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Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster
Some More Exquisite Conjuring by Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster

From the Foreword:

When publishing my first book in the English language, Exquisite Conjuring, I was led by the thoughts, that perhaps, after having edited over 30 books about Magic in German, it may be an interesting experiment to see, what the English speaking fraternity would have to say, if I would publish a book in the English language and if the praise, I received from all sides as an author of books on Magic since these last 20 years and more, would really warrant such a new venture!

Well, I must say, that my expectations have not only been realised, but they have in fact been surpassed by far in...

Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster
Exquisite Conjuring by Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster

Conradi was the largest manufacturer of magic apparatus in Germany in the early 20th century. He wrote and published several major magic books and his magazine Zauberspiegel (Magic Mirror) predates Mahatma, the first American magic magazine. We should not forget that around 1900 Germany was dominating the magic market. Some of the largest magic retailers in the US, such as Roterberg, built their entire business on importing goods from various German manufacturers, such as Conrad-Horster, and then reselling them in the US. Roterberg's most successful book New Era Card Tricks was little more than a translation of effects taken from various...

Sam Sharpe
Magic Artistry by Sam Sharpe

Sam Sharpe reprinted three of his books under one title called Magic Artistry.

Sam Sharpe
Good Conjuring by Sam Sharpe
  • Part One: Good Conjuring
    • The Objects Used
    • Misdirection
    • Construction
    • Characterisation
    • Technical Mastery
    • Dramatic Ability
    • Manner
    • Speed Of Presentation
    • Style
    • Magic-Artist Versus Showman
    • Summary
  • Part Two: Poems In Illusion
    • Catching The Post
    • Card Bubbles
    • Love: The Magician
    • The Two Jewels
    • Reflected Thoughts
    • Citizens Of The World
    • The World’s Pearl
    • Poor Yorick!
    • Alice In Conjureland

1st edition 1936, 40 pages; 1st digital edition 2019, 39 pages.

Sam Sharpe
Conjured Up by Sam Sharpe
  • Part One: Good Conjuring
    • The Essence Of Magical Criticism
    • Audiences
    • Audience Mentality
    • Conditions Of Presentation
    • Variety Of Methods Desirable
    • The Elements Of Magic
    • The Magical Plot
    • The Dramatic Plot
    • Fantastic And Pseudo-Scientific Plots
    • Pure, Story, And Symbolic Magic
  • Part Two: Poems In Illusion
    • Narcissus
    • By Candle Light
    • The Nervous Card
    • The Invisible Silkworm
    • Domination Of Thought
    • Thoughts Are Things
    • Mediaeval Multiplication
    • The Bluebells
    • Fantail

1st edition 1935, 40 pages; 1st digital edition 2019, 37 pages.

Sam Sharpe
Great Magic by Sam Sharpe

From the preface:

When Neo Magic was finished I thought I had said all there was to say on "The Art of the Conjurer"; but before that book was off the press I found myself jotting down fresh observations on this fascinating, though neglected, subject. Magic Artistry is the result, which may be said to supplement Neo Magic.

Many of the ideas put forward herein will be new to most conjurers; and, through being strange, may seem obscure or outlandish; but such an impression will doubtless pass as their meaning is grasped; though this may not be until the book has been carefully studied several times to get the mind in harmony...

★★★★★ $10
Eddie Clever
Thought Transcribed by Eddie Clever

From the brilliant mind of Eddie Clever comes this astoundingly direct sealed question reading miracle. Every move has been thoroughly thought out and blended to flow into a smooth sequence.

There have been many methods devised for secretly divining written data on a card within a sealed envelope, but none, we firmly believe, is as baffling or as easy to do as this. Lifted directly from Eddie's routine for private seances, it has been an exclusive favorite of his, the modus operandi never once having been detected.

The envelope used is absolutely unprepared and so is the white card, which...

★★★ $10
Devin Knight
Mental Foursome by Devin Knight

Here is another ebook that gives you four amazing mental effects direct from Devin Knight's repertoire. These are effects not in any previous Devin Knight PDFs. These effects can be used close-up or on stage. Here is what you get:

CHALLENGE CARD TEST: A spectator selects a card sight unseen and initials the back of it. He returns it to the deck while the performer shuffles it. Neither the performer nor spectator sees the card. The deck is spread face up and the spectator slides one card out of the spread. It proves to be the card he signed on the back. Stunning!


Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster
Im Reiche der Wunder by Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster

Anleitung: Wie werde ich Zauberkünstler?

Dieses Werk beschreibt nicht nur Eigenkreationen von Conradi, sondern auch Effekte und Illusionen von anderen Größen der Zauberkunst wie Imro Fox, Goldston, H.F. Suhr, Harry Kellar und A. Hügli.

Aus dem Vorwort:

Der Zwec meines neuesten Werkes: 'Im Reiche der Wunder' ist nun der, sowohl für den Dilettanten, wie auch für den Künstler, einen zuverlässigen Führer zu schaffen, in welchem er neben einer erschöpfenden reichillustrierten Schule der Magie, Aufschluß über alles Wissenswerte auf den Gebieten Salon-Magie, Mnemotechnik, Schwarze Kunst, Antispiritismus, Illusionen...

Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 28: Dämonenkabinett by Diabelli

Allerlei Bizarres

Aus dem Vorwort:

Ich wäre glücklich, wenn ich schreiben könnte, daß ich neue Prinzipien erfunden habe. Die meisten der Effekte in diesem Heft beruhen auf bereits bekannten Prinzipien.

Neu sind bestenfalls die Effekte (und auf diese kommt es ja auch an, oder?!). Die 13 Effekte in diesem Heft habe ich - mit einer Ausnahme - noch an keiner anderen Stelle publiziert und Sie dürfen mir glauben, es sind wirklich brauchbare und praxiserprobte Effekte!

  • Widmung
  • Vorwort
  • Noch ein Wort zuvor....
  • Grau ist alle Theorie....
  • Warum
  • Wie
  • Was
  • Wann und wo
  • Wem und wieviel ...
★★★★★ $10
Dave Arch
The Bonnie and Clyde Melodrama by Dave Arch

Transform the classic close-up version of The Thieves and Sheep to an audience-pleasing platform melodrama utilizing those notorious bank robbers of years gone by Bonnie and Clyde. While the audience supplies the sound effects, you can be the narrator (the author's choice) or another member of the audience could read the story as a volunteer from the audience stands behind the table and acts out the story with two paper sacks and some coins (up to silver dollar size for visibility).

The colorful placemats setting on the table in front of your volunteer gives him/her additional prompts - supplementing...

★★★★ $9.95
The Great Leon
Miniature Haunted House by The Great Leon

Do it yourself plans, patter, and complete routine.

Seven times a trophy winner at conventions. Invented, designed and routined by the famous professional, The Great Leon, this is not just a trick - it is a complete act - a show in itself. In fully illustrated building plan form, with every detail of the many brilliant effects, patter, presentation, plus many photographs showing the "House" in action. Large detailed Eugene Gloye drawings, all to make it simple to create your own "Haunted House." Act can run to 30 minutes. No assistants. Use anywhere; has been done before 7500 people. Sets...

Devin Knight & Al Mann
Unwritten Thought by Devin Knight & Al Mann

A participant thinks of two words with opposite meanings. The performer tells him to decide upon one word and to forget the other. He settles on a word in his mind after deciding from several thousand possibilities. He does not look at a list of words, but freely decides on a word in his mind. He is not to tell the performer the final word or write it, just concentrate on it. The performer picks up a piece of cardboard and with no fishing or questions; writes a word and shows it to the participant and audience. Let's assume the performer wrote: 'Beautiful'. The performer says, "Does that define...

★★★★ $12
Burling Hull
The World's Best Psychic Book Tests by Burling Hull

Book tests comprise some of the most stunning effects in the mentalist's arsenal. Here, completely explained, are many of the cleverest, most transparent mental demonstrations ever assembled.

Selling for the equivalent of over $50 in today's buying power when it was first released, this manuscript contains some of the most jealously guarded secrets ever developed for apparently reading the minds of your spectators in a clear, convincing manner.

Not just bare bones descriptions, Hull provides complete patter and the thought behind the workings for several outstanding tests using books...

★★★★ $5
Senor Mardo
Routined Magic by Senor Mardo

Two classics of magic: the Cups and Balls and the Egg Bag, are beautifully routined and patiently explained in text and illustrations, as only Senor Mardo can. Experts in magic agree that Mardo's "new thinking" in these routines make them a knockout addition to most any performer's act.

You get over a dozen effects and moves with coins, silks, thimbles, balls, cigarettes and a complete explanation of Mardo's improved gimmick for the Chinese Rice Bowls that will make you want to add it to your show. This is baffling, thrilling, entertaining magic with headline appeal.

Here's a partial list...

★★★★ $8
Christian Lavey
DJ in my Pocket by Christian Lavey

Music control for the solo entertainer

This ebook describes how any solo entertainer can easily build and set up their own music control system. Many entertainers are looking for an easy set up to be their own sound technician. The system can be operated by the push of a button and the button can even be in the performers pocket.

I tried a lot of hardware and software and I think that I found a good working solution. This system is easy to build, reliable, cheaper than some other sound systems and cheaper as hiring a sound technician. The ebook covers all aspects to setup such a system...

Christian Lavey
DJ in der Tasche by Christian Lavey

Optimale Musiksteuerung für den Alleinunterhalter

Genau wie jeder Entertainer war auch ich lange auf der Suche nach einer Möglichkeit, Musik optimal in meinen Shows einsetzen zu können. Ich wollte jedoch nicht auf einen Tontechniker angewiesen sein und ein eigenes Orchester war aus diversen Gründen einfach nicht praktikabel. Dies schränkte die Möglichkeiten des Abspielens von Musik während den Shows doch sehr ein.

Ich war also auf der Suche nach einer Lösung, wie ich die Musik in meiner Show selbst steuern konnte. Und wie ich erkannte war ich nicht der einzige Künstler, der dieses...

Matteo Filippini
From Italy with Magic (Italian) by Matteo Filippini

FROM ITALY WITH MAGIC sono le note del lungo tour di conferenze italiane che tra gennaio e febbraio 2019 ha portato Matteo Filippini in ben 28 città italiane.

Tra le pagine, oltre a vari effetti, Matteo espone alcune finezze esecutive e teoriche. Il materiale incluso spazia dal mentalismo al close up.

Ecco gli effetti che troverete tra le pagine:


Dalla commistione di due idee del leggendario Bob Cassidy, Matteo ha sviluppato una routine di mentalismo brillante che potrete realizzare con una spesa davvero irrisoria!


Un’accurata analisi...

★★★★★ $10
Matteo Filippini
Mentalismo Bold by Matteo Filippini

Le note della conferenza di Matteo Filippini dedicata al mentalismo bold, quello sfacciato, temerario ed anche un po’ ingenuamente incosciente. Caratteristiche che, forse più di qualsiasi altra cosa, lo contraddistinguono non solo da altre forme di spettacolo simili ma anche da quel ‘mentalismo’ che vuol esser perfetto a tutti i costi!

Per spiegare al meglio gli approcci ed i metodi bold, Matteo descrive con dovizia di particolari ben cinque effetti, semplici nei metodi ma assolutamente efficaci per il pubblico reale.


Una duplicazione del disegno dello spettatore...

★★★★ $0
Larry Brodahl
Scripted #25: Hofzinser Card by Larry Brodahl

The Hofzinser gimmick is an odd gimmick that has limited usage. But with a little analysis and some scripting you can make an effect that, while not magic, is still entertaining.

The Hofzinser card is a gimmick, not a trick. So what can you do with it. Well, the author of How To Write A Script shows how he used his methodology to write a script that entertains even though it doesn't fool anyone. And it gives the spectators the feeling that they're seeing something from the crooked gamblers handbook. It even allows the spectators to examine the card without fear of the card being damaged.

The ebook also takes you through...

★★★★ $12
Alexander de Cova
Vanishing Card Box by Alexander de Cova

A startling transformation. A cased deck is shown. The Jokers are removed and suddenly the entire case is gone and only the cards remain. The gimmick is very easy to make, and the performance couldn't be simpler.

1st edition 2019, length 14 minutes.

★★★★★ $25
Dave Arch
Pre-Printed Equivoque by Dave Arch

Would you use the proven and classic technique of equivoque (aka. magician's choice) more often if you could simply read your pre-printed script as an integral part of your performance, show the script to your participants, and ultimately give them a copy so they could even try it again later?

With an official looking and intriguingly customizable 1940's Compatibility Quiz from the popular Life Magazine, all of the above works just as stated. By carrying the script on your smartphone, you'll be ready to perform this classic piece of mentalism with any six objects anytime and anywhere.


★★★★★ $8
J. G. Thompson Jr.
Extra Sensory Perfection by J. G. Thompson Jr.

Here's a complete four-phase routine using a deck of ESP cards.

Do you know the true facts about the ESP deck? J. G. Thompson, Jr. has thoroughly analyzed the deck and come up with some most amazing discoveries which he has blended into the first completely routined demonstration with a standard deck of Rhine E. S. P. cards.

Now you can prove your mastery over extra sensory perception (ESP) and demonstrate to your audience that you are a mentalist by using an ESP testing deck - a scientifically approved accessory. You go through a series of experiments such as Rhine has only hoped to...

★★★★★ $65
Paul Voodini
Ten Steps to Tarot Mastery by Paul Voodini

Available now - Voodini's Ten Steps to Tarot Mastery. In ten simple steps, this PDF will take you from a nervous beginner to an experienced Tarot card reader, and more than that - you will be able to go out and deliver readings after the very first chapter.

This manuscript is close to eighty pages long, and gives you all the information, technique, and confidence you need to become a truly first rate Tarot card reader. Written in Paul Voodini's usual engaging and entertaining manner, this PDF is aimed at the mentalism and magic community, so you know you're getting real world advice and knowledge...

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