under the glass. If you like, one appears BETWEEN the glass and the cover. Two balls are placed under the glass and one in...
Contains twelve routines, plus a whole section by Al Goshman, King of the Sponge Balls. Featured is the famous Senator Crandall routine which Don Alan did for Ed Sullivan.
Other routines include: Ghost Balls, Three Ball Trick, Big and Little Balls, Silver and Sponges, Leaping Leprechauns, Passe Passe Sponges, Spicy Sponges, Crandall's Original Routine, Gen. Grant's Favorite, Surprise Finish for Rabbit Routine, Multi-ball, etc.
Tricks range from beginner's stuff to those for the expert. A little practice makes it possible for anyone to learn sponge tricks.