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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Percy Abbott
Abbott Magic Catalog #1 1934 by Percy Abbott

This catalog started it all. It is the first one published in 1934, the start of a magic dynasty.

1st edition 1934, 23 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Ulysses Frederick Grant
15 Great Illusions by Ulysses Frederick Grant

For the performer who plays carnivals, circuses, clubs or who just has a large stage show, this ebook is just what you need. The sensational illusions in this ebook can be built up after reading the directions. Add one or more of these effects for the coming season. Finely illustrated in detail, the clear instructions will enable you to build these feature illusions on your own at a small cost. A valuable manuscript for anyone.

  • The Book Of Life
  • The Rajah's Tent Illusion
  • Two On A Park Bench
  • Chen Lee's Screen Illusion
  • The Man Without A Head
  • Witch's Broom & Rope Illusion
  • The Human X-Ray ...
George Brunel
Fun With Magic by George Brunel

Amusing Experiments in Physics, Chemistry and Geometry

The title is a little bit misleading, because there are no real magic tricks in this book, at least not the kind that a magician would assume. It is essentially a book of 'kitchen' science experiments. Some of these experiments can of course be presented like a magic trick. But the majority of them are simply interesting or surprising science experiments which can be done at home with a little bit of preparation.

From the preface:

The sole aim of this little book, aside from its purposes as a source of profitable pastime, is to...

Tony Chapparo
Visual Karate Coin by Tony Chapparo

Punch a hole through a Quarter with your index finger. This is a visual and impossible penetration of a finger through a coin. The PDF and video will teach you how to make the gimmicks. You will need to have a drill and vice to make them.

1st edition 2015

Dee Christopher
Zodiac by Dee Christopher

"Wow! This is VERY cool, you have a winner here!!" - Luca Volpe

"Very stylish, incredibly practical, I've been waiting for something like this for YEARS! F*&KING SICK!" - Lewis Lé Val

With these cards alone, you will be able to:
  • Reveal a participant's star sign.
  • Reveal a thought of word.
  • Duplicate a drawing.
  • Use these cards for a reading.
All with no pumping for information, no progressive anagrams with 100% accuracy, every single time. This a most effective and deceptive method of gaining a participants personal information, perhaps to use for a hot reading. Even if they do not know...
★★★★★ $12
Jon Racherbaumer
Cunning Attractions by Jon Racherbaumer

A different take on the usage of the mini-plunger or tiny plunger. When Danny Orleans showed the item to Jon it sparked his creativity. Read about the outcome here.

  • About the Mini-Plunger
  • How to Make a "Breather"
  • Stuck Up
  • Suck-Up Sleuth
  • Malini Lite
  • Pokerratum
  • A Plunger Went A'Courting
  • Aces Take a Plunge
  • In-Depth
  • Bonus: Ham-Fisted Find

1st edition 2013, 41 pages.

★★★★★ $15
Chris Wasshuber
How To Make Your Own Playing Cards by Chris Wasshuber

This is a comprehensive course in how to make your own playing cards which are almost indistinguishable from store bought cards. It covers everything starting from the design, print, cut, coating and other relevant issues.

  • Introduction
    • How it all started
    • The goal
    • Other methods
    • Overview of the Process
    • Build your own little card making business
  • Designing Cards
    • Free Online Card Design Tool
    • Other ways to design your cards
    • Resources
  • Printing Cards
    • The Structure of a Playing Card
    • Buying Playing Card Cardboard
    • Printing
    • Alignment
    • Color Matching
  • Coating Cards
    • Coating...
★★★★★ $2
Joe La Monica
Balloon Sculptures by Joe La Monica

Complete instructions for 16 different figures.

Joe La Monica, magician, hypnotist and a leader in the balloon-sculpturing field has added many new ideas to this fascinating hobby. He has proven that it can be fun and profitable to create balloon figures. The color and the action of sculpting with balloons entertain children and adults alike. With the advent of shopping malls, balloon sculpturing has been found to be a traffic-builder and an exciting addition to a shopper's routine. Children, the primary market at the malls, carry the balloons around. Before retirement Mr. La Monica could...

★★★★ $2
Hugh Morris
84 Card Tricks by Hugh Morris

84 card tricks with an explanation of the general principles of sleight of hand using ordinary cards.

  1. The All-Important "Pass"
  2. Deceptive Shuffles
  3. Forcing A Card
  4. The "Long Card"
  5. The Divining Card
  6. The Bootlegged Card
  7. To Place A Card
  8. To Slip A Card
  9. To Carry Away A Card
  10. The Congress Of Court Cards
  11. To Discover The Card Which Is Drawn, By The Throw Of A Dice
  12. The Guessed Card
  13. The Recruit Trick
  14. To Tell The Card That May Be Noted
  15. To Separate The Two Colors Of A Pack Of Cards By One Cut
  16. The "Spelling Bee" Trick
  17. The "Alternate Card" Trick
  18. To Name Any Number Of Cards In Succession Without...
★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 63 (July 2015) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 11, No. 3, July 2015; 60 pages

Cover: Alan Rorrison

  1. Editor's Letter
  2. What's Inside - contents
  3. Alan Rorrison, The Tattooed Trickster! Magic - cover article/interview - Graham Hey
  4. Letters
  5. Celebrity Bit...With Rez Kempton
  6. Listen Carefully! - Shawn Farquhar
  7. From Devant to Dynamo - Part 1 - Jez Rose
  8. Next Issue
  9. Pros & Cons - The Follow Up! - To pre-set your performing clothes with close up props at home or take everything in a case and set them when you arrive? - Jack Stephens
  10. What's The Answer, Sean [Alexander]?
  11. In The News
  12. Like A Bat Out Of Hell - David Stone
  13. In The Phonebox with: ... Tippi Hedren
  14. Self- Improvement -...
★★★★ $4
Jack Shepherd
Who Done It? by Jack Shepherd

A magical mystery in one act.

From the introduction:

It will be obvious after reading this manuscript that for the actual magical methods it would be simple to substitute other methods and other apparatus and still keep the basic idea. This is for the reader to decide, but we would suggest that if this is done, the apparatus used should be of a simple nature and not elaborate conjuring properties, as these would divert the attention of the audience from the story and routine to the magical mechanics, and it is the story that counts. The only way to get something really new is by a new...

Ormond McGill
21 Gems of Magic by Ormond McGill

Ormond McGill describes this publication as a "Scrapbook of Magic" which includes chapters of Card Effects, Mindreading, Miscellaneous, Thoughts on Opening and Closing, and a Magical Sensation - Walking through a Keyhole.

[Note that if you own Bag-O-Trix you already have this ebook.


  • About the Author

    A Thought About Openings

  • GEM No. 1—The Candied Bird

    Scrapbook Card Tricks

  • GEM No. 2—A Reversed Card Location
  • GEM No. 3—The Card and the Boy
  • GEM No. 4—The Card in a Mousetrap
  • GEM No. 5—The Card in the Pocket
  • GEM No. 6—The Bewitched Aces
  • GEM No. 7—The Confetti Rising Cards ...
★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Amazers with Karma Deck by Unknown Mentalist

Five elegant routines. Simple and self-working. Long lasting lingering impact. No forces. Novel and refreshing presentation themes, patter pieces and scripting bits.

  1. JUNE -- Performed using participant's month of birth. Participant chooses two cards related to her birth month this year and the next. And you have predicted both.
  2. U -- Performed using participant's first name (NOT a spelling effect). Participant chooses two cards related to his first name and you have predicted both.
  3. TRYST -- You show a participant your prediction in advance and she successfully transmits it telepathically...
★★★ $5
Gerard Zitta
Three Graces by Gerard Zitta

This is a funny little trick and a very simple plot. You can carry it in your wallet and always be ready, anytime, anywhere, or you prepare it in larger format, and perform it for larger audiences.


You show an image of three ladies. The spectator selects one of them, and it was predicted on the back. It is also a funny visual gag. Very entertaining, simple, direct, easy to do, instant reset, and practical.

1st edition 2015.

★★★★ $4
Percy Abbott
A Lifetime in Magic by Percy Abbott

Written by a man who spent seventy-four years ... a lifetime in magic! A professional magician, a world traveler, author, inventor, founder of the world's largest magic company. Percy Abbott, the 'Caliph of Colon', and magic are synonymous. In this ebook you will discover stories, experiences, secrets and advice that only a lifetime in magic can offer. You will uncover facts about the greats that will amaze you. There is a fund of information on tricks and illusions new to present day magicians.


  • Dedication
  • Memories
  • Foreword
  • The Chrystal Lantern
  • Comedy Snake Basket
  • Lost In...
★★★★★ $18
Jon Racherbaumer
At the Table by Jon Racherbaumer

Beautiful close up magic by Jon Racherbaumer, John Cornelius, Roger Klause, Ed Marlo, Jim Hunter, Steve Draun, Eddie Adams, Lee Fried, Chuck Smith, Phil Goldstein, Tom Mullica, and Simon Aronson. Here is magic that is unique and that you will not see in other books. The ebook is divided into chapters on Coins, Cards, Linking Pins, Mental Magic, and Diversions. You will find such unusual items as Marlo's complete presentation of the Color Vision box, Racherbaumer's close up Miser's Dream, Marlo work on Linking Pins, Cornelius' Coins thru Table, Mullica's version of Jarrow's Cig thru Hanky, and more. The section on card magic (mostly Marlo...

★★★★★ $4
Milbourne Christopher
Conjuring with Christopher by Milbourne Christopher

Contains sixty-one tricks with cards, coins, ropes, thimbles, cigarettes, cigarette lighters, table knife, silks, Mental Magic, Stage Magic etc. Most of the tricks are very easy to do and little practice is required. Several tricks are completely self-working and mechanical in nature.

Paul Fleming wrote:

This book is described on the title-page as "a choice collection of magic with coins, cards, thimbles, silks, ropes, etc., plus a chapter on mental magic, and a variety of feats for the stage." It contains 64 pages of explanatory material, in addition to the six or eight introductory pages which include...

★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Close-Up Utopia by Paul A. Lelekis

Paul presents seven powerful effects, explained in full, with many step-by-step photographs. These are powerful, yet easy-to-do, professional routines - complete with patter - and most of these effects are completely impromptu.

All seven effects are non-card effects.

The introduction is a six page treatise on performance, spectator management, various forms of misdirection, and the successful executions of some very important, yet troublesome sleights. Also learn how to passively and actively control your spectators. This is very important information!

Included in the introduction are...

★★★★ $7
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
WindowX by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Make a card appear or change behind a window!

With WindowX you can make a card appear or change a card behind a window. You also can change the card in a sealed plastic bag that is attached and in full view behind the window. The spectator can remove the card or the bag himself (in most situations). The gimmick is very easy to make.

You can use many (but not all) windows. The trick is perfect to present in your living room or at a party with a little set up.

1st edition 2015, length 20 min

Ulrich von Etzenbach
Mind Realities 1 by Ulrich von Etzenbach

Ulrich Von Etzenbach's Mind Realities Vol 1 will give you new routines, ideas, techniques and a interesting point of view for your own development as performer.

Classic plots in mentalism, structure and new options with simple methods and engaging performances. Learn how to make people fall with your influence (great finesses added), read minds without worries, impromptu and no gimmicks Bank Night and much more!


  1. Card Miracle - A four-phase miracle with a deck of cards. Perfect closer, very strong piece of card mentalism
  2. Kiss From a Rose - Take your spectator on a journey through...
★★★ $0
Unknown Mentalist
Deckology: Mystic Deck by Unknown Mentalist

This is essentially numerology expressed via a deck of cards. If you have a side for mysticism and or numerology this will be of interest to you.

A deck of 52 playing cards is a mini representation of this Creation itself where Time is ultimate. Hidden deep inside a deck of playing cards are many inner secrets. This ordinary looking deck of playing cards is in fact a representation of forgotten mysteries coded by our ancient mystics. The biggest secret is that each card is 'lucky' for someone at some time.

1st edition 2015, 11 pages.

★★★ $4
Edwin Hooper & Ian Adair
Fun with a Banana by Edwin Hooper & Ian Adair

30 gags with a latex Banana

Edwin Hooper and Ian Adair within the pages of this manuscript give us over 30 gags, ideas and routines with latex bananas. Many of the gags can be also worked with a plastic or sponge banana. A banana is a comedy prop itself, this is sure, but when you add the Edwin & Ian's touch, then you can be sure your audience will laugh and be entertained.

If you do "Comedy Magic" or "Children Magic", this is a must for you. Here is a partial list of the gags you will find explained in the manuscript:

  • Banana Split
  • Banana Sandwich
  • Ring Ring...
  • Squeaking Banana ...
★★★★★ $2.19
Erivan Vazquez
Two Packs Are Better Than One by Erivan Vazquez

You will get two wonderful effects which are almost self-working because all the things you do seem so natural and imperceptible. The effects will require almost no effort on your part. These are effects that require nothing more than a good presentation and to be able to use your sense of touch. That's it! You don't need more than that because the clever thinking behind the principles that make the effects work every time will do all the work for you and also you can use the patter given for each of the effects.

The following effects are described:

Influential Coincidence: A spectator...

★★★★★ $5
Harry Stanley
Magic With Jumbo Cards by Harry Stanley

These are effects you can do with a jumbo deck of cards preferably on stage or in a parlor setting.

Many standard playing card 'moves' are possible with Jumbos, though, obviously, because of their size, the accent must be on subtlety rather than manipulation.

The performer should make the most of the many opportunities for comedy, inherent in the very use of cards of such an unusual size. The very fact of asking a spectator to 'shuffle' such a pack, is funny in itself ... and, where it suits the performer’s style, no opportunity should be lost, to allow the spectators to 'mix' the cards. ...

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