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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Davide Rubat Remond
Souvenirs d'Italie (Italian) by Davide Rubat Remond

Con Souvenir d'Italie ho voluto ricordare e celebrare le vecchie, care cartoline turistiche che hanno fatto da contorno alle vacanze di tutti, di chi le viveva e di chi, in modo indiretto le riceveva, quasi come una conquista per una promessa mantenuta.

Souvenir d'Italie è un effetto che permette di fare una previsione impossibile, una città italiana tra le otto raffigurate in cartolina, è scelta o comunque solo pensata da uno spettatore, che le tiene in un mazzetto, tra le sue mani.

Lo spettatore le dovrà distribuire sul tavolo a faccia in giù, coperte dai rispettivi segnaposto,...

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Davide Rubat Remond
Souvenirs d'Italie by Davide Rubat Remond

With Souvenirs d'Italie I have wanted to remember and celebrate the old, beloved tourist postcards that were the backdrop to everyone's holidays, those who lived them and those who received them indirectly, almost as an achievement for a promise kept.

Souvenir d'Italie is an effect that makes it possible to make an impossible prediction: one Italian city out of the eight depicted on the postcard is chosen, or even only thought of, by a spectator, who holds them in a bunch in his hands.

The spectator will have to distribute them face down on the table, covered by their respective place...

★★★★ $10
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Davide Costi
Close-Up Elegance by Davide Costi

"I have discovered that you are my twin soul." - Arturo de Ascanio

"Most men have two dimensions, they are tall and wide, Davide has the third dimension, he is deep!" - Rene Lavand

"Davide Costi is a refined gentle performer. He prefers his puzzlements to be blown kisses rather than buffeting blows. There is something merciful in his manner and he truly wishes to share whatever mystery may occur, telling whichever stories ring most true. His climatic noble effect, where two cards matched, stunned even fastest company!" - Jon Racherbaumer

Davide Costi is a true artist. His routines are beautiful,...

★★★★★ $35
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Davide Costi
Close-Up Elegance (used) by Davide Costi

Hardcover book with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket has some minor stains and a tear at the lower spine edge. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Davide Colasante
L'ipnosi in Pratica by Davide Colasante

Guida pratica per imparare ad indurre l’ipnosi.

Davide Colasante inizia ad interessarsi all’ipnosi sin da ragazzino imparando dal padre già esperto ipnotista.

L’arte dell’ipnosi è tramandata in famiglia e mantiene ancora quel fascino di un tempo quando ancora nulla su di essa era stato teorizzato.

L’autore non tratta l’aspetto teorico, se non marginalmente in quanto ritiene la pratica l’obiettivo primario al fine di imparare ad ipnotizzare.

Troverai in questo ebook le parole esatte da dire e come comportarti per ottenere l’ipnosi.

Il titolo e il sottotitolo di...

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David Sena & Peter Turner
Isabella's Star by David Sena & Peter Turner

The performer after talking to the audience about astrological numbers and how to work them out, asks anybody who wants to participate in an experiment to work out the astrological number of someone they know.

A paper ball is thrown to select 3 random members of the audience; one of the three is selected. This participant is invited onto the stage and is asked to sit with their eyes closed. The moment the participant closes their eyes the performer starts to receive thoughts, scribbles something on a business card and seals it inside an envelope. He hands the envelope to a member of the audience...

★★★★★ $28
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David Seebach
So You Want To Be An Illusionist by David Seebach

If you are planning to add an illusion to your show this is required reading.

Is this ebook for me? Here is David in his own words:

Have you created a show that clients pay you to present on a regular basis and does that show not include any of the big, spectacular acts that we refer to as illusions? Do you want to learn more about these famous mysteries to decide if adding one or more of them to your act is going to be a good decision?

In the mid 1960's I was a high school student who dutifully carried a #16 Abbott's Magic Co. catalog with my class text books and I studied through...

★★★★★ $20
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David Sam
Coin Through Bottle by David Sam

Borrow a coin from a spectator, have the coin signed, and then have the coin penetrate a filled water bottle. The coin that magically enters the water bottle is truly the borrowed and signed coin. There is no switch of the coin. There is no duplicate coin. The coin that is given to you is the one that ends up inside the water bottle.

The water bottle is gimmicked in a novel way. The video demonstrates how the bottle needs to be gimmicked. It is not that hard to do, but it will require some care and supplies you may not have around the house. Once the coin has entered the bottle, the bottle...

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David Sam
Ink Move by David Sam

This is a very visual effect. Magically transfer writing from a card to your hand. Have a card selected (not forced), have it signed on the face, and then make a mark on the back. Wave your hand over the card and suddenly the mark has vanished from the card. It has transferred to the palm of your hand. Hand out the signed card as a souvenir.

The gimmick is easy to make and only requires a bit of arts and crafts with the usual supply for card gaffing.

1st edition 2022, video 15 min.

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David Roth
The Coin Roll (Steeplechase) by David Roth

This is a beautiful flourish where one or more coins roll across the back of the fingers. Both Nate Leipzig and Allan Shaw claim to have invented this move. Al Goshman did a wonderful version where a coin rolls up and down his hand. Extreme variations go as far as rolling eight coins, four on each hand.

runtime 6 minutes 38s

★★★★★ $2
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David Robbins
Practical Magic by David Robbins

The tricks in this ebook represent a selection of the best tricks from each issue of Magic Is Fun, a magazine now out of print. Wherever possible, credit has been given to the originator of each trick or its presentation.

Over 100 tricks that anyone can perform with simple inexpensive props. Including instructions in showmanship, sleight of hand and ventriloquism.

Tricks taught are:

  • The Vanishing Inch
  • Balancing a Glass on a Card
  • Boy or Girl
  • Blowing a Card
  • The Liquefied Block
  • Face-up Card
  • Hindu Thumb Penetration
  • A Strong Dollar
  • The Screwy Match
  • Multiplying Coins
  • Magic Light ...
★★★★ $2.50
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David Robbins
102 EZ Magic Tricks by David Robbins
  • 102 tricks you can learn quickly and amaze and mystify your friends
  • tricks with cards, coins, toothpicks
  • puzzles
  • mindreading
  • no special apparatus required
  • each trick is fully illustrated
  • Checker Jumping
  • Goblet Juggling
  • Stars And Circle Trick
  • Levitation
  • Phantom Coin
  • One Or Two
  • He Drinks
  • Presto! Change - O!
  • Coin Vanish Secret
  • Painless Surgery
  • An Obedient Match Box
  • Mind Reader
  • Hole In Your Hand
  • Card Tossing
  • Houdini's Knife Trick
  • Vanishing Dime
  • Hypnotized Cigar
  • Takes Practice ... But
  • Do Your Eyes Lie?
  • Four Ace Production
  • Think Of A Number
  • Rising Cigarettes ...
★★★★ $1
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David Robbins
ESP: Fact or Fiction by David Robbins

Cash in on interest in ESP and mind power with this 15 minute lecture and 30 minute demonstration that you can give.

The author has presented this lecture many times with great success. It is both educational and entertaining and will be enjoyed by most any audience from teens to active seniors. At the conclusion of the lecture, a demonstration of ESP (or is it?) follows. Audience participation is encouraged. Any magician or mentalist can perform the lecture. It can be read straight from a printed copy, performed from memory, or better yet, given as a PowerPoint presentation.

Use this...

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David Regal & Dartagnan
A Regal Exchange by David Regal & Dartagnan

David Regal is a television writer and producer (Carbonnaro Effect) by profession, with a background in live comedy. But you likely know his work in magic, either through the tricks he has created like "Sudden Deck", or the books he's authored such as Approaching Magic, or his own performances at the Magic Castle or on video.

  • What his process entails for coming up with engaging presentations.
  • The difference between inspiration and attendance.
  • How television writing informs his magic.
  • Why a magic secret is only a beginning.
  • Why being original (or not) is a decision.
  • The differences...
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David Regal
Heading North by David Regal

This is a very effective and very easy card rise developed by David Regal. Any card is selected and shuffled into the deck. The selection now inexplicably rises out of the deck. New method, easy to do.

No threads, rubber bands, magnets or other contraptions. The gimmick is simple and right there invisible in the deck. Spectators can stare right at it and not see it. Very clever and very practical.

Recorded live at the Convention at the Capital 2001.

runtime: 3min 57s

★★★★★ $6
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MP4 (video)

David Prince Miller
The Life of a Showman by David Prince Miller

This is a wonderful account of a traveling showman's trials and tribulations in England and Scotland during the middle of the 19th century. Among other things, he was a conjurer. While this is not a book of tricks, one coin trick is explained as part of one story of his life. But much more interesting are the descriptions of various scams and the modus operandi of various ways to defraud the public by traveling hucksters the author encountered. The operation of the thimble rig is explained in detail. It is an account of how traveling showmen struggled essentially their entire life to make...

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David Phelps Abbott
Behind the Scenes with the Mediums by David Phelps Abbott

Considered one of the best books on exposing and explaining the methods of spirit mediums.

The expanded edition this ebook is based on includes his entire Spirit Slate Writing and Billet Tests four part article which was originally published in The Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research.

    • I. Introduction
    • II. Washington Irving Bishop's Sealed Letter Reading in a New Dress
    • III. Test Where a Trick Envelope with a Double Front is used
    • IV. Test Where the Medium Secretly Filches a Letter from the Pocket of the Sitter
    • V. The Mystic Oracle...
★★★★★ $6
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David Phelps Abbott
The Marvelous Creations of Joseffy by David Phelps Abbott

Joseffy, Josef P. Freud, was a magician from Vienna, Austria. He came to the US when he was 19 years old, and initially worked as manufacturer of props and apparatus for a magic shop in Chicago. Eventually he designed and built his own unexplainable creations, several of which are described in this ebook. However, only the effects are given, no methods are described. Abbott briefly outlines old methods for similar effects, but does not provide the methods Joseffy uses. This book is therefore a promotional item rather than a traditional magic book. It includes many staged photos of Joseffy presenting...

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David Numen
Cellular Forecast by David Numen

Cellular Forecast has been called the next step in predictions by none other than Paolo Cavalli. It's a low-tech, direct way of using your cell phone as a powerful mentalist tool - imagine sitting with someone in a cafe and asking them to name something they see. You direct them to your cell phone which has been in full view all along. They go to the video folder and see that there is only one video - they play it and see a video of you predicting correctly what they would say.

That's the ultimate version and it's not a pipe dream - the basic idea can be adapted to cards, coins, book tests...

★★★★ $35
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David Numen
The Sentir Tear by David Numen

"This is brilliant" - Bob Cassidy

David Numen describes his thoughtfully engineered center tear variation. He uses many photos to communicate the subtleties clearly.

As an application for his center tear David describes a Living and Dead Test.

And as a bonus he teaches you a wonderful book test. In terms of what the audience will see and recall this is pretty much similar to the Canasta Book Test in effect but quite different in method. A page number and a line number are chosen freely by two spectators - both choices unknown to the performer. A third spectator is asked to select a book (or they...

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David Numen
NUD - Numen's Utility Deck: And other Mental Card Mysteries by David Numen

Imagine a deck that secretly tells you both the identity of a thought-of card and that card's numeric location, either in that deck or in another deck. Think of all the memorized deck applications this would simplify.

No memory work.

No tricky calculations to arrive at the card’s location.

Think of the myriad mentalism applications. A spectator peeks at any card in the deck and you instantly know what the card is and at what number it resides from the top or bottom of that deck or another deck. What's more, you obviously never see the back of the peeked card, which eliminates the...

★★★★ $19
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David Numen
The Abnormal Lift: and other abnormalities by David Numen

One could hardly ask for a more visual demonstration of unusual mental powers. For an astonishing few moments, the universal laws of physics are seemingly displaced. Four volunteers, using only two fingertips each, somehow lift a seated adult from his chair high into the air as though he were made of Styrofoam. And no one is more astonished than the lifters themselves, considering that moments before the sitter was as immovable as a couple hundred pounds of dead weight ought to be. What's more, the phenomenon is completely under the control of the performer who can turn the power on and off...

★★★★★ $45
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David Numen
Phone Home: Confessions of a Telephone Reader by David Numen

Phone Home is on David's experiences as a telephone reader packed with tips that anyone can use to enhance their readings including a system for generating "Angel Readings" which some would say is worth the price of the ebook alone.

"Great Read…It is way past time for this subject to get back in the reader's domain." - Millard Longman

"Very good thinking on David's part: well done. Angels have been always a popular thing with people as long as I can remember. Doing an angel reading is powerful and memorable and you hardly ever see anyone doing it. David put much thought into this one....

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David Neighbors
Pocket Coins by David Neighbors

You place a ripped off empty jeans pocket on the table. Magically you take three coins one by one out of it. You magically make them disappear and appear inside/under the pocket. The climax is that all three coins disappear inside the pocket.

You will need two coins and a matching expanded shell. The video includes a detailed explanation of the "Palm to Palm", "Classic Palm to Fingerpalm Transfer" and "Toss Up Production" moves.

runtime: 24min 37s

★★★★ $6
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