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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★★ $8
Nick Conticello
Reveries by Nick Conticello

Here we offer three new approaches to Bob Hummer's classic Mindreader's Dream effect. A spectator merely thinks of a card and out of the performer's view deals some cards to impress the card on the subject's unconscious mind. The dealt cards are lost in the pack. The performer asks the spectator some questions, studies the subject's nonverbal responses, and slowly but surely names the thought-of card.

One method requires a small stack, the other two are impromptu. All use ordinary cards and no sleights. The deck need not be complete.

This item will be of interest to mentalists and card...

David Devlin
Manifestation by David Devlin

A couple of years ago David Devlin published an eBook titled, The Haunted. It was a collection of Bizarre Magick presentations that he likes to perform from time to time.

In this eBook, David has chosen to revisit a couple of effects from the original The Haunted eBook, and has updated them in such a way that they fit into a séance style presentation. The two effects are "Saucy Jack" and "Spirit Writing" (renamed "Connection"), but we assure you that this is not a simple "Cut & Paste" job. The two routines have been greatly expounded on. These two effects work nicely together, can be performed back-to-back,...

★★★★★ $20
Timothy Hyde
The Expert MC Toolkit & Resource Manual by Timothy Hyde

Timothy Hyde, international mentalist and founder of the project has a big secret. Over half of his business is actually as an MC at corporate events worldwide. His clients have used him in - South Africa, New Zealand, the USA, and every corner of Australia and he is about to head off to an assignment in Cambodia.

Many magicians have crossed over into this exciting and lucrative market, using the skills they already have to create fun and impact at a huge range of events. The market is vast and expanding. Assignments can include - Corporate, Association, Government, Social...

★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 4, Issue 5 (Apr - Jun 2015) by Solyl Kundu

Hello, my magician friends around the world...The new issue of TGM - volume #4, issue #5 is ready for you to relish! Read the contents noted below and you are sure to run for it. This issue is a staggering collection of articles, magic effects (I hate the word 'trick' - magicians do 'magic' whereas 'tricks' are done by the 'tricksters'), jokes, cartoons, news and views and much more.

  • Editorial:
    • Solyl Says simple tittle-tattles of Solyl. However, here he talks on card capers.
  • Articles:
    • Past Glory of India - Prof. K. Bhagyanath - recounted by Solyl Kundu
    • Magic as Entertainment by...
Devin Knight
Mirror Dimension by Devin Knight

Important: These are not instructions for making this yourself. These are the detailed directions plus supplements that came with this trick when it was on the market. This PDF is designed for collectors who may have the cards, but no directions, magic historians, and those simply curious as to how this trick was done. The trick still shows up on eBay, magic flea markets and auctions. If you need the directions, then here they are.

Defy and distort the laws of physics! This effect is based upon Devin Knight's Retro-sight, except these word cards are business-card size and designed to fit...

Devin Knight
Unleaded by Devin Knight

Important: These are not instructions for making this pad yourself. These are the detailed directions plus supplements that came with this trick when it was on the market in the early 2000s. This PDF is designed for collectors who may have the pads, but no directions, magic historians, and those simply curious as to how this trick was done. The trick still shows up on eBay, magic flea markets and auctions. Hundreds of pads were sold at magic lectures for a $1.00 with no directions. If you need the directions, here they are.

Magic dealers still sell replacement pads without directions. If...

Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Im Schattenreich der Spielkarten by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

Dieses Buch ist IMHO bei aller gebotenen Bescheidenheit ein Meilenstein in der Theorie der Spielkarten. Schaffe ich doch mit den "Schatten" ein völlig neues Prinzip bzw. neue Eigenschaften für jede Spielkarte. Laut Kollegen "zumindest die bedeutendste Veröffentlichung seit dem Gilbreath-Prinzip".

Schatten sind ein völlig neues Werkzeug in der Welt der Spielkarten. Jede Spielkarte wirft einen Schatten. Farbton, Farbe und Wert des Schattens kennzeichnen jede Spielkarte genauso eindeutig wie Kartenfarbton, -farbe und -wert. So können beispielsweise die vier Schattenfarben in gelegten...

National Archives (NARA)
The James McKinney & Co Bankruptcy Files by National Archives (NARA)

You will find three bankruptcy files in this PDF, one with No. 842 from 1899 which consist of 37 pages, one with No. 8576 from 1903 with 476 pages, which is the Jamieson-Higgins bankruptcy, and the bankruptcy No. 8577 from 1903 with 624 pages. The particularly interesting one is the last No. 8577 which was the James McKinney & Co. bankruptcy.

The Jamieson-Higgins bankruptcy is included because James McKinney printed essentially all of the books Jamieson-Higgins published and they were also financially entangled.

It also tells the tale how Chris Wasshuber located the files, had them digitized, and how...

★★★★ $10
Recil Bordner
Abbott Magic Catalog #24 1993 by Recil Bordner

A massive catalog featuring magic tricks in all categories from balls and birds to cards and coins and wands and watches.

1st edition 1993, 575 pages.

★★★★ $10
Recil Bordner
Abbott Magic Catalog #21 1976 by Recil Bordner

A massive catalog featuring magic tricks in all categories from balls and birds to cards and coins and wands and watches.

1st edition 1976, 516 pages.

Devin Knight
Improved Repeat Bill in Lemon by Devin Knight

Some magicians say this is the best trick that Devin Knight has ever released. This is currently how he closes his stand up show as nothing can follow it. It is something that Devin Knight has kept under wraps until now. Imagine doing the bill in lemon with a borrowed bill and immediately repeating it with another lemon that has been in full view at all times. Both lemons can be examined before the effect begins and there is NO SWITCHING of the lemons. No fancy gimmicks, you can do this using things you have around the house right now. This method is ultra-clean and is more amazing than those...

★★★★★ $15
Ferry Gerats
The Funniest Three Card Monte in the World by Ferry Gerats

Three card monte. Almost no skill. The given presentation guarantees lots of laughs.

Why the funniest?

Well, here is what happens: The routine starts with a funny joke about a three-card-monte player. The joke conjures up a crazy image in the minds of the audience that elicits huge laughter. The next laugh comes from the fact that the spectator who is invited to play the betting-game is asked to keep track of the odd card while it is clear that the odd card has grown in size and protrudes from the other cards. With the 1st round of the betting-game there comes a laugh when it is clear...

★★★★ $9.95
Eddie Joseph
Greater Card Tricks by Eddie Joseph

This was Eddie Joseph's first card publication. As such, coming out in 1942, it represented already at that time 20 years of performing. It's unbalanced contents shows very much that it is not simply a book of card magic, but a summary of Joseph himself as a card man and his particular biases and interests. A chapter on his particular way of doing the fundamental sleights he depended upon and an entire chapter on the intelligent use of daub.

  • Introduction...


  • Some Sl(e)ight Changes in Some Standard Sleights
  • Card Palming
  • Palming Cards on the Feet
  • How to Return Palmed Card into...
★★★★ $4
Wallace Lee
X-Jargon by Wallace Lee

This manuscript explains the art of "Double Talk" and how to use this to your advantage in magic shows.

PDF 8 pages.

★★★★ $2
Thomas (Tom) Osborne
Cups and Balls Magic by Thomas (Tom) Osborne

Tom Osborne writes:

Cups and balls have been giving pleasure, as a magic trick, to generations of spectators. It is still regarded as one of the most outstanding of all magic effects. My gratitude to Dr. Henry Ridgeley Evans and to John Mulholland for writing the story of the cups and balls, so that all may appreciate the history of this classic of magic. Thanks to Bill Hanna for the illustrations which do so much to make the book come alive.

All the basic ball moves are described in detail using clear illustrations. A section of routines is described that will get you started on your way to devising your own methods and plots....

★★★★★ $10
Harry Lorayne
Deck-Sterity by Harry Lorayne

This is mostly an ebook on card magic but it also has a few effects with coins, dollar bills and cigarettes. By far the best routine in the ebook is the "Ten Card Poker Deal". It is a hugely entertaining, dynamic routine in which ten cards culled from the deck are dealt into two poker hands in a multitude of ways, but somehow, the magician's hand always ends up winning. The effect is virtually self-working and Harry's routining turns it into a real reputation maker.

From the Foreword:

Of course, I can't make an entertainer out of you. I can include effects and routines in my books with...

★★★★★ $4
Devin Knight
Fandemonium by Devin Knight

Important: These are not plans for making this yourself. These are the detailed directions plus supplements that came with this trick when it was on the market for $395.00 in the early 2000s. This PDF is designed for collectors who may have the prop, but no directions, magic historians, and those simply curious as to how this trick was done. The trick still shows up on eBay, magic flea markets and auctions. If you need the directions, then here they are.

EFFECT: Magician shows a small electric fan roughly 10" x 10". The fan is turned on and shown to be a normal working fan. Magician then...

Devin Knight
The Hollow Bulb Effect by Devin Knight

These are instructions that came with Devin Knight's Hollow Bulb effect. They do not tell you how to make a hollow bulb. This PDF is for those who may have a hollow bulb and not know what to do with it. This information is for collectors, magic historians and magician's curious as to how the effects work.

You can do any of these effects if you have a hollow light bulb. Many magicians have these lying around in drawers and have no idea how to use them. Here are some of the effects you can do with a hollow bulb:


Turn off any ungimmicked lamp and unscrew the bulb. You can even...

Ronald Levy & Devin Knight
The Knight Billet by Ronald Levy & Devin Knight

A break through in billets that you need to know if you do billet effects.

Richard Osterlind is correct when he says that many mentalists stay away from Annemann's billet work because it seems hard to do. For most magicians and mentalists, it is difficult to do. They struggle with opening the Annemann billet in their pockets; they fumble and quickly give up. The basic idea is to switch a billet for a blank one and secretly open it in your pocket or behind a clipboard or book. This can be difficult with one hand, especially if you are using an Annemann billet.

That has all changed thanks to Ron Levy,...

Gerard Zitta
Auld Times Modern Times by Gerard Zitta

This is a useful effect for those who don't like tricks with smart phones, computers, etc. or if you perform for an audience who doesn't like them either. But it works very well also for computer addicts.


You place a prediction in a glass or in full view. You write a list of activities (For instance: Reading, Play Music, Work, etc.). The participant chooses one of them (There is absolutely no force).

And now the "crescendo":

  • You show your prediction and it was right (this one is an optional gag, or pretext for getting your audience involved).
  • On the pen there was another...
★★★★ $2
Roy Fromer
The Cups: a manual of cups and balls magic by Roy Fromer

Contains over 100 ideas, tricks, routines and novelties with the Cups and Balls. Contains over 40 illustrations, engravings and photos. Includes the original Mohammed Bey routines and three authentic Easy Indian Cup routines. For beginners and experts alike.


  • Acknowledgements
  • Publisher's Note
  • Introduction

    About 'The Cups'

  • The Basic Routine

    My Cup Runneth Over

  • Pot Holes
  • The Society Cups And Balls
  • The Traveling Skulls
  • Emergency Cups
  • Close-Up Cups
  • Impromptu Close-Up Cups
  • Avant-Garde Cups
  • Thimblerigging
  • Mechanical Cups
  • The Foo Cup
  • The Walking Cups
  • ...And Talking...
★★★ $6
Bert Easley & Eric P. Wilson
Doing Magic For Youngsters by Bert Easley & Eric P. Wilson

This is actually a compilation of two books:

  • Doing Magic For Youngsters by Bert Easley
  • The Art of Conjuring TO Children by Eric P. Wilson
This is a full course on how to perform for children. It not only includes a lot of suitable tricks, but also all the other important factors you need to consider when performing for children. Even if you've been doing magic for juniors all of your life, there are valuable instructions, pointers, rules, hints and vital information in this work that are worth much more to anyone who entertains the small-fry.



★★★★ $0
Unknown Mentalist
Deckology Volume 2: Biologic Deck by Unknown Mentalist

A fascinating combination of Biology and Numerology in this volume of Deckology. A deliciously novel flavour of "Scientific Mysticism". You will discover weird secrets in your deck of cards which will enthrall and mystify your audience. Every card trick of yours, especially card mentalism effects, will look more baffling and more interesting for the spectators when you build in this theme of "Scientific Mysticism".

Also included is some useful bonus information for magicians and mentalists for use in their patter and presentations.

1st edition 2015, 13 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Percy Abbott
Abbott Magic Catalog #2 1935 by Percy Abbott

The second catalog already three times thicker.

1st edition 1935, 68 pages.

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