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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Brick Tilley
Spinning Coin by Brick Tilley

A large coin is made to spin on its edge around the inside rim of a metal basin.

This effect was popular over a hundred years ago with all types of performers both for parties and at outdoor venues. The high keening sound made by the coin attracts a large crowd of onlookers who become fixated by the combination of sight and sound.

You will receive both a PDF and a video.

1st edition 2019, 4 pages + video length 23s.

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Len Belcher
Tutto Quello che Dirai by Len Belcher

Un inusuale e magico gioco di caccia all'assassino per la scena e il close-up. Tutte le carte necessarie sono accluse e potrai stamparle immediatamente per eseguire il gioco!

Un effetto eccitante e inusuale per il tuo numero di mentalismo o il tuo show in generale, ricco di partecipazione da parte del pubblico. Ciascuno di tre spettatori prende parte ad una messa in scena di un "Terribile Omicidio". Ciascuno gioca un ruolo nella parte di un personaggio scegliendolo a caso tra quelli proposti senza sapere cosa impersonano gli altri. Uno spettatore sarà il cadavere, un altro il testimone...

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Reinhard Müller
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 40: Kartenwunder - Wunderkarten by Reinhard Müller

Kartentricks mit den Hofzinser-Zauberkarten.

Von der Einführung:

Die Wiener Spielkartenfirma Piatnik brachte 1993 "Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Zauberkarten - Für Professionelle Zauberkünstler - Zusammengestellt von Magic Christian" heraus. In einer Schachtel mit farbigem Titel haben drei Kartenspiele zu je 55 Blatt nebeneinander Platz. Dieser insgesamt 165 Spielkarten umfassende Kartensatz besteht aus 55 Standardspielkarten mit roter Rückseite, 55 Hofzinser Verwandlungskarten und 55 Hofzinser Trickkarten.

In der folgenden Arbeit beschreibe ich Ihnen sieben und vier Kunststücke mit...

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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Bionic Coin by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

This is an exceedingly clever and versatile way to gimmick a coin to create a stunning and visual effect. It works with many coins including US quarters, half dollars and dollars, some Euro coins, as well as many other coins from various countries.

Effect: You ask a spectator for a coin. The spectator or performer marks or draws something on the coin. You show your hands empty and you show the coin clearly from both sides. At this point there is no secret second coin involved. You simply move your finger across the face of the coin and the drawing instantly changes, either vanishes or transforms...

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MP4 (video)

Jochen Zmeck
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 41: 50 neue Kartenkunststücke by Jochen Zmeck

50 neue Kartenkunststücke für jeden und ohne große Fingerfertigkeit.

Die 50 hier beschriebenen Kartenkunststücke sind für die deutsche Sprache tatsächlich neu. Einige davon habe ich aus meinen früheren Aufzeichnungen aus den fünfziger Jahren entnommen, andere stammen aus der englischen Literatur. Ich habe sie aber zumeist verändert, teilweise sogar wesentlich, so dass das Original nicht mehr wieder zu erkennen ist. Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß beim Lesen und Ausprobieren.

  • Erratene Karten
    • Magisches Kartenerraten
    • Doppeltes Erraten
    • Die erratene Karte
    • Mysteriöses Kartenfinden ...
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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
The Smallest Card Through Window by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

A corner of a spectator selected and signed card (no force, no exchange of the card or corner) penetrates the glass of a wrist-watch.

The effect and the method of this trick are incredible. Normally you would think that an effect like this would involve a forced card, or a secret exchange of the torn corner. But this effect uses neither. You start with a completely fair and free selection of a card. The card can be signed and marked all the way into the corner that will be torn off. Then the magician tears off a corner of the card. And that corner will penetrate the watch glass. The corner...

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MP4 (video)

Jon Racherbaumer
Shades of Wow by Jon Racherbaumer

Elucidations of a classic card trick: The Biddle Trick

The basic plot is fairly straightforward: A card is selected and in the process of determining its identity it is winnowed down to five possibilities. Then, in a surprising act of differentiation, the selection disappears from this five–card packet and reappears elsewhere. In most cases, the selection ends up face up in the middle of a spread deck. This trick has been variously named but ultimately it was christened "The Biddle Trick", named after Elmer Biddle who published the trick in Genii magazine in 1947. It marks the first appearance of the well-known...

★★★★★ $10
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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Falschzählmethoden by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Hier werden die wichtigsten Falschzählmethoden genau und Schritt für Schritt erklärt. Jeder kann diese Griffe mit etwas Übung erlernen.

Darin Enthalten:

  • Handhaltung der Karten-Basics
  • Simplex Count
  • Elmsley Count
  • Jordan Count
  • Hammon Count
  • Ascanio Spread
  • Olram Move
  • Biddle Count
  • Invisible Aces
  • Twisted Cards Plus
Erstausgabe 2019, Laufzeit 37min
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MP4 (video)

Devin Knight
Extraordinary by Devin Knight

A super baffling book test that can be done with books in any language.

The effect is that the mentalist shows a copy of a recent ungimmicked New York Times bestseller and hands this to any spectator (no stooge). Another person, (again, no stooge) decides on the page to be used. The first spectator secretly underlines with a pencil a word on the page, closes the book and retains it.

Without touching the book or asking a single question, the mentalist circles the identical word in an ungimmicked dictionary and hands it to a member of the audience for verification. The dictionary is handed...

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Brick Tilley
Vanishing Doll by Brick Tilley

Also known as "Ne Plus Ultra" and "Bonus Genus", this was a favorite pocket trick at the turn of the century. Even Houdini was known to have fashioned a crude version of this out of a scrap of wood. Modern day toy companies create small dolls that make handcrafted ones a thing of the past. We located an ideal version at a local 99¢ store, it's a small figurine of a cherub playing on a flute.

EFFECT: A small doll is covered with a cloth. The cloth has a hole in the center, out of it protrudes the doll's head. The head is allowed to drop into the folds of the cloth. Immediately the cloth is shaken...

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Christian Scherer
Im Fokus Nr. 7: Das Sicherheitsportemonnaie by Christian Scherer

Eine unterhaltende Münzenroutine, in der Ideen von Roy Eidem, Chris Kenner und Christian Scherer kombiniert werden.

Der Vorführende produziert drei unsichtbare Münzen aus einem diebstahlsicheren Sicherheitsportemonnaie (Geldbörsenbügel) und legt diese auf den Tisch. Die Münzen werden erst sichtbar, wenn sie vom Tisch aufgenommen werden. Anschliessend zeigt der Vorführende, wie die Münzen wieder sicher im Portemonnaie versorgt werden können, d. h. wieder unsichtbar werden. Da er jedoch mit den drei Münzen ein Kunststück zeigen wollte, lässt er sie sogleich wieder aus dem Portemonnaie...

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Christian Scherer
Im Fokus Nr. 8: Stahlhartes Déjà-vu by Christian Scherer

Eine überarbeitete und erweiterte Version von Lou Serranos Steel Ball Routine.

Einer kleinen Schachtel werden drei Stahlkugeln entnommen. Die Kuglen durchdringen nacheinadner sichtbar ein durchsichtiges Tuch. Danach werden die Kugeln nacheinander unsichtbar gemacht. Werden die unsichtbaren Kugeln in eine Hand gegeben, löst dies eine Energiewelle aus, durch die die Zeit um fünf Minuten zurückverschoben wird. Die Kugeln befinden sich wieder wie zu Beginn in der Schachtel, welche die ganze Zeit auf dem Tisch lag.

Erstausgabe 2019, 21 Seiten, 25 Abbildungen

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Michael MacDougall & J. C. Furnas
Gamblers Don't Gamble by Michael MacDougall & J. C. Furnas

A card detective revelations of gambler's secrets.

MacDougall, who refers to himself as magician and card detective, tells of years of tracking down crooks, phony devices, and manipulations in every sort of gambling field. He shares anecdotes of various experiences, and explains several cardshark methods and moves including:

  • Culling and Palming
  • The Slip Cut
  • Bottom Dealing
  • Second Dealing and Sort Edge Cards
  • The Haymaker Shuffle
  • The False Riffle
  • The Crimp
  • Trick Stacking And A Misdeal
  • The Interlacing Riffle

1st edition 1939, 167 pages; PDF 91 pages.

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Brick Tilley
Crumbz by Brick Tilley

Rene Lavand became known around the world for his version of this classic "Two in the hand, One in the pocket" sequence. Using only one hand, a few small balls of some soft substance and a lone coffee cup, he was able to fool and entertain all types of spectators for decades. This, then, is a streamlined, shortened version lasting less than a minute. It plays up the surprises without becoming monotonous. It can be performed silent or using brief patter.

EFFECT: Three small pieces of foam rubber are used along with a coffee cup. Two of the foam balls are placed into the cup. The remaining...

★★★★★ $10
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Stanley Collins
Nonpareil Book Mystery: A Holiday in Morocco by Stanley Collins

This is a digital reproduction of a progressive anagram based book test. It includes a handwritten letter by Stanley Collins to a Will, the instructions, and the force book titled A Holiday in Morocco by S. Martin.

Effect: Spectator chooses three cards from a deck of cards. The first card determines the page, the second the line number, and the third the word. Spectator looks up the word in A Holiday in Morroco book. You are able to determine the chosen word letter by letter. Stanley Collins uses an alphabet deck to reveal each letter.

1st edition ~1920; PDF 21 pages.

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Clettis Musson
35 Weird and Psychic Effects by Clettis Musson

Here's a collection of 35 mental and spirit mysteries worthy of performance by any psychic entertainer.

For the performer looking to present something beyond the normal, these (actually 36) effects are ones that you'll find yourself using anywhere people gather. And if you're called upon to provide seance-worthy demonstrations, the effects described in this ebook to make you a medium to be reckoned with. Inside you'll find mental magic with cards, cigarettes, silks and billets, as well as plenty of reputation-makers for the "dark" spirit seance room.

Here's a sampling of the contents: ...

★★★★★ $10
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Werner Krämer-Orlano
Skriptum Erlesener Magie I by Werner Krämer-Orlano

Diese Serie wurde vom Zauberkunst Verlag unter der Leitung von Dr. Hans-Gerhard Stumpf herausgebracht.

  • Liebe Zauberfreunde!
  • Ein Kartenwunder
  • Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
  • Mein Milchglastrick
  • Der Postkarten-Zerreisstrick
  • Saturn-Ringe
  • Billardballtrick Und Changierbeutel
  • Mein Geldscheintrick
  • Das Gelegte Kartenspiel
  • Das Erraten Einer Vom Zuschauer Gezogenen Karte Mit Hilfe Seines Geburtsdatums
  • Zwei Kartenexperimente
  • Aus Goethes Gesammelten Werken
  • Die Magischen Kartenwürfel
  • Das Erraten Einer Gedachten Karte
  • Karten-Tachometer
  • Der Hellsehende Kugelschreiber

Erstausgabe 1956, 32 Seiten; PDF 37 Seiten....

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Chris Congreave
Diception by Chris Congreave

Showing that your deck is mixed and ordinary, you also show a card with a prediction written on the back. The spectator chooses a card completely at random, by rolling 1, 2 or 3 dice. You deal to their number (no force). When you reveal the prediction you have not only predicted their chosen card, but also what number they rolled on the dice.

You will need a blue and a red deck (or any two decks with matching faces but different backs) to make this yourself. No arts and craft, just a sharpie and a bit of writing. The dice are optional. You can use real dice, you can use a dice app on your...

★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Devin Knight & Al Mann
Non-Verbal Transmission by Devin Knight & Al Mann

Imagine the performer going to a corner in any room, turning his back so he can’t see what is going on and having someone just point to a card from a deck spread face up on a table. With no verbal communication from his assistant, the performer then reveals the card.

He does this without seeing the deck and without the aid of secret electronics. The performer can be closely watched and nothing will be found to be amiss. This is a real fooler done under test conditions and will fool many magicians.

Full Effect: The mentalist or medium goes to a corner of the room and turns his back. He...

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Rolf Andra
Das Rolf Andra Skriptum (Skriptum Erlesener Magie II) by Rolf Andra
  • Die Asse hinter Stacheldraht
  • Mysterium in der Tasche
  • Der anspruchsvolle Zuschauer
  • Gedanke, Willkür und Geburtstag
  • Der errechnete Gedanke
  • Das neue Mischen
  • Mein Pünktchentest
  • Wenn ich mich konzentriere ...
  • Karte und Notiz
  • Zahlen - Zahlen - Zahlen
  • Blind-Tasten
  • "Mirakel"
  • Ein Doppel - Effekt
  • Die beinahe mißlungene Vorhersage
  • Ein Prinzip - drei Effekte
  • Fernwirkung

Skriptum Erlesener Magie Band II

Erstausgabe 1959, 33 Seiten; PDF 29 Seiten.

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Chandu & George Armstrong
Chandu's Psychoanalysis (French) by Chandu & George Armstrong

C’est avec une grande fierté que The Mystery Store vous propose pour la première fois en français l’une des toutes premières, si ce n’est LA première, routine de mentalisme psychologique. Créée par Chandu, rédigée par George Armstrong, publiée en 1950, et… à portée de mains (ou de clics…) !

Elle a traversée les années jusqu’à vous, ne nécessitera qu’une très légère mise à jour (notamment en ce qui concerne le script d’introduction de la routine), est facile à faire et donnera l’impression à vos spectateurs que vous analysez réellement leurs réponses...

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Brick Tilley
Morritt Purse Swindle by Brick Tilley

Charles Morritt was able to hold the entire theatre audience spellbound with what was, in essence, a pocket trick. After inviting two members of the audience onstage he would allow them to figuratively change places, thus transcending and descending their social classes using only two purses and four coins. Two copper coins, held by the "workingman", and two gold coins, held by the "uppercrust", change places while being held in purses by each witness. This updated version replaces much of the skill required by substituting gimmicks that can easily be made at home, while retaining the powerful...

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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Twist Link by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Learn how to fold three beautiful cards. Included are templates and detailed video instructions. Particularly the Twist Flap is interesting, because it has a 'reveal'. You show the card which does not immediately look particularly impressive or impossible. You then lift a flap to expose a much more difficult situation that will impress everybody.

  • Twist Link
  • Twist Flap
  • Triangle Twist
1st edition 2019 length 15 min.
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MP4 (video)

Jochen Zmeck
Das Jochen Zmeck Skriptum (Skriptum Erlesener Magie III) by Jochen Zmeck

Einer der besten Interpreten der deutschen Zauberkunst hat hier ein Fachbuch geschaffen, das zu den herausragenden Werken der deutschsprachigen magischen Nachkriegsliteratur zu zählen ist. Aus allen Hauptgebieten der Magie sind außergewöhnliche Tricks zusammengestellt und zu diesem Buch vereinigt worden. Alles ist hundertfältig ausprobiert, was hier geboten wird, es ist arteigen und stilvoll. Dieses Fachwerk stellt eine Kostbarkeit dar und dürfte wohl die Perle jeder Fachbücherei sein.

    • Farbentippen
    • Die Badefee
    • Masse und Energie
    • Die Unzerstörbarkeit...
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